
歡迎您到白宮 The President opens the door to the Oval Office for visitors.主席打開了大門在白宮橢圓形辦公室的訪客。

最艱難的工作 , 世界 Obama gathers his thoughts during a meeting with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.奧巴馬收集他的思想在會見財政部副部長蓋特納。 He often spends several moments in silent reflection before making a decision.他經常花一些時間在沉默的思考,然後作出決定。

晚上會議 This shot was taken in late January, shortly after Obama"s term began.這個鏡頭是在1月下旬後不久,奧巴馬的任期開始。

第一天工作 The President stands behind his desk on January 21.主席站在了他的台1月21日。

檢查出來 First Lady Michelle Obama visits the President in his office on the first day of his term, as Barack speaks with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.第一夫人米歇爾奧巴馬訪問主席在他的辦公室的第一天,他的任期,因為巴拉克說話新聞秘書羅伯特吉布斯。

阿生活博物館 Obama stops to admire a painting in the Blue Room of the White House.奧巴馬停止欣賞一幅畫在藍室白宮。

傢具 The President returns a chair to its place after a meeting in the Oval Office.主席返回自己的位置主席舉行會談後在白宮橢圓形辦公室。

嘎拉 Michelle Obama checks over her husband before receiving guests at the Obamas" first formal affair, the Governor"s Dinner, held at the White House in February.米歇爾奧巴馬檢查了她的丈夫在接受客人在Obamas "第一次正式的事情,總督的晚餐,舉行了在白宮在2月。

會景餐廳 The President turns to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Joe Biden before giving his address to a joint session of lawmakers on February 24.主席輪流眾議院議長佩洛西和副總統拜登之前的講話一次聯合會議的議員於2月24日。

午餐 Biden joins Obama in the private dining room of the West Wing.拜登與奧巴馬在包房的西翼。 If they are both in town, the two men meet for lunch once each week.如果他們都在城裡,兩個男人滿足午餐每周都有。

亂堆 Gibbs listens to Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel as Obama reads a document in the Oval Office on St. Patrick"s Day.吉布斯聽總參謀長拉姆伊曼紐爾作為奧巴馬內容的文件在白宮橢圓形辦公室的聖帕特里克節。

四分衛 The President often palms a football or basketball while thinking or during breaks between meetings with staff.主席經常手掌的足球或籃球,而思想,或在休息與工作人員之間的會議。

聊天的爸爸 Sasha Obama visits her father in the Oval Office.薩莎奧巴馬訪問她的父親在白宮橢圓形辦公室。 Obama congratulated her on her ability to navigate the building while he was still getting lost.奧巴馬錶示祝賀,她對她的能力建設,同時瀏覽他仍然迷失。

課餘 Amid a day packed with events, Obama runs into Michelle and Malia on the ground floor of the residence.由於每天擠滿了活動,運行到米歇爾奧巴馬和馬利亞在地面層的居住地。 Obama speaks often about the relief his family provides from the stresses of the job.奧巴馬說話常常對他的家庭提供救濟的壓力來自就業。

龍表 Under a portrait of President Abraham Lincoln, Obama meets with the Congressional Black Caucus in the State Dining Room.根據畫像的林肯總統,奧巴馬會見美國國會黑人議員團在該國餐廳。

回顧歷史 On an early tour of the White House residence, Obama stops outside the State Dining Room to consider Aaron Shikler"s famous portrait of John F. Kennedy.早日參觀白宮官邸,奧巴馬停止國之外餐廳考慮亞倫Shikler著名的畫像約翰肯尼迪。

紅房間 The President checks the time before giving a nationally televised press conference on March 24.主席檢查前的時間使全國電視新聞發布會於3月24日。

健康 A classified briefing awaits Obama in his private dining room just outside the Oval Office, along with cheese, crackers and a pear.一份機密簡報等待奧巴馬在他的包房外的橢圓形辦公室,以及乳酪,餅乾和梨子。 On this day, Obama was running late so his first course had been wrapped.在這一天,奧巴馬晚點了,所以他的第一期培訓班已經結束。

