

原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:孔雀東南瘋 轉載請註明出處論壇地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-467577-1-1.htmlKabul: Gunmen attack Intercontinental Hotel喀布爾:武裝分子襲擊洲際酒店

At least four gunmen have launched an attack on Kabul"s Intercontinental Hotel, Afghan officials say.阿富汗官員稱,至少有四名槍手襲擊了喀布爾的洲際酒店。Special forces killed two of the attackers, an interior ministry spokesman said, and are trying to get to the others.一名內政部發言人宣布,特種部隊擊斃了其中兩名襲擊者,並試圖擊斃其他襲擊者。The gunmen stormed the hotel on Saturday evening, shooting at guests and detonating grenades.周六晚上,槍手襲擊了酒店,向客人開槍射擊,並引爆了手榴彈。At least five people have been injured, officials said. It is not clear how many have been killed.據官方通報,至少有5人受傷。目前還不清楚有多少人被殺。The attack began at about 21:00 local time (16:30 GMT), with reports suggesting the gunmen shot at security guards as they made their way into the five-storey building.襲擊發生在當地時間21:00(格林威治標準時間16:30),有報道稱持槍歹徒在到達酒店五樓後向保安開槍。They targeted staff and guests before special forces were called in.在特種部隊被召集之前,他們把目標對準了工作人員和客人。Security forces then cleared the ground floor of the luxury hotel but the attackers are still on the floors above, spokesman Nasrat Rahimi told the BBC.安全部隊隨後清理了豪華酒店的底層,但襲擊者仍在樓上,發言人Nasrat Rahimi告訴BBC。Some reports said the hotel had been hosting an IT conference attended by provincial officials at the time. One witness told Reuters news agency that the attackers had taken hostages.一些報道稱,襲擊發生前,該酒店正在舉行一次由省級官員參加的IT會議。一名目擊者告訴路透社,襲擊者已經劫持了一些人質。The attack comes just days after the US embassy in Kabul issued a warning about hotels in the city.就在襲擊發生幾天前,美國駐喀布爾大使館發布了有關該市酒店的警告。"We are aware of reports that extremist groups may be planning an attack against hotels in Kabul," the embassy wrote in a public security alert published Thursday, though it highlighted another hotel near the international airport as a possible target.「我們得到一些情報,極端組織可能計劃襲擊喀布爾的酒店,」大使館在周四發布的一份公共安全警報中寫道,不過情報強調了國際機場附近的另一家酒店可能成為襲擊目標。"These groups may also be targeting public gatherings/demonstrations, government facilities, transportation, markets, and places where foreigners are known to congregate."「這些組織也可能針對公眾集會和示威遊行,政府設施、交通、市場、和已知外國人聚集的地方進行襲擊。」

A guest at the hotel told AFP news agency that people were hiding in their rooms.酒店的一位客人告訴法新社,人們都躲在自己的房間里。"I don"t know if the attackers are inside the hotel but I can hear gunfire," the guest said.這位客人說:「我不知道襲擊者是否在酒店裡,但我能聽到槍聲,」。"I beg the security forces to rescue us as soon as possible before they reach and kill us."「我請求安全部隊在襲擊者到達並殺死我們之前儘快解救我們。」Another interior ministry spokesman told AFP an investigation had already begun into how the attackers had breached security, which was handed over to a private company two weeks ago.另一名內政部發言人對法新社說,已經開始著手調查攻擊者是如何突破安保防禦的,兩周前該酒店的安保防禦被移交給一家私人公司。"They probably used a back door in the kitchen to enter," he said.他說:「他們可能是從廚房後門進入的。」。The Intercontinental is a state-owned hotel which often hosts weddings, conferences and political gatherings.這家洲際酒店是一家國有酒店,經常舉辦婚禮、會議和政治集會。It was attacked by the Taliban in 2011. Twenty-one people were killed including nine attackers.它在2011年遭到塔利班的襲擊。造成21人死亡,其中包括9名襲擊者。Security has been tightened in Kabul since last May, when a huge truck bomb killed at least 150 people.自去年5月一起慘重的卡車炸彈襲擊炸死至少150人以來,喀布爾加強了安全戒備。However, there have been several attacks in recent months. They include a bomb at a Shia cultural centre last month that killed more than 40 people.然而,最近幾個月發生了好幾起襲擊事件。就在上個月,什葉派文化中心發生了一起爆炸襲擊事件,造成40多人死亡。


1萬人庫爾德武裝血戰土耳其軍:為何埃爾多安軍事冒險註定失敗? 諍聞軍事

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