
Sun.SIBC gala明星特輯 | 伊莎貝爾·介朗











《Le parc》,圖片來自網路



1986年-2001年:《吉賽爾》,《天鵝湖》(努里耶夫及布爾梅斯特版),《阿波羅》,《浪子》,《水晶宮》,《四種氣質》,《阿貢》, 《主題與變奏》,《 愛與激情》, 《小提琴協奏曲》,《茨岡舞》(喬治·巴蘭欽), 《伊斯塔》,《 白色誤區》 (謝爾蓋·里法), 《聚會上的舞蹈》, 《在夜晚》, 《演奏會》, 《其他舞蹈》 (J傑羅姆·羅賓斯), 《巴黎聖母院》 (羅蘭·佩蒂),《曼弗雷德》, 《堂吉訶德》, 《雷蒙達》, 《華盛頓廣場》, 《睡美人》,《羅密歐與朱麗葉》, 《舞姬》 (魯道夫·努里耶夫), 《多少懸在半空中》 (威廉·弗賽斯), 《大地之歌》 (肯尼斯·麥克米倫), 《胡桃夾子》 (約翰·諾伊梅爾), 《秋水傳奇》 (艾格尼絲·米勒), 《曼儂》 (肯尼斯·麥克米倫)。



《GV 10》 (卡米萊·阿米蒂奇 - 1984), 《低音》, 《黑暗的輓歌》, 《丁香園》 (安東·圖德), 《黃昏前》(尼爾斯·克里斯蒂 – 1985), 《灰姑娘》 (魯道夫·努里耶夫 – 1986), 《三樂章交響曲》(巴蘭欽), 《不久》 (丹尼爾·伊扎洛 – 1987),《多少懸在半空中》(威廉·弗賽斯 – 1987), 《最後四首的歌》 (魯迪·范·丹奇格), 《遊戲規則》(特懷拉·薩普 – 1989), 《小交響曲》 (依利·基里安), 《在夜晚》 (傑羅姆·羅賓斯), 《卡門》(羅蘭·佩蒂), 《危急關頭》 (特懷拉·薩普), 《大舞步-聖徒的律動》 (特懷拉·薩普 – 1991), 《聚會上的舞蹈》 (傑羅姆·羅賓斯), 《舞姬》 (魯道夫·努里耶夫– 1992), 《演奏會》 (傑羅姆·羅賓斯), 《公園》 (昂熱蘭·普蘭洛卡 – 1994), 《四季》 (傑羅姆·羅賓斯), 《第九交響曲》 (莫里斯·貝嘉), 《古老的空氣和舞蹈》 (理查德·唐納), 《阿萊城的姑娘》 (羅蘭·佩蒂), 《卡薩諾瓦》 (安吉林·柏歷加 - 1998), 《其他舞蹈》 (傑羅姆·羅賓斯), 《Woundwork I》 (威廉·福賽斯- 1999), 《珠寶》 (喬治·巴蘭欽), 《牢籠》 (傑羅姆·羅賓斯)。













- 1988年巴甫洛娃獎(巴黎)、1993年莫斯科貝努瓦舞蹈獎

- 法國政府授予她「藝術與文學勳章騎士勛位」(1993年)及「法國榮譽軍團勳章騎士勛位」(2011年)以表彰她對世界芭蕾舞的貢獻





-《灰姑娘》(魯道夫·努里耶夫):巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞團伊莎貝爾·介朗等,1987年,La Sept/SFP/Electra製作。


- 《舞姬》(魯道夫·努里耶夫):巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞團伊莎貝爾·介朗等,1996年,NVC Arts出品。


-《公園》(昂熱蘭·普蘭洛卡):巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞團伊莎貝爾·介朗等,1999年,Bel Air出品。


- 《阿萊城的姑娘》(羅蘭·佩蒂):巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞團伊莎貝爾·介朗等,1997年,電視電影。

- 《伊斯塔》(謝爾蓋·里法):巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞團伊莎貝爾·介朗等,1998年,電視電影












調皮的伊莎貝爾·介朗(自巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞團的特邀舞者)來與活潑的尼拉斯·馬丁斯, 把維奧萊特·維爾蒂和讓·皮埃爾·博納福創作的角色演繹得令人交口稱讚。介朗女士繼承了維爾蒂女士的才華,並擁有圈中數一數二的迷人雙腿和腳背。








Isabelle Guérin

Raised in Rambouillet, France, Isabelle Guérin began her ballet training at age 7 with local teachers. After attending the Conservatoire de Paris, where she was awarded the first Prize in 1977, she joined the School of the Paris Opera Ballet. One year later, at age 17, Ms.Guérin enrolled the Paris Opera Ballet. She is only 「Quadrille」 (the lowest rank of the Paris Opera Ballet hierarchy) when she is chosen by Kenneth McMillan to dance Spring Pas de quatre in his ballet The Four Seasons and by Pierre Lacotte to dance Sylphide』s Scottish Pas de deux. Still a corps de ballet member, Ms.Guérin dances her first leading roles as soloist: Carabosse in Rosella Hightower』s Sleeping Beauty (1982) and Kitri in Rudolf Noureev』s Don Quichotte. In 1984, Ms.Guérin won the Silver Medal at the International Paris Ballet Competition.