周末 A Roosevelt Room budget discussion called for a Sunday is attended by, among others, Chief of Staff Emanuel, Treasury Secretary Geithner and Council of Economic Advisers Chair Christina Romer.阿羅斯福室預算討論呼籲星期日是出席,其中包括總參謀長以馬內利,財政部副部長蓋特納和經濟顧問委員會主席克里斯蒂娜羅默。

口袋 The President stands with Biden and Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett before an event in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.主席站在拜登和高級顧問瓦萊麗賈勒特事件之前的艾森豪威爾行政辦公樓。

總司令 Military personnel applaud Obama and Biden after they depart a briefing in "The Tank", the secure Joint Chiefs of Staff conference room inside the Pentagon.軍事人員的讚揚奧巴馬和拜登離開後,他們介紹的「坦克」 ,安全參謀長聯席會議會議室裡面五角大樓。

面對面 Obama talks with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after meeting with Democratic Congressional Leaders on a budget proposal in the Cabinet Room.奧巴馬與眾議院議長南希佩洛西會晤後與民主黨國會領袖的預算提案在內閣會議室。

注 The President goes over changes he has made in a speech he will give to Congress with speechwriter Jon Favreau.主席不用了變化,他已經在一次講話中,他將與國會的演講喬恩Favreau 。

屋子 Lawmakers greet the President before his joint address to Congress.議員迎接總統在他向國會聯合處理。

公寓 A portrait of Ulysses S. Grant hangs in Obama"s private office, where he often adjourns in the evening to work.畫像由尤利西斯格蘭特掛在奧巴馬的私人辦公室,在那裡,他經常在晚上暫停工作。 In this photo, he reads a selection of the letters he receives every day from people around the country.此照片中,他讀的選擇字母,他每天都收到來自全國各地的人民。

回復 Obama handwrites answers to many of the letters himself.奧巴馬handwrites答覆的許多信件本人。

一起 The President and First Lady are briefed by Valerie Jarrett before an event with the National Newspaper Publishers Association.總統和第一夫人普拉姆是聽取了前一個事件賈勒特的全國性報紙出版商協會。

潤色 Obama allows his tie to be adjusted before the Governor"s Dinner.奧巴馬讓他配合加以調整前總督的晚宴。

座點陣圖 This arrangement displays the locations of the guests at a luncheon for television anchors.這項安排顯示的地點,客人在一個午餐會上電視主播。

客人 The President greets California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver before the Governor"s Dinner.主席歡迎美國加利福尼亞州州長阿諾德施瓦辛格和夫人瑪麗亞施賴弗在總督的晚宴。

矩 Music at the Governor"s Dinner was provided by the group Earth, Wind and Fire.音樂總督的晚餐提供了集團地球,風和火。

地點 A staffer prepares Obama"s seating card at the Governor"s Dinner.阿工作人員準備奧巴馬的座位卡總督的晚宴。

回家 The Obamas return to the residence after the Governor"s Dinner.該Obamas返回居住地後,總督的晚宴。

在遊戲中 This photograph was taken at the end of Obama"s first month in office.這張照片是在結束奧巴馬的第一個月辦公室。

顧問 Obama meets with his inner circle: Chief of Staff Emanuel, Senior Adviser David Axelrod, Press Secretary Gibbs, Deputy Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer and Legislative Affairs Advisor Phil Schiliro.奧巴馬會見他內圈:總參謀長伊曼紐爾高級顧問大衛阿克塞爾羅德,吉布斯新聞秘書,副主任丹法伊弗通信和立法事務顧問菲爾Schiliro 。

在國會山 Senators Dick Durbin and Harry Reid talk with the President.參議員德賓和里德跟總統。

戰鬥指揮官 During this meeting, the President asked each officer present his views.在本次會議上,主席請各幹事提出他的意見。

沉默是金 All who enter the Oval Office, Roosevelt Room and Cabinet Room are asked to leave their mobile devices in baskets like these, stationed around the West Wing.所有誰進入白宮橢圓形辦公室,羅斯福室和內閣房間的要求離開他們的移動設備在籃子喜歡這些,駐紮在西翼。

安息 The economy and the Joint Session speech are the focus of this meeting.經濟和聯合會議講話的重點是本次會議。



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