
中醫藥在義大利Integrated into the Modern Medical System融入現代醫學系統by Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon由須菩提達爾馬南達,博士,主任,傳統醫學,波特蘭,俄勒岡研究所Background背景Italy has a long history of interaction with China.義大利與中國的交往歷史悠久。 Two famous early Italian visitors to China were the Venetian Marco Polo (1254-1324) and the Jesuit priest from Macerata, Matteo Ricci (1552-1610).初來中國兩個著名的義大利遊客是威尼斯人馬可波羅(1254年至1324年)和來自馬切拉塔,利瑪竇(1552-1610)耶穌會教士。 Chinese medicine made its way to Italy later, primarily via its development in France during the 20th Century (for the history of the first two centuries of European developments, from 1671-1871, see Appendix 1).中醫的方式作出了義大利後,主要通過其在法國的發展在20世紀(為前兩個世紀的歐洲的發展歷史,從1671年至1871年,見附錄1)。Acupuncture, as a medical practice rather than a curiosity, was brought to France though the efforts of George Soulié de Morant, who was engaged in the French diplomatic service in China between 1901 and 1917.針灸,而不是好奇,作為一個行醫被帶到法國雖然喬治蘇利耶德摩蘭特,誰是法國在中國從事外交部門之間的1901年和1917年所作的努力。 Soulié de Morant published articles and French translations of Chinese and Japanese medical texts, and on his return to France taught clinical applications of acupuncture to French physicians.蘇利耶德摩蘭特發表文章,中國和日本的醫療法語翻譯文本,並在他返回法國教授針灸臨床應用法國醫生。 He also systematically introduced acupuncture theory from the classical texts to them (see Appendix 2 for a more complete story of his contributions).他還系統地介紹了從古典文本的針灸理論,他們(見一較完整的故事,他的貢獻附錄2)。 A unique approach to acupuncture therapy was developed by the French proponents, which has come to be known as "French Energetic Acupuncture."一個獨特的方法,針灸療法是由法國的支持者,這已經被視為「法國活力針灸」之稱。 Among its basic principles is the concept, common in the Chinese system, that diseases and symptoms (particularly pain) are related to blockages in the flow of qi.其基本原則是概念,在中文系統的共同,即疾病和癥狀(尤其是疼痛)相關的氣流量,以堵塞。 With this as a point of emphasis, there is a high reliance on acupuncture points that were designated as "barrier points" (see Appendix 3 for a brief review of the diagnostic approach and point selection).以此為重點的這點,有一個針灸被認為是在「障礙點」(指定一見的診斷方法,並簡要回顧附錄點選擇高度依賴3分)。 This system developed within the medical community, so it has primarily influenced medical doctors who practice Chinese medicine, including those in Italy and the US在醫療社區開發此系統,因此它主要是影響醫生執業中醫誰,包括在義大利和美國的利益A student of Soulié de Morant, Dr. Albert Chamfrault, helped establish the French Association of Acupuncture (Association Francaise d"Acupuncture; AFA) in 1945.蘇利耶德摩蘭特的學生,博士艾伯特尚弗羅,幫助建立了法國的針灸協會(法蘭西針灸協會,簡稱AFA)於1945年。 By 1966 this association had set up six teaching centers in France (in Paris, Bordeaux, Limoges, Nice, Strasbourg, and Toulouse).到1966年該協會已成立了6個教學在法國巴黎,波爾多,利摩日,尼斯,斯特拉斯堡中心(和圖盧茲)。 With the establishment of formal teaching opportunities, a few doctors from Italy studied acupuncture in France during the latter 1960s, and then returned to found the Società Italiana Di Agopuntura (SIA; Italian Society for Acupuncture;www.sia-mtc.it ) in 1968, one of numerous professional organizations that arose in Europe since that time (see Appendix 4 for a list of several of these).隨著義大利建立正式的教學機會從幾個醫生,針灸在法國的一個研究在20世紀60年代後期,然後返回找到了會刊義大利迪針刺雜誌(新航,為義大利針灸學會www.sia - mtc.it )在1968年,許多在歐洲出現,因為那時(參見附錄名單的幾個組織之一,這4個專業)。 This Italian society has produced numerous workshops and congresses and a journal (now in its 25 th year, with quarterly publication; see article abstract and cover copy, Appendices 5, 6).這個義大利社會產生了眾多的研討會和會議及期刊(現在每年在其25 日出版的季刊,見封面文章摘要和複製,附錄5,6)。 Several schools of acupuncture were developed in Italy (there are at least 16 at present), one of the largest being So-Wen (Scuola di Medicina Naturale; School of Natural Medicine) in Milan, which opened its doors in 1973.針灸在幾所學校制定了義大利(至少有目前16),其中一個是所謂的文(Scuola di有關梅迪奇納自然法,自然醫學院最大的米蘭,1973年開設,其門)。 The schools originally simply taught the French Energetic Method.學校原本只是教了法國活力的方法。During the 1980s, when China had become more open to foreign visitors, new contacts with mainland China were developed by several SIA members, revealing the more complete system of Chinese acupuncture, as well as the extensive system of herbal medicine, which had not been previously introduced in Italy (or France to any extent).在20世紀80年代,當中國變得更加開放,外國遊客,與內地的接觸,中國新開發的幾個新航成員,揭示了中國針灸更完整的系統,以及草藥的葯,以前沒有廣泛的系統引進義大利(法國或任何範圍內)。 While French Energetic Acupuncture relies mostly on the systematic study of the meridians, Chinese herb therapies rely more on zangfu theory.而法國高能針灸主要依靠經絡系統的研究,中藥療法更多地依賴於臟腑理論。 It took several years to introduce and develop the zangfu framework in the Italian schools.花了幾年的引進和發展了義大利學校臟腑框架內。 