
Do 聚會

The script of this programme 本節目台詞


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  • Neil: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English, I"m Neil Edgeller.

    Feifei: 大家好,我是馮菲菲。Neil you look terrible! You"ve got red eyes, grey skin and your voice is so rough!

    Neil: Oh, Feifei, you"re right. I feel terrible. I went to a leaving do last night and I drank too much beer… and wine…

    Feifei: 原來Neil 不舒服是因為昨晚喝多了。A leaving do? Do?

    Neil: Yes, a leaving do. A colleague has got a job at another company and had a party to celebrate his last day.

    Feifei: So it was a party?

    The noun "do" is another word for party.

    Neil: Yes, yes, that"s what I said. It was a leaving do.

    Feifei: Right, so "do" is a noun and it means party?

    Neil: Yes, yes, that"s right, yes. It"s mainly used in British English. Urgh.

    Feifei: 在英式英語中,當我們把單詞 do 做名詞使用的時候有聚會、社交活動的意思。


    A: Did you enjoy Mary"s wedding?

    B: Oh it was an amazing do. The food was delicious and there was an excellent band playing. We danced all night!

    A: Hi Dave. We"re having a bit of a do on Saturday and wondered if you and Sally would like to come over?

    B: Thanks, that would be great. You two always put on a good do.

    Feifei: So is this a common word?

    Neil: Yes, you"ll hear it all the time: especially in certain phrases.

    Feifei: Like what?

    Neil: Well, a leaving do.

    Feifei: Do 這個詞在有些短語搭配中尤其常見,比如說 leaving do 歡送會,再見會。

    Neil: And a bit of a do – we"re having a bit of a do.

    Feifei: A bit of a do. 一個小聚會,小 party. So, was it a good leaving do last night?

    Neil: Urgh, yes it was… I think… I can"t really remember!

    Feifei: Go home and get some sleep!

    Neil: That"s a very good idea. Bye for now.

    Feifei: Bye!


    (轉載)畜生聚會,聊人類 (笑暈了),不知自己是人類的出氣筒

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