


I"d better get going! = I"ve got togo. 我得走了I"d like to take a rain check! 下一次吧Maybe some other time. 下一次吧Maybe some other day. 改天吧Are you hitting on her? 你在追她嗎?He"s good! 他有兩下子You spying on me? 你在窺探(跟蹤)我嗎?I didn"t mean to pry. 我不是有意剌探(事情)Don"t flatter yourself! 你少臭美了She"s a drug addict. 她是個毒蟲You"re under oath. 你發過誓了How long will it take? 要花多少時間?It can take years. 可能得花很久時間I"m gonna tickle you! 我要搔你癢了That"s a dumb idea. 真是個笨主意You got to get over it! 你必須要克服這件事Stop playing the game! 別再跟我玩遊戲了Hold it! 站住,停住Freeze! 站住He"s on parole. 他正在假釋中I"m allergic to the cat! 我對貓過敏I could"ve sworn! 我發誓(是這樣的)He"s hitching. 他搭便車I"m trying to make a point here. 我就是要把這件事說清楚He"s my suspect. I"m bringing him in. 他是我的嫌犯,我要將他逮捕歸案There"s a killer on the loose! 有個兇手正逍遙法外

She fell apart. 她崩潰了She broke down. 她崩潰了You dumb bell. 你這笨蛋Is it going to help? 這樣有用嗎? 有所助益嗎?You, quitter! 你這半途而廢的人You, loser! 你這失敗者

Can that be arranged? 可以安排一下嗎?Don"t argue. That"s the way things are. 不用爭辯了,道理本來就是這樣Not a good time? (我來得)時候不對嗎? 不方便嗎?Get the hell out of here! = You kidding me? 不會吧! 你開玩笑!Sit tight! 坐穩啦!Sleep tight! 好好睡Just be cool, all right? 冷靜點可以嗎?Welcome to the party! 來得好I"m all ears. 我洗耳恭聽You"re lying your head off! 看你臭蓋得眉飛色舞You"re the best. 你是最棒的Thank you for sharing. 謝謝你告訴我She"s giving up. 她要放棄了No good. (NG) 不好,重來He is a bum. 他是流浪漢Oh God, here we go again! 天啊,又來(這一套)了Here you go. 拿去吧,好啦Here you are. 拿去吧Here we go. 好啦I"ll take a hug. 抱一下Come on. Give me a hug! 來,抱一下It"s got to change. 事情總會改變的We"re not communicating. 雞同鴨講I feel very happy for you. 我為你感到高興I"m gonna do the sweep. 我要掃地I"m old and loose. 我已人老珠黃It"s appalling! 真嚇人It』s scary! 真可怕It"s been a nice chat, but I gotta go. 很高興跟你聊聊,可是我得走了I』m on duty! 我正在當班I"m off duty. 我下班了Spook House! 恐布屋Warp party! 殺青派對You"re not even close! 門都沒有,八字都沒一撇End of story! 說完啦!Is it all worth it? 值得嗎?Don"t insult my intelligence! 不要侮辱我的智慧Don"t give me that! 少來這套No compromises! 不妥協This』s not gonna work! 這行不通的I know it by heart. 我牢記在心She"s a big gross. 她很胖Freeze! Split your legs! 別動,把腳(腿)分開The backup will be here any minute! 支持馬上就到Knock it off! =Cut it out! 少來了,住手Cut the crap! 少來了,胡說八道What does it taste like? 嘗起來如何?Fall out! 解散I"ll find out! 我會查出真相的This isn"t easy for all of us. 這對我們來說都不好受Not a chance! =No way 不行,不可能I"m no fool, man! 老兄,我可不是傻瓜Thank you for everything. 謝謝你的一切(幫助)We bloody got him! 我們可逮到他了!That happens! 沒關係,常有這種事(這種事常發生)Do I owe her an apology? 我要向她道歉嗎?What"s the catch? 賣什麼關子? 耍什麼花招?You were saying? 你剛才說到哪兒?We"re nailed! 我們被盯上了She miscarried. 她流產了She lost her sight. 她失明了Look out! 小心Stay back! 退回去What"re you getting at? 你打啥主意?Let"s hit the trail/road! 上路吧Cat got your tongue? 說不出話了吧? 怎麼不講話呢?You got a moment? 有空嗎?You are my everything! 你是我的一切

