2015年米蘭世博會Expo Milano 2015

Expo Milano 20152015年米蘭世博會


譯/晏向榮 審訂/鄢宏福

The Theme: Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life主題:滋養地球,生命能源

「Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life」 is the theme at the center of the event. It is the common thread that runs through all the events organized both inside and outside of the Exhibition Site. Expo Milano 2015 will be an opportunity to reflect upon and find solutions to the contradictions of our world: on one hand there are still the hungry (approximately 870 million under?nourished people in 2010–2012) and on the other hand there are those who die from health ailments linked to poor nutrition and too much food (approximately 2.8 million deaths from diseases related to obesity or being overweight). In addition, every year, about 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted. For these reasons it helps to make conscious political choices, develop sustainable lifestyles and use cutting-edge technologies that will be able to find a balance between the availability and the consumption of resources. The reflection on the theme is transformed into a time of sharing and celebration, involving meetings, live events and perfor?mances with the presence of the mas?cot Foody and the happy characters who accompany him. Every aspect, every moment, every participant of Expo Milano 2015 defines and interprets the chosen theme, Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. 「滋養地球,生命能源」是本屆世博會的主題,是貫穿園區內外一切活動的主線。2015年米蘭世博會讓我們有機會反思這個世界存在的種種矛盾,並尋求解決之道:一方面,依然有人食不果腹(2010—2012年間,約有8.7億人營養不良);另一方面,還有人因為營養失衡及攝食過多導致的疾病而喪生(約有280萬例死亡是由肥胖或超重相關的疾病導致的)。此外,每年大約有13億噸食物被白白浪費。基於以上原因,做出明智的政治抉擇,培養可持續發展的生活方式,採用尖端技術在資源供給與消耗之間尋求平衡,才會改善現狀。對於這一主題的思考將化作一段分享與慶祝的時光,包括各種會議、現場活動和節目表演,吉祥物福迪和它快樂的夥伴們將一直陪伴我們。2015年米蘭世博會的每一個環節、每一個時刻、每一位參與者都在定義和詮釋這一既定的主題:滋養地球,生命能源。


China』s Theme: Land of Hope, Food for Life 中國館主題:希望的田野,生命的源泉

[6] China』s theme captures an at?titude of thankfulness, respect and cooperation that characterizes its people: the land has fed man from its beginnings and hope suggests the prospect of a future where food can offer life to everyone. 中國館的主題體現了中國人民一以貫之的感恩、尊重與合作的態度:自古以來,土地一直滋養著人類,希望意味著未來人人有飯吃。

[7] Agriculture, food, environ?ment, sustainable development are the focal points of China』s participa?tion in Expo Milano 2015. Its aim is to recall the tenet of Chinese philoso?phy that 「man is part of nature,」 and to illustrate its cultural traditions and progress in the areas of agriculture, showcasing the great strides made in the use of resources for providing a sufficient supply of good and healthy food. 農業、食品、環境、可持續發展是中國參加2015年米蘭世博會的中心議題。其目標在於重申中國哲學的信條「天人合一」,闡釋中國的文化傳統以及在農業領域所取得的進展,展示在利用資源提供充足的優質健康食品方面取得的重大進步。

[8] The underlying theme is the pursuit of balance between mankind and the environment, between hu?manity and nature. Just as the farmer looks after and protects the earth, so must people care for the planet. 潛在的主題是追求人與環境、人類與自然之間的平衡。正如農民呵護土地一樣,我們也應當關愛地球。


The Mascot 吉祥物

[11] The Expo Milano 2015 mas?cot, Foody, embodies the key themes of the event in a way that』s upbeat, original and powerful. Foody is hon?est, wise, respectful and a real fan of healthy, tasty food. Foody also stands for community, diversity and food in the broadest sense, as a source of life and energy. So it makes sense that the Expo mascot be a family of eleven members, each having their own unique personalities: real characters in their own right, and expressed as a single face. They represent an ideal synergy between those countries in the world who must address the planet』s food challenges, positively and energetically, and united as a true family. 2015年米蘭世博會吉祥物福迪樂觀、新奇、強健,正體現了此次世博會的主題。福迪誠實,睿智,尊重他人,還是健康美味食物的忠實粉絲。福迪還代表了分享、多樣性和最廣義的食物,食物是生命和能量之源。因此,不難理解世博會吉祥物是由11位成員組成的家庭,每個成員都有獨特的個性:各自是獨立的個體,共同組成了一張笑臉。它們代表的是理想中世界各國的同心協力,各國必須積極主動,像一個真正的家庭一樣聯合起來,應對全球食品挑戰。

[12] The mascot characters are: Guagliò, the Garlic – Arabella, the Orange – Josephine, the Banana – Gury, the Watermelon – Pomina, the Apple – Max Maize, the Blue Corn – Manghy, the Mango – Rodolfo, the Fig – Piera, the Pear – Rap Brothers, the Radishes – Chicca, the Pome?granate. 吉祥物成員分別是:大蒜Guagliò,橙子Arabella,香蕉Josephine,西瓜Gury,蘋果Pomina,藍玉米MaxMaize,芒果Manghy,無花果Rodolfo,梨Piera,蘿蔔Rap Brothers和石榴Chicca。

The Institutional Logo 會徽

[13] The three primary colors, yellow, blue and magenta are merged in the institutional logo to create a blend of colorful shades. Four letters (EXPO) and four numbers (2015) are superimposed to create a single form. The institutional logo of Expo Milano 2015 was chosen following a competi?tion that saw numerous students from art and design, fashion, industrial design, advertising and graphic de?sign schools taking part. The winning entry by Andrea Puppa, was chosen from 710 entries. With the logo the designer wanted to represent light and life, with its different forms of energy, symbolized by the meeting and over-laying of colors.會徽的三種基本色調是黃色、藍色和品紅色,融合形成色彩斑斕的效果。四個字母(EXPO)分別與四個數字(2015)疊加,合而為一。2015年米蘭世博會會徽的選定經過激烈競爭,眾多來自藝術設計、時裝、工業設計、廣告和平面設計專業院校的學生踴躍投稿。安德烈亞·普帕的作品從710幅參賽作品中勝出。在會徽中,設計師想通過色彩的交疊來展現光和生命及其不同形態的能量。







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