
為愛起舞 為夢想啟航






1. A Leaf Boat 樹葉船

An ant 一隻螞蟻

Falls in a leaf 落在了樹葉上

The leaf floats down 樹葉飄走了

Onto the vast blue sea 下面是遼闊的蔚藍色大海

Thus, into this world 於是,

The finest boat is born 世界上有了一條最小的船

Inside sits the tinest sailor 上面坐著一位最小的水手

Setting sail on the long voyage oflife 開始了生命的遠航

The sea is so quiet 大海很靜很靜

I fear the wind may rouse waves 我擔心風會捲起波浪

The sea is so clear 大海很清很清

I fear fishmen may cast nets 我擔心漁民撒網

The leaf boat 樹葉船

Floats away 深情地飄走了

As the sailor 水手走進了

Falls into a sweet, sweet dream 甜甜的夢鄉

2.Life Is for Living 活出精彩

Life is a gift we』re given each and everyday 生命是一份我們每日都收到的禮物。

Dream about tomorrow but live fortoday. 要夢想明天,但要活好今天。

To live a little, you』ve got to love awhole lot. 即使是短暫的人生,你也要付出無限的愛。

Love turns the ordinary into theextraordinary. 愛讓平凡變得精彩。

Life is a journey always worth taking. 生命永遠是一段值得享受的旅程。

Take time to smell the roses…and tulips… 駐足去聞一下花香:玫瑰,鬱金香,

And daffodils…and lilacs…and sunflowers… 水仙,丁香花,向日葵…

Count blessings like children countstars. 細數幸福就像孩子數星星一樣。

The secret of a happy life isn』t buried ina treasure chest. 幸福人生的秘密並非藏在珠寶箱里…

It lies within your heart. 而是埋在你的心底,

It』s the little moments that make lifebig. 是那些小小的瞬間讓生命變得偉大。

Don』t wait. Make memories today. 不要等待。今天就留下美好的記憶吧。

Celebrate your life. 慶祝你的生命吧!

3.For Want of a Nail 因小失大

For the want of a nail 缺一枚小釘

The shoe was lost. 丟了一塊蹄鐵,

For the want of a shoe 缺一塊蹄鐵

The horse was lost. 損失一匹戰馬,

For the want of a horse 少一匹戰馬

The rider was lost. 失去一名騎手,,

For the want of a rider 少一名騎手

The battle was lost. 輸了一場戰鬥,

For the want of a battle 輸一場戰鬥

The kingdom was lost.— 喪失一個王國—

And all for the want of 歸根結底皆因

Ahorseshoe-nail. 缺一枚蹄鐵小釘。

By Benjanmin Franklin

4. Shape Your Future 塑造自己的未來

Sarah B Peck

There』s the marble, there』s the chisel, 這裡有大理石,這裡有鐵鑿,

Take it, work it to your will; 拿起鑿子,按照自己的意願來雕琢;

You alone must shape your future, 上天給你力量和技巧,

Heaven send you strength and skill. 自己的未來全靠自己來塑造。

5. You Can Be Whatever You Want To Be 你可以成為一個你想成為的人

There is inside you 無論你想成為什麼人

all of the potentialto be whatever 你所需要的所有潛力,

you want to be, 以及你做任何事所需要的

all of the energy to do whatever 所有能量

you want to do. 他們都在你的體內。

Imagine yourself as you would like tobe, 想像你自己就是你想成為的人,

doing what you want to do, 做著你想要做的事,

and each day, take one step, 每一天,

towards your dream. 向著你的夢想邁進一步。

And though at times, it may seem 儘管有時候好像

too difficult to continue, 很難再走下去,

hold on to your dream. 但仍要堅持你的夢想。

One morning you will awake to find 某一天早晨你醒來的時候發現

That you are the person 你就是那個

you dream of, 你夢想成為的人,

doing what you wanted to do, 做著你夢想做的事,

simply because you had the courage 這只不過是因為你有勇氣

to believe in your potential 相信自己有潛力,

and to hold on to your dream. 並且堅持自己的夢想。

6. The Wind 風

—I. G. Rossetti —羅塞蒂

Who has seen the wind? 誰曾見過風?

Neither I nor you. 你我皆未見。

But the leaves hang trembling, 但見樹葉輕輕點,

Thewind is passing through. 風已徐徐起。

Who has seen the wind? 誰曾見過風?