So-Wen and a few other advanced schools quickly turned to teaching this subject; Dr. Grazia Rotolo and Dr. Caterina Martucci (authors of Farmacoterapia Cinese ), introduced the first herbal seminars as early as 1987.因此,溫家寶和其他一些先進的學校教學很快轉向這個課題博士格拉齊亞羅托洛博士和卡特里納馬爾圖奇( 富盈作詞Farmacoterapia),早在1987年推出第一草藥研討會。 Still, up to late 1990s most students of Chinese medicine in Italy were not able to understand and apply herbal medicine.然而,直至在義大利中草藥大多數學生90年代後期無法理解和運用中草藥。 This has changed in the past five years.這改變了過去5年。 Presently, 80% of the schools have adopted a Chinese program that includes both acupuncture and herbs according to the full TCM system.目前,80%的學校採用了中國方案,其中包括針灸和草藥都按照完整的中醫體系。 Roberto Gatto (president of the SIA), Sonia Benassi (head of Lao Dan, an herb company), and a few other doctors who had visited China and attended many international seminars, continue to develop and promote the TCM system, including herbal prescribing.羅伯托加托(在SIA總裁),索尼婭本西(老丹,一藥草公司負責人),以及誰訪問了中國,並出席國際研討會的許多其他幾個醫生,繼續發展和促進中醫藥系統,包括中藥處方。Aside from SIA, other organizations were established.除了新航,其他組織設立。 For example, the Italian Association of Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Traditional Chinese Medicine (Associazione Italiana di Agopuntura-moxibustione e Medicina Tradizionale Cinese; AIAM) was established in 1987 with three central committees: scientific, educational, and legislative; it also incorporates the Inter-University Commission for Acupuncture Research.例如,針灸及傳統中醫藥(Associazione義大利迪針刺雜誌,moxibustione é梅迪奇納Tradizionale富盈義大利商會; AIAM)成立於1987年,三個中央委員會:科學,教育,立法,它也採用了跨大學委員會針灸研究。 Additionally, there is an Italian Medical Association of Acupuncture (AMIA) in Rome and the Matteo Ricci Foundation (Fondazioni Matteo Ricci) that includes a school in Bologna, a journal, and several workshops.此外,還有一名義大利醫生針灸協會(AMIA)有在羅馬和利瑪竇基金會(Fondazioni利瑪竇),包含一個在博洛尼亞,雜誌,和幾個車間學校。 There are a sufficient number of acupuncture organizations in Italy that a coordinating organization was established: the Italian Federation of Acupuncture Societies (Federazione Italiana delle Società di Agopuntura; FISA) with 2,500 members.有一個在義大利的針灸組織足夠數量,一個協調機構,建立:對針灸學會(義大利Federazione Italiana阿爾會刊迪針刺雜誌義大利聯合會國際賽艇聯合會)的2500個成員。 A plethora of schools and professional organizations have arisen in other European countries as well and a coordinating organization was established, called EuroTCM.過多的學校和專業組織出現在其他歐洲國家以及與建立一個協調機構,稱為EuroTCM。The Extent and Nature of Acupuncture in Italy針灸的範圍和性質在義大利According to the Italian law, acupuncture therapy must be performed only by medical doctors (this has also been the case in France, Belgium, Denmark, and the Scandinavian countries).根據義大利的法律,針灸療法,必須只能由醫生(這也已在法國,比利時,丹麥和斯堪的納維亞國家的情況)。 The So-Wen data base of MD acupuncturists, the largest file available in Italy, counts more than 7,000 names.因此,該文資料庫的針灸醫師,最大的文件可以在義大利,擁有超過7000名。 The total number of Italian MDs trained in acupuncture is likely to be about 10,000.在針灸訓練的義大利醫務總監的總人數可能達到10,000人。 As in France, this represents one of the highest densities of Chinese medical practitioners outside East Asia (Holland, which does not restrict acupuncture to medical doctors, has the highest density, with an estimated one practitioner for every 3,200 people).由於在法國,這代表了東亞以外(荷蘭,它不限制針灸醫生,中國醫生的最高密度具有密度最高之一,估計為每3200人執業)。 The population of Italy is about 56 million, or less than one-fifth that of the US, which has a more liberal legal status for acupuncture yet has only about 15,000 licensed acupuncturists and about 5,000 medical acupuncturists.義大利人口約56萬美元,超過五分之一不到的美國,它有一個更寬鬆的法律地位尚未針灸只有約15,000持牌針灸師和針灸師約5000名醫生。 It has been reported that about 16% of Italy"s population uses various types of alternative medicine, including Chinese medicine; many would like to see these covered by national health insurance.據報道,義大利約有16%的人口使用不同類型的替代醫學,包括中醫,很多人希望看到這些國家的健康保險。The study of acupuncture in Italy involves 400-500 hours of training over a four year period.針灸在義大利的研究涉及了4年時間400-500小時的培訓。 Since the students are medical doctors already in practice, they can only attend some weekend seminars, which accounts for the long total duration of the courses.由於學生在實踐中是醫生了,他們只能參加一些周末的研討會,這為長期的課程總時間的帳戶。 The cost of the program is about 5,000 Euros ($6,000 US at this time).該方案的費用約5000名在這個時候歐元(6000美元美國)。 The Italian programs provide about twice the training that medical acupuncturists receive in the US at the main training center at UCLA School of Medicine (where French acupuncture has been a major theme).義大利的方案提供了約兩倍的培訓,接受針灸醫療在加州大學洛杉磯分校醫學院(主要訓練中心,在美國,法國的針灸治療一直是個重大的主題)。 Chinese herbal medicine has been treated as an independent course in Italy (about 250-300 hours in 2 years) that is taken by some doctors after their graduation from acupuncture studies.