They"ll take you out! 他們會把你幹掉Very impressive! 真厲害We"re in good shape! 我們情況還不錯He』s got balls! 他很有種He』s got guts! 他很有種You have no balls! 你沒種You』ve got no guts! 你沒種You』re gutless! 你沒種Let me get this straight. 讓我是把事情搞清楚, 講清楚Cut off this shit. 少廢話He got away with it. 他逃脫了, 開脫了Don"t get that look! 不要擺那種臉色Real bad! 真糟糕My bad! 是我的錯Let"s get down to business. 我們就開門見山吧,我們直話直說吧He』s a down-to-earth person. 他是個很實際的人What is it to you? 那關你什麼事?It"s all healed up. 痊癒了Don"t blow it. 不要搞碴了Don"t ever do that again. 不要再那樣I"m backing out. 我退出I"ll keep an eye on you. 我會盯箸你的You are a player. 你是箇中好手He"s grounded. 他被禁足了Get your ass down! 你給我下來!Get your ass out! 你給我出去!You got me. 你難倒我了That"s worth trying. 值得一試That"s so gross. 真噁心Do you think you"re so hot? 你以為自己很了不起嗎?You don"t belong here. 你不屬於這裡,你不是這塊料I owe you one. 我欠你一次It can"t be helped. 沒辦法You got to carry on. 你要撐下去Let』s hang out sometime. 我們找個時間出去混一混吧It"s kind of early. 還有點早You"re letting me down. 你讓我掃興,失望Don』t let me down. 不要讓我失望There"s no turning back. 這是不歸路Take it or leave it! 要不要?不要拉倒! 接不接受? 不要就算了!All set? =All ready? 都準備好啦?I"m really excited about this! 好剌激喔!I"m booked today. 我今天已經約滿Book him! 把他拘押I made the kid a promise. 我已經答應孩子了Is it coming back to you? 想起來了嗎?I need fifty. 我要一半What』s new? 有什麼新鮮事?You look like shit! 你看起來真狼狽Everybody"s happy! 皆大歡喜Shoot! 有話快說,有屁快放We can get through this together. 我們可以一起渡此難關You just don"t get it. 你就是不明白; 你就是不懂狀況What do you care? 關你啥事They』re brainwashed! 他們被洗腦了I"ll make it up to you. 我會補償你的He always screws around. 他老是到處鬼混You wanna play hard ball? I』m in game! 你要玩硬的,我奉陪You lost your mind? 你瘋了?Knock it off! 少來了Scum-back! 混蛋,人渣Watch your mouth! 小心你的嘴吧,說話當心點Holy hell! 天啊!Keep it between us. 不要說出去喔Where did he take her? 他帶她到哪裡去了?Don"t you ever mess with me. 別耍我Stay tuned! 別換頻道What do you think of him? 你覺得他怎麼樣?This is it? 就這樣?Dickhead! 混球,混蛋Whatever you say. 你說了算

