
Shine on the World Stage在國際舞台上大放異彩

At the 19th [w]annual[/w] MTV Europe Music Awards (MTV歐洲音樂大獎,EMAs) held in Frankfort, Germany this month, while PSY of South Korea was absolutely a hit, Han Geng of China made the Asian storm even stronger, beating out Rihanna (蕾哈娜) for Best Worldwide Act (全球最佳藝人).本月,19屆年度MTV歐洲音樂大獎在法蘭克福舉行,韓國鳥叔絕對是一大熱門,而中國韓庚打敗蕾哈娜,獲得全球最佳藝人獎,使亞洲風更加強勁。

Han Geng"s award for Best Worldwide Act was handed out for only the second time. Rihanna, the 24-year-old [w]Barbadian[/w] beauty who had led with six nominations, went home empty-handed. South Korean Internet[w]phenomenon[/wv] PSY clinched the [w]coveted[/w] (被渴望的) Best Video prize (最佳音樂錄影帶大獎).這是亞洲藝人第二次獲得全球最佳藝人獎。而蕾哈娜,這個24歲的巴貝多美人獲六次提名,但仍空手而歸。韓國互聯網氣人鳥叔獲得最佳音樂錄影帶大獎。

At the awarding ceremony, Han Geng, the first Chinese singer ever to win a MTV award, expressed his [w]gratitude[/w] to his fans, 「It is you who『ve brought this prize to Asia, to China. With your support and [w]persistence[/w], Chinese music will surely become even better in the future!」在頒獎典禮上,中國首個獲得MTV獎的歌手韓庚,向他的歌迷表示了感謝:「是你們為亞洲、為中國得到這個獎。有了你們的支持和堅持,中國音樂將會變得更好。」

Born on February 9, 1984, Han is well known for his excellent dance skills, and was the only Chinese member of South Korean boy-band Super Junior, and the leader of its sub-group Super Junior-M.韓庚生於1984年2月9日,以他出色的舞技聞名,也是韓國男子組合Super Junior的中國成員和和其子團體Super Junior-M的隊長。

In 2009, Han returned to China to start a [w]solo[/w] career. It turned out to be a great decision, leading him to the title of 「the most influential male celebrity in China.」 2009年韓庚回到中國開始獨唱生涯。這被證明是一個很棒的決定,使他獲得了「中國最具影響力男明星」的稱號。

His first solo [w]album[/w] titled Geng Xin (《庚心》), which was released in 2010, sold more than one million copies. And the tickets for his first solo concert sold out in just 37 minutes, setting a record in Chinese musical history.他的第一張個人專輯《庚心》2010年發行, 銷售量超過100萬。他的首次個人演唱會門票37分鐘內售罄,在中國音樂史創下歷史記錄。

Besides music, Han has also played roles in many films. In 2010, he was given the role as Deng Xiaoping in the movie The Founding of a Party (《建黨偉業》)—which [w]premiered[/w] in June, 2011 in China-alongside scores of other famous Chinese stars. He was also in the movie My Kingdom (《大武生》), which was directed by Gao Xiaosong.除了音樂,韓庚也出演過很多電影。2010年,他在《建黨偉業》中扮演鄧小平。這部電影在2011年6月首映,電影中有許多其他中國著名明星。他也出演了高曉松導演的電影《大武生》。

Qestionwhen did Han return to china?A 2011B 2010C 2009


科學泰斗 煌煌人生——記世界著名物理學家、諾貝爾獎獲得者楊振寧

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