中藥已被視為一個獨立的課程在義大利(約250-300小時,在2年),由醫生採取了一些針灸的研究後,他們從畢業。 Since the duration of training is so long (six years with the added herb courses), most students do not pursue herbal training.由於訓練時間這麼長(6年,再加上中藥課程),大多數學生不追求草藥訓練。Many of the acupuncturists are family doctors (general practitioners) who still rely on use of modern drug therapies.對許多家庭的針灸醫生(全科醫生)誰仍然對現代藥物療法使用的依賴。 They have pursued acupuncture studies because of their concerns about drug side effects and the desire to find alternatives to the less than adequate drug therapies.他們追求的是出於對藥物副作用和希望找到解決不到足夠的藥物替代療法針刺研究的關注。 A few of the doctors add Western herbs or homeopathic remedies to their prescription range; now several hundred have added Chinese herb prescribing.一個醫生數增加西方草藥或順勢療法其處方範圍,現在幾百人加入中藥處方。In Italy, there is a limited selection of herb products (and other natural supplements) sold in stores or via the internet as non-prescription items.在義大利,有一種草藥產品(及其他自然補充劑在商店出售),或通過非處方項目國際網路有限公司選擇。 These do not have a good reputation among the medical doctors.這些沒有一個醫生之間的良好聲譽。 The doctors would prefer to prescribe specific remedies, including Chinese herbs, based on their diagnostic work.醫生們寧願規定了具體的補救措施,包括中藥材,其診斷工作的基礎。 However, by Italian law, medical doctors are not allowed to sell or give any prescription (drugs or herbs) directly to the patient; thus, they must refer the patients to a pharmacy that will carry the appropriate herbal products.然而,義大利法律,醫生不得出售或提供任何處方(藥物或草藥)直接向病人,因此,他們必須轉介病人到藥店,將進行適當的草藥產品。 Unfortunately, among the Chinese herb products that were initially introduced to Italy the quality was often poor, and there have been concerns about contamination of those coming from China.遺憾的是,在中藥與最初引進義大利的質量往往很差的產品,並有從中國來對這些污染問題。 Because the term "herbal therapy" in Italy (and throughout Europe) means use of only plants, some have argued against inclusion of any of the traditional minerals and animals as commonly found in many Chinese products.由於長期「中草藥療法」在義大利(和整個歐洲)是指僅使用植物,有些人主張對傳統礦物和常見的許多中國產品列入發現動物出現。 The concern for high quality products coupled with the small number of prescribers has resulted in expensive products.對高品質的處方加上少數產品的關注,導致昂貴的產品。 All these factors have restricted the use of Chinese herbs in Italy.所有這些因素都限制了中藥在義大利使用。 As a result, many Italian acupuncturists just apply acupuncture to treat pain and some acute symptoms, but do not deal with internal medicine (herbal medicine).因此,許多義大利針灸只是採用針灸治療疼痛和一些急性癥狀,但不涉及內科(草藥)。 Research has focused on acupuncture therapy.研究的重點是針灸療法。Things are gradually changing in this regard; the introduction of Chinese herb courses (involving about 500 doctors) has stimulated greater interest in prescribing herbal remedies.一切都逐漸改變在這方面,我國中藥課程,涉及約500名醫生(導言),刺激更大的處方草藥的興趣。 A small herbal company in Milan, Lao Dan, began developing a product line in 1988 that has expanded to include over 30 traditional formulas relying solely on plant materials, with herb extraction carried out in Italy to assure quality (see Appendix 6 for sample label image).在米蘭小,老聃草藥公司,在1988年開始開發生產線已擴大到包括30多個傳統公式完全依靠植物材料與中藥提取,在義大利進行了質量保證(見附件6樣品的標籤形象)。 That company specifically aims its efforts toward assuring high quality of raw materials and manufacturing, correct formulation, and proper distribution.這家公司的具體目標是確保對原料及製造,正確制定高質量的工作,並妥善的分配。 Due to low levels of demand at this time, it is difficult for the company to develop a full line of products, partly because all sales must go through pharmacies; it is estimated that only about 400 medical acupuncturists are routinely prescribing these items.由於在這個時候的需求水平低,難以為公司開發的全系列產品,部分because所有sales必須通過藥房,它估計只有約400名針灸醫生的處方通常是這些items。 Other small product lines have also appeared in Italy during the past few years, including a line of topical and internal remedies with a focus on orthopedics and traumatology (especially sports applications), developed by Dr. Karl Zippelius, who immigrated to Florence, Italy from Germany after studying acupuncture and herbs there.其他小產品線,也出現在義大利,在過去幾年中,包括局部和內部補救辦法對骨科及創傷科的重點(特別是體育的申請)線,卡爾博士齊佩利烏斯,誰移民到義大利佛羅倫薩來自發達國家德國針灸和草藥研究後那裡。 The products include pastes, salves, tinctures, and tablets.產品包括膏,藥膏,酊劑,和藥片。The new programs of herbal medicine education have the capability in the next three years to train about 500 new practitioners.中藥教育的新方案在未來3年內能力培訓約500名新學員。 In addition, through seminars, as many as 1,000 current practitioners could receive continuing education on the topics.此外,通過研討會,多達1000名醫生目前可以接受持續教育的議題。 However, it is unlikely that these participation levels will be met; the actual attendance may be only 20-30% of the potential audience due to scheduling conflicts and concerns about the ability to readily obtain and utilize the herbal remedies.