加拿大技術移民重新開放 24項職業年收5000申請

加拿大移民部今天(周四,4月18日)宣布5月4日將重開的聯邦技術移民計劃細節:24項職業可申請(見下面附表),年收5000份申請,每類職業限300份。 申請人英語聽說讀寫均需CLB 7級以上,遞交材料前學歷需先在加拿大指定的4組織認證。  據悉,加拿大聯邦技術移民將於5月4日重啟,移民部的新聞稿指出了以下幾點:  1、申請人的職業需在限定的24項職業類別之中。  2、這24項職業總共只收5000份申請,其中每個類別的上限僅300份申請;  3、有4個組織有資格為申請人提供學歷認定(educational credential assessments,簡稱ECA );  4、申請人需滿足一定的語言要求,具體為Canadian Language Benchmark 7級以上(聽說讀寫均需7分以上)  5、新的技術移民審批過程大概將花一年時間。    可以申請加拿大技術移民的24項職業列表(前面的符號為國際職業分類編號):  0211 Engineering managers  1112 Financial and investment analysts  2113 Geoscientists and oceanographers  2131 Civil engineers  2132 Mechanical engineers  2134 Chemical engineers  2143 Mining engineers  2144 Geological engineers  2145 Petroleum engineers  2146 Aerospace engineers  2147 Computer engineers (except software engineers/designers)  2154 Land surveyors  2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers  2243 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics  2263 Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety  3141 Audiologists and speech-language pathologists  3142 Physiotherapists  3143 Occupational Therapists  3211 Medical laboratory technologists  3212 Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists" assistants  3214 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists  3215 Medical radiation technologists  3216 Medical sonographers  3217 Cardiology technicians and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists, n.e.c. (not elsewhere classified)


TAG:移民 | 職業 | 技術 | 加拿大 | 技術移民 | 申請 | 開放 | 5000 |