

I think my experience is it』s a pretty good thing to follow her advice. The rest of the decade sort of flew by as our lives settled into a rhythm of family and work and friends.我想我的經驗是聽她的話沒錯,接下來的十年轉瞬即逝,我們安定下來,按部就班,有家庭,有工作,有朋友。In 1983, Hillary chaired a committee to recommend new education standards for us as a part of and in response to a court order to equalize school funding and a report by a national expert that said our woefully underfunded schools were the worst in America.1983年,希拉里主持一個委員會,建議實施新的教育標準,當時有一項要求平均學校籌資的法庭令,還有一個全國專家的報告,說我們的學校資金嚴重不足,是全美最糟糕的,於是希拉里的教育標準應運而出。Typical Hillary, she held listening tours in all 75 counties with our committee. She came up with really ambitious recommendations. For example, that we be the first state in America to require elementary counselors in every school because so many kids were having trouble at home and they needed it.真是典型的希拉里,她和委員會走遍了75個縣聆聽民意,她提出雄心勃勃的建議。例如,我們是美國第一個要求每個學校都配置小學心理顧問的州,因為孩子們在家裡出了問題,他們就需要獲得諮詢。So I called the legislature into session hoping to pass the standards, pass a pay raise for teachers and raise the sales tax to pay for it all. I knew it would be hard to pass, but it got easier after Hillary testified before the education committee and the chairman, a plainspoken farmer, said looks to me like we elected the wrong Clinton.於是我啟動立法程序,希望能夠採納標準,提高教師工資,以增加消費稅來支付工資。我知道很難通過,但希拉里在教育委員會作證後事情倒變得容易些了,委員會主席是個直言不諱的農民,他說我們看來選錯了人,應該選舉另一個柯林頓。Well, by the time I ran for president nine years later, the same expert who said that we had the worst schools in America said that our state was one of the two most improved states in America. And that』s because of those standards that Hillary developed.我九年後競選總統,那個說我們的學校美國最差的專家改口說我們州是兩個美國改善最明顯的州之一,這都歸功於希拉里制定的標準。Now, two years later, Hillary told me about a preschool program developed in Israel called HIPPY, Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters. The idea was to teach low-income parents, even those that couldn』t read, to be their children』s first teachers.做州長兩年後,希拉里對我講以色列有一個學前教育項目叫HIPPY,思路是給低收入父母上課,即便是文盲,讓他們成為孩子們的第一個老師。She said she thought it would work in Arkansas. I said that』s great, what are we going to do about it? She said, oh, I already did it. I called the woman who started the program in Israel, she』ll be here in about 10 days and help us get started.Next thing you know I』m being dragged around to all these little preschool graduations.她說他認為在阿肯色州也會奏效。我說這很棒,可我們該怎麼做呢?她說,我已經在做了,我給開創這一項目的以色列婦女打電話,她十天後就過來,幫我們搞。後來你們就知道了,我被拽到四處參加學前班畢業典禮。Now, keep in mind, this was before any state even had universal kindergarten and I』m being dragged to preschool graduations watching these poor parents with tears in their eyes because they never thought they』d be able to help their kids learn.要知道,這時還沒有哪個州普及幼兒園教育,而我已經被拽著去參加學前班畢業典禮。我看到那些貧窮的父母雙眼含淚,因為他們從未想過能幫助孩子學習。Now, 20 years of research has shown how well this program works to improve readiness for school and academic achievement. There are a lot of young adults in America who have no idea Hillary had anything to do with it who are enjoying better lives because they were in that program.20年過去了,研究顯示這一項目顯著提升了入學水平和學術成就。美國許多年輕人因為這一項目過上了更好的生活,卻不知道這與希拉里有關。She did all this while being a full-time worker, a mother and enjoying our life. Why? Well, she』s insatiably curious, she』s a natural leader, she』s a good organizer, and she』s the best darn change-maker I ever met in my entire life.她有全日制工作,做母親,也享受生活,同時還做了這件事。何以如此?因為她好奇心不止,她是天然的領袖,一個優秀的組織者,她是我全部生命中知道的最棒的變革者。