但是,這些參與是不可能的水平將得到滿足;實際出席可能只是20-30的潛在觀眾,由於時間安排衝突,有關能夠更快捷地掌握和利用草藥關注%。 Perhaps with positive response to the therapies the demand for training will increase in the coming decade.也許積極響應療法的培訓需求會增加,在未來的10年。APPENDIX 1: Early European Exposure to Acupuncture附錄一:早期歐洲接觸針灸Prior to the work of George Soulié de Morant, a few Westerners had described acupuncture therapy and some had used it, but they failed to generate sufficient interest for the field to develop formally.在此之前的喬治蘇利耶德摩蘭特,一些西方人所描述的針灸治療工作,一些人使用它,但他們未能產生足夠的興趣的領域發展正式。 The first records date back to 1671, when a French Jesuit priest named Harviell, who had served in China, published Les secrets de la Medicine des Chinois ( Secrets of Chinese Medicine ).第一個記錄可以追溯到1671年,當法國耶穌會神父命名哈弗爾,誰曾在中國出版萊斯秘密德拉醫學德軒華 ( 醫學中的秘密 )。 There was brief mention of acupuncture from time to time after that, but then a number of articles and books appeared in the 19 th century, outlined in the table below (adapted from Understanding Acupuncture by Birch and Felt, 1999 Churchill-Livingstone).有針灸簡單地提不時之後,但隨後一文章和書籍的數量出現在19 世紀 ,在下面的表列出(改編自氈認識針灸由樺木和1999年丘吉爾-利文斯)。Some 19 th Century References to Acupuncture in the West 一些19 世紀提及的針灸在西方Date 日期 Country 國家 Author(s) 作者(s) Nature of publication 自然出版 1802 1802 England英國 W. Coley W.科萊 Article about the uses of acupuncture文章對針灸的使用 1816 1816年 France法國 L. Berlioz屬柏遼茲 Book on acupuncture for chronic disorders預定於針灸治療慢性疾病 1820 1820年 Italy義大利 S. Bozetti南博澤蒂 Book on acupuncture針灸書籍 1821 1821年 England英國 JM Churchill JM丘吉爾 Article on use of acupuncture in treating rheumatism針刺治療風濕條使用 1822 1822年 USA美國 Anonymous匿名 Medical journal commentary favorable to acupuncture醫學雜誌的評論有利於針灸 1825 1825年 France法國 JB Sarlandiere巴頓Sarlandiere Article on the use of electroacupuncture for gout文章在對電的使用痛風 1825 1825年 Italy義大利 A. Carraro答:卡拉羅 Article on uses of acupuncture第針刺用途 1826 1826年 USA美國 F. Bache樓巴謝 Article about uses of acupuncture文章對使用針灸 1826 1826年 England英國 D. Wandsworth四宛茲沃斯 Article about using acupuncture for pain relief文章對使用針灸緩解疼痛 1826 1826年 Germany德國 GE Woorst通用電氣Woorst Review article on status of acupuncture評論文章針刺地位 1827 1827年 England英國 J. Elliotson j的Elliotson Article about acupuncture for rheumatism文章對針灸的風濕病 1828 1828年 Germany德國 J. Bernstein伯恩斯坦 Article about acupuncture for rheumatism文章對針灸的風濕病 1828 1828年 Germany德國 LHA Lohmayer拉木勞赫梅爾 Article about acupuncture for rheumatism文章對針灸的風濕病 1828 1828年 France法國 J. Cloquet, TM Dantu j的克洛奎特,商標丹徒 Book on acupuncture針灸書籍 1833 1833年 USA美國 WM Lee李西醫 Article about acupuncture for rheumatism文章對針灸的風濕病 1834 1834年 Italy義大利 FS da Camin財政司司長達卡米 Described Sarlandier"s work on electroacupuncture描述Sarlandier的工作電 1871 1871年 England英國 TP Teale總磷蒂爾 Article about acupuncture for pain relief文章對緩解疼痛針灸APPENDIX 2: Soulié de Morant"s Introduction of Chinese Medicine to Europe附錄2:蘇利耶德摩蘭特的中醫藥介紹到歐洲Peter Eckman, in his book In the Footsteps of the Yellow Emperor , presents the results of his intensive research into the development of acupuncture therapy in Europe.彼得埃克曼書, 在他的黃帝的足跡的 ,在歐洲的發展提出了針灸治療的結果,他深入調查。 The main purpose of his effort was to discover the influences on JR Worsley, who became a significant figure in the development of acupuncture in England and America, two countries where Eckman has lived and worked.他的努力的主要目的是為了發現的JR沃斯利,誰成為在英國和美國的針灸發展的重要人物,有兩個地方埃克曼國家生活和工作的影響。 He was able to trace significant influence from both Japan (via visiting Japanese practitioners and teachers) and from China (mainly via George Soulié de Morant), as well as some influence from Vietnam and Korea, and then the interaction with German naturopathy and homeopathy.他能夠追蹤從日本(通過來訪的日本醫生和教師),主要通過喬治蘇利耶德摩蘭特從中國(重大影響),以及一些來自越南和朝鮮的影響,然後與德國自然療法及順勢療法的相互作用。 Regarding George Soulié de Morant, he wrote the following (slightly edited for presentation here):關於喬治蘇利耶德摩蘭特,他寫下了如下(略有介紹這裡編輯):I think we can say that contemporary traditional acupuncture in the West started with George Soulié de Morant (1878-1955) in 1927 in France.我認為我們可以說,當代西方傳統針灸與喬治蘇利耶德摩蘭特(1878年至55年於1927年)在法國開始。 Prior to that date, there had been scattered accounts and even some books about acupuncture in Western languages, but no attempt to formulate a systematic understanding of acupuncture based on points, meridians, the circulation of qi and its management and reflection in pulse diagnosis.在該日期之前,曾有過零星的帳目,甚至一些關於針灸在西方語言的書籍,但沒有試圖制訂一個系統的理解針灸點為基礎,經絡,氣的流通,其管理和脈診的反映。 Soulié de Morant grew up in an unusual family that encouraged him to learn Chinese from the age of eight.蘇利耶德摩蘭特生長在一個不尋常的家庭,鼓勵他學習中文的8歲。 He was originally schooled by the Jesuits and intended to study medicine, but had to give up that ambition when his father died.他最初是受過教育的耶穌會士,並打算學醫,但不得不放棄這個抱負時,他父親去世。

