
7種單詞學習法 (1.4)

1. Picture it 圖像化

Use Picture of new vocabulary words to introduce them to yourself. You may choose to use flash cards, magazine images, online pictures, picture dictionaries or photographs when helping yourself new words.

2. Keep it real 實景化 (適合名詞和動作)

Use real object to introduce new vocabulary will aid you remembering new words. It will also give kinesthetic learners a chance to make a physical connection with a lexical concept.

3. Tell it like it is (描述新詞,從定義中學習)

Before introducing a new vocabulary word, decribing the scene which in which it would be used. Then, rephrase the scene using the new vocabulary word. This will help build connections between Englsih words and synonyms without even trying.

4. Sing it loud (唱出來吧)

Make up original songs to learn new words. It will not only aid certain learning types, but it will also bring an element of fun. Simply use a simple, faimiliar tune (Twinkle, twiinkle little star and so on)and make your own lyrics using the vocabulary you are learning.

5. Introduce couples (」辭彙一家們「)

Try learning pairs of words at one time. Antonyms are the perfect material for this type of vocabulary instructon. You can also pair synonyms, homonyms or any other sets of words that have some connection.

6. Get physical (全肢體學習法)

Use Total Physical Response, the ESL technique that links a physical movement to English words. Illustrate new words through action as you introduce the word to yourself or friends. Friends repeat the words and the actions that go along with them.

7. The root of the issue (問根求源)

Learning word roots is benefical. It gives you tools for understanding new vocabulary you have yet to encounter, helps you see the relationships between words, and can even help you make links between your native language and English.



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