原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:不曾回憶 轉載請註明出處論壇地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-442869-1-1.html【日期】2017年5月22日
U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, left, talks to Japanese Minister of Trade and Industry Hiroshige Seko prior to a joint press conference held on the sideline of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ( APEC)"s 23rd Ministers responsible for Trade Meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam, on Sunday. Photo: Reuters周日,在越南河內的第23屆亞太經合組織(APEC)貿易部長會議召開前,美日舉行了聯合記者招待會,美國貿易代表Robert Lighthizer(左)和日本經濟產業省大臣Hiroshige Seko(右)談話圖片來源:路透社Japan and other members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreed on Sunday to pursue their trade deal without the United States as the Trump administration"s「America First」 policy created tension at a meeting of Asia-Pacific countries.儘管美國退出了TPP談判,且特朗普政府的「美國優先」政策在亞太國家間會議上引起了緊張局勢,但是日本及其他成員周日達成共識,仍將推進TPP協定。Turmoil over global trade negotiations was laid bare at a meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, which failed to agree on its usual joint statement after U.S. opposition to wording on fighting protectionism.在亞太經合組織論壇的會議上,美國沒有使用「反對貿易保護主義」的措辭,引起了與會國對全球貿易磋商的焦慮,以至無法達成往屆發表共同聲明的慣例。The meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam, was the biggest trade gathering since U.S. President Donald Trump upended the old order, arguing that multilateral free-trade agreements were costing American jobs and that he wanted to cut new deals.自特朗普總統認為多邊自由貿易協定減少了美國的工作機會,推翻舊規則,尋求新協定以來,本屆亞太經合組織會議是規格最高的貿易商談會議。On the sidelines of the meeting, the 11 remaining countries of the TPP agreed to explore how they could move ahead without erstwhile leader the United States, partly in the hope that Washington would reconsider leaving.會場外,TPP余留的11國同意探討在昔日推動者美國推出後,如何推進該協議,也有讓美國重新考慮退出的考量。New U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said there was no way back and he believed there would be a series of bilateral agreements with countries in the region.新任美國貿易代表Robert Lighthizer稱美國無意重回TPP,他相信美將與該地區國家達成一系列雙邊協定。[copy]A statement from Lighthizer said that free trade required the tackling of "trade-distorting measures" that have led to"massive U.S. trade imbalances" in the region -- a possible reference to China"s trade surplus, which was nearly $350 billion in 2016.該貿易代表的一份聲明中稱自由貿易需要的「貿易紛爭解決機制」已導致了該地區「巨量的美國貿易不均衡」--可能暗指中國對美的貿易順差,2016年已近3500億美元。"I look forward to working with our trade partners to expand U.S. export market access and address persistent unfair trade practices," the 69-year-old Reagan-era trade negotiator said.這名69歲的里根時代的貿易談判專家稱:「希望與貿易夥伴合作尋求擴大美國市場出口機會,糾正不公平的貿易慣例。」Although the TPP members kept the trade agreement alive, they fell short of a wholehearted commitment to advance immediately with a deal that members also see as a way to contain an increasingly dominant China.考慮到希望吸納日益居於主導地位的中國,TPP成員國儘管維持著談判,卻也沒真心打算立刻通過一份協議。"We"re focused on how we can move ahead with 11 countries," New Zealand Trade Minister Todd McClay said.紐西蘭貿易部長Todd McClay表示「我們專註於剩餘11國如何前行。」One of the biggest challenges is keeping on board Vietnam and Malaysia, which signed up for the deal and promised to make major reforms largely to gain better U.S. market access.目前最大的挑戰之一是如何讓越南和馬拉西亞留在陣營里,他們加入TPP,承諾深入改革就是為了有機會更好的參與進美國市場。[/copy]"We will need to ensure that our interests remain protected and the benefits derived from it still outweigh the costs," Malaysian Trade Minister Mustapa Mohamed said.馬來西亞貿易部長Mustapa Mohamed「我們需要確保自身利益仍受保護,而且從協議中獲得的利益會超過代價。」The volume of trade between the remaining countries is barely a quarter of the level it would have been if the United States had remained in the TPP.剩餘11國間的貿易額只佔之前美國參與時的四分之一。