George Soulié de Morant喬治蘇利耶德摩蘭特

Commemoration image for為紀念圖片Soulié de Morant.蘇利耶德摩蘭特。At 21 (1899), based on his linguistic skills, he got a secretarial job in China, and happened to be in Beijing during a cholera epidemic.在21(1899年),根據他的語言能力,他得到了在中國的秘書工作,以及發生在北京期間的霍亂流行。 Soulié de Morant became acquainted with a Dr. Yang, who was considered extraordinarily successful in treating cholera victims with acupuncture (typical formula of points: ST-25, ST-36, LI-10, and points surrounding CV-8).蘇利耶德摩蘭特成為一個博士楊,誰被認為是非常針灸治療(點霍亂受害者成功的典型配方:聖- 25,ST段- 36,李- 10熟悉,並指出周圍的CV - 8)。 Soulié de Morant"s curiosity was piqued to the point that he began studying with Dr. Yang, who let him do some of the treatments under his guidance.蘇利耶德摩蘭特的好奇心被激起了,以至於他開始與楊醫生,讓他誰做他的指導下學習了一些治療。Soulié de Morant was subsequently appointed to the French Consular Corps and sent to various cities in China, in each of which he sought out acupuncture teachers, including several in Yunnan, which is contiguous with Indochina.蘇利耶德摩蘭特隨後被任命為法國領事團及送達中國各個城市,在每一種他找了針灸教師,其中包括幾名在雲南,這與印度支那接壤。 It is likely that the initial Vietnamese influence on French acupuncture was a consequence of his studies in Yunnan [though France ruled over Indochina since 1887, which may have allowed for other routes of influence, such as Vietnamese traditional doctors living in France].很可能最初在法國針灸越南的影響是在雲南[他的研究結果雖然法國在印度支那的統治1887年以來,這可能對其他路線的影響,如允許在法國]生活的越南傳統醫生。 Soulié de Morant adopted local custom as his own, and it was said that when he dressed up, his speech and manner were indistinguishable from a native Chinese, and so he earned the respect and trust of his teachers, who supplied him with the most precious texts and instruction.蘇利耶德摩蘭特採用為自己的本地習俗,據說,當他打扮,他的言論和態度是從本地中難以區分,因此他贏得了尊重和他的老師,誰提供給他的信任是最寶貴的文本和指示。 He became so proficient a practitioner that in 1908 the Viceroy of Yunnan certified him as a "Master Physician-Acupuncturist" [so, just four years after meeting Dr. Yang and beginning study of acupuncture].他變得如此精通一,在1908年,雲南總督核證為「主醫師,針灸師」[以便短短4年後會開始博士楊和針灸]的研究,他的醫生。One other Oriental influence on Soulié de Morant came from Japan, where he spent a month in 1906 because of his own poor state of health, and is reflected in Soulié de Morant"s later citation of Japanese works in his publications.另外一個關於蘇利耶德摩蘭特東方影響來自日本,在那裡他度過在1906年1月份,因為他自己的健康狀況不佳,並在蘇利耶德摩蘭特的日本作品反映在他後來引用出版物。 Thus, from its inception, the European acupuncture which Soulié de Morant inaugurated reflected aspects of Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese traditions.因此,從一開始,歐洲針灸蘇利耶德摩蘭特成立反映了中國,日本和越南的傳統方面。 In fact, Soulié de Morant also cited several classical Korean texts, so that tradition was represented, too.事實上,蘇利耶德摩蘭特還列舉了幾項經典韓國文字,使傳統的代表,太。Soulié de Morant returned to France in 1918, but it was not until 1927 that his career in acupuncture really began there.蘇利耶德摩蘭特在1918年返回法國,但直到1927年,他在沒有真正開始有針刺的職業生涯。 At that time, he brought his daughter for medical treatment to Dr. Paul Ferreyrolles (1880-1955), a member of a study group of physicians investigating alternative medicine.當時,他帶著他的醫療待遇,保羅Ferreyrolles博士(1880年至1955年),一個另類醫學醫師的調查研究小組成員的女兒。 This study group prevailed upon Soulié de Morant to abandon all his other interests and translate the classical Chinese medical texts into French and train them in acupuncture treatment.這個研究小組在蘇利耶德摩蘭特盛行放棄他所有的其他權益和翻譯成法文文本的經典中醫針灸治療和訓練他們。 This he did, while also developing his own clinical practice, first under medical supervision in several hospitals, and later in private practice.他這樣做,同時也發展了自己的臨床實踐中,首先在醫療監督下幾家醫院,之後從事私人執業。 He also experimented on himself, needling different points to see their effects, and kept careful records which he used in his subsequent publications.他還對自己進行實驗,針刺不同點才可以看到效果,並保持他在隨後的出版物中使用詳細的記錄。Among Soulié de Morant"s sources, aside from his extensive practical training, he used many classical Oriental texts, but the main ones were two Ming Dynasty Chinese tests: Zhenjiu Dacheng ( Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion ; 1601) and Yixue Rumen ( Basics of Medical Studies ; 1575).在蘇利耶德摩蘭特的來源,除了他的廣泛的實踐訓練,他使用了許多經典的東方文本,但主要有兩個明代中測試: 針灸大成 ( 大灸彙編針灸 ; 1601年)和Yixue瘤胃 ( 醫學基礎知識研究 ; 1575)。 He was also influenced by the Japanese work of Sawada as communicated by Nakayama, whose book Soulié de Morant translated into French with the assistance of the Japanese George Ohsawa (Japanese name: Sakurazawa Nyoitchi; 1893-1966, one of the originators of "macrobiotics").他也影響了日本的澤田由中山,誰的書蘇利耶德摩蘭特譯成法文與日本喬治延伸Ohsawa(日本名:Sakurazawa Nyoitchi協助溝通工作; 1893年至1966年,一對「長生的原創」 )。