Look, this is a really important point. This is a really important point for you to take out of this convention. If you believe in making change from the bottom up, if you believe the measure of change is how many people』s lives are better, you know it』s hard and some people think it』s boring.瞧,這才是真正重要的,這才是我要說的。如果你們相信自下而上的變革,相信多少人的生活得以改善才是衡量變革的標準,你也會知道這有多難,而有人卻認為很無趣。Actually doing the work is hard. So people say, well, we need to change. She』s been around a long time, she sure has, and she』s sure been worth every single year she』s put into making people』s lives better.實際上,做實事很難。因此人們說,好吧,我們需要變革。她一直致力於此,她致力於讓人們生活得更好,她每年的工作都配得上這一目標。I can tell you this. If you were sitting where I』m sitting and you heard what I have heard at every dinner conversation, every lunch conversation, on every lone walk, you would say this woman has never been satisfied with the status quo in anything. She always wants to move the ball forward. That is just who she is.我想告訴你,如果你坐在我的位子上,聽到我每天在吃晚飯時、吃午飯時、每天獨自散步時聽到的話,你也會說這個女人從不滿足於現狀,任何事都是如此。她總是一往直前,這就是她。When I became president with a commitment to reform health care, Hillary was a natural to head the health care task force. You all know we failed because we couldn』t break a Senate filibuster.我當總統時承諾改革醫療保障,希拉里正合適去領導醫保專門小組,我們都明白,我們沒法打破參議院的阻撓,最終會失敗。Hillary immediately went to work on solving the problems the bill sought to address one by one. The most important goal was to get more children with health insurance.希拉里卻立即投入工作,各個擊破那些法案要解決的問題,最重要的目標是讓更多的孩子享受醫療保障。In 1997, Congress passed the Children』s Health Insurance Program, still an important part of President Obama』s Affordable Care Act. It insures more than 8 million kids. There are a lot of other things in that bill that she got done piece by piece, pushing that rock up the hill.1997年,國會通過《兒童健康保險法案》,這迄今仍是奧巴馬總統《平價醫療法案》的重要部分。法案給超過800萬兒童上了保險,還有很多法案中的內容是她一件一件推動的,就像把岩石推上了山坡。In 1997, she also teamed with the House Minority Leader Tom DeLay, who maybe disliked me more than any of Newt Gingrich』s crowd. They worked on a bill together to increase adoptions of children under foster care. She wanted to do it because she knew that Tom DeLay, for all of our differences, was an adoptive parent and she honored him for doing that.1997年,她還和國會少數黨領袖湯姆·迪萊並肩作戰,迪萊對我的厭惡可能更甚於所有眾議長紐特·金里奇那些人。Now, the bill they worked on, which passed with an overwhelming bipartisan majority, led to a big increase in the adoption of children out of foster care, including non-infant kids and special-needs kids. It made life better because she』s a change-maker, that』s what she does.他們制定的法案以兩黨絕對多數通過,如今,從孤兒院領養兒童的數量大幅增加,包括非新生兒和有特殊需求的兒童。因為她是變革者,生活才變得更美好,這就是她的成就。

Now, when you』re doing all this, real life doesn』t stop. 1997 was the year Chelsea finished high school and went to college. We were happy for her, but sad for us to see her go. I』ll never forget moving her into her dorm room at Stanford. It would have been a great little reality flick. There I was in a trance just staring out the window trying not to cry, and there was Hillary on her hands and knees desperately looking for one more drawer to put that liner paper in.現在,當你們行善之時,真正的生活並未停止。1997年正當切爾西高中畢業上大學時,我們為她感到高興,可也因她要離開而傷心。我從沒忘記送她去斯坦福的宿舍時,有點像現實科幻,我一時出神,凝望窗外,忍住不哭,希拉里則跪在地上,拚命地找另外一個抽屜把襯紙塞進去。Finally, Chelsea took charge and told us ever so gently that it was time for us to go. So we closed a big chapter in the most important work of our lives. As you』ll see Thursday night when Chelsea speaks, Hillary』s done a pretty fine job of being a mother.最後,切爾西接手了,她輕輕告訴我們,我們該離開了。於是我們人生中最重要的工作翻篇兒了,周四晚上切爾西發言時,你會發現,作為母親,希拉里堪為模範。