1 US flag sways in the breeze. 一面美國國旗在微風中飄揚。(後備註)1 美國國旗有50顆星。每一顆星代表50個州的一個。The American flag has 50 stars. Each star represents one of the 50states.sway:move or walk in a swinging or swaying manner 擺動和swing是近義詞breeze:a slight wind (usually refreshing) 微風2 submarines navigate the open seas. 2艘潛水艇在公海航行。(後備註)2 潛水艇是海軍的海艦,可以在水下航行。A submarine is a Naval sea vessel that can travel underneath thewater.navigate:travel by boat propelled by wind or by other means航行,利用風或其他方式推動船行進
3張吊床掛在卧鋪艙。(後備註)3 在海軍船上,船員習慣於睡在繩子吊床上,不用的時候可以輕易的摺疊起來存放。On Navy ships, Sailors used to sleep in rope hammocks that couldeasily be folded up and put away when they were not beingused.hammock: 吊床 berth deck 卧鋪艙這兩個單詞都不太常用
四(個軍人的)手敬禮以示尊敬。(後備註)4 敬禮是軍事人員之間尊敬和信任的表示。The salute is a sign of repect and trust among militarypersonnel.salute:敬禮
5個星星裝飾了這塊特別的緞帶。(後備註)5 海軍榮譽勳章是海軍最高勳章,每個人都能被授予。這是給與英勇的人的獎章,感謝他們所做的一切。The Navy Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration anyonecan be awarded. It is given to a very heroic person as a thank youfor all they have done.decorate:make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.裝飾(添置額外的裝飾品,顏色等)
6架噴氣式飛機以一種讓人驚訝的精度排列進行軍演。飛機上寫著US NAVY 可以看出來這是海軍航空母艦上的噴氣式飛機(後備註)6 藍天使是海軍作戰演習中隊。每年藍天使的6名飛行員駕駛著F/A-18 」大黃蜂「 在全美進行了超過70場軍演。The Blue Angels is the Navy"s flight demonstration squadron. TheBlue Angels" six pilots fly the F/A-18 Hornet in more than 70 showsthroughout the United States every year.jet: 噴氣式飛機perform: 表演precision: 精度
7艘船離開了碼頭。(後備註)7海軍艦隊是由很多不同的船組成的,協同配合,保護防衛我們的國家,艦隊包括運載船,巡洋艦,驅逐艦,護衛艦,水陸兩棲船,潛水艇。The Navy Fleet is made up of many different ships that worktogether to help protect and defend our country, includingcarriers, cruisers, destroyers, frigates, amphibious craft, andsubmarines.dock: 碼頭
8隻鈴鐺在12點鐘敲響。(後備註)8在海軍,鈴鐺用於報告時間。在巡航時,不同的鈴鐺數量(從1到8)每30分鐘響一次。當8個鈴鐺都響時,意思是目前巡航結束。In the Navy, bells are used to tell time. During a watch, adifferent number of bells (from 1 to 8) will ring every 30 minutes.When 8 bells ring, it means that the current watch has ended.
在典禮上9個被扔起來的帽子。(後備註)9 把帽子扔向空中的流行傳統是為了慶祝畢業,1912年開始於美國海軍學院。The popular tradition of throwing hats into air to celebrate agraduation started at the United Stated Naval Academy in1912.thrown 是throw的被動形式,表示被扔起來的帽子。at graduation 在典禮上
10面用於聯絡的信號旗。(後備註)10 海軍用信號旗安靜的與其它船隻聯絡,而不使用無線電通訊。The Navy uses signal flags to silently communication with otherships without using their radios.signal flag信號旗
寶貝們成功的數完了1-10,所以歡呼一下,慶祝一下。Hurray!還有一句表達了對軍人的感激,他們為了你我的安全保家衛國。Let"s give a big thank you for all that they do, to keep ourcountry safe for me and for you!右邊的是每一頁出現的物品的詳細介紹。1 美國國旗有50顆星。每一顆星代表50個州的一個。The American flag has 50 stars.Each star represents one of the 50 states.2 潛水艇是海軍的海艦,可以在水下航行。A submarine is a Naval sea vessel that can travel underneath thewater.3 在海軍船上,船員習慣於誰在繩子吊床上,不用的時候可以輕易的摺疊起來存放。On Navy ships, Sailors used to sleep in rope hammocks that couldeasily be folded up and put away when they were not beingused.4 敬禮是軍事人員之間尊敬和信任的表示。