Officials from TPP countries will meet again in Japan in July and bring proposals in November, McClay said.TPP成員國官員7月將在日本再次會晤,並於11月商討出議案。Fears of protectionism have grown under the Trump presidency and the failure of the Asia-Pacific countries to agree on their usual joint statement did nothing to quell them.由於特朗普,對貿易保護主義的擔憂已然興起,亞太國家無法達成往日的共同聲明更無助於緩解憂慮。The United States was against wording agreed by the other 20 APEC countries that supported free trade and opposed protectionism, officials at the talks said.在場的官員表示,美國反對其他20個亞太經合成員國達成共識的措辭--「支持自由貿易,反對貿易保護主義。」A statement from the Vietnamese chairman of the talks gave a"commitment to promote trade and investment liberalisation".越南的主席國聲明中改用「致力於推進自由貿易和投資。」But the only announcement from all the members was an"Actions Statement" that contained no such commitments. It mentioned topics such as sustainable growth, small businesses and technical cooperation.但所有成員國只有一份共同的「措施聲明」,其中沒有如上表述,該聲明只涉及到了可持續發展,小微企業,技術合作等內容。The wrangling is similar to what has been seen at gatherings of Group of 20 and Group of Seven financial leaders, where statements were toned down to fit with the new U.S. agenda.此次爭論與之前G20峰會和7國經融領袖會談類似,最後無不為屈就美國而將聲明措辭降低。Explaining U.S. opposition to using the word protectionism, Lighthizer said the term was being confused with the steps that were really needed to promote free trade.美貿易代表就反對使用貿易保護主義的措辭解釋說,該詞會與真正推進貿易自由需要的措施相混淆。"Our view is that we want free trade, we want fair trade, we want a system that leads to greater market efficiency throughout the world," he said.他補充道「我們的觀點是,希望自由貿易,公平貿易,尋求讓世界市場更有效率的體系。」On the sidelines of the APEC forum, Lighthizer held a series of one-on-one meetings with key partners. Those included China as well as Canada and Mexico, members of the North American Free Trade Agreement that Trump aims to renegotiate.會場外,美代表與主要合作夥伴展開了一系列一對一會談,包括中國,加拿大,還有特朗普想要與之重新商議北美自由貿易協定的墨西哥。China, putting itself forward as a global free trade champion in light of the U.S. shift, is pushing an agreement to encompass the vast majority of Asian economies. The Asia trade deal it favours is called the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.中國,接過美國大力推行全球貿易自由,正與亞洲大部分經濟體進行磋商,想要通過協定達成所謂的「區域綜合經濟夥伴關係」。
原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:不曾回憶 轉載請註明出處論壇地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-442869-1-1.htmlsangetsu03 Today 06:56 am JSTThe other ten countries have only one hope for TPP, and that is for Japan to pull out. TPP as it is now only benefits Japan, as the other ten countries are all agricultural exporters. These ten countries should tell Japan to get lost, and then rewrite TPP as it was originally drafted. This will benefit these ten countries much more than they will benefit under the current version.If Japan wants to be part of any free trade agreement, it needs to buy a dictionary and read what the definition of剩下11個國家中的10個願望只有一個,那就是日本退出。因為其他10國都是農業出口國,如今的TPP只會讓日本受益。10國應該讓日本自行退出,再讓TPP重寫至最初時的草稿版。這會比現在這樣更有益於10國。如果日本想要參與到任何自貿協定中,那應該買本字典好好學學什麼叫自由貿易。MarkX Today 07:17 am JSTSangetsu03, I agree with you. I think that the other countries were willing to allow Japan to force its way during the negotiations, all for the chance to sell in the US. That was the big prize. But, now that the US has pulled out, they should force Japan to change its stance or withdraw, because there is nothing in it for anybody, but Japan. As you said, most of the other countries all want to sell agricultural products, and Japan, and JA will not let that happen.我同意樓上的觀點。我認為以前其他國家願意在談判中向日本讓步就是為了有機會進入美國市場。這是最主要的驅動力。但如今既然美國退出了,那他們應該讓日本要麼改變態度,要麼退出,因為對剩下除了日本的人來說都無利可圖。正像樓上說的,其他國家都想要出口農產品,但日本政府,JA(譯註:日本農業協同組合連合會)都不會允許。