Now, fast forward. In 1999, Congressman Charlie Rangel and other New York Democrats urged Hillary to run for the seat of retiring Senator Pat Moynihan. We had always intended to go to New York after I left office and commute to Arkansas, but this had never occurred to either one of us. Hillary had never run for office before, but she decided to give it a try.時間來到1999年,國會議員冉戈和其他紐約民主黨人敦促希拉里參選,接替退休參議員帕特·莫尼漢。離職後,我往返於阿肯色,因此一直想著搬去紐約,可當參議員我們兩人誰都沒想過。希拉里以前從未競選過公職,但她決定試試看。She began her campaign the way she always does new things, by listening and and learning. And after a tough battle, New York elected her to the seat once held by another outsider, Robert Kennedy. And she didn』t let him down.她以創新作為競選的方式,注意傾聽和學習。經過艱苦的選戰,在另一個局外人羅伯特·肯尼迪的幫助下,她當選紐約參議員,她沒讓肯尼迪失望。Her early years were dominated by 9/11, by working to fund the recovery, then monitoring the health and providing compensation to victims and first and second responders. She and Senator Schumer were tireless and so were our House members.她的參議員生涯開始時正值911,她致力於籌款重建,監測地區健康情況,為受害者以及第一波和第二波受難的急救者提供補償。她和參議院舒莫不知疲倦,我們的眾議員也是如此。In 2003, partly spurred on by what we were going through, she became the first senator in the history of New York ever to serve on the Armed Services Committee.2003年,部分原因是我們都曾經歷過的那件事,她成為紐約歷史上第一個供職於三軍委員會的參議員。So she tried to make sure people on the battlefield had proper equipment. She tried to expand and did expand health care coverage to Reservists and members of the National Guard. She got longer family leave, working with Senator Dodd, for people caring for wounded service members. And she worked for more extensive care for people with traumatic brain injury.她確保戰場上的人有適當的裝備,她努力並成功地使健康保險覆蓋了後備軍人和國民警衛隊成員。她和參議員多德一起,為照顧傷員的人延長了探親假。她致力為大腦創傷的人提供更廣泛的關照。She also served on a special Pentagon commission to propose changes necessary to meet our new security challenges. Newt Gingrich was on that commission, he told me what a good job she had done.她還在五角大樓一個特別委員會任職,提議做出必要變革,應對新的安全挑戰。金里奇就在這個委員會,他告訴我她做得相當出色。I say that because nobody who has seriously dealt with the men and women in today』s military believes they are a disaster. They are a national treasure of all races, all religions, all walks of life.我說這些,因為那些曾經和當今軍界的男男女女認真打過交道的人,不會以為他們是一場災難,他們是國家棟樑,來自所有種族、所有宗教和各界人民。Now, meanwhile, she compiled a really solid record, totally progressive on economic and social issues. She voted for and against some proposed trade deals. She became the de facto economic development officer for the area of New York outside the ambit of New York City.另一方面,她履歷紮實,在經濟和社會事務上持進步立場。她投票支持一些貿易協議,反對另一些,成為紐約城區外的大紐約地區事實上的經濟發展官。She worked for farmers, for winemakers, for small businesses and manufacturers, for upstate cities in rural areas who needed more ideas and more new investment to create good jobs, something we have to do again in small-town and rural America, in neighborhoods that have been left behind in our cities and Indian country and, yes, in coal country.她為農民、釀酒工、小商家和製造商說話,為北部偏遠農區需要更多想法和投資來創造就業的城市說話。現在我們必須再次這樣做,在美國的小城鎮和農村地區、在被我們城市遺忘的社區、印第安鄉村和產煤的鄉村地區這樣做。When she lost a hard-fought contest to President Obama in 2008, she worked for his election hard. But she hesitated to say yes when he asked her to join his Cabinet because she so loved being a senator from New York. So like me, in a different context, he had to keep asking.2008年在激烈的競爭中輸給了奧巴馬總統,她仍為奧巴馬當選出力。可當他請她入閣時,她猶豫了,因為她深愛著紐約參議員這份工作。和我在另一件事上做的一樣,奧巴馬不斷求她。But as we all saw and heard from Madeleine Albright, it was worth the effort and worth the wait.正如我們從奧爾布賴特身上看到的那樣,這值得努力,也值得等待。As secretary of state, she worked hard to get strong sanctions against Iran』s nuclear program. And in what The Wall Street Journal no less called a half-court shot at the buzzer, she got Russia and China to support them.