
On a brisk day in mid-October, Nobel prizewinner for literature Mo Yan"s 62-year-old brother, Guan Moxin, stands outside their childhood home in Ping"an village, Shandong coastal province, posing for photographs with a steady stream of brightly dressed tourists. He smiles as a teenage girl in a pink sweater puts her hand on his shoulder and flashes a peace sign at the camera. 在10月中旬生機勃勃的一天,諾貝爾獎文學獎得主莫言62歲的哥哥管謨欣,站在山東沿海省份平安村他們童年的家門口,擺著姿勢與源源不斷穿著鮮艷的遊客一起照相。當一個穿粉紅色毛衣的少女把手放在他的肩上,他微笑著,在相機一閃的時候他輕輕地嘆了口氣。

"Everybody wants to understand what Mo Yan"s life used to be like, when we were young," says Guan, leading a small crowd inside the abandoned house to a dusty room where Mo, now 57, was married. A broken antique radio – a wedding gift, Guan says – sits on a crumbling concrete bed, untouched for decades. 「每個人都想了解莫言過去的生活是怎樣的,當我們年輕的時候,」管謨新,帶著一小群人從一間廢棄的房子進入一間塵土飛揚的房間,這裡是現年57歲的莫言曾經結婚的地方。一個舊古董收音機是結婚禮物,管謨欣坐在一張幾十年未碰過的搖搖欲墜的混凝土床上說道。

Ping"an, population 800, may soon be hard-pressed to maintain its rustic charm. Authorities in Gaomi, the municipality that administers Ping"an, plans to build a £67m "Mo Yan Culture Experience" theme park around the writer"s old home, according to the Beijing News. 有著800人口的平安可能將很難保持其質樸的魅力。根據北京新聞,管理平安的高密市政府,計劃在這位作家舊居周圍建造6700萬英鎊的「莫言文化體驗之旅」的主題公園。

The plan adds a touch of avarice to the range of reactions with which China has received Mo"s Nobel victory. The author has worked with the Chinese Communist party for decades – many outspoken dissidents were outraged by the award. For many ordinary Chinese, however, the prize was a sign that China"s cultural influence may now rival its economic clout. For Gaomi city officials, it could prove to be a goldmine. 該計劃給中國得知莫言獲諾貝爾獎之後的一系列反應增添了一絲貪婪的意味。這位作家已經與中國共產黨合作了幾十年 – 許多直言不諱的異議者被這個獎項給激怒了。然而,對於許多普通中國人來說,這個獎項成了中國文化影響力可能現在正與其經濟影響力相媲美的標誌。對高密市官員來說,它可能被證明是一個金礦。

Inspired by Mo"s 1997 novel Red Sorghum, which Zhang Yimou adapted into an award-winning film, the government also plans to create a Red Sorghum Culture and Experience Zone in Ping"an. Although villagers counter that they stopped growing the cereal in the 1980s, the government is reportedly planning to pay local farmers to plant 1,600 acres (650 hectares) of the unprofitable crop. 受莫言1997年的小說《紅高粱》,即張藝謀改編的一個獲獎電影的啟發,政府還計劃在平安創建「紅高粱」文化體驗區。雖然村民們反駁說他們在20世紀80年代就已經停止了種植高粱,據報道,政府計劃支付當地農民種植1600畝(650公頃)的非經濟作物。

The director of the Gaomi press centre, Wang Youzhi, told the official Xinhua news agency that the theme park was more a "vision" than a concrete plan. "Although the idea sounds promising, we have yet to take the whole situation into consideration," he says, adding that "this might be the regulatory commission"s long-term plan over five or 10 years." 高密市新聞中心主任王有志告訴新華社說,主題公園相比於具體的計劃來說更是一個「願景」。他說:「雖然這個想法聽起來很有前景,但我們還沒有全盤考慮,」他補充說:「這可能是監督管委會的一個5年或10年的長期計劃。」However, a large-scale tourism project in Gaomi remains unsurprising, analysts claim. According to Tao Ran, an economics professor at Renmin University in Beijing, local governments often borrow massive sums of money from state-owned banks to finance expensive development projects, hoping that they will drive up the value of local property. 然而,分析人士稱在高密市的大型旅遊項目仍然不吃驚。據北京中國人民大學的經濟學教授陶然說,地方政府往往從國有銀行借用大量的金錢支付昂貴的開發項目,希望其將推動當地的產業價值。

"If you go to almost any Chinese county or city, you"ll see that they"re building new cities, new industrial parks, and new theme parks every day," he says. 「如果你去到中國任何一個鄉村或城市,你會看到他們每天都在建設新的城市、新的工業園區以及新的主題公園,」他說。

Mo"s brother, neighbours, and 90-year-old father say they had not heard of plans for a theme park. "It"s impossible that the government here would spend so much money on such a surface thing," Guan says. Mo, who was born Guan Moye – his pen name means "don"t speak" – could not be reached for comment. 莫言的兄弟、鄰居以及90歲的老父親說,他們沒有聽說過主題公園的計劃。 「這裡的政府不可能花這麼多錢在這種表面的東西上,」管謨欣說。莫言原名管謨業,他的筆名意思是「不要說話」,即不要發表評論。

Gaomi residents are intensely proud of their Nobel laureate, whom they fondly refer to as "Teacher Mo Yan". Long red banners congratulating Mo hang from the sides of concrete homes along major thoroughfares. 高密市居民以諾貝爾文學獎得主而強烈自豪,他們深情地稱之為「莫言老師」。沿主要街道兩側的混凝土房屋邊上拉著長長的紅色橫幅以祝賀莫言獲獎。

In Ping"an, the atmosphere is still more celebratory than soul-searching. 在平安,氛圍是慶祝而不是靈魂追尋。

Mo"s father says that Mo does not come back home often, but when he does, "we just talk about what"s happening in our home – how the tomatoes are growing, that type of thing." Inside the house, faded family pictures hang on newspaper-covered walls; outside, his courtyard overflows with shucked corn, the fruits of a good harvest. 莫言父親說,莫言並不經常回家,但是,當他回來時,「我們只是談論我們家發生的事情,如西紅柿長的怎麼樣這種類型的事情。」屋內,褪色的家庭照掛在貼滿報紙的牆上,屋外院子里因豐收而裝滿了剝皮的玉米、水果。

Although Guan says that he has never read his son"s books, he is proud of Mo"s achievements. "We"re all just happy," he says. "Very, very happy." 儘管管老爺子說他從來沒有看過他兒子的書,但他為莫言的成就感到自豪。 「我們都只是很高興,」他說。 「非常,非常高興。」


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