Yubaru Today 07:39 am JSTWhile the TPP had problems the one (potential) after effect of the US pulling out, is that these countries may find themselves in the position of needing to negotiate deals with China which would spread China"s influence into more of the area than it already has.The US should be making an active effort to get these bilateral agreements in place quickly, if it wants to keep China"s influence to a minimum.自美國退出後,TPP成員國有個(潛在的)問題,那就是這些國家也許會向中國協商以達成協議,這將讓中國已然具有的影響力擴大到更多地方。美國若想將中國的影響力控制在最小程度,那應當及時與這些國家達成雙邊協議。sf2k Today 08:11 am JSTTPP is still a bad deal for people as it makes corporations able to supersede local governments especially the environment and health. This has nothing to do with trade but with control. This shows me that the countries that still want it are just as controlled by corporations. There"s nothing for people hereTPP仍是一份差勁的協定,因為它給予企業以超越地方地方政府的能力,特別是就環境和健康問題。這與貿易毫無關係,只為了提升控制力。現在這情況讓我相信這些仍想要TPP的國家已經被大企業控制了。協議對它們的人民毫無益處。[copy]gogogo Today 08:22 am JSTDespite the short comings that other posters and talked about (and I agree with) overall I"m happy for an increase in competition. Japan has way to many tariffs, protectionism and monopolies, esp. in food. Why do we run out of butter every year? Because farmers make sure it happens. I hate the control JA has over the government, anything to break up these giant scams on the Japanese people is a good thing.儘管有許多人討論這樣那樣的缺點(我也同意他們)但總的來說我高新看到日益增長的競爭。日本有重的關稅,貿易保護主義,壟斷,特別是食品行業。為什麼我們每年黃油都不夠?因為JA促使其發生。我厭惡JA超過政府的控制力。任何有助於打破這一巨大騙局的事都有利於日本人民。Aly Rustom Today 08:45 am JSTAgree with Sangetsu, MarkX, and gogogo. Either force Japan to play fair or ask them to leave. Agricultural protectionism is not the only problem. Meat and fish are another huge barrier. Beef in Japan is ridiculously expensive.Personally, I think they should scrap the TPP altogether. Remember, this trade deal was negociated in secret and there are alot of sinister things going on in it such as the reintroduction of SOFA.我同意1樓,2樓,5樓的觀點。要麼讓日本公平參與,要麼讓他們滾蛋。農業保護主義不是唯一的問題。肉類,魚類和其他巨大的貿易壁壘也是。日本牛肉貴的不可思議。個人來說,我認為他們應該全都拋棄TPP。記住,這份協定是秘密磋商的,裡面有很多有害的東西。MarkX Today 08:46 am JSTBut gogogo, the TPP agreement did nothing of the sort. It protected the Japanese agriculture industry and allowed them to keep tariffs and duties for a very long time! If it had had the desired effect, I would have been more supportive, but it wasn"t. As for favoring corporations over gov"ts, that too was frightening, but since it is such a secretive deal, we still don"t really know what it really says, which is another red flag!(2樓對5樓的回復)TPP沒有涉及這方面。它反而保護了日本農業產業,讓其可以在相當長的一段時間內保持關稅!如果TPP真有你期待的作用,那我也會更贊成一些,但它沒有。至於偏愛企業多過政府,太令人恐懼了,不過既然這是份秘密協定,我們也不知道裡面究竟寫了些什麼,這也是個危險的信號。[/copy]John Brown Today 08:53 am JSTI hope this back fires on the US. I am an American and I love America, but I love the world as a whole as well, because I am a "human" first.(Or "Earthling" if that makes more sense...) We as Americans have grown to think we are the best with few rivals. America needs to learn to play well with others and stop demanding so many things, while hardly ever giving anything in return. A little bloody nose will do America some good.But that is not to say I want China to replace and be the big brother after the US leaves either. Hopefully all countries can work it out on fair and equal terms.我希望這後院起火發生在美國。我是個美國人,我也熱愛美國,但因為我是個「人」,我更愛整個世界。(或者說是「地球的一員」,如果有助於理解的話)我們美國人從小就認為我們是最棒的,鮮少有敵手。美國人應該學習如何與他人相處,沒總要這個要那個,卻幾乎不給予回報。鼻子碰碰灰對美國也有好處。但這也不是說我就想讓中國取代美國留下的老大哥地位。期望世界各國能公平平等的解決吧。Strangerland Today 08:54 am JSTThe TPP was never a good thing for the people. It"s one of a few things that I feel Trump has gotten right.Hopefully the countries still talking about it will rework it so it doesn"t screw the little people. Because if they do, it"s a good thing. More countries need to make more agreements that bypass the US. They have shown themselves to be too volatile to work with, by their vote of Trump. We can"t be depending on them as the world economy anymore, we need to forge relationships that go around the US altogether.TPP對人民來說從不是好事,這事少有的幾件我認為特朗普做的好事了。