Promoted to the rank of 「Première danseuse」 (soloist), Ms.Guérin is cast as Myrtha in Giselle, in La Bayadère – Act III, Les Mirages (Serge Lifar), Swan Lake (Rudolf Noureev), Song of the Earth (Kenneth MacMillan), Antony Tudor』s Continuo, Dark Elegies, Jardin aux Lilas and Before Nightfall (Nils Christie).

On November 2, 1985, after having danced Bourmeister』s Swan Lake version, Isabelle Guérin is promoted – on stage - to the rank of 「Danseuse Etoile」 (Principal dancer) by Rudolf Noureev.


Considered as one of the world』s greatest ballerinas, Ms.Guérin danced an extensive repertory of leading roles, including full-length repertory ballets, heritage works as well as new works by foremost choreographers, among them William Forsythe and AngelinPreljocaj. Her triumph as Nikiya, in Noureev』s new production of La Bayadère (1992), sealed her stardom.


Following her final performance as 「Danseuse Etoile」 in Kenneth MacMillan』s Manon, on March 27, 2001, Ms.Guérin came back as 「Danseuse Etoileinvitée」 (Principal guest) with the Paris Opera Ballet. Ms.Guérin danced Notre-Dame de Paris (Roland Petit) and Le Parc (AngelinPreljocaj) in 2001, Other Dances, The Cage (Jerome Robbins) and L』Arlésienne (Roland Petit) in 2002.


In November and December 2001, Ms.Guérin was in charge of the working rehearsals of Noureev"s production of La Bayadère at the Paris Opera Ballet.Since then, Ms Guérin has been a private ballet teacher and coach for foremost dancers and dance companies in the world.


1986 – 2001: Giselle, Swan Lake (Noureev』s and Bourmeister』s versions), Apollon, Prodigal Son, Le Palais de Cristal, The Four Temperaments, Agon, Theme & Variations, Capriccio, Violin Concerto, Tzigane, (George Balanchine), Istar, Suite en Blanc (Serge Lifar), Dances at a Gathering, In the Night, The Concert, Other Dances (Jerome Robbins), Notre-Dame de Paris (Roland Petit), Manfred, Don Quichotte, Raymonda, Washington Square, Sleeping Beauty, Romeo and Juliet, La Bayadère (Rudolf Noureev), In the Middle Somewhat Elevated (William Forsythe), Song of the Earth (Kenneth MacMillan), Nutcracker (John Neumeier), Fall River Legend (Agnes de Mille), Manon (Kenneth MacMillan).

GV 10 (KaroleArmitage - 1984), Continuo, Dark Elegies, Jardin aux Lilas (Anthony Tudor), Before Nightfall (Nils Christie – 1985), Cinderella (Rudolf Noureev – 1986), Symphony in three movements (Balanchine), Soon (Daniel Ezralow – 1987), In the Middle Somewhat Elevated (William Forsythe – 1987), Four Last Songs (Rudi Van Dantzig), Rules of the Game (Twyla Tharp – 1989), Sinfonietta (Jiri Kylian), In The Night (Jerome Robbins), Carmen (Roland Petit), Push Comes to Shove (Twyla Tharp), Grand pas – Rhythm of the Saints (Twyla Tharp – 1991), Dances at a Gathering (Jerome Robbins), La Bayadère (RudolfNoureev – 1992), The Concert (Jerome Robbins), Le Parc (AngelinPreljocaj – 1994), The Four Seasons (Jerome Robbins), IXthSymphonie (Maurice Béjart), Ancient Air and Dances (Richard Tanner), L』Arlésienne (Roland Petit), Casanova (AngelinPreljocaj - 1998), Other Dances (Jerome Robbins), Woundwork I (William Forsythe - 1999), Jewels (George Balanchine), The Cage (Jerome Robbins).

Coaching experiences

-La Bayadère (Rudolf Noureev), Paris Opera Ballet: various casts of principals/soloists.

-Don Quichotte (Rudolf Noureev), Ballet Company - TeatroallaScala: complete ballet.

-Other Dances (Jerome Robbins), San Fransisco Ballet, American Ballet Theater and The National Ballet of Canada: various casts of principals/soloists.

-Don Quichotte (Rudolf Noureev), The Norwegian National Ballet: coaching complete ballet.

-Swan Lake (Rudolf Noureev), Vienna State Ballet: coaching soloists.

-Etudes (Harald Lander), Vienna State Ballet: coaching soloists.

