During the trial of adapting the body for living without food, and also later, feeling Love flowing from you is very important for the body. Love is the energy creating Life. The body needs it especially in moments regarded as difficult.
How to distinguish between a habit and an addiction? Look at the emotional reaction. In general, if giving up a specific action does not trigger emotional reaction; the action was a habit. If you try to give up an addiction,unpleasant emotional reactions occur (which may be accompanied by unpleasantbody reactions), for example: irritability, anger, explosions of hatred. Inother words, the less intensive the emotional reaction, the weaker theaddiction. There is no sharp line between a habit and an addiction.
The conscious eating (CE) method is one of the most efficient ways for people aspiring to non-eating. CE gives your body exactly what it needs (real body needs) in right quantity and at the right time.
覺察進食法(Conscious Eating, CE)是人們實現辟穀最有效的方法之一。它在對的時間以對的量恰恰滿足身體的需求(身體真正所需)。
The best care for the body is to give it what it needs, when it needs and in the right amount.
With CE you are becoming a non-eater consciously, without fighting ormis understanding, without making many mistakes. You are discovering the realrelation between your body, the Earth and your psyche. When food finally stops playing its role in this relation, it will naturally becomes useless and will drop off you an unnecessary part of this game called life on Earth.
CE is one of those actions which make us more conscious about I AM. The more I AM manifests itself through our mind and body, the more solutions we know, the better we see, feel and understand, the fewer questions we have.
In「normal」 daily circumstances I AM is suppressed by the intellectual part of the mind. CE and other conscious techniques of doing something allow the intellectto become more silent, more passive and therefore receptive to the alway sexisting voice of the intuition. Since the intuition (super-consciousness) is the direct link to IAM, it knows everything; it has solutions for everything;it gives you whatever you need.
Conscious eating, conscious sleeping, conscious talking, conscious ... whatever it is,makes you ... more conscious, allow you to expand the sphere of Conscious ness that you are living in. When you expand it sufficiently, you will have no more questions, because you will really know. In such a state to become a breath arian, a lightarian, to live without breathing, without influence of temperature etc. will be only a matter of a decision.
Conscious eating is not about eating; it"s about feeling the messages from your body. It is a very powerful healing.
Conscious eating develops (in person who practices it) the skill of telling the difference whether it is about RBN or an emotion when feeling hungry. Conscious eatingmakes establishing and keeping the most proper diet much easier.
Exercising the method of conscious eating regularly leads to the skill to be able to distinguish quickly between RBN, addiction or other factors when feeling hungry.
Emotions belong to the factor most often making a man take food, if the person lives in a society of people who have plenty of food.
Compelling concerning eating is associated with one of most serious harms that parents cando to their children — to force them to eat more than they want to or what they do not feel hungry for. Concerning food and its quantity the children should be left free to choose. But it is better for their health to protect them (so that they will not get addicted) against toxins like chips, fries, pizza and alsoproducts made of milk or baked flour.
To forbid something is also a kind of forcing (not to do it) and is used ineating. If man forbids him / herself or other persons to eat something that RBN indicates for, he / she harms the body.
Eating is an essential experience of human life on the Earth. For most people on the Earth forced non-eating means being deprived from going through the expectedexperience. This, of course, brings them to leave the material bodies.
The human being has 「free will」, which is manifested by creativity of the intellect, so that he / she can experience life in a way that IAM decides. The human body is a tool through which the human being experiences matter.
A person characterized by natural tolerance allow other people to experience whatever they choose (built their own worlds), because he / she knows that this is a man if estation of human free will.
Potentially every person on the Earth can live without food. But a potential does no tautomatically mean the associated skill. A potential only means that a given ability can be developed and realized. If the skill to maintain the body inperfect working is insufficiently developed, the body will die if it does notreceive food for too long.
Life completely without food is possible only for those people who have properly changed functions of those programs in the instinct which deal with food and eating.
There are as many ways leading to inedia / non-eating as there are inediates /non-eaters.
Information alone is not enough, but as soon as you start to feel the knowledge and power associated with it in you, you will stand at the gate giving a choice of this life style. Then you will know what and how to do this.
If you really love somebody, there is no need to give them any object or feed them. Looking deeply into each other"s eyes and saying sincerely "I love you",has the highest value.
※Baby-led weaning——寶寶主動進食