Does Dark Triad make u bitchy?

Does Dark Triad make u bitchy?

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I bet being bitchy too obviously is the last thing that most people would like to do in real life. Agree with that? But did you ever notice that somehow we all have experience of playing bitches online. Whats the reason behind such phenomenon? This is what we are going to discuss. The first time I heard the word 『Dark Triad traits』, I can』t help but translated it as 『Chinese traits』, because two of them have so much in common.

Just as the Dark Triad can be indicative of success in the workplace, it is also suggested that it maybe adaptive as a mating strategy. Several academic studies have found evidence that people with Dark Triad personalities are judged as slightly better-looking than average on first sight. What does that mean? If you find someone strongly attractive with fancy appearance, well-educated background, decent behavior, and acting so much more mature than his/her peers, no brainer, he/she could probably exhibit Dark Triad traits.

What exactly is the Dark Triad?

The Dark Triad is a construct of three types of personality that are in some ways closely related, and all share 『dark』 traits, characterized by malevolence. You might wonder, can we identify someone has Dark Triad personality disorder in real life? Nice try, but no. Let』s just establish that Dark Triad personality isn』t a term. Here is the thing, you can』t have 『Dark Triad Personality』 disorder, but Dark Triad traits.

They are:

· Psychopathy — Characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, risk-taking, impulsivity, selfishness, callousness, remorselessness, lack of empathy, lack of conscience, and by being charismatic, superficially charming, crafty, deceptive, and manipulative. The underdeveloped affect of psychopaths endows them with high stress tolerance, low empathy, and little guilt, prompting them to seek out extremely stimulating activities (sex, violence, drugs, orfinancial risk), resulting in impulsivity and a disposition towards interpersonal conflict. Personality traits associated with psychopathy include a lack of empathy or remorse, antisocial behavior, and volatility.

· Machiavellianism — Characterized by being critical, negative, ethically suspect,manipulative, cynical, immoral, driven by self-interest, deceitful, cunning, calculating, intelligent, and emotionally detached. They are therefore able to detach themselves from conventional morality and manipulate others. Highly Machiavellian individuals can be very patient with their deceptions due to their calculating nature.

· Narcissism — Characterized by being proud, egoistic, arrogant, cocky, controlling, duplicitous, hyper-sensitive to criticism, highly entitled, and by having an inflated view of themselves, and a lack of empathy. They tend to be exhibitionist, exploitative, dominant, boastful, uncompromising, and prone to exaggeration, and aggression. Narcissists tend to be excessively preoccupied with themselves and motivated by getting admiration from others and maintaining a grandiose self-image. Because narcissists are so preoccupied with getting others to buy into their self-image, they may initially seem charming, but most narcissists have trouble developing real relationships on account of their difficulty with empathy and lack of interest in others.

Reading till here, you might wonder, can it be treated?

In short, no. Its a genetic disease.

Why are people attracted so easily by those who display Dark Triad traits?

Well, it depends on how much you know about green tea bitch.

Its an internet slang used to describe someone likes to dress and act in a certain fashion in order to portray herself as pure and innocent, but play dirty tricks behind (aka a bitch). Here are some characteristics of them :

· They mislead people so as to look better in their eyes.

· They dominate social situations.

· They despise people who cant control their emotions.

· They areespecially motivated toward making friends with famous people.

· They look down on people who unwisely share their secrets.

· They exploit others toward their own ends.

· They use lies to get their way.

· They use insincere flattery to get their way.

· They manipulate others to get their way.

Does the test result prove me as a terrible person?

Here is my Dark Triad test result, I surprisingly had an extremely high score.

As the old saying goes, every coin has two sides. I certainly have my dark side, we all do. But, is our dark side really as bad as we think it is? Let me put it this way, when I』m drawing plaster cast, I tend to find the structure from the shadows instead of the highlights. Sometimes we don』t lie for hiding things, but for observing how the target would react, which is a strategy. As I mentioned above, Dark Triad personality isn』t a term. You can』t have 『Dark Triad Personality』 disorder, but Dark Triad traits.

Is dating someone with Dark Triad traits personality nothing more than taking risk?

Let』s look back to what relationship truly is, it』s all about communication. That』s why we spend a lot of time, energy, patience on it. We are only human, one type of social animal. Dark Triad personality provides a different view of human behaviors, the behaviors of lying, using others, being attractive. So that we can learn to handle relationships appropriately. What』s more, if you truly crave your lover, plz love him without noticing his advantages, love the one who hide behind the fancy mask.



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