微軟Windows 10 Redstone 5 文件管理器或加入暗黑主題

微軟Windows 10 Redstone 5 文件管理器或加入暗黑主題

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據外媒報道,微軟計劃在Windows 10 紀念日升級中為Windows 10帶來一個暗黑(dark)主題,就像它在幾年前對Windows Phone做的那樣。Xbox用戶則在去年秋季獲得了輕量(light)主題選擇,他們可以在上面選擇流行的顏色。

現在,暗黑主題正在擴展到文件管理器(File Explorer),這一變化由Thurrott的Rafael Rivera最先發現。這項功能隱藏在了Windows 10 build 17650中--只在Fast ring Insider中推出--如上圖所示。一旦它面向所有用戶推出之後,它就可以在整個系統下切換主題。

從以往的經驗來看,系統範圍的主題設置則能控制通用Windows 10 UI的各種元素以及個UWP應用。這將成為該種設置首次涉及到像文件管理器等這樣的Win32應用。很顯然這是一個好消息,因為暗黑主題一直以來都是用戶們喜歡的一個選項。

不過由於這項功能並未正式對外公布,所以它還是有存在被取消的可能性或推遲更新。如果一切順利的話,文件管理器將能在今年秋季也就是Redstone 5上用上暗黑主題。

File Explorer is finally getting a dark theme in Windows 10 Redstone 5

It was with the Windows 10 Anniversary Update that Microsoft decided to add a dark theme to Windows 10, as it had been doing on Windows Phone for years. Last fall, Xbox users got a light theme option, as the ability to choose between color schemes has become more popular.

Now, the dark theme option is being extended to the File Explorer, as first discovered by Thurrotts Rafael Rivera. The feature is hidden in Windows 10 build 17650 - which is only available to Insiders on the Skip Ahead option of the Fast ring - and as you can see from the image above, it seems to be early on in development. Once its available to everyone, it can be toggled on and off using the system-wide theme setting.

Historically, the system-wide theme setting has controlled various elements of the general Windows 10 UI, as well as various UWP apps. This might be the first time that the setting has touched a Win32 app like File Explorer. Its good news though, as dark themes have been a fan favorite.

Of course, the feature is unannounced, so its possible that it could be scrapped at some point, or that it could be delayed until a later update. If all goes well though, File Explorer will get its dark theme when Redstone 5 is available this fall.



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