

4 人贊了文章



1.According to···依據/根據······

2.Am I allowed to···我可以······嗎?

3.As far as I am concerned······就我而言·····

4.As matter of fact,```···實際上···

5.As far as I know```······據我說知······

6.As I just mentioned```正如我剛才所提到的

7.As I see it,```在我看來

8.As ··· as possible``` 儘可能···

9.As is known to us all 眾所周知

10As long as只要

11.But for若不是因為

12.Can you believe(that)```你相信嗎

13.Can you imagine```你能想像···嗎

14.Could you please explain```你能解釋一下嗎

15Cant we```難道我們不能···嗎

16.Could you do me a favor and```能否請你幫我一個忙

17.Do you by any chance know你知道···嗎

18.Do you enjoy doing你喜歡···(做事)嗎

19.Do you happen to kow你知道···嗎

20.Do you have any good ways to 你有沒有···的好辦法

21.Did you know that你知道··嗎

22.Do you know if/whether你知道是否

23.Do/Would you mind doing如果···你是否介意

24.Do you realize(that)你有沒有意識到

25.Do you think it is possible to 你認為···可能嗎

26.Do you think it is necessary to 你認為···有必要嗎

27.```doesnt make sense沒有道理/沒有意思/不清楚

28.Dont be afraid of不要害怕

29.Dont take it for granted that別把```當成理所當然

30.Dont wast time doing不要浪費時間````(做事)

31.Dont you think that```難道你不覺得````嗎

32.Excuse me for請原諒我``

33.For one thing```For another```一方面```另一方面```

34.From my point of view在我看來```

35.From where I stand 從我的立場來說```

36.Generally speaking總的來說

37.Hardly``` when```一```就```(倒裝句型)

38.Have you considered doing 你有沒有考慮過```(做事)

39.Have you decided 你決定好了嗎

40.Have you ever been to 你曾去過···嗎

41.Have you thought about /of你有沒有想過

42.Havent you heard of難道你沒有聽過···嗎

43.How are you getting on/along with···進展如何/與···相處如何

44.How are you going to你打算如何45.How does```sound(聽起來)怎麼樣

46.How long will it take you to```···要用多長時間

47.How should I 我該如何

48.I absolutely agree with我完全同意

49.I am grateful for 我對···特別感激

50.I am planning to 我打算

51.I am very pleased to have this opportunity to```我很高興有機會

52.I apologize for我為···道歉

53.I believe (that) 我相信

54.I believe we should我認為我們應該

55.I cant imagine我無法想像

56.I cant stand it when我受不了···

57.I didnt expect to 我沒想到···

58.I didnt mean to我不是有意···

59.I (dont ) fell like 我(不)想···

60.I dont get very excited about我對···不怎麼感興趣

61.I dont know how to 我不知道如何···

62.I dont see( that)我看不出···我認為 ···不···

63.I an dying to我渴望···我盼望···

64.I am fed up of 我厭煩了···我受夠了

65.I am sick and tired of 我對···感到厭煩

66.I hate to disagree with you, but```我不想跟你有不同意見,但是···

67.I have confidence in 我相信···我對···有信心

68.I have nothing to do with ····跟我無關

69.I insist that```我堅決要···

70.I insist on doing 我堅持

71.I intend to 我打算

72. I set my mind to do something/on something.我下定決心

73.I strongly advise you to 我強烈建議你···

74.I want to express my gratitude to 我要感謝

75.I would appreciate it if 如果···,我會非常感激

76.It gose without saying that 理應如此/不言而喻···

77.It occurred to me that``` ···浮現於我的腦海中;我想起··

78.It wont do any harm to``` ···沒有任何壞處···

79.It helps if```如果···的話,將會(對某人)有好處

80.Its long been my dream to ···一直是我的夢想

句型1:There+be +主語+地點狀語/ 時間狀語

There』s a boat in the river. 河裡有條船.

句型2:What』s wrong with+sb. / sth. ?

What』s wrong with your watch?你的手錶有什麼毛病?

句型3:How do you like...?

How do you like China?你覺得中國怎麼樣?

句型4:What do you like about...?

What do you like about China?你喜歡中國的什麼?