-Other Dances (Jerome Robbins), Stanislavsky Ballet – Moscow and Vienna State Ballet.

-Member of the Advisory Board.

-Masterclass sessions: New York, May 2014 – San Fransisco, April 2015 – New York, April 2015.

Prizes and honors

-Recipient of the Pavlova Prize (Paris), 1988 and the Benois de la Danse (Moscow), 1993.

-Awarded the French』s government 「Chevalier des Arts et Lettres」 (1993) and 「Chevalier de la Légion d』honneur」 in honor of her commitment to the world of ballet, (Paris), 2011.

Other experiences

Ms.Guérin has performed as a guest artist with the Vienna Opera State Ballet, Berlin Ballet, Royal Ballet, Kirov, Bolcho?, Finland National Ballet, Twyla Tharp & Dancers, with the New York City Ballet (Balanchine Celebration 1993 and 2 seasons), Noureev and Friends, TeatroallaScala – Milano, Palermo (Sicily)…

In August 2014, after 12 years away from performing, Ms.Guérin came back on stage with Manuel Legris in Patrick de Bana』s 「Farewell Waltz」 (Shanghai Grand Theater).

Movies and TV productions

-Cinderella (Rudolf Noureev), Isabelle Guérin et al. Paris Opera Ballet, 1987. La Sept/SFP/Electra.

-Yvette Chauviré, une étoile pour l』exemple (Istar & Dances at a gathering). Isabelle Guérin et al. Documentary, Paris Opera Ballet, 1988. Films du Prieuré.

-La Bayadère (Rudolf Noureev), Isabelle Guérin, et al. Paris Opera Ballet, 1996. NVC Arts.

-Le Parc (AngelinPreljocaj), Isabelle Guérin et al. Paris Opera Ballet, 1999.Bel Air.

-Dancer』s dream, the great ballets of Rudolf Noureev – La Bayadère. Documentary, Paris Opera Ballet, 2002.ArtHausMusik.

-Notre-Dame de Paris (Roland Petit), Isabelle Guérin et al. Paris Opera Ballet, 2009.ArtHausMusik.

-L』Arlésienne (Roland Petit), Isabelle Guérin et al. Paris Opera Ballet, 1997. TV movie.

-Istar (Serge Lifar), Isabelle Guérin et al. Paris Opera Ballet, 1998. TV movie

Press Reviews

A Star is born. ? (Télérama, 1985) - ? She has just triumphed in "La Bayadere" on the stage of the PalaisGarnier. Day by day, her talent, superb technique and acting gifts demonstrate that Isabelle Guérin is one of the finest dancers of the Paris Opéra Ballet. ?

(Danser, 1992) - ? The United States premiere of the staging Noureev completed three months before his death in January triumphed on Wednesday night through the outstanding dancing of its principals: Isabelle Guerin (...) ?

(The New York Times, 1993) - "You can not imagine 「Le Parc」 without its creators, Isabelle Guerin and Laurent Hilaire. Sublime dancers and artists, they are moving through their dramatic intensity, and their overwhelming tenderness in the last duo."

(Le Figaro, 1999) - 「Ms.Guérin, in a debut - Union Jack - was delicious and recalled France』s own musical hall tradition. She showed plenty of warmth and leg. ?"

(The New York Times, 1998) - 「But Isabelle Guérin』s guest appearance as the Sugarplum Fairy on Saturday night was welcome icing on the cake. An étoile, or principal, at the Paris Opera Ballet, Ms.Guérin used her ballerina presence to the utmost. She stood out in relief from the start and brought light into the New York State Theater in the production that already dazzles on its own when danced as brilliantly as its choreographer, George Balanchine, intended.「

(The New York Times, 1999) - 「But a piquant Isabelle Guérin, a guest from the Paris Opera Ballet, and the buoyant Nilas Martins were admirable in roles created by VioletteVerdy and Jean-Pierre Bonnefous. Ms.Guérin has something of Ms.Verdy』s wit and the most glamorously assertive legs and feet in the business"

(The New York Times, 1999) - ? Isabelle Guérin is one of the brightest gems of the Paris Opera Ballet. Widely admired for her versatility, her dramatic gifts, her passionate, yet subtle portrayals, her effortless technique, Isabelle Guérin is a ballerina whose artistry and command continues to surprise, and who stubbornly resists labeling. ?

(Danceview, 2001) - 「The Cage - Isabelle Guérin with a subtle art, reflects the evolution of the praying mantis since the first cry, coming out of the cocoon. She staggers first in awkward gestures, like an insect too weak on its legs (…). She seeks balance, takes insurance and suddenly, when the first intruder appears, she instinctively pounces on him and strangles him between her legs. The Concert – Hilarious Isabelle Guérin!」

(Le Figaro, 2001) - 「Isabelle Guérin, Prima ballerina assoluta." .



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