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As an English learner is it possible that you are only seeing the shadows and not the reality? Its a matter of focus. Conventional English education tends to only focus on the language: words, grammars, sentences and not the reality the language represents. In doing so, it actually creates a lot of distraction and prevents the learner from making connections with the reality via English.
舉一個極端的例子,為什麼一個英語國家的文盲可以完全無礙的講英語,但一個非英語國家的語言博士卻難以做到。文盲沒有上過學,沒有學過拼寫,語法。但他通過英語與現實建立了直接的聯繫。博士用了無數時間和精力學習英語,卻沒有建立這個直接聯繫,中間還有拼寫,語法,博士的母語,無數看似相近卻各有不同的英語表達方式。學的很多,距離感卻好像從來沒有縮小。因為學到的都是撲朔迷離的shadows. 真正的問題是,怎樣才能建立直接聯繫而不是總學shadows?
這不是一下可以說清楚的,its an ongoing project, I will keep updating this article to explore this topic more and more in depth.