Neither you nor I你我皆未見。

But when the trees bow down theirheads, 但見樹梢輕輕點,

Thewind is passing by. 風已習習過。

7. Rain 雨

—Stevenson —史蒂文森

The rain is raining all around, 雨兒紛紛水連天,

It falls on field and tree, 撒遍山林與田園,

It falls on the umbrellas here, 過往行人撐雨傘,

And falls on the ships at sea.冒雨出海遠征帆

8. Quiet Night Thought 靜夜思


Before my bed 床前明月光,

There is bright moonlight

So that it seems 疑是地上霜。

Like frost on the ground.

Lifting my head 舉頭望明月,

I watch the bright moon,

Lowering my head 低頭思故鄉。

I dream that I』m home.

9. Only Time 唯有時光

Who can say where the road goes 誰能說出道路伸向何方

Where the day flows 歲月流逝何處,

Only time. 唯有時光。

And who can say if your love grows 又有誰能說出愛之成長,

As your heart chose 是否如心之所願,

Only time. 唯有時光。

Who can say why your heart sighs 誰能說出,當愛已飛走,

As your love flies 你的心何以嘆息,

Only time. 唯有時光。

Who can say when the roads meet 誰能說出,路在此交匯,

That love might be 愛,或許,

in your heart. 已生於你心。

And who can say when the day sleeps 又有誰能說出,當白晝已睡去,

If the night keeps all your heart 夜晚是否佔據你的心靈,

Night keeps all your heart. 夜晚佔據你的心靈。

Who can say if your love grows 誰能說出愛之成長,

As your heart chose 是否如心之所願,

Only time. 唯有時光。

And who can say where the road goes 誰能說出道路伸向何方,

Where the day flows 歲月流逝何處,

Only time. 唯有時光。

Who knows 誰能明了,

Only time. 唯有時光。

Who knows 誰能明了,

Only time. 唯有時光。

10 Maxim 座右銘

If you can』t change your surroundings, youcan change yourself. 你改變不了環境,但是可以改變自己。

If you can』t change the fact, you canchange your attitude. 你改變不了事實,但是可以改變態度。

If you can』t change the past, you canchange the present. 你改變不了過去, 但是可以改變現在。

Although you can』t control the others, youcan master yourself. 你不能控制他人,但可以掌握自己。

Although you can』t change the weather, youcan change your mood. 你不能左右天氣, 但可以改變心情。

Although you can』t foretell tomorrow, youcan grasp today. 你不能預知明天, 但可以把握今天。

You can』t succeed in everything, but you can try your best. 你不能樣樣順利,但可以事事盡心。

You can』t choose your appearance, but youcan present your smiling face. 你不能選擇容貌, 但可以展現笑容。

All in all, your state of mind is moreimportant than anything else. 一般地說, 心態有時比什麼都重要。

11. Stopping By Woods On A SnowyEvening 雪夜林邊駐足

By Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know, 樹林屬誰我清楚,

Hishouse is in the village though, 他家就在那村住;

He will not see me stopping here 哪能見我停此處,

To watch his woods fill up with snow. 觀賞積雪壓樹木。

My little horse must think it queer 我的小馬兒必驚異,

To stop without a farmhouse near 為何偏偏停此地,

Between woods and frozen lake 冰湖林間無農舍,

The darkest evening of the year. 又逢夜色黑無比。

He gives his harness bells a shake 馬兒搖搖韁繩鈴,

To ask if there is some mistake. 欲問是否迷路徑。

The only other sound』s the sweep 萬籟俱寂惟風語,

Of easy wind and downy flake. 似絨雪片落地輕。

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, 夜林可愛且幽深,

But I have promises to keep, 但有承諾需完成。

And miles to go before I sleep, 路程尚遠,哪能入睡起鼾聲,

And miles to go before I sleep. 路程尚遠,哪能入睡起鼾聲。

12. Trees 樹

I think that I shall never see 我想我將永遠不會看見

A poem lovely as a tree, 像一棵樹那樣美好的詩篇;

A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed 樹的飢餓的嘴唇緊緊貼住

Against the earth』s sweet flowingbreast, 大地的流淌不盡的甜乳;

A tree that looks at God all day, 樹整天望著上帝,不分昏曉,

And lifts her leafy arms to pray; 舉起她枝葉茂盛的手臂祈禱;

A tree that may in summer wear 這棵樹每當夏天來到

A nest of robinsin her hair; 讓知更鳥在她頭髮里築巢;

Upon whose bossom snow has lain, 白雪積在她的胸前,

Who intimately lives with rain. 雨水和她親密地同住。

Poems are made by fools like me, 詩是像我這樣的愚人所做,

But only God can make a tree. 但只有上帝才能創造一棵樹。


It』s the last rose of summer., 夏剩一玫瑰,

Left blooming alone; 孤單吐芳蕊;

All her companions 昔日眾愛侶,

Are faded and gone; 凋謝不復歸;

No flower of the kindred, 族中無一花,

No rosebed is nigh. 身邊無一蕾,

To reflect back her blushess, 欣賞彼紅顏,

Or give sigh for sigh! 或嘆苦相對!