His first writing about acupuncture was an article in the French Homeopathic Journal in 1929, in collaboration with Ferreyrolles, and his first serious book about acupuncture, Précis de la vrai acuponcture chinoice , was published in 1934.他對針灸最早的文字是法國順勢療法雜誌在1929年的文章中,在Ferreyrolles合作及他的第一個關於針灸嚴重的書, 簡要記錄德拉為vrai acuponcture chinoice,是1934年出版。 All together, he wrote over 20 articles and books on acupuncture, his magnum opus being L"Acuponcture Chinoise , the first part of which appeared from 1939-1941, but was only published in its entirety posthumously in 1957, and later in English translation (title: Chinese Acupuncture ) by Paradigm Press (1994).所有一起,他寫了20篇文章針灸和書籍上,他的巨著被L" Acuponcture華僑 ,其中第一部分從1939年至1941年出現,但只有在其死後全部公布在1957年,後來在英文翻譯(標題: 中國針灸 )的範式出版社(1994年)。The students of Soulié de Morant, including Jean Niboyet (1913-1968, founder of the Mediteranian Acupuncture Association), Albert Chamfrault (ca. 1912-1971; French Association of Acupuncture), and Roger de la Fu?e (?-1961), pushed forward the field of acupuncture with translations, associations, conferences, and developing clinical practices.蘇利耶學生的德摩蘭特,包括讓尼布瓦耶(1913至1968年,該Mediteranian針灸協會創始人),艾伯特尚弗羅(約公元12年至71年;法國針灸協會),和羅傑德拉富業(?-1961),推提出了與翻譯針灸領域,協會,會議,臨床實踐和發展。APPENDIX 3: French Acupuncture and the Barrier Points附錄3:法國針灸和障礙點During the 19 th century, many of the European writings about acupuncture focused on its use for rheumatism, gout, and other pain disorders.在19世紀,歐洲許多著作對針灸的重點放在其痛風用於風濕,疼痛和其他疾病。 This emphasis continues to this day; the dominant use of acupuncture in the West, especially amongst medical acupuncturists, is for the "musculoskeletal" problems.這種強調一直延續至今,主要使用的針灸在西方特別是對於那些醫療針灸師,為「骨骼」問題的。 The unique approach taken in France, which has been formalized and promoted in the study groups and workshops of the French Acupuncture Association (AFA), led to description of two groups of points.該獨特的方法在法國,已正式在研究組和法國針灸協會(AFA),講習班推動導致兩個群體的描述採取點。 According to the French medical acupuncturists Gérard Guillaume and Mach Chieu (as described in their book Rheumatology and Chinese Medicine ), one type of points have either global effects or affect an entire channel (or axis, see below); these include most of the transport points, cleft points, source points, and connecting points.據向法國熱拉爾點medical針灸師和馬赫基耶烏和紀堯姆(如在他們的著作中描述風濕病中醫藥 )type,一有任何global effects或影響一整個channel(或axis,見下文)這些措施包括在大部分transport點,裂點,源點和連接點。 The others are specific for the area to be treated, and include mainly associated points, alarm points, and barrier points.其他則是特定的領域來對待,並主要包括關聯點,報警點,障礙點。 Guillaume and Cheiu point out that "barrier points are extremely important in the treatment of pain."紀堯姆和Cheiu指出,「障礙點是極為痛苦的治療具有重要意義。」 Dan Bensky has written about the French system (www.siom.com ) and a portion of his presentation has been adopted for presentation here.丹Bensky寫了關於法國的制度(www.siom.com )和他的介紹部分介紹了通過這裡。 Among the key concepts of the French system are use of the eight diagnostic parameters, grouping of acupuncture channels into axes, and the above-mentioned focus on barrier points.在對法國制度的關鍵概念是診斷的8個參數的使用,針灸渠道組合成軸,點上的障礙上述重點。The eight diagnostic categories (deficiency/excess, cold/hot, interior/exterior, yin/yang) are applied, in the French system, to the diagnosis of local musculoskeletal pain, particularly joint pain, rather than just to the general syndromes as is commonly done in the TCM system.八個診斷類別(不足/過度,冷/熱,室內/外,陰/陽)的應用,在法國的制度,對當地的肌肉骨骼疼痛的診斷,尤其是關節疼痛,而不是只作為一般癥狀是通常做的中醫體系。 For example, pain that is lessened with pressure or support is classified as deficient while that which gets worse is considered to be of an excess nature.例如,疼痛即減輕壓力或支持被列為不足而惡化,而被認為是一個多餘的性質。 Pain that is lessened by heat and increased by cold is considered to be of a cold nature, and conversely for the heat type.減輕疼痛是由熱和冷被認為是一個寒冷的性質,反而增加了熱型。 The pain may come from invasion of external pathogenic factors and be lodged in the painful joint or muscle, or may come from interior disharmonies (of the internal organs) and migrate from there to the affected part.疼痛可能來自外部的入侵和致病因素,在痛苦的關節或肌肉,提交或可能來自內部不和諧的內部器官(),並從那裡遷移到受影響的部分。 A yin-type pain is dull, throbbing, of moderate intensity, chronic, occurring or aggravated at night, and deep.陰型疼痛是枯燥乏味的,悸動,中等強度,長期性,在夜間發生或加重,且深。 A yang-type pain is sharp, violent, paroxysmal, stabbing, burning, intense, acute, diurnal, and superficial.陽型疼痛尖銳,暴力,陣發性,刺痛,灼熱,激烈,尖銳,日,和膚淺的。The French place a strong emphasis on the channels, more so than on point sets as often done in modern TCM in China.法國放在渠道的高度重視,更何況比點集經常在中國現代中藥進行。 