擔任國務卿期間,她努力推動對伊朗核項目進行強硬制裁,這被《華爾街日報》稱為哨聲響起後飛出的半場球,而她獲得了俄羅斯和中國的支持。Her team negotiated the New START Treaty with Russia to reduce nuclear weapons and reestablish inspections. And she got enough Republican support to get two-thirds of the Senate, the vote necessary to ratify the treaty.她的團隊與俄羅斯就新的削減戰略武器條約進行談判,減少核武器,重新開啟核查。她獲得共和黨支持,在參議院得到三分之二的必要投票修訂了條約。She flew all night long from Cambodia to the Middle East to get a cease-fire that would avoid a full-out shooting war between Hamas and Israel in Gaza to protect the peace of the region.她連夜從柬埔寨飛到中東斡旋停火,避免了哈馬斯和以色列在加沙戰火升級,保衛了地區和平。She backed President Obama』s decision to go after Osama bin Laden.她支持奧巴馬總統追捕本-拉登的決定。She launched a team, this is really important today, she launched a team to fight back against terrorists online and built a new global counterterrorism effort.We』ve got to win this battle in the mind field.她發起建立了在線上打擊恐怖主義的團隊,建立新的全球反恐體系,今天這顯得非常重要,我們在精神領域贏得了這場戰爭。She put climate change at the center of our foreign policy. She negotiated the first agreement ever where China and India officially committed to reduce their emissions.她將氣候變化問題置於外交政策的核心,她參與談判了中國和印度正式承諾減排的第一份協議。And as she had been doing since she went to Beijing in 1995 and said women』s rights are human rights and human rights are women』s rights she worked to empower women and girls around the world and to make the same exact declaration on behalf of the LGBT community in America and around the world.她1995年去北京時說女權就是人權,她致力於賦權給全世界女人和女孩,並代表美國和全世界的同性戀、雙性戀及變性者群體發起權利宣言。And nobody ever talks about this much, nobody ever talks about this much, but it』s important to me. She tripled the number of people with AIDS in poor countries whose lives are being saved with your tax dollars, most of them in Africa, going from 1.7 million lives to 5.1 million lives and it didn』t cost you any more money.還有一件事沒人談到,沒人說起,可這對我非常重要。我們的稅收拯救了窮國的艾滋病人的生命,他們大多數來自非洲,而她讓這一數量增長三倍,從170萬增加到510萬,你們不會為此花更多的錢了。Now, you don』t know any of these people. You don』t know any of those 3.4 million people, but I』ll guarantee you they know you. They know you because they see you as thinking their lives matter. They know you and that』s one reason the approval of the United States was 20 points higher when she left the secretary of state』s office than when she took it.你們不認識這些被拯救的生命,這340萬人你們誰都不認識,但我向你們保證,他們認識你。他們認識你,因為他們知道,你覺得他們的生命是重要的。他們認識你,這也是她離任時,對美國的支持率比她就認識提升20%的一個原因。Now, how does this square? How did this square with the things that you heard at the Republican convention? What』s the difference in what I told you and what they said? How do you square it? You can』t. One is real, the other is made up.現在想想看,你在共和黨大會上聽到的那些如何與這些事媲美?我告訴你們的事和他們說的有什麼不同?可以相提並論嗎?沒辦法。一個是真實的,一個是虛造的。You just have to decide. You just have to decide which is which, my fellow Americans.你必須做出決定,必須決定孰優孰劣,我親愛的美國人民。The real one had done more positive change-making before she was 30 than many public officials do in a lifetime in office.真實是她在30歲之前推動的積極變化比許多公職人員一生為官做的事都要多。The real one, if you saw her friend Betsy Ebeling vote for Illinois today, has friends from childhood through Arkansas, where she has not lived in more than 20 years, who have gone all across America at their own expense to fight for the person they know.真實是你去看看她的朋友貝蒂今天在伊利諾伊投票,她二十多年不住在阿肯色周,可那裡還有孩提時代的好友,他們自費四處奔走,支持他們認識的那個人。The real one has earned the loyalty, the respect and the fervent support of people who have worked with her in every stage of her life, including leaders around the world who know her to be able, straightforward and completely trustworthy.真實是她在人生每一階段中,與之共事人們都給予她忠誠、尊敬和熱切的支持,包括世界各國的領導人,他們知道她能幹、直率且完全值得信任。