3D 識別
3D 識別
來自專欄計算機視覺進階2 人贊了文章
Frustum PointNets for 3D Object Detection from RGB-D Data
- 先前的工作把3D的點雲投影到image或者 volumetric grids by quantization,這樣丟失了一些信息,本文直接對原始數據進行操作【PointNet】。
- 如何定位,是detection的關鍵.【PointNet只能對整體分類,或者對每個點分類做分割。?????????能做分割不能做detection??????】本文同時利用了2D detection和3D localization。
- 提出一個檢測框架
- Front view image based methods:
- 將深度數據表示為2D map並應用CNN來定位2D圖像中的對象
- 投影丟失了信息
2. Bird』s eye view based methods:
- 投影到birds eye view,用RPN網路找bbox
- 檢測小目標效果不好
3. 3D based methods:
- 類似於2D,提出很多3D boxes by sliding windows or region proposal net
- 問題在於計算複雜度 -----解析度,大場景 實時
通過 壓出2D bbox提取3D 截頭錐體,在 以3D截頭錐體為邊界的 3D空間里,連續的執行3D實例分割(預測感興趣對象的mask),用兩個變種PointNet建模3D bbox回歸(預測bbox)
Figure 2. Frustum PointNets for 3D object detection.
- We first leverage a 2D CNN object detector to propose 2D regions and classify their content.
- 2D regions are then lifted to 3D and thus become frustum proposals.
- Given a point cloud in a frustum (n × c with n points and c channels of XYZ, intensity etc. for each point), the object instance is segmented by binary classification of each point.
- Based on the segmented object point cloud (m×c), a light-weight regression PointNet (T-Net) tries to align points by translation such that their centroid is close to amodal box center.
- At last the box estimation net estimates the amodal 3D bounding box for the object.
※Rhinoceros 犀牛 Mac破解版 v5.4.1
※基於 HTML5 的工業互聯網 3D 可視化應用
※本周大新聞|MWCS上海展來襲,vivo推ToF 3D技術
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