

601. A strange thing happened to me this morning. 今天早上我發生了一件奇怪的事。602. I was crossing the street and was almost hit by a car. 我穿過馬路時差點被車撞傷。603. Fortunately,I jumped back in time to avoid being hit. 幸運的是為了躲避被撞傷,我往後跳了下。604. It was a terrible experience,and I won』t forget it. 真是個另人害怕的經歷,我不會忘了。605. Yesterday was such a beautiful day we decided to go for a drive. 昨天天氣很好,所以我們開車去玩。606. We prepared a picnic lunch and drove down by the river. 我們為野餐做準備,而且沿著小河而下。607. After a while,we found a shady place under some poplar trees. 過了一會兒,我們在楊樹下發現了陰涼的樹陰。608. On the way back home,we were tired.回來的路上,我們都很累了。609. It was after dark when we got back,and we were all tired. 我們回來時都已經很晚了,而且我們都很累。610. I wish you would give me a more detailed description of your trip. 我希望你能更詳細地描述一下你的旅行。611. Speaking of trips,did I ever tell you about the experience I had? 說到旅行,我以前沒有對你談到我的經歷嗎?612. We used to have a lot of fun when we were that age. 那時我們經常有很多樂趣。613. I can』t recall the exact circumstances. 我不能準確得回憶起當時的環境了。614. I never realized that someday I would be living in New York. 我從沒有想過,有一天我能住在紐約。615. We never imagined that John would become a doctor. 我們從來沒有想過約翰會成為一個醫生。616. We』re looking for a house to rent for the summer. 我們在尋找一間房子,想在夏天租住。617. Are you trying to find a furnished house? 你是不是在尋找一間裝修過的房子?618. This split-level house is for rent.It』s a bargain. 這間分層的房間正在求租。價格很合理。619. That house is for sale.It has central heating. 那間房子在出售。它是中央供暖的。620. We have a few kitchen things and a dining room set. 我們有一些廚房用具和一套餐廳設備。621. This is an interesting floor plan.Please show me the basement. 這是一個有趣的樓層計劃。請帶我到地下室去看看。622. The roof has leaks in it,and the front steps need to be fixed. 屋頂內部有漏洞了,前面台階也需要裝修。623. We』ve got to get a bed and a dresser for the bedroom. 我們在居住室中放置了一張窗和一個化妝台。624. Does the back door have a lock on it? 後門有鎖嗎?625. They』ve already turned on the electricity.The house is ready. 他們已經打開了電器。房間已經準備好了。626. I』m worried about the appearance of the floor. 我擔心地板的表面。627. If you want a towel,look in the linen closet. 如果你需要枕巾的話,可以在亞麻製品壁櫥中看看。628. What style furniture do you have ? Is it traditional? 你有什麼樣式的傢具?是傳統型的嗎?629. We have drapes for the living room,but we need kitchen curtains. 在起居室中我們有些布簾,但是廚房中我們也需要一些窗帘。630. The house needs painting.It』s in bad condition. 房子需要裝飾。房子現在的狀況比較糟糕。631. What do you going to wear today? 今天你想穿什麼?632. I』m going to wear my blue suit.Is that all right? 我想穿我的蘭色外套。它準備好了嗎?633. I have two suits to send to the cleaners. 我將我的兩件外套送到了清洗員那兒。634. I have some shirts to send to the laundry. 我將我的一些襯衫送到了洗衣房。635. You ought to have that coat cleaned . 你應該乾洗一下那件的外套。636. I』ve got to get this shirt washed and ironed. 我已經將我的這件襯衫洗和熨過了。637. All my suits are dirty.I don』t have anything to wear. 我的外套都髒了。我沒有穿的了。638. You』d better wear a light jacket.It』s chilly today. 你最好穿件皮夾克。今天有些冷。639. This dress doesn』t fit me anymore. 這件衣服已不合我身了。640. I guess I』ve outgrown this pair of trousers. 我猜我現在已經超過我褲子長了。641. These shoes are worn-out.They』ve lasted a long time. 這些鞋已經磨破了。它們撐了好久了。642. I can』t fasten this collar button.我系不上這個領子扣。643. Why don』t you get dressed now? Put on your work clothes. 為何現在不著裝呢?穿上你的工作服。644. My brother came in,changed his clothes,and went out again. 我的母親進來了,換好衣服後又出門了。645. I didn』t notice you were wearing your new hat. 我沒注意到你帶了新帽子。646. You have your point of view,and I have mine. 你有你的觀點,我有我的觀點。647. You approach it in a different way than I do. 你以不同於我的方式探討它。648. I won』t argue with you,but I think you』re being unfair. 我不想和你爭辯,但是我相信你是錯誤的。649. That』s a liberal point of view. 這是一個自由的見解。650. He seems to have a lot of strange ideas. 他看上去總有很多奇怪的想法。651. I don』t see any point in discussing the question any further. 我並沒有看到涉及到進一步討論地問題的觀點。