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歡迎來到「生吃宇宙的我們」第 24 篇文章

This Is Our 24th Article


One of the most heartbreaking headlines seen all across the American media in recent days has been this one. The American presidents "Zero Tolerance" stance against illegal immigration has seen more than 2,000 children taken from their families and put under the supervision of federal authorities, even though some are just toddlers, or even infants. A far cry from the sonnet inscribed on the Statue of Liberty:


Mother and Child (Divided), showing a cow and her calf divided not only from each other, but also physically halved and placed in four separate clear, formaldehyde-filled boxes, shocked the public in 1993.

《母子分離》【Mother and Child (Divided)】展現了一隻母牛與她的幼畜不僅僅只是與對方遙遙相隔,而且還從生理上的被對半分開,並分別放置在四個透明的充滿甲醛的玻璃箱子里,這件作品在1993年展出時震驚了公眾。

But 25 years later, it speaks almost painfully directly to the very real hurt many families are experiencing. This award-winning work focuses not only on the obvious separation of mother and child, but also his specific use of cows, tragic in that they』re amongst 「the most slaughtered animals ever,」 remind of the treatment of people who have been historically repressed and mistreated, the "huddled masses yearning to breathe free."


We are also reminded of the underlying themes of eternity, in this work of a suspended moment in time, and the significance of life and equality of the living: "Cut us all in half, were all the fucking same," said artist Damien Hirst.

這個靜止的時刻,讓我們聯想到深層的永恆主題,生活的意義和生命的平等:「把我們都切成兩半,每個人看起來都完全相同,」藝術家達明恩·赫斯特(Damien Hirst)說。

This print, a part of a series of medieval European tapestries woven between 1495 and 1505, depicts a group of hunters searching for the mythical and elusive unicorn, a creature that symbolized purity, grace, power, riches, strength, magic, or healing ability in various cultures.


Today, the word "unicorn" takes on modern connotations. In many cases, the word unicorn has come to represent an unattainable, or extremely rare, ideal. For example:


Our world today, it seems, it still hunting the unicorn in the same way these 15th century artists depicted.


From refugee groups to ethnically-united groups to LGBT groups to groups of sexual assault victims to religious groups, we have seen in recent times the power of speaking out for the rights of a body of people.


This image of artist David Wojnarowicz appeared in a 1990 documentary film titled Silence=Death, which was created in response to the current AIDS crisis.

這張照片來自於藝術家David Wojnarowicz在1990年的一部名為《沉默=死亡》(Silence=Death)的紀錄片影像中,那是為了應對當時的艾滋危機而創作的。

This motif of the danger of silence was the topic of a well-known 1950s poem written by German Pastor Martin Niem?ller. Although he wrote several versions, the one with the most enduring longevity, and the one used at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, is this one:

20世紀50年代,德國牧師馬丁·尼莫勒(Martin Niemoller)寫了一首著名的詩,主題是「沉默的危險」。這首詩有好幾個版本,而流傳得最廣泛的、美國大屠殺紀念博物館沿用至今的是下面這個版本:








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外星人榨汁機——菲利普·斯塔克Philippe Starck

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