
新目標七上Unit 10-12複習題

一、短語翻譯:1. 下棋 ___________ 2. 踢足球________3. 最喜歡的顏色_______4. Tom的書包__________5.加入音樂俱樂部____________6.彈吉它 _______________7.音樂節______________ 8.少許的___________7.游泳俱樂部 ______________8.說英語 _____________10. 去上學__________12. 起床 __________13. 淋浴 __ 14.吃早餐 ___15. 刷牙 _________16. 上班 17. 坐17路車 18. 整晚 ________19. 到家 20.做作業 21. 看晨間電視22.我的最喜歡的科目 23.長達兩小時 24.上數學課25.下課後 26.在星期二二、選擇題。( )1. Let』s go and play ____ ping-pong. I don』t want to play _____ violin.A. a, the B. the, a C. X, the( )2. Who wants _______ the swimming club?A. to joins B. join C. to join( )3. It』s time _____ lunch.A. to B. for C. have( )4. Maybe he can _______ in their basketball team.A. is B. be C. are( )5. I can』t sing Japanese songs very ____.A. well B. much C. good( )6. _______ club do you like?A. What B. Which C. Where( )7. I can speak English, but _____.A. very much B. a lot C. not much( )8. Please spell this word ______ English.A. in B. at C. with( )9. They help me ______ Japanese.A. in B. withC. on( )10. A:Can you swim? B: Yes, I ______.A. am B. do C. can( )11. Are you good ________ kids?A. with B. at C. for( )12. If you want to know that, please all _____ 622-6033.A. by B. at C. for( )13. A: ________ do you join the club? B: I like music.A. What B. Where C. Why( )14. We want two good musicians __________ our rock band.A. for B. in C. at( )15.---What』s favourite sport? ---He likes 「Hikers」.A.he B.him C. his D.Jim( )16.---I don』t have English novels. Can you lend(借) to me? ---Sure.A.any;some B.some;any C.some;some D.any;any( )17.---Do you often go to the shop Sunday morning? ---No,we .A.on;don』t B.on;do C.at;don』t D.at;do( )18.--- is it today? ---It』s Monday.A.When B.What time C.What D.What day( )19.---When he have P.E? ---He it on Wendesday.A.does;have B.does;has C.is;is have D.is;has( )20.My mother』s favourite is red.A.friend B.teacher C.subject D.color( )21.The girl』 doesn』t like science,becsause it』s ______ .A.boring B.relaxing C.interesting D.fun( )22.He doesn』t history because it』s no fun.A.want to learn B.want learn C.want learning D.to want to learn( )23.Biology is and the teacher makes me .A.tired;boring B.boring;tired C.boring;boring D.tired;tired( )24.It』s today. It』s my birthday.A.Wednesday,April 10th B.May,4th,FridayC.7th September,Sunday D.Monday,5th,May三、用what ,who,when,why,how old,how much填空1.---______day is it today? ---It』s Monday.2.---______is your birthday? ---It』s May,25,3.---_______are you? ---I』m 10 years old.4.---______is your favourite sport? ---Swimming.5.---______is your music teacher? ---Miss Ye.6.--- ______do you get up in the morning? ---At six.7.---______are these shoes? ---Thirty-five dollars.8.---______do you like P.E.? ---Because it』s exciting.9.---______can you do ? ---I can paint.10.---______year were you born? ---I was born in 1995.四、用所給的單詞的適當形式填空。1. ---Why ______you ______(like) science?---Because it』s fun.2. ---Why ______he ______(like) math?---Because it』s ______and he is ______ in it.(interesting)3.---When ______you ______(have)math?---I ______(have)math every day.4.He ______(have) P.E. on Tuesday.5.Our music teacher is very strict and he ______(made) me very tired.五、完形填空。Dear Annie,Thank you for your letter.I』m glad you like your school.I go to school from Monday to Friday.We have four 1 inthe morning and two in the afternoon.We have 2 to do after class. 