The twelve channels are viewed as six pairs of channels: two greater yin channels, two lesser yang channels, etc. (taken from the six-fold system depicted in the Neijing Suwen for acupuncture and repeated in the Shanghan Lun for herbs).這12個頻道被視為六雙渠道:二大賢渠道,兩個小陽渠道,針灸等(圖中的內經素問 ,採取從6褶皺系和草藥重複倫為傷寒 )。 The functions of the two channels within each pair are understood to be related and so are the manifestations of their disharmonies.在每一對的兩個通道的職能理解為有關係,所以是他們的不和諧的表現。 Each of these pairs is known as an axis (or great channel).這對每一個被稱為一軸(或大通道)。The concept of barrier points originally came from the Chinese word gu?n , often translated as barrier or gate.該點的概念最初的障礙來自中國文字關 ,經常門或翻譯成障礙。 Several French doctors were struck by the number of points that have this word in their name (either primary name or alternate) and they also noted the importance of the concept of barriers or gates in the discussion of joint problems in chapter 60 of the Neijing Suwen .幾位法國醫生們驚訝的候補數點已經或這個詞在他們的姓名(或主要名稱),他們還注意到素問重要性或概念的障礙大門內經討論的60章中的聯合問題。 Using this as a point of departure, they described each joint as a place through which physiologic energies (qi and blood in TCM terms) pass, as through an open gate; under certain pathological circumstances, the joint space can turn into a barrier (closed gate) that obstructs the circulation.以此為出發點,這樣,他們形容為一個地方通過這些生理能量(氣,血在中醫術語)及格,通過一個開放的大門;在某些病理情況下,聯合空間可以變成一個封閉的障礙(每個關節門)表示,阻礙血液循環。 The yin and yang qi enter and exit the joints.陰陽氣血的進入和退出關節。 Utilizing the eight categories and properties of channel flow in the axes, the practitioner is to determine the fundamental nature of the disorder, specifically whether the blockage involves the yin or yang qi as it is either entering or exiting the joint.利用8個類別和通道的軸線的流動性能,是確定的醫生對這種疾病的基本性質,特別是涉及是否堵塞陰或陽氣,因為它是進入或退出聯合。 The barrier points (which are originally picked on the basis of traditional descriptions of their channels, specific point indications, the point names, and other factors) are then to be selected as the main part of treatment.的障礙點(即原先對他們的渠道,具體點的基礎上回升跡象表明傳統的描述,點名稱及其他因素),然後將作為主要的治療選擇。 These points are depicted in the following table.這些要點描述如下表。Barrier Points in the French Energetic Acupuncture System 針灸制度障礙點在法國活力Yang Exiting 楊退出 Yang Entering 楊進 Yin Exiting 尹退出 Yin Entering 尹進 Shoulder 肩 SI-11司- 11 LI-15李- 15 LU-2盧- 2 PC-2的PC - 2 Elbow 肘 TB-13結核病- 13 TB-7結核病- 7 HT-6羥色胺- 6 HT-6羥色胺- 6 Wrist 腕 LI-9李- 9 SI-6四6 PC-4個人電腦- 4 LU-6魯六 Hip 髖關節 BL-29基本法- 29 ST-31意法半導體- 31 SP-12警司- 12 LV-11呂- 11 Knee 膝蓋 GB-33國標- 33 GB-36國標- 36 KI-5碘化鉀- 5 KI-5碘化鉀- 5 Ankle 腳踝 ST-37意法半導體- 37 BL-63基本法- 63 LV-6呂- 6 SP-8警司- 8APPENDIX 4: TCM in Europe: Member Organizations of EuroTCM附錄4:中醫藥在歐洲:會員組織的EuroTCMEuroTCM is attempting to recruit participation of Chinese medicine organizations across Europe in a central information clearing house, along with work towards unifying education and laws. EuroTCM正試圖招募歐洲各地中醫藥團體參加的中央信息交換所,以及對教育和法律的統一工作。 Following is a table of current member organizations, which represent only a fraction of those currently operating in Europe (listed here are the colleges and professional organizations involved with acupuncture and TCM generally):以下是目前的成員組織,這僅代表了目前在歐洲(這裡列出的是學院和針灸和中醫一般涉及專業organizations those fraction table):Country 國家 Abbreviation 縮寫 Full name 全名 Type 類型 Austria 奧地利 MED CHIN地中海千石 Medizinische Gesellschaft für Chinesische Gesundheitspflege in ?sterreich Medizinische電冶金在奧地利國家Chinesische Gesundheitspflege College學院 PROTCM PROTCM Austria Austrian Professional TCM Federation奧地利奧中醫藥專業聯合會 Professional org.專業ORG的。 TCMA-W TCMA鎢 TCM Academy - Campus Wien中醫藥學院 - 校園維恩 College學院 TCM-U中西醫ü TCM University中醫藥大學 Private University私立大學 Belgium 比利時 BAF曝氣生物濾池 Belgian Acupunctors Federation聯邦比利時Acupunctors Professional org.專業ORG的。 BATCM BATCM Belgian Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine比利時協會中醫藥 Scientific org.科學ORG的。 OTCG OTCG Opleidingsinsituut Traditionele Chinese Geneeswijzen Opleidingsinsituut Traditionele中Geneeswijzen College學院 Bulgaria 保加利亞 BAAPT BAAPT Bulgarian Acupuncture Association of Physical Therapists物理治療師保加利亞針灸協會 Professional org.專業ORG的。 Czech Republic 捷克共和國 CSBS鐘聲慈善社 Ceskoslovenska Sinobiologicka Spolecnost捷克斯洛伐克Sinobiologicka Spolecnost College學院 CSBSPTCM CSBSPTCM Praktici TCM Praktici中醫 Acupuncture org.針灸ORG的。 NBJ NBJ Foundation of the white crane基金會的白鶴 Professional org.專業ORG的。 TCMB TCMB TCM Bohemia - Klinika Tradicni Cinske Mediciny中醫波希米亞 - Klinika Tradicni Cinske Mediciny Clinic診所 England 英國 BC公元前 Bodyharmonics Centre Bodyharmonics中心 College學院 Germany 德國 ABZ Süd的ABZ南基 Ausbildungszentrum Süd Ausbildungszentrum南基 College學院 DBVTCM DBVTCM Deutscher Berufsverband für TCM德意志Berufsverband獻給中醫 Professional org.專業ORG的。 