What is it this time? 這一回又搞什麼名堂?You scare the hell /shit out of me! 你嚇死我了!I"ll see you around. 回頭見,再見It just came up. 說溜了嘴I slipped! 我說溜了嘴My alarm (clock) didn"t go off. 我的鬧鐘沒響Got a minute? 有空嗎?Take my word for it. 相信我的話I"m older and smarter. 容我倚老賣老That"s the spirit! 這才對You"ve got to let it go. 你必須忘了這件事It"s not my responsibility. 這不是我的責任It"s your option. 是你的抉擇No problem! 沒關係Holy smokes! 天啊!Holy mother! 天啊!Holy cow! 天啊!Holy shit! 天啊!You never know! 說不定呢!He kept low profile. 他保持低姿態When is it due? 什麼時候到期?When is the deadline? 什麼時候載止?I got a little bit mixed up. 我有點胡塗了I took it as a compliment. 我認為這是讚美What"s on your mind? 你心裡在想什麼? 你有什麼主意?I"m on my way. 我馬上就來The car is low in the gas. 車子快沒油了Don"t screw it with me. 少來這套You"re history! =You"re dead meat. 你完了,你死定了I can"t afford to blow this! 事情搞碴了我負不起責任You stink! 你這爛貨You jerk! 你這混球You always get what you want. 你總是有辦法得到你想要的Not all the time! 不完全是,不是每次都能得手You can"t do this all the time! 你不能老是這樣做That"s the last thing you should do. 你不該那樣做You"re looking good! 你看起來氣色不錯I can"t believe we"re doing this. 真不敢相信我們做到了Stop fussing! 不要無理取鬧You"ve made a good start. 你已經有了一個好的開始I don"t like it! 事情不妙I"m dying to see you. 我急著想跟你見面I threw up. 我吐了I"m sober. 我清醒得很It』s not doing you any good. 這對你沒啥好處I don"t know! 搞不懂!我不知道該怎麼辦!He"s available. 他在,他可以We"ve covered for you long enough. 我們幫你掩護太久了,罩太久了You sold me. =I"ll take it. 我買了Get your butt/ass over there! 你給我過去那兒!It"s not for free. 這不是免費的Can I get you something? 需要點什麼嗎?I"m paying for it! 我現在正付出代價,真是現世報!They mate for each other. 他們真是絕配

She"s getting out of control (outof hand). 她快失控了Can we talk? 我們可以談談嗎?We"ll manage. 我們自會料理Don"t you worry. 你不用擔心Everything is under control. 一切都在控制之中Take a guess. 猜猜看Just a glance. 看一下就好

She"s gonna be fine. 她不會有事的Hold it. 慢著,等等On the double! 馬上!立刻!快點!Is there anything I can do for you? 請問有何貴幹?That"s what I like. 我就是喜歡那樣That"s what I need. 正是我所需要的Leave it to me. 讓我來Got it? 懂了嗎?I mean it. 我是說真的Don"t answer the door. 不要開門I"ll be right back. 我馬上回來Why the hell didn"t you tell me? 你為什麼不告訴我呢?Turn him over to the police. 向警察檢舉他But anyway, it doesn"t matter much. 總之,不會有太大關係的

They"re all busted. 他們全都被揍了,被逮了No argument! 不必爭論How can you tell? 你怎麼知道?你怎麼看得出來?You are looking great! / You look great! 你看起來氣色很好I don"t believe this is really happening! 我不敢相信這事竟然成真了What a crap! 一派胡言,胡說八道

But don"t get the idea that… 不要誤認為…Don』t get it wrong! 不要會錯意Let"s get started. 我們開始吧,動手吧Let"s take a vote. 我們投票表決吧How"s my timing? 我時間拿捏得怎麼樣?Lock up all this area. 封鎖這一區Nothing get overlooked. 不要漏掉(忽略)任何東西What the fuck are you doing here? 你他媽的在這裡幹什麼?It"s a long shot! 這是件磨人的差事It"s not what you think! 不是你想像的那樣Don"t insult me. 不要侮辱我Nope! 不Don"t be such a child. 不要像小孩子一樣Don』t be childish! 不要孩子氣了Can we just drop it! 我們別談這件事了吧!I never felt better. 我感到再好不過了

Don"t screw this up. 不要把這事搞碴了We"ve nothing to hide. 我們沒啥好隱瞞的I almost leaked in my pants. 我差一點就連尿在褲子里Don"t insult their intelligence. 不要侮辱他們的智慧He』s a shrink. 他是心理醫師Everybody listen up! 大家聽好Not this time! = Don"t happen again! 不會又來了吧!Hess scored! 海斯成功了!There"s no God! 沒天理,皇天無眼!There』s a God! 天公有眼Take a hike! 省省吧! 得了吧!Take a walk! 省省吧! 得了吧!Get in line! 等著吧! 不必了! 省省吧!Take a number! 你省省吧! 你等著吧!