The salute is a sign of repect and trust among militarypersonnel.5 海軍榮譽勳章是海軍最高勳章,每個人都能被授予。這是給與英勇的人的獎章,感謝他們所做的一切。The Navy Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration anyonecan be awarded. It is given to a very heroic person as a thank youfor all they have done.6 藍天使是海軍作戰演習中隊。每年藍天使的6名飛行員駕駛著F/A-18 」大黃蜂「 在全美進行了超過70場表演。The Blue Angels is the Navy"s flight demonstration squadron. TheBlue Angels" six pilots fly the F/A-18 Hornet in more than 70 showsthroughout the United States every year.7海軍艦隊是由很多不同的船組成的,協同配合,保護防衛我們的國家,艦隊包括運載船,巡洋艦,驅逐艦,護衛艦,水陸兩棲船,潛水艇。The Navy Fleet is made up of many different ships that work together to help protect and defend our country, including carriers,cruisers, destroyers, frigates, amphibious craft, andsubmarines.8 在海軍,鈴鐺用於報告時間。在巡航時,不同的鈴鐺數量(從1到8)每30分鐘響一次。當8個鈴鐺都響時,意思是目前巡航結束。In the Navy, bells are used to tell time. During a watch, adifferent number of bells (from 1 to 8) will ring every 30 minutes.When 8 bells ring, it means that the current watch has ended.9 把帽子扔向空中的流行傳統是為了慶祝畢業,1912年開始於美國海軍學院。The popular tradition of throwing hats into air to celebrate agraduation started at the United Stated Naval Academy in1912.10 海軍用信號旗安靜的與其它船隻聯絡,而不使用無線電通訊。The Navy uses signal flags to silently communication with otherships without using their radios.
1面美國國旗在空中飄揚。(後備註)1 美國國旗有50顆星。每一顆星代表50個州的一個。 The American flag has 50 stars.Each star represents one of the 50 states.2把海軍陸戰隊員可以配戴的軍刀。(後備註)2 美國海軍陸戰隊長官和軍士自美國解放戰爭後就開始佩戴軍刀。如今,這些軍刀只在儀式活動上佩戴。US Marine Corps officers and Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) havecarried swords since the American Revolutionary War. Today, theseswords are worn only for ceremonial activities.sword: 刀,劍。
海軍陸戰隊肩章上的3個標誌。(後備註)3 海軍陸戰隊的徽章和肩章的設計集中於3個象徵:鷹,地球,錨;代表了美國陸戰隊保護我們國家陸地,天空,海洋的承諾。 Thedesigns of the Marine Corps emblem and seal focus on 3 main symbols: the eagle, the globe, and the anchor, which symbolizethe Marine Corp" commitment to defend our nation by land, by air,and by sea.symbol: 符號,標誌seal: 肩章
4名海軍陸戰隊員身著軍裝入席晚餐。(後備註)4海軍陸戰隊員身著不同的制服取決於他們的活動。對於正式或者儀式場合,包括軍官餐廳晚會,大多數海軍軍官都要穿著藍色軍禮服。Marines wear different uniforms depending on their activity. Forformal or ceremonial occasions, including Mess Night, most Marineofficers wear the Blue Dress Uniform.formal meal: 正餐。
5把刺刀幫助海軍陸戰隊員進行作戰訓練。(後備註)5 刺刀看起來像一把匕首,可以附加在步槍尾部的槍口處。基本的訓練中,海軍陸戰隊員用刺刀練習刀的作戰技巧。A bayonet looks like a knife and can be attached to the muzzle endof a rifle. In basic training, Marines use bayonets to practice knife fighting techniques.bayonet : 刺刀
6尊人像在名勝地展覽。(後備註)6海軍陸戰隊戰爭紀念碑(也稱作硫磺島紀念碑)是為紀念從1775年以來為國捐軀的美國海軍陸戰隊的所有隊員的建造的。The Marine Corps War Memorial (also called the Iwo Jima Memorial)is dedicated to all personnel of the United States Marine Corps whohave died in the defense of their country since 1775.figure: 人物famous site: 名勝
7個V形臂章顯示你的最高級別。(後備註)7 海軍陸戰隊員大多數制服都要佩戴軍銜徽章。海軍陸戰隊的軍士長,最高級別,有7條V形。Marines wear rank insignia on most uniforms. The Sergeant Major ofthe Marine Corps, the highest enlisted rank, has 7 chevrons.chevrons: V形臂章rank: 級別
