
這兩組圖片是俄羅斯宇航員Fyodor Yurchikhin從國際空間站拍攝的地球圖片。他曾三次到達太空。2002 他乘坐STS-112到達太空,第二次是在 2007 年,最後一次在2010 年。以下圖片都是他在太空中拍攝的,有些圖片知道具體的地理位置,遺憾的是,有一部分不知道具體地點。內容主要是火山、沙漠、天空、城市和島嶼等。圖片極具震撼力。

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Volcano casting shadow Triggerpit staff: 「Chimney to the underworld.」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Volcano in North America Triggerpit staff: 「But which one is it? Suggestions? 「From Jacob in comments below 」 Mt. St. Helens. You can tell by the horse-shoe shaped crater and the lava dome in the center of the crater.」 Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Twirling cloud formations Triggerpit staff: 「The eyes of mother Earth. These formations must have been incredible to experience from the ISS (like all the other fantastic photos).」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Brasila Triggerpit staff: 「A very clear photograph of the Capital of Brazil. If you live there, do you see your house?」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin:Richat Structure The so-called Richat Structure is a geological formation in the Maur Adrar Desert in the African country of Mauritania. Although it resembles an impact crater, the Richat Structure formed when a volcanic dome hardened and gradually eroded, exposing the onion-like layers of rock. Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Volcano Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Washington DC Triggerpit staff: 「Out proud nation』s capital, where all the important people sit and decide about the faith of the world. It is too bad they are bickering so much lately since nothing gets done. Perhaps if they took time and enjoyed the beauty of planet Earth for a moment they might finally realize all the politics mean very little. We are but a glitch in history. Find time to make the most of it.」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Coast of Australia Triggerpit staff: 「The waves break on to shore and from above we glance another angle of how beautiful the planet is.」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Cape Canaveral Triggerpit staff: 「The very familiar start pads at Cape Canaveral. We are very, very sad that the shuttle program has been retired. We truly hope the new space programs will ensure that all the incredible NASA staff will continue to get a chance to advance our horizons.」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Chicago Triggerpit staff: 「The windy city beautiful as always. Great food, great people, great city.」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Irrigation circles in the desert Triggerpit staff: 「Must be between seasons as they circles are not green.」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Somewhere in Africa Triggerpit staff: 「Somewhere in Africa indeed, but where? We need help from you. Let us know your guess.」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Alaska Glacier Triggerpit staff: 「We know this is Alaska, but where in Alaska? More help is needed to find this spectacular place.」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Triggerpit staff: 「We can』t really make this one out. An island? Or perhaps a valley?」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Kobalt blue water Triggerpit staff: 「With color like that the water must be clean and freezing. We have no clue as to where it is. 「Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Fire in the US Triggerpit staff: 「Incredible on how much smoke wildfires produce. This is somewhere in North America. 「Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: A final Kamchatka Volcano Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Towards the stars Triggerpit staff: 「We really like this photo where the 『Progress』Soyuzcapsule is leaving. It feels like they are heading out into deep space. We are very jealous.」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Dunes Triggerpit staff: 「The dunes are shaped like sand spiders, or cracks on the planet. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Triggerpit staff: 「Another mysterious Island.」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Triggerpit staff: 「More and more, but they all are insanely beautiful. 「Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Triggerpit staff: 「Are these islands or reefs? The color combinations are outstanding.」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

Spectacular photos by Cosmonaut Yurchikhin: Triggerpit staff: 「This island is also spectacular but even more so, the waves creating visible wrinkles. It looks almost surreal. Like it』s floating in space.」Photo Credit: Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and the Russian Space Agency Press Services

如果用聲音反映地球 45 億年的歷史,人類文明只有「嘀」的一聲

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