

10招讓你看起來更自信(二)6. Know that skin and hair care are really important. Don"t forget it. Make sure to always clean your skin, take a shower everyday and get rid of pimples. Wash your hair twice a week and make sure it really smells good.保護好頭髮和皮膚很重要。永遠保持自己的皮膚乾淨,每周至少洗兩次頭髮。7.Pamper yourself. Take a bubble bath, splurge on a new perfume or outfit, get a manicure. If you set aside some time out of your busy week to do these things, you will feel good, and when you feel good, you feel more confident.縱容自己。洗個泡泡浴,用一款新的香水,買一套新的衣服,修指甲,每周話一點時間做這些事,讓你感覺很開心。8.Let yourself know how beautiful you are. Stop in front of the mirror and smile, see how good you look with your new clothes and nice skin and hair, tell you how pretty you look, how smart and good-looking you are. Look at photos of yourself. Often this will give you a kinder perception of the person you really are.告訴自己你是最漂亮的。站在鏡子前微笑,看看自己過么美麗。看看自己的照片,這些都會讓你提升自信。9.Don"t try to be someone you"re not; be your own beauty. 不要嘗試不適合自己的風格,你就是你,找到自己的風格。10.Having "inner beauty" is just as important as being outwardly beautiful. Being beautiful on the inside will show you are a very special girl not worth losing. 擁有內在美和外在美同樣重要。讓身邊的人感受到你的與眾不同的美麗。

【學案】第二課 揚起自信的風帆

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