I』ll not leave you, your lone one, 忍看汝留此

To pine on the stem; 消瘦在樹枝?

Since the lovely are sleeping; 嬌者正安睡,

Go sleep you with them. 同眠在此時。

This kindly I scatter 誠心摘汝葉,

Your leaves over the bed 片片撒花池,

Where your mates of the garden 汝友眠此處,

Lie scentless and dead. 無香無鼻息。

So soon may I follow. 若愛雲煙散,

When friendships decay, 友情亦衰微,

And from love』s shining circle 吾將隨汝去,

The gems drop away! 與汝同枯萎!

When true hearts lie withered, 真情若枯竭,

And fond ones are flown. 親人亦他去,

Oh! Who would inhabit 冷漠人間世,

This bleak world alone? 有誰願獨居?

14. The Flight of Time 飛逝的時間

Swift the moments fly away, 時間在飛逝,一瞬間,又一瞬間,

First the hour, then the day; 一小時逝去,接著又是一天;

Next the week, the month, the year, 一周逝去,接著又是一年,

Go away and disappear. 時間總是不斷飛逝,一去不復還。

Time is away on the wing, 飛逝的時間啊,你總是把翅兒展。

When I speak, or think, or sing 不論我在說話,在思考,在歌唱,

When I work, or sleep, or play, 不論我在工作,在玩耍,在睡眠,

Time is flying fast away. 你總是不斷飛逝,一去不復還。

15. Loveliest of Trees 最嬌嬈的樹兒

Loveliest of trees, the cherry now 時下櫻桃最是嬌嬈,

Is hung with bloom along the bough, 花兒朵朵綴滿枝條。

And stands about the woodland ride 櫻桃長在林中道旁,

Wearing white for Eastertide. 復活節時素裹銀裝。

Now, of my three score years and ten, 人生可有七十春秋,

Twenty will not come back again, 二十載一去不復回首。

And take from seventy springs a score, 七十減去二十華年,

It only leaves me fifty more. 我僅剩有五十春天。

And since to look at things in bloom 縱觀萬物花開花落,

Fifty springs are little room, 五十陽春實在不多。

About the woodlands I will go 我願在那林中逍遙,

To see the cherry hung with snow. 欲看雪花灑滿櫻桃。

16. Her Face and Peach-Blossoms 題都城南庄


Last year, on this day, inside thisdoor, 去年今日此門中,

Her face and the peach-blossoms reflecteach other』s redness. 人面桃花相映紅。

Where is her face now? 人面不知何處去,

The peach-blossoms still smile in thespring wind. 桃花依舊笑春風。

17. Leave Me Not 古別離


You wish to go, and yet, your robe Ihold, 欲去牽郎衣,

Where are you going-tell me deartoday? 郎今到何處?

Your late returning does not anger me, 不恨歸來遲,

But that another steal your heartaway. 莫向臨邛去!

18. A Corn Poppy 虞美人

As a young man, listening girls sing in atower, 少年聽雨歌樓上,

I heard the sound of the rain. 紅蠟昏羅帳。

While the red candle burned in the dampair, 壯年聽雨客舟中,

In middle age, travelling by boat on ariver, 江南雲低,

I listened the rain falling, falling, 斷雁叫西風。

The river was wide and clouds driftedabove,

I heard the solitary cry of a teal borne inthe west wind.

And now in a cloister cell I hear the rainagain, 而今聽雨僧寮下,

My hair is grey and sparse; Sadness andhappiness, 鬢已蕭蕭也。

Separation and reunion, seem all one. 悲歡離合總無情,

They move no more. L et the rain drop allnight on the 一任階前,

Deserted pavement till the day dawns. 點滴到天明。


19. While Journeying 客中行

The delicious wine of Lanling is golden hueand flavors. 蘭陵美酒鬱金香,

Come, fill my precious glass, and let itglow in amber! 玉碗盛來琥珀光。

If you can make me drunk, my host, it isenough, 但使主人能醉客,

No longer shall I know the sorrow of astrange land. 不知何處是他鄉。


006 夢想和愛,全力以赴

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