句型5:had better(not)+動詞原形

You』d better ask that policeman over there. 你最好去問問那邊的那個警察。

句型6:How+adj. / adv. +主語+謂語!

What a/ an+adj. +n. +主語+謂語!

How cold it is today !今天多冷啊!

What a fine picture it is!多美的一幅圖畫呀!

句型7:Thank+sb. +for(doing)sth.

Thank you for coming to see me. 感謝你來看我。

句型8:So+be/ 情態動詞/ 助動詞+主語

He is a student. So am I. 他是一個學生,我也是。

句型9:... not ... until ...

He didn』t have supper until his parents came back. 直到他的父母回來他才吃飯。


The baby cried harder and harder. 那孩子哭得越來越厲害。

句型11:the +比較級,the +比較級

The more one has,the more one wants. 越有越貪。

句型12:... as +adj./ adv.+as ...

…not as(so) +adj. / adv. +as ...

Do you think that art is as important as music?你認為藝術和音樂一樣重要嗎?

Last Sunday the weather was not so wet as it is today. 上個星期天的天氣不如今天的天氣潮濕。

句型13:more/ less +adj.+than...

I think art is less important than music. 我認為藝術不如音樂重要。

句型14:stop…from doing sth.

The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away. 綠色長城將阻擋風吹走土壤。

句型15:both ... and ...

Both you and I are students. 我和你都是學生。

句型16:either ... or...

Either you or he is wrong . 不是你錯就是他錯。

句型17:neither ... nor ...

Neither he nor I am a student. 我和他都不是學生。

句型18:... as soon as ...

As soon as I see him,I』ll give him the message. 我一見到他,我就把你的消息告訴他。

句型19:... so+adj. / adv.+that ...

I was so tired that I didn』t want to speak. 我累得連話也不想說了。


Though I like writing to my pen-friend,it takes a lot of time. 雖然我喜歡給筆友寫信,但它要耗費我大量時間。

句型21:be going to

This afternoon I』m going to buy a Qisu English book. 今天下午我要去買本奇速英語書。

句型22:be different from

I think this is different from Chinese names. 我認為這與漢語名字不同。


Welcome back to school!歡迎回到學校!

句型24:have fun doing

We』re going to have fun learning and speaking English this term. 這學期我們將興味盎然地學習和講英語。

句型25:... because ... / ...,so ...

I don』t know all your names because this is our first lesson. 因為這是我們的第一節課,所以我並不知道你們所有人的名字。

句型26:Why don』t you ... / Why not ...

Why don』t you come to school a little earlier?為什麼不早點到校呢?

句型27:make it

Let』s make it half past nine. 讓我們定在九點半吧!

句型28:have nothing to do

They have nothing to do every day. 他們每天無所事事。

句型29:be sure/ be sure of/ about sth. / be sure to do sb.

I think so, but I』m not sure. 我想是這樣,但不敢確定。

I was not sure of / about the way,so I asked someone. 我對於怎麼走沒有把握,所以我問別人了。

句型30:between ... and ...

There is a shop between the hospital and the school. 在那家醫院和那所學校之間有一家商店。

句型31:keep sb. / sth. +adj./ V-ing/ 介詞補語/ adv.

You must keep your classroom clean. 你們必須保持教室乾淨。

Sorry to have kept you waiting. 對不起,讓你久等。

Can you keep him in the room ?你能讓他在這個房裡嗎?

Keep them here. 讓他們在這兒呆著。

句型32:find +賓語+賓補

He finds it very hard to travel around the big city . 他發現要環遊這個大城市是很難的。

句型33:... not ... anymore/ longer

The old man doesn』t travel any more. 這位老人不再旅行了。

He isn』t a thief any longer. 他不再是個賊。

句型34:What』s the weather like...?

What』s the weather like in spring in your hometown ?在你們家鄉春天天氣怎麼樣?

句型35:There is no time to do/ have no time to do

There was no time to think. 沒有時間思考。

I have no time to go home for lunch. 我沒有時間回家吃午飯。

句型36:Help oneself to...

Help yourself to some fish. 吃魚吧!

句型37:used to do

I used to read this kind of story books. 我過去常讀這種故事書。



TAG:英語學習 | 英語自學 | 英語 |