652. What alternatives do I have? 我還有什麼方法?653. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion. 每個人都有自己的觀點。654. There are always two sides to everything. 任何事物都有兩面性。655. We have opposite views on this. 關於這個問題,我有不同的觀點。656. Please forgive me.I didn』t mean to start an argument. 請原諒。我並不想引起爭論。657. I must know your opinion.Do you agree with me? 我必須了解你的想法。你同意我嗎?658. What point are you trying to make? 你想做出什麼決定?659. Our views are not so far apart,after all. 畢竟我們的觀點並沒有如此大的分歧。660. We should be able to resolve our differences. 我們需要解決分歧。661. If it doesn』t rain tomorrow,I think I』ll go shopping. 如果明天不下雨的話,我會去商店。662. There』s a possibility we』ll go,but it all depends on the weather. 我們有可能去,但是要依天氣而定。663. If I have time tomorrow,I think I』ll get a haircut. 如果我明天有空的話,我會去剪剪頭髮。664. I hope I remember to ask the barber not to cut my hair too short. 我希望我能提醒理髮師別給我剪得太短。665. My son wants to be a policeman when he grows up. 我的兒子想長大後當警察。666. If I get my work finished in time,I』ll leave for New York Monday. 如果我能及時完成我的工作的話,我將在周一去紐約。667. Suppose you couldn』t go on the trip.How would you feel? 設想一下,如果你不能繼續你的旅程,你會有什麼感覺?668. What would you say if I told you I couldn』t go with you? 如果我告訴你我不能和你一起去,你會說什麼?669. If I buy the car,I』ll have to borrow some money. 如果我想買那輛車的話,我需要借些錢。670. If I went with you,I』d have to be back by six o』clock. 如果我和你一起去的話,我不得不在六點前回來。671. One of these days,I』d like to take a vacation. 這些天中我將請個假。672. As soon as I can,I』m going to change jobs. 只要我能,我就想換工作。673. There』s a chance he won』t be able to be home for Christmas. 這是一個機會,他不能因為聖誕節而回家。674. We may be able to help you in some way. 我們可能會以某種方式幫助你。675. If you were to attend the banquet ,what would you wear? 如果你去參加宴會,你想穿什麼?676. What would you have done last night if you hadn』t had to study? 昨天晚上如果你不需要學習的話,你會做什麼?677. I would have gone on the picnic if it hadn』t rained. 如果沒有下雨的話,我將會去野炊。678. If you had gotten up earlier,you would have had time for breakfast. 如果你起的早點的話,你將會有時間吃早餐。679. If I had had time,I would have called you. 如果我有時間,我就會給你打電話。680. Would he have seen you if you hadn』t waved to him? 如果你不象他揮手的話,他會不會看見你?681. If he had only had enough money, he would have bought that house. 如果他能有足夠的錢的話,他會買那所房子。682. I wish you had called me back the next day, as I had asked you to. 可惜你沒有按照我的要求,在第二天給我回個電話。683. If you hadn』t slipped and fallen, you wouldn』t have broken your leg. 如果你沒滑跌倒,你就不會摔斷了腿。684. If I have known you want to go, I would have called you. 如果我知道你想去,我本會叫你的。685. Had I known you didnt have got the key, I wouldnt have locked the door. 如果我知道你沒有鑰匙,我本不會鎖門的。686. She would have gone with me, but she didnt have time. 她本來想和我一起去,可是她沒時間。687. If I had asked directions, I havent got lost. 如果我問一下路,就不會走丟了。688. Even if we could have taken the vocation, but we mightnt have wanted to. 即使我們可以休假,我們也可能不去休呢。689. Evenything would be alright, if you had said that. 如果你沒有那樣做的話,一切都好辦了。690. Looking back on it, I wish we hadnt been given in so easily. 回過頭來看,我希望我們沒有這樣輕易讓步。691. What is it you don』t like about winter weather? 你為何不喜歡冬天的天氣?692. I don』t like it when the weather gets real cold. 我不喜歡當天氣變的很冷的時候.693. I can』t stand summer weather. 我不能忍受夏天的天氣.694. The thing I don』t like about driving is all the traffic on the road. 我不喜歡開車去是因為路上很擁擠.695. He doesn』t like the idea of going to bed early. 我不喜歡很早睡覺.696. I like to play tennis,but I』m not a very good player. 我很喜歡打網球,但是打得不是很好.697. I don』t like spinach even though I know it』s good for me. 我不喜歡菠菜,即使我知道它對我很有好處.698. I』m afraid you』re being too particular about your food. 恐怕你所吃的食物太特殊了.699. He always finds fault with everything. 無論是什麼事情,他總能發現錯誤.700. She doesn』t like anything I do or say. 無論我做什麼說什麼,她都不喜歡.


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