The real one calls you when you』re sick, when your kid』s in trouble or when there』s a death in the family.真實是你生病時,孩子遇到麻煩或家裡有人離世時,有人打電話給你。The real one repeatedly drew praise from prominent Republicans when she was a senator and secretary of state.真實是她在做參議員和國務卿期間,出色的共和黨人都對她交口稱讚。So what』s up with it? Well, if you win elections on the theory that government is always bad and will mess up a two-car parade, a real change-maker represents a real threat.怎麼樣呢?如果有人贏得選舉,卻認為政府總是糟糕透頂,兩輛車的遊行都會搞砸,那麼真正的變革者倒是真正的威脅。So your only option is to create a cartoon, a cartoon alternative, then run against the cartoon. Cartoons are two- dimensional, they』re easy to absorb. Life in the real world is complicated and real change is hard. And a lot of people even think it』s boring.那時你唯一的選擇就是畫一幅卡通畫,卡通選項,然後再反對卡通。卡通是二維的,容易理解,生活卻是複雜的,真正的變革是艱難的,儘管許多人認為這令人厭煩。Good for you, because earlier today you nominated the real one.幸運的是,今天一早,我們提名了一個真實的人。Listen, we』ve got to get back on schedule. You guys calm down.聽好了,我們必須言歸正傳了,大家安靜下來。Look (INAUDIBLE) a long, full, blessed life, it really took off when I met and fell in love with that girl in the spring of 1971. When I was president, I worked hard to give you more peace and shared prosperity, to give you an America where nobody is invisible or counted out.瞧這一段漫長、圓滿的美妙生活,始於我1971年遇到那個女孩並陷入愛河。我做總統時,致力於提供更多和平和繁榮,讓美國沒有人無聲無息或被遺忘。But for this time, Hillary is uniquely qualified to seize the opportunities and reduce the risks we face. And she is still the best darn change-maker I have ever known.可這一次,唯有希拉里有資格抓住機會,降低我們面臨的風險,她是我知道最棒的變革者。You could drop her into any trouble spot, pick one, come back in a month and somehow, some way she will have made it better. That is just who she is.你把她丟到某個困境中去,隨便挑一個,一個月後再來看,她總有辦法讓處境得以改善,這就是她。There are clear, achievable, affordable responses to our challenges. But we won』t get to them if America makes the wrong choice in this election. That』s why you should elect her. And you should elect her because she』ll never quit when the going gets tough. She』ll never quit on you.我們面臨的挑戰總有清晰、可行和性價比高的答案,但如果美國在選舉中做出錯誤決定,就沒法找到這些答案了。這就是為什麼你們要選她,你們選她因為她永不言棄,無論多麼艱苦,她也永遠不會辜負你們。And so I say to you, if you love this country, you』re working hard, you』re paying taxes and you』re obeying the law and you』d like to become a citizen, you should choose immigration reform over somebody that wants to send you back.我對你們說,如果你熱愛這個國家,你努力工作,你依法納稅,你遵守法律,你願意做一名美國公民,你應該選擇進行移民改革,而不是那個想把你送回老家的人。If you』re a Muslim and you love America and freedom and you hate terror, stay here and help us win and make a future together. We want you.如果你是個穆斯林,你愛美國和自由,你憎惡恐怖,請待在這裡,幫助我們贏得大選,我們共同創造未來。我們需要你。If you』re a young African American disillusioned and afraid, we saw in Dallas how great our police officers can be, help us build a future where nobody is afraid to walk outside, including the people that wear blue to protect our future.如果你是年輕的非裔美國人,夢想破滅,心中恐懼,要看到在達拉斯,我們的警員有多棒,他們幫助我們構建未來,那時沒人走在外面會感到害怕,包括穿制服的警察。Hillary will make us stronger together. You know it because she』s spent a lifetime doing it. I hope you will do it. I hope you will elect her. Those of us who have more yesterdays than tomorrows tend to care more about our children and grandchildren.希拉里把我們凝聚在一起,她終生致力於此。我希望你們也這樣做,我希望你們選她,我們這些人昨天的記憶多過明天的未來,我們應該更關心我們的孩子和孫輩。The reason you should elect her is that in the greatest country on earth we have always been about tomorrow. You children and grandchildren will bless you forever if you do.你們應該選舉她的原因是,在這個地球上最偉大的國家,我們總要擁抱明天。如果你這樣做了,子孫後代將會永遠感激你們。God bless you. Thank you.上帝保佑,謝謝。還沒關注

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