We"re on the right track. 我們走的路沒錯I don"t know what you"re getting at. 我不曉得你在賣什麼膏藥Make sure you get what you need. 要確定你要得到你所要的喔Welcome aboard. 歡迎光臨

I have nothing against you. 我對你沒意見It"s nothing personal. 這不關私人恩怨Show time! 開始啰!Let"s party! 開始啰!He"s in good hands. 他情況很好You talk as if I were some shrimp. 不要把我當作軟腳蝦Sure thing. 當然啰Not even think about it! 想都別想,門都沒有Back off! 退後Don"t you question my judgment again! 你不要再質疑我的判斷力了You"d better tell us right now! 你最好現在就實話實說Or what? 否則呢? 要不然呢?I don"t think we"re going to make it. 我不認為我們會成功Nobody walks away! 所有人都不可以離開Nobody leaves the room. 所有人都不可以離開房間Not the way I see it! =I don"t think so! 我不認為如此Use your head! 用大腦想想吧!Can you go any faster? 你能快點嗎?He"s slowing us down! 他拖累我們I owe you one! 我欠你一次You damn right you do! 你他媽的確實如此He finally asked me out. 我終於約我了Keep an eye on Webster. 小心韋伯Thank God! 謝天謝地He took off. 離開了It won"t happen again. 不會再發生這種事了Almost got all of us killed. 差點就把我們全部害死How did you lose your sight? 你怎麼失明的?I don"t know how to thank you. 我不知該如何感謝你才好I"ll never ever do you wrong again. 我不會再起不起妳了

It』s a figure of speech. 這只是個比喻而已She got a big mouth. 她是個大嘴吧She found fault with everything. 她吹毛求呲

I met her in person yesterday! 我昨天親自跟她見面了I couldn"t handle it! 我受不了,我應付不來It"s not going to work. 行不通的Who gives it a shit! 誰在乎啊?I don』t give it a damn! 我才不在乎呢!Sorry, I"m being a pest. 對不起,我越來越討人厭了Go! Piss off! 滾Send for the doctor! 去請醫師來Send them (in). 去叫他們(進來)Hold on! 等一下I"m trying to live with it. 我很無奈,得過且過

She"s the cheer leader. 她是拉拉隊隊長You got me! 你難倒我了You could"ve fooled me. 你差點唬倒我Did you ever get over it? 你熬過來了嗎?Get real! 清醒點Keep it down! 小聲點That makes the two of us. 彼此彼此I won"t be long. 我馬上回來I know you mean well. 我知道你是好意She"s a real hot dish! 她真是秀色可餐She』s some dish! 她是個美人兒I wish him a quit recovery! 我祝你早日康復Can you break a $100 bill? 一佰元你可以找得開嗎?She knows what she wants. 她知道自己要什麼There"s a hitch. 出了一點小波折/小問題Don"t give me that moral crap! 少給我來那一套道德說教What the hell is that? 那是什麼鬼東西?Doll face! 娃娃臉Baby face! 娃娃臉Lover boy! 小白臉; 男朋友It can"t be worse! 糟糕極了Sounds good to me. 聽起是不錯Don"t you get it!? She can"t stand you! 她受不了你,你不明白嗎?He"s a lifetime buddy. 他是忘年之交Sewage slime ball! 滑頭的臭混蛋!Rules are rules! 規定就是規定Have I lost ya? 你跟不上嗎?I think things got to change sometime. 我想情況總會改變的

