

(2012-03-23 23:07:05)


標籤: 伊麗莎白二世西敏寺大教堂英國女王c11英國王室 分類: 英語學習

英國女王伊麗莎白二世發表登基60周年演講發布: 2012-03-22 23:34 當前位置:口語資料漢英口譯實踐伊麗莎白女王發表登基60周年演講主頁口語世界名人演講(視頻 mp3)The Queen"s address to Parliament, 20 March 2012 英國女王伊麗莎白二世3月20日在國會對上下兩院發表登基60周年(鑽石禧年)演講。女王在演講中承諾,她將繼續全心服務於國家。 英國女王伊麗莎白二世昨日在威斯敏斯特大廳向議會發表登基60周年演講,稱將牢記英國歷史,繼續全身心服務國家,稱讚丈夫菲利普親王不斷給予力量和引導。她在位時間僅次於維多利亞女王的63年,當她淡定地提起已經歷12任英國首相時,引發全場歡笑。

經常成為電影選題的英國王室前日迎來了一大盛事:女王伊麗莎白二世(queen elizabeth ii)在倫敦歷史悠久的西敏寺大教堂對議會上下兩院發表登基60周年演講,並在演講中重申將繼續全心為英國服務。約1600名議員、數名前首相、宗教領袖和外交官到場聽取了這場演講。年邁的女王看上去精神矍爍,「女王式」英語十分流利完美,完全沒有乃父的煩惱。女王在演講中對英國民眾60年來的支持表示感謝,還稱讚自己90高齡的丈夫,說他「一直是我力量的源泉,指引著我的道路」。  伊麗莎白二世曾在1977年和2002年分別慶祝過她的登基銀禧年和金禧年,今年則是她的鑽石禧年。她將是繼她的曾祖母維多利亞一世之後,第二個登基超過60年的英國君主。英國女王伊麗莎白二世20日在國會對上下兩院發表登基60周年(鑽石禧年)演講。女王在演講中承諾,她將繼續全心服務於國家。女王當日的演講是慶祝其登基60周年系列活動的重要組成部分,英國首相卡梅倫及工黨、自民黨領袖等政要悉數到場聆聽。伊麗莎白二世是英國歷史上繼維多利亞女王之後第二位在位時間超過60年的君主,女王在演講中表示她感到非常榮幸和寬慰。而當女王提及她在位60年間經歷了12任英國首相時,全場更是笑聲一片。在演講中,女王首先肯定了議會作為英國社會不可動搖的基石的作用。她說英國議會在英國歷史和人民生活之中扮演了不可或缺的角色。女王在致辭中感謝了在位期間她的家人對她的支持,尤其是她的丈夫菲利普親王給予她的陪伴和指引。而作為女王鑽石禧年慶典的一部分,英國王室成員將會代表女王訪問部分英聯邦國家。女王相信這些訪問將會拉近英聯邦國家之間的關係,她以自己的親身經驗告訴大家,國與國之間的聯繫更多的是國家的人民之間的聯繫。My Lords and Members of the House of Commons,I am most grateful for your Loyal Addresses and the generous words of the Lord Speaker and Mr. Speaker.This great institution has been at the heart of the country and the lives of our people throughout its history. As Parliamentarians, you share with your forebears a fundamental role in the laws and decisions of your own age. Parliament has survived as an unshakeable cornerstone of our constitution and our way of life.History links monarchs and Parliament, a connecting thread from one period to the next. So, in an era when the regular, worthy rhythm of life is less eye-catching than doing something extraordinary, I am reassured that I am merely the second Sovereign to celebrate a Diamond Jubilee.As today, it was my privilege to address you during my Silver and Golden Jubilees. Many of you were present ten years ago and some of you will recall the occasion in 1977. Since my Accession, I have been a regular visitor to the Palace of Westminster and, at the last count, have had the pleasurable duty of treating with twelve Prime Ministers.Over such a period, one can observe that the experience of venerable old age can be a mighty guide but not a prerequisite for success in public office. I am therefore very pleased to be addressing many younger Parliamentarians and also those bringing such a wide range of background and experience to your vital, national work.During these years as your Queen, the support of my family has, across the generations, been beyond measure. Prince Philip is, I believe, well-known for declining compliments of any kind. But throughout he has been a constant strength and guide. He and I are very proud and grateful that The Prince of Wales and other members of our family are travelling on my behalf in this Diamond Jubilee year to visit all the Commonwealth Realms and a number of other Commonwealth countries.These overseas tours are a reminder of our close affinity with the Commonwealth, encompassing about one-third of the world』s population. My own association with the Commonwealth has taught me that the most important contact between nations is usually contact between its peoples. An organisation dedicated to certain values, the Commonwealth has flourished and grown by successfully promoting and protecting that contact.At home, Prince Philip and I will be visiting towns and cities up and down the land. It is my sincere hope that the Diamond Jubilee will be an opportunity for people to come together in a spirit of neighbourliness and celebration of their own communities.We also hope to celebrate the professional and voluntary service given by millions of people across the country who are working for the public good. They are a