佩戴8個金屬識別牌用於顯示身份。(後備註) 8 軍用身份識別牌規定了一個海軍陸戰隊員的身份證明。海軍陸戰隊部署必須一直佩戴識別牌。Dog tags provide a Marine with identification. Marines ondeployment must wear the tag at all times.dog tag: 軍用身份識別牌。(為啥叫狗牌呢?金屬的識別牌,派發部隊的時候,很多軍人都覺得帶著丁零噹啷響,就像家裡的寵物狗掛的身份牌一樣,所以戲稱叫DOGTAG,後來就作為識別牌的俚語稱呼了。「狗」在歐美文化里沒有侮辱性,是忠誠的象徵,與我們的文化不同)
9種特別的軍事勳章和獎章。(後備註) 9 勳章和勛表是為感謝服務人員的努力工作和奉獻的一種方式,給與他們特殊成就的信譽。Medals and ribbons are a way to thank service members for theirhard work and dedication and to give them credit for their specialaccomplishments.decoration:獎章。
11月10日(進入11月的10天),會有一個大慶祝。日曆牌上寫著Happy birthday Marine Corps! 海軍陸戰隊生日快樂!(後備註)101775年11月10日,眾所周知是美國陸戰隊的生日。習慣上,會用軍刀切蛋糕,蛋糕會分給到場的(最年老的到最年輕的)每一個海軍陸戰隊員。November 10, 1775 is known as the birthday of the US Marine Corps.Traditionally, a cake is cut with a sword and a piece is sharedbetween the oldest and youndest Marine in attendance.1775年11月10日,在美國獨立戰爭期間,第二次大陸會議在費城通過成立海軍陸戰隊的決議。
背景知識介紹:1 美國國旗有50顆星。每一顆星代表50個州的一個。 The American flag has 50 stars. Eachstar represents one of the 50 states.2 美國海軍陸戰隊長官和軍士自美國解放戰爭後就開始佩戴軍刀。如今,這些軍刀只在儀式活動上佩戴。US Marine Corps officers and Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) havecarried swords since the American Revolutionary War. Today, theseswords are worn only for ceremonial activities.3 海軍陸戰隊的徽章和肩章的設計集中於3個象徵:鷹,地球,錨;代表了美國陸戰隊保護我們國家陸地,天空,海洋的承諾。The designs of the Marine Corps emblem and seal focus on 3 main symbols: the eagle, the globe,and the anchor, which symbolize the Marine Corp" commitment todefend our nation by land, by air, and by sea.4 海軍陸戰隊員身著不同的制服取決於他們的活動。對於正式或者儀式場合,包括軍官餐廳晚會,大多數海軍軍官都要穿著藍色軍禮服。Marines wear different uniforms depending on their activity. Forformal or ceremonial occasions, including Mess Night, most Marineofficers wear the Blue Dress Uniform.5 刺刀看起來像一把匕首,可以附加在步槍尾部的槍口處。基本的訓練中,海軍陸戰隊員用刺刀練習刀的作戰技巧。A bayonet looks like a knife and can be attached to the muzzle endof a rifle. In basic training, Marines use bayonets to practiceknife fighting techniques.6 海軍陸戰隊戰爭紀念碑(也稱作硫磺島紀念碑)是為紀念從1775年以來為國捐軀的美國海軍陸戰隊的所有隊員的建造的。The Marine Corps War Memorial (also called the Iwo Jima Memorial)is dedicated to all personnel of the United States Marine Corps whohave died in the defense of their country since 1775.7 海軍陸戰隊員大多數制服都要佩戴軍銜徽章。海軍陸戰隊的軍士長,最高級別,有7條V形。Marines wear rank insignia on most uniforms. The Sergeant Majorof the Marine Corps, the highest enlisted rank, has 7chevrons.8 軍用身份識別牌規定了一個海軍陸戰隊員的身份證明。海軍陸戰隊部署必須一直佩戴識別牌。Dog tags provide a Marine with identification. Marines ondeployment must wear the tag at all times.9 勳章和緞帶是為感謝服務人員的努力工作和奉獻的一種方式,給與他們特殊成就的信譽。Medals and ribbons are a way to thank service members for theirhard work and dedication and to give them credit for their specialaccomplishments.101775年11月10日,眾所周知是美國陸戰隊的生日。習慣上,會用軍刀切蛋糕,蛋糕會分給到場的(最年老的到最年輕的)每一個海軍陸戰隊員。November 10, 1775 is known as the birthday of the US Marine Corps.Traditionally, a cake is cut with a sword and a piece is sharedbetween the oldest and youndest Marine in attendance.