He"s got a reputation. 他是有頭有臉的人,他是個大情人You shocked the hell out of me! 你嚇了一大跳She knocked everybody out. 她震驚四座Come on! Kill them. 給他們好看Alright, in a sec., OK? 好啦,馬上好She"s wide awake. 她清醒得很,她早就醒了Let"s draw straws. 我們來抽籤This is got to stop. 這不可再發生

Can do! 可以,行!No, not can do. 不,不行Can"t do! 不行Are you laughing at me? 你在笑我嗎?Take a number! 你等著吧!I couldn"t be happier! 我再高興不過了!Where did that come from? 說哪話? 從哪聽來的?We think he"s dirty. 我們認為他有污點/不清廉We may need this lead. 我們可能需要這條線索Back off! 退後It didn"t work out! 行不通Cut that crap! 少胡說八道No use. 沒用You have my words. 我向你保證I can tell. 我看得出來It"s not my night. 我今晚運氣不好Everything went wrong. 一切都不對勁The manager"s a real ass. 經理是個混球What a lonely feeling! 真感到凄涼This is insane. 太瘋狂了That gives me the chill. 使我毛骨悚然It"s creepy. 令人毛骨悚然It gives me the creeps. 令人毛骨悚然Carry on! 加油,加把勁He sleeps pretty sound. 他睡得很熟Well? 怎樣,如何?Let"s just drop it. 別提了That"ll explain it. 難怪; 怪不得That explains it. 難怪; 怪不得Any luck? 得手了嗎? 成了嗎?No luck! 沒有I like it here. 我喜歡這裡I"ll take care of it. 我來搞定You wouldn"t dare! 你敢!I dare you! 我向你挑戰I couldn"t believe you did that! 我不敢相信你真的做了!Jesus, it"s a massacre! 天啊,一團混亂What"s the catch? 買什麼關子,有什麼條件?This can"t be happening! 不可能的Yes, it"s happening. 但確實發生了I"ll try not to. 我盡量不要這樣You"re scaring me. 你嚇到我了It』s scary! 真恐怖!He must be close by. 他一定在附近What does it prove? 這證明了什麼?You"re never to talk about this. 你不應該談論此事I"m so sick of these people. 這些人令我嘔心It doesn"t matter. 沒關係,不重要Don"t be ridiculous! 別開玩笑了!How"s that? 怎麼會?We"re going to work it out. 我們總會想辦法的,總會解決問題的Dad always had the final say. 決定權在爸爸We"ll see what he"s got to say. 我們看看他有什麼話要說They"ll fetch you. 他們會幫你拿來I"m a wreck now. 我累死了He"s the best friend I ever had. 他是我這輩子最要好的朋友He spoke up for me. 他挺身為我說話I couldn"t get (catch) my breath. 我喘不過氣來No work, no food, no buck. 一無所有Don"t you worry! 不用擔心!You"ve slept clock around. 你已經睡了一整天了

What"s the rush? 急什麼?We"ve got a stiff / body upstairs. 樓上有一具屍體Are you saying it"s an inside job? 你是說這是內賊乾的?You just stopped by to see me? 你只是順道來看我?I"d better be going. 我該走了Do you have the idea what time it is? 你知道現在幾點了?Kiss your ass good-bye! 滾你的蛋!He seems to be attracted to you. 他好像對妳有好感Nice meeting you. 很高興認識你Don"t anyone run off. 別走開Bicycling isn"t my thing. 騎腳踏車我不拿手You"re toasted. 你死定了What"s the story? 怎麼回事I can"t take it anymore. 我再也受不了了She』s a psychic. 她是靈媒He』s a psycho (sicko). 他是個變態Let me buy you dinner. 我請妳吃飯You"re a terrific storyteller. 你是個說故事的能手He』s out of love. 他失戀了For real? 玩真的? 當真?For real. 真的Show time! 開始啰! 上場啰!Party time! 開始啰!Let"s party! 現在開始吧!