MFTCM MFTCM Mercurius Chen Xing默庫里烏斯陳錫嗯 College學院 TCMA-B TCMA - B的 TCM Akademy Campus Berlin中醫校園的Akademy柏林 College學院 TCMA-M TCMA - M的 TCM Akademy Munchen中醫慕尼黑的Akademy College學院 Greece 希臘 ESPKI ESPKI Elleniko Sillogos Paradosiakis Kinezikis latrikis Elleniko Sillogos Paradosiakis Kinezikis latrikis Professional org.專業ORG的。 HAOTCM HAOTCM Hellenic Academy of TCM希臘中醫研究院 College學院 Hungary 匈牙利 H.SH.T H.SH.T Hungarian Shaolin Temple匈牙利少林寺 College學院 Italy 義大利 SIA新航 Societa Italiana di Agopuntura會刊義大利迪針刺雜誌 College學院 Ireland 愛爾蘭 ACMO ACMO Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Organisation針灸和中醫藥機構 Professional org.專業ORG的。 AFI AFI的 Acupuncture Foundation TCM Training Programme中醫針灸基礎培訓計劃 College學院 AFPA AFPA Acupuncture Foundation Professional Association針灸基金會專業協會 Professional org.專業ORG的。 AIAc AIAc Association of Irish Acupuncturists愛爾蘭針灸師協會 Professional org.專業ORG的。 Netherlands 荷蘭 DDF DDF的 Dutch Dao Foundation荷蘭道基金會 Professional org.專業ORG的。 HTUTCM HTUTCM Hwa To University of Traditional Chinese Medicine先生到大學中醫藥 College學院 OC業主立案法團 Oriental College東方大學 College學院 ZHONG鍾 Ned.內德。 Vereniging voor Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde Vereniging的voor Traditionele中Geneeskunde Professional org.專業ORG的。 Serbia/Montenegro 塞爾維亞/黑山 RHCI RHCI Railway Health Care Institute鐵路衛生保健研究所 Professional org.專業ORG的。 SJC SJC Balkan Su Jok College巴爾幹蘇寂學院 College學院 Slovac Republic 斯洛瓦克共和國 SINBIOS SINBIOS Slovenska Sinobiologicka Spolecnost Slovenska Sinobiologicka Spolecnost College學院 Slovenia 斯洛維尼亞 SAATCM SAATCM Slovenian Association of Acupuncture and TCM斯洛維尼亞與中醫針灸協會 Professional org.專業ORG的。 Sweden 瑞典 CESAMQ CESAMQ Cesamq international TCM organization Cesamq國際中醫藥組織 College學院 NJA NJA Nei Jing College內經學院 College學院 SAA-TCM SAA的,中醫 Swedisch Acupuncture Association Swedisch針灸協會 Professional org.專業ORG的。 STCMS STCMS Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine Sweden學會中醫瑞典 Professional org.專業ORG的。 YSTCM YSTCM Yangtorp School of TCM Yangtorp中醫藥學院 College學院APPENDIX 5: Sample Acupuncture Research in Italy附錄5:示例針刺研究在義大利In the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (2000; volume 20, number 3, pages 231-240), a group of eight Italian medical acupuncturists reported on their comparison of drug therapy versus acupuncture for migraine.在傳統中醫藥(2000年雜誌,20卷,3號,頁231-240),8名義大利醫生針灸小組報告了他們的藥物治療與針灸治療偏頭痛的比較。 They evaluated 120 patients affected by migraine treated at four public health centers.他們評估了在四個公共健康中心接受治療的120例偏頭痛的影響。 Acupuncture therapy focused on use of 5 points: touwei (ST-8), xuanlu (GB-5), fengchi (GB-20), lieque (LU-7), and dazhui (GV-14), all but the last mentioned point were treated bilaterally.針灸療法集中點使用5: 頭尾 (ST段- 8),xuanlu(國標- 5), 風池 (國標- 20), 列缺 (盧- 7), 大椎 (貨車- 14),但最後都提到雙邊點治療。 Patients were evaluated after 6 months and 12 months of therapy.評估患者術後6個月和12個月的治療。 The authors concluded that acupuncture was a cost-effective alternative to modern drug treatments.作者的結論,針灸是一種具有成本效益的替代現代藥物治療。Numerous clinical reports are published in Italian, mainly in the SIA Journal.許多臨床報告發表在義大利,主要是在新航雜誌。 Following is a sample abstract of a report on use of acupuncture for pain:以下是一個示例一項關於疼痛針灸使用報告的摘要:Title: Acupuncture Therapy for Dysmenorrhea標題: 針灸治療痛經Authors: Stefania Bresciani, Raffaella Mezzopane, Roberto Malavasi, Alberto Lomuscio作者:斯特凡布雷夏尼,拉法埃拉Mezzopane,羅伯托馬拉瓦西,阿爾貝托洛穆肖Institutions: Scuola di Medicina Naturale and Divisione di Ginecologia Ospedale San Paolo - Milano機構:Scuola di有關梅迪奇納自然法和Divisione迪Ginecologia Ospedale聖保羅 - 米蘭Published in: SIA Journal #108, December 2003 (pp: 36-40)發表於:新航雜誌#108,2003年12月(頁:36-40)Summary: Thirty women with primary dysmenorrhea have been treated with acupuncture, following a fixed protocol. 摘要:30例原發性痛經婦女有針灸治療後,固定的協議。 The authors have evaluated the intensity and duration of pain, the number of work days lost every month, the amount of drugs used to control the pain of menstruation, and associated symptoms.作者們評估疼痛的強度和持續時間,失去了工作,每月的天數,藥品使用量來控制月經痛,及相關癥狀。 The results show a very significant reduction of all these parameters.結果顯示,所有這些參數非常顯著減少。 It is suggested to use acupuncture therapy in association with classical Western therapy in all the cases of primary dysmenorrhea.有人建議使用協會古典所有案件的西方治療原發性痛經針灸療法。APPENDIX 6: Sample of Developments in Italian TCM附錄6:在義大利中醫發展樣本Following are images of the SIA journal cover and the Lao Dan product packaging to illustrate the work being done in Italy towards developing the field of TCM.以下是新航雜誌封面和寮國丹產品包裝說明的工作正在義大利進行圖像為發展中醫藥領域。

SIA Journal Cover新航雜誌封面

Label of Lao Dan Chinese Herb Products標籤的老聃中藥產品from Italy來自義大利

中醫藥怎樣治療「過敏」 病

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