source of vital support to the welfare and wellbeing of others, often unseen or overlooked.And as we reflect upon public service, let us again be mindful of the remarkable sacrifice and courage of our Armed Forces. Much may indeed have changed these past sixty years but the valour of those who risk their lives for the defence and freedom of us all remains undimmed.The happy relationship I have enjoyed with Parliament has extended well beyond the more than three and a half thousand Bills I have signed into law. I am therefore very touched by the magnificent gift before me, generously subscribed by many of you. Should this beautiful window cause just a little extra colour to shine down upon this ancient place, I should gladly settle for that.We are reminded here of our past, of the continuity of our national story and the virtues of resilience, ingenuity and tolerance which created it. I have been privileged to witness some of that history and, with the support of my family, rededicate myself to the service of our great country and its people now and in the years to come.In a speech to mark the 60th anniversary of her accession to the throne, she also paid a rare public tribute to the Duke of Edinburgh, her "constant strength and guide". Speaking in Westminster Hall, the oldest part of the Palace of Westminster, the Queen said the setting was a reminder of Britain"s history and "national story".英國女王伊麗莎白二世昨日在威斯敏斯特大廳向議會發表登基60周年演講,在演講中,女王特別稱讚丈夫菲利普親王不斷給予的力量和指引。女王稱古老的威斯敏斯特大廳會讓人們想起英國的歷史和國家的故事。To mark her Diamond Jubilee, MPs and peers have paid for a new stained-glasswindow for the 900-year-old hall, comprising her coat of arms.為了慶祝女王登基60周年,英國上下議院的議員們為女王訂製了一塊彩繪玻璃窗作為獻禮,這塊繪有女王盾形紋章的玻璃將被鑲嵌在有900年悠久歷史的威斯敏斯特大廳里。"I have been privileged to witness some of that history and, with the support of my family, rededicate myself to the service of our great country and its people now and in the years to come." Her words were widely interpreted as a signal of the 85 year-old"s determination to remain on the throne for the rest of her life.女王在演講中這樣表示:「我有幸見證一段歷史。在我的家人的支持下,我會繼續奉獻為我們偉大的國家和人民服務。」 女王的這段演講被廣泛解讀為現年85歲的她將繼續執掌王座的決心。As the Queen pointed out, she is only the second monarchto celebrate a Diamond Jubilee. Queen Victoria reigned for 63 years, the longest-serving monarch.女王指出她是英國歷史上繼維多利亞女王之後第二位在位時間超過60年的君主。維多利亞女王是英國歷史上在位時間最長的君主,在位63年。Members of the Royal family have said that the Duke"s unwaveringsupport has been essential to the Queen"s reign, but the couple themselves discuss their union only rarely. The Queen yesterday broke that habit with a warm joke about her husband"s irasciblepublic persona.皇室家族成員經常會談到菲利普親王堅定不移的支持是女王統治的重要因素,但女王夫婦很少會在公開場合談論對方,不過昨天女王打破慣例,就菲利普親王性情暴躁的公共形象開了個溫暖的玩笑。The Queen"s speeches to Parliament are usually written by the Government, but yesterday"s address was personal, and included gentle jokes about the many politicians she had seen come and go.女王向議會發表的演講通常會由政府人員撰稿,但昨天的演講很個人,女王還就她在位期間來來往往的各位政壇人物優雅地開了個玩笑。"As today, it was my privilege to address you during my Silver and Golden Jubilees. Many of you were present 10 years ago and some of you will recall the occasion in 1977," she said.女王說:「今天回頭看看,在我登基25周年和50周年的時候我也曾經為你們發表演講,這一點我表示很榮幸。你們當中有許多人10年前就在這兒,我相信你們中有些人也能回憶起1977年的場景。」Smiling, she added: "Since my accession, I have been a regular visitor to the Palace of Westminster and, at the last count, have had the pleasurable duty of treating with 12 prime ministers."女王微笑著又補充道:「我在位期間是威斯敏斯特宮的常客。我自己統計了一下,已經與12位總理愉快地分擔過責任。」Laughter spread through the hall as her audience realised that her choice of the word "pleasurable" may not have been altogether serious.女王選擇了並不算正式的「pleasurable」 這個詞,這讓威斯敏斯特大廳里的聽眾們全場歡笑。 今天是英國女王伊麗莎白二世登基60周年的大日子!英國各地以及其他英聯邦國家將開展一系列慶祝活動。早前,85歲高齡的女王在丈夫飛利浦親王陪同下參加教堂的禮拜活動,並且在寒風中接受了民眾的祝福和獻花。1952年2月6日,伊麗莎白因父親喬治六世去世而繼承英國王位,成為維多利亞女王。她是到目前為止在位時間最長的英國君主。親民愛民的英國女王一直備受英國國民愛戴!