I"d like to make an exception. 我可以破例What a spare tire you』ve got! 你肚子好肥喔!You"ve got spare tires. 你渾身贅肉Get a little stretch. 活動活動手腳Wait up! 等等!How are you doing? 你還好嗎?Fine, fine, never better! 好,好得很(再好不過了)!

We don"t yet know. 我們還不知道We don"t bother to protest. 我們不想抗議We don"t bother to vote. 我們不想投票Don"t get it wrong! 別會錯意He"s clean. 他沒帶武器,他是清白的On what grounds? 什麼理由?I could, but I wouldn"t. 我可以做到,我只是不做而己It』s out of the question! 不行!Don"t hang up. 不要掛斷Keep away! Go away! 走開!Don"t break the date! 不要失約喔!Just speak it out! 說出來吧!I"m still very pro-black. 我還是非常支持黑人That doesn"t mean to say she likes you. 那不表示她喜歡你Morning, little 小甜餅. 早安,小毛Hi, pumpkin! 嗨,小毛!Hi, ace! 嗨,小毛!Hi, sweetie! 嗨,小甜心!Hi, champ! 嗨,小毛!He did a real good job. 他真的做得很好He"s such a kidder! 他真會開玩笑So you had a rough (hard) time?! 你日子很難過吧?

Thank you for your time. 謝謝你花那麼多時間(聽我吐苦水),謝謝你的接待I"ll be right with you. 我馬上回來How forgetful of me. 我太健忘了You have a short memory! 你太健忘了How is it going? 進行得怎麼樣?I can"t complain! 太好了!Good hunting! 祝好收穫So I heard. 我聽說了Beer"s on me, kids. 兄弟們,我請喝啤酒Put him away for a while. 把他關起來一陣子She"s a real pro. 她是個好手,她是專家They"re coming for you! 他們馬上就來找(抓)你了!This is a cop thing. 這是警察的事That"s a Jimmy thing. 吉米才會幹那種事,那是吉米的作風How"s that? 如何? 怎麼會呢?He is a good man. 他是個好人Good my ass! 好個屁!None of your God damned business! 沒你的事! 關你屁事!It pays to visit Paris.巴黎值得一游It"s paid off. 很值得I don"t get it. 我不懂He』s a real ass! 他是個混蛋球OK, sure thing. 好啊,當然可以Let me guess. 讓我猜猜看She has a future in movies. 她在電影圈有前途I got to make sure my career is going somewhere. 我必須確定我的事業有前景No, you』re going nowhere. 不,你不會有前途的May I ask who"s calling? (電話)請問您是哪一位?I didn"t mean any offense. 我無意冒犯We"ll get him. 我們會逮到他的Your dinner"s getting cold. 你的晚餐快涼了Whatever got to be, got to be. 該來的就會來I have the access. 我有管道It"s not gonna be easy. 事情是不輕鬆You just got to try. 你得試試Just a sec. 等會兒There you go! 好啦! 你說得對! 對啦!Nothing really changed. 情況沒什麼改變You just stick close by, OK? 你緊跟著,好嗎?I want to stick around for a while. 我想混一會兒He is hooking on the net all day long! 他整天掛在網路上Make your move now! 動手吧He』s taking odd jobs. 他打零工Stay out of trouble! 不要惹麻煩What are you up to? 你想幹嘛?You"ve gotta come up with a new idea. 你必須想個新點子He came up with a strange question! 他問了一個怪問題I』m in. 我加入You"re imagining things! 你胡思亂想He"s got a record. 他有前科Don"t be so hard on yourself. 你不要對自己太苛Book him down. 把他帶走Whatever it takes! =I don"t care what it takes. 我不在乎花什麼代價She volunteered me. 她替我主張I"ll turn you in. 我會檢舉你That"s not a Jack move. 那不是傑克的作風You have a minute? 你有空嗎?You got a minute? 你有空嗎?It"s junk! 這是爛東西Just let it go. 忘了這件事吧!Are you nuts?! 你瘋了!I can"t break a hundred-dollar bill. 一佰元我找不開You"ve got to be there! 你一定要去!You guessed right! 你猜對了!Don"t be a stranger. 不要見外Things will change. 情況會改變的You shouldn"t be doing this! 你不應該這樣! 你不該如此!This is a kid stuff. 這是兒戲You pissed me off! 你把我惹毛了!That pisses me off! 那使我很火大!You"re such a mess! 你真狼狽!You look like shit! 你真狼狽!Oh, tell me about it! 這還用你說!You know something? 你知道嗎? 我告訴你呀…Tell you what…我告訴你呀…