希望仍在討論TPP的國家能夠重新審視,不要剝削平民。如果他們能這樣,那就是有益的了。更多的國家應該繞過美國達成共識。特朗普的當選顯示出了美國人的反覆無常。我們不能再將其作為世界經濟的指望了,應該拋棄全圍著美國轉的外交關係。thepersoniamnow Today 09:01 am JSTA deal that openly states it has secrets that will not be divulged to the people can"t really have been good.However if a better deal is written up that can be a good thing.But this seems to me to be mainly Japan wanting a trade deal that excludes China.一個公開承認有秘密條款,不能公之於眾的協議是不利於人民的。但如果能起草一份更好的協議也不錯。不過就我看來,似乎主要就是日本想要撇開中國的貿易協議。Dukeleto Today 09:23 am JSTI seem to remember it was Japan who kept stalling on this agreement when the US wanted it signed. With it now being just a quarter in trade volume it would have been with the US it"s a good lesson to those involved not to beat around the bush when you have a good deal in hand. What"s that saying...a bird in your hand is worth two in the bush...pun intended!我似乎還記得在美國想要通過TPP時是日本拖延的。既然如今貿易額只剩美國在時的四分之一,也是給剩下人的上的一堂課,那就是當你有好東西時,就別拐彎抹角。那話怎麼說來著,一鳥在手勝過兩鳥在林,雙關語哎。(譯註:雙關涉及到bush在兩種語境下的語義)jcapan Today 09:35 am JSTThe TPP was never a good thing for the people. It"s one of a few things that I feel Trump has gotten right.Agreed. Sure, the TPP might have resulted in cheaper produce at your local market, but at what cost. It reminds me of Americans who bemoan bad trade deals and offshoring but shop exclusively at Walmart. Why, well, b/c their prices are lowest. Back when Obama & Clinton were still pushing the TPP, Liz Warren had this to say about the bill"s worst provision, how it would allow corporations to undermine US sovereignty, allowing "foreign companies to challenge U.S. laws — and potentially to pick up huge payouts from taxpayers — without ever stepping foot in a U.S. court. Here』s how it would work. Imagine that the United States bans a toxic chemical that is often added to gasoline because of its health and environmental consequences. If a foreign company that makes the toxic chemical opposes the law, it would normally have to challenge it in a U.S. court. But with ISDS, the company could skip the U.S. courts and go before an international panel of arbitrators. If the company won, the ruling couldn』t be challenged in U.S. courts, and the arbitration panel could require American taxpayers to cough up millions — and even billions — of dollars in damages."And the democrats wonder why they"re out of power.(引用樓上贊同特朗普退出TPP的言論)同意。的確,TPP也許可以讓地方超市裡的商品變得便宜,但代價是什麼呢?這讓我想起抱怨惡劣的貿易協定,企業在境外設廠招工的美國人,然而卻獨獨在沃爾瑪買東西。為什麼呢?效益成本比決定了在他們這的價格最低。回想奧巴馬和柯林頓推行TPP時,Liz Warren就曾談論過該協定最糟糕的條款,就是它將如何允許企業踐踏美國主權,「外國企業甚至不用來美國的法院,就可以挑戰美國法律,還可能讓納稅人支付天價賠償。來想像下它如何運作。假如美國因環境和健康問題,禁止了一種經常加入到汽油中的有害化學物。如果有家製造此種化學物的企業,通常情況下它需要在美國法院提出異議。但TPP框架下的ISDS(譯註:投資者-國家爭端解決機制)允許企業跳過美國法院,先向國際爭端解決小組尋求解決。如果企業贏了,那美國法院也不得違背其裁定,而且這個國際爭端解決小組還可以要求美國納稅人支付數百萬,甚至數十億美元的損失。」而民主黨還在好奇為什麼他們喪失了影響力。John Brown Today 10:03 am JSTBecause of the Russians meddling in our voting system?Toxic chemicals you say? Who allows for lead in paint and other things to be sold to other countries so they can use it and legally sell back to the American people?(反諷)大概是俄羅斯干涉了我們的投票系統?你說有毒化學物?你以為誰允許鉛之類的東西加入到染料里以銷往其他國家以至他們可以用其生產商品再合法的賣回美國,賣給美國人的?Stewart MacDonald Today 10:15 am JSTThe principal backers and beneficiaries were US corporations and other bodies - Big Pharma etc.Scrap TPP completely. It was designed knowing China would not agree to such a scheme giving the mega-rich power to take Governments to court.TPP主要的支持者和受益者就是美國企業和其他機構,如大型製藥公司等等。完全廢除TPP吧。它本來是設想於中國不會同意一種方案,讓超級富豪有權將政府帶上被告席。elephant200 Today 10:50 am JSTThat was really absurd! Those countries were so timid to see what is real!太荒謬了!這些國家如此膽怯以至於看不清什麼是真實。
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