As Queen Elizabeth marks her Diamond Jubilee anniversary, she dedicated herself anew to continuing to serve fellow Britons and those around the world who count her as head of state.今天是英國伊麗莎白女王登基60周年紀念日,伊麗莎白女王在聲明中再次表示,將繼續為英國民眾和英聯邦所屬成員國人民服務,奉獻一生。In a statement to mark the start of her diamond jubilee year, the Queen – only the second monarch after her great great grandmother Queen Victoria to celebrate 60 years on the British throne – vows once again to serve her people for the rest of her life.伊麗莎白女王的聲明標誌著鑽石慶典紀念活動拉開帷幕。伊麗莎白女王是英國史上繼曾祖母維多利亞女王之後,第二位慶祝在位60年的君主。女王在聲明中再次宣誓,會窮盡一生為人民服務。Releasing a special set of portraits, taken by John Swannell in the Centre Room at Buckingham Palace in December 2011, Elizabeth, 85, sent a message indicating that while she has seen "great advances" since she took over at her father George VI"s death on Feb. 6, 1952, she is looking forward to the future with a "clear head and warm heart."英國皇室發布了一系列特別照片,這是英國著名攝影師John Swannell於2011年12月在白金漢宮中心會客廳拍攝而成。現年85歲高齡的伊麗莎白女王表示,自1952年2月6日因父親喬治六世病逝接任以來,她看到英國「取得了重大的進步」。同時,女王也將帶著「清醒的頭腦和溫暖的內心」期待未來的發展。

The comments came after a day in which she and husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, 90, attended a church service John Swannell on her private Sandringham estate in Norfolk – to the delight of flower-clasping well-wishers who came out despite the snow to greet the couple. 女王是在與丈夫菲利普親王參加教堂的禮拜活動後第二天發表的聲明。周日,女王與90歲高齡的菲利普親王在諾福克郡桑德靈厄姆皇家莊園的小教堂參加禮拜活動。熱情的英國民眾不懼寒風,為皇室夫婦獻花祝福。In her message, which was released by Buckingham Palace, Elizabeth said, "I hope that we will all be reminded of the power of togetherness and the convening strength of family, friendship and good neighborliness, examples of which I have been fortunate to see throughout my reign."在白金漢宮發布的這項聲明中,女王表示:「我希望可以提醒所有人情感凝聚力和感召力的力量,親情、友情和睦鄰友好,我很榮幸可以在我的任期看到這些良好的榜樣」。


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