

奧運會就快開始了。了解一下奧運文化吧。摘錄:英語加油吧(www.english918.com)奧運會形象  奧運會形象是奧運會的精髓,也是全世界人民共同的思想和情感。奧運會形象源自視覺的,或文字的,抑或圖文並茂的要素(如一個字、一個標誌、一種符號、一種設計、一條術語或是所有這些的結合體),播散著奧運會和奧運健將們的風采與形象,承載著他們的殷切期望和遐想,是奧運會的核心品牌或信息。

Olympic Image

  The core essence of the Olympic Games as it is found in the thoughts and emotions of people around the world. The core brand or message of the Olympic Games, stemming from elements that are either visual or verbal or both (e.g., a word, a mark, a symbol, a design, a term, or a combination of these) that communicate the identity and the image of the Olympic Games and the Olympic athletes, and that convey a set of expectations of and associations with the Olympic Games and the Olympic athletes.



Olympic Symbol

  The five Olympic rings used alone, in one or in several colours. The emblem of five interlocking rings that represents the Olympic Movement and the Olympic Games, which is the trademarked property of the IOC. The official design as deposited at the IOC headquarters. The Olympic symbol represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of athletes from throughout the world at the Olympic Games. All rights to the Olympic symbol belong exclusively to the IOC.



Olympic Anthem

  That Anthem approved by the IOC at its 55th Session in 1958 in Tokyo, the core of which has been deposited at the IOC headquarters.奧運格言奧林匹克格言 「更快、更高、更強」,是國際奧委會傳遞給所有參與奧林匹克運動的人員的信息,鼓勵他們發揮奧林匹克精神,奮發圖強、不斷進取。

Olympic Motto

  「Citius. Altius. Fortius.」 Often translated as 「Swifter, Higher, Stronger,」 the Olympic motto expresses the message which the IOC addresses to all who belong to the Olympic Movement, inviting them to excel in accordance with the Olympic spirit.火炬接力火炬接力部門負責設計和組織奧林匹克聖火從希臘的奧林匹亞到奧運會舉辦國,以及環繞國內,最後抵達奧林匹克體育場的火炬傳遞路線和相關活動。組委會可以成立專門部門。

Torch Relay

  The Torch Relay area is responsible for the planning and activities related to the passage of the Olympic flame from Olympia in Greece to and around the host country, up to the Olympic stadium. The OCOG may establish a functional area dealing with Torch Relay


城市,震撼景觀的集大成者——麥加 與 麥地那

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