Who do you think you"re talking to?你以為自己在對誰說話?You"re shitting me! 你騙我!Don』t get involved. 不要介入Her figure is out of shape. 她的身材走樣了Let me take you out this evening. 我今晚請她出去On a date? 約會嗎?I"m easy, but not that easy. 我很隨和,可不是隨便Meaning? 什麼意思?So what"s stopping you? 那什麼事讓條你裹足不前?How graphic! 真生動I"m under cover. 我是卧底人員Sorry, I"m taking so long. 抱歉,我耽誤太久了You"re in deep shit this time! 你麻煩大了!Are you in trouble? 你遇上麻煩了嗎?He is in big trouble now! 他現在麻煩大了!

She"s a chattering box. 她是個話匣子It"s out of order. 壞了,故障了How does it go? 進行得如何?Good job, Mike. 麥克,幹得好; 表現很好Any idea who it might be? 知道是誰(做的)嗎?We"ll track him down. 我們會逮到他的Suit me! 去告我吧!May I be excused? 我可以先告退嗎?My bad, alright? 算我的錯好嗎?Who"s gonna blame? 該怪誰呢?Think about the bright side. 事情要看光明面I was laughing my head / butts off! 我笑翻了!I laughed my ass off! 笑死我了!Just for old time"s sake. 敘敘舊嘛!My good deed in a day! 日行一善呀!He dumped me! 他甩了我!Drop dead! 去死吧!Go to hell! 去死吧!What a surprise! 稀客稀客! 真想不到啊!He"s so likable. 他好可愛He always kisses his boss』s ass / butt. 他老是拍老闆馬屁You pack it back? 打包帶回去嗎?

Am I boring you? 我讓你感到很煩嗎? 很無趣嗎?Guess what I have in my lunch. 猜猜我的午餐吃什麼?You never learned! 你就是得不到教訓!What a bumpy ride! 一路顛簸It』s a bumpy road. 顛簸的路

So I"ve been told. 我聽說了It"s been 20 minutes. 已經二十分鐘了You saved my bottom / ass / butt / life. 你救了我一命We"re on the same page here? 我們是在說同一件事嗎? 我們取得共識了嗎?Do we understand each other? 我們彼此了解了嗎? 我們取得共識了嗎?Is it understood? 了解了嗎?Is that understood? 了解了嗎?No exceptions. 不可破例 / 破戒I"ll always be there for you. 我會一直支持你The name fits. 人如其名I"m beat! 我累死了!I couldn"t get myself to do that! 我無法如此做!That"s the easiest way out. 那是最好的出路 / 最好的解決之道He"s real dramatic. 他真誇張She"s calling in sick again. 她又請病假了You better get used to it. 你最好快點適應

His luck ran out. 他好日子不再了; 他好運用完了He got life (life in prison). 他被判無期徒刑I"ve a very bad feeling about this. 我感覺這事情不對勁I"ll take the wheel. 我來駕駛What do you want from me? 你到底要我怎麼樣?Shoot! 說吧! 有屁快放!



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