3 Monday and Wednesday afternoon we 4 sports.On Tuesday afternoon 5 of us have 6 singing class.And on Thursday afternoon some have a 7 class.On Friday afternoon we practise 8 English.My Chinese friends would like 9 with me in English.They think I am like an English teacher.Isn』t it great?On Sundays and Saturdays I don』t go to school.Very often I go to the parks and have a good time 10 my family there.( )1.A.classes B.lesson C.class D.grade( )2.A.anything B.any things C.many things D.many thing( )3.A.To B.In C.On D.At( )4.A.has B.have C.having D.to have( )5.A.any B.one C.some D.the other one( )6.A.a B.an C. the D.some( )7.A.draw B.draws C.to draw D.drawing( )8.A.speak B.speaks C.speaking D.to speak( )9.A.talk B.talks C. to talk D.talking( )10.A.for B.with C.at D.in六、選詞填空。under, play, on, that, city, Brown, big, bed, then, buyMr brown and his family are inShanghainow.Shanghai andHangzhouare Mr Brown』s favourite . Sunday, they don』t have a breakfast,only milk and eggs.After , they all go to a park(公園).First they go swimming in the lake, they eat lunch the trees. In the afternoon , Son and Daughter tennis. Mr and Mrs Brown play chess. At around five o』clock, Mrs Brown apples or ice cream from the shop. Apples are Mrs favourite fruit.They have dinner at home.Then they go to .七.完成句子。1. 你會畫畫嗎?不,我不會。 ________ you ________? No, I ________.2. 他會中國功夫。 He can ________ ________ kung fu.3. 來展示給我們看吧! Come and ________ ________!4. 你唱歌唱得好嗎? ________ you ________ ________?5. 你想參加什麼俱樂部? _________ ________ do you want ________ ___?6. 我想參加音樂俱樂部。 I want ________ ________ the ________ club.7. 她會彈鋼琴。 She can ________ ________ ________.8. 他們需要一些幫助。 They ________ some ________.9. 你會唱歌或跳舞嗎? Can you ________ ________ ________?10. 你能幫助孩子們(學)游泳嗎? Can you ________ kids ________ ________?11. 請打電話622-6033找張衡。Please _____ Zhang Heng ________ 622-6033.12. 來加入我們吧! Come and ________ ________!13. 我們的搖滾樂隊需要兩名好的音樂家。We ________ two good ________ ________ our ________ ________.14.你通常幾點起床?_______ _______ do you usually get up?15.她通常八點去學校。She _________ ________ to school at eight __________.16.他整夜工作。He ___________ _________ ___________.17.吃早餐的時間是多麼愉快啊!_____ _______ _____ ____ to eat _______!18.人們通常何時吃晚飯?_______ ________ _________ usually have dinner?19.你想知道我早上在做什麼嗎?Do you ____ ____ ______ _____ _____ ___?20.她通常在6:45分左右做作業。She usually ______ homework at ______ 6:45.21.Miss Li is very (嚴格)with us.八、讀寫綜合:閱讀對話,根據對話內容,完成後面的日課表.Susan: Look! This is our classroom. We have most of our classes here, like Chinese, English, Math, geography, hand work and so on.Linda: How many classes do you have every week?Susan: Er…,let me see. We have five English classes, five Chinese classes, four science, five math, P.E., two geography, three politics(政治),one music, one drawing, one computer and one .So we have 30 classes in a week.Linda: Do you have English lesson every day?Susan: Yes, of course.Linda: Do you have your music and computer classes here, too?Susan: Of course. we have a music classroom, a computer classroom and an art classroom. go and have a look.AItemMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday1MathChineseScienceChinese2MathEnglishScienceEnglish3ChinesePoliticsEnglishChineseEnglish4GeographyComputerMathNoon Break5ScienceGeographyMathMathPolitics6PoliticsDrawingP.E.HandworkB)請根據下列信息介紹一下安娜在學校的課程和她對課程的喜好,至少8句話。TimeSubjectLikes or dislikes8:00---9:00EnglishInteresting9:00---10:00MathBoring10:00---11:00ChineseRelaxing11:00---12:00biologydifficult

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