(原創  英國)世界最長755英尺高的玻璃橋在中國開放....當遊客們在橋上行走時,橋會隨之搖擺

2018-01-11 翻譯加工廠 譯文簡介 1601英尺(488米)長的玻璃弔橋在中國開放了。據中國國家媒體報道,這個透明的玻璃通道是世界上最長的玻璃橋,遊客走過去的時候會「有一點搖晃」是這座橋的設計點。英國網友:如果下雨的話,會不會就像是在冰上行走一樣?我覺得吧不管怎樣我是不會去嘗試它的。 譯文來源 原文地址:http://www.dailymail.co.uk 正文翻譯 -------------譯者:喵呀-審核者:hht288------------glass-bottomed suspension bridge measuring a whopping 1601 feet long has opened in China.1601英尺(488米)長的玻璃弔橋在中國開放了。The transparent footpath is the longest glass bridge in the world and is designed to "sway a little" when tourists walk on it according to Chinese state media. 據中國國家媒體報道,這個透明的玻璃通道是世界上最長的玻璃橋,遊客走過去的時候會「有一點搖晃」是這座橋的設計點。It"s 191 feet longer than the previous record holder which is also in China.這比之前同樣是中國的該記錄保持者長了191英尺(約58米)。The 6.5-foot-wide walkway hangs 755 feet above the ground - roughly the height of a 66-storey building - between two cliffs in the Hongyagu Scenic Area in Hebei province.這個6.5英尺寬(2米)的棧道橫架於河北紅崖谷景區的兩個懸崖中間,懸於離地面755英尺(230米)高的地方,大約有66層樓這麼高。

The spectacular tourist attraction which opened on December 24 is paved with 1077 glass panels reported People"s Daily Online citing China Daily.援引自中國日報由人民網報道稱,這個在12月24日開放的特別旅遊景點是由1077塊玻璃面板鋪制而成的。Each of the panels is 1.5 inches thick and the whole bridge weighs 70 tonnes.每塊玻璃面板厚1.5英寸,整座橋重達70噸。The most thrilling feature of the bridge could be its "swaying sensation".這座橋最讓人感到興奮驚險的特色,可能是其「搖晃的感覺。」Hebei Bailu Group the company that built the bridge told local reporters that they hoped the swinging motion could entertain the visitors as they take in the breath-taking scenery on the vertigo-inducing path.建造該橋的河北白鹿集團告訴當地記者,他們希望玻璃橋的搖晃特色能吸引到更多的遊客,因為這條令人眩暈的道路上有令人嘆為觀止的美景。-------------譯者:談笑風扔-審核者:龍騰翻譯總管------------Previously the world"s longest glass bridge measured 1410 feet long and is situated in the Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon in Hunan Province southern China.此前,世界最長玻璃橋的長度為1410英尺,位於中國南部湖南省的張家界大峽谷。

The Hongyagu bridge could support a maximum of 2000 people. However to ensure safety the management would only allow 500 tourists to stand on it at any one time.紅崖谷大橋最多可支持2000人,然而為確保安全,管理方一次僅允許500位遊客同時上橋。Last year the glass-bottomed bridge in Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon was forced to close just 13 days after it opened due to an overwhelming number of tourists. Thousands of people had flocked to stand on the 984-foot-high structure every day causing safety concerns.去年,張家界大峽谷的玻璃橋在僅開放13天後因遊客數量過多而被迫關閉。每天有數千人蜂擁而至,站在距離地面984英尺高的橋上,這引發了安全顧慮。In 2015 a group of Chinese tourists were left screaming in terror on the side of a 3540-foot-high cliff in Henan central China after a glass pane on a new transparent walkway suddenly shattered.2015年,在中國中部的河南省,因為透明棧道上的一塊玻璃突然破裂,一組中國遊客在恐懼中尖叫著離開了3540英尺高的懸崖邊緣。(譯:這明明就是在玻璃屏幕上做的特效...)

Glass-bottomed bridges are hugely popular in China and have been built all across the country.玻璃棧橋在中國十分受歡迎,且在全中國都有興建。Just one day before Hongyagu Scenic Area opened the world"s longest glass-bottomed bridge another scenic spot in eastern China unveiled the country"s first transparent walkway with special effects. 就在紅崖谷風景區開放世界最長玻璃棧橋的前一天,位於中國東部的另一個風景區公布了中國第一條帶透明特效的人行棧道。Situated on the lush mountains of Wuhu Anhui Province the 1272-foot-long glass bridge could appear to shatter when tourists stand on them.位於安徽蕪湖市廬山的這座1272英尺長的玻璃棧橋會在有人站在上面時顯示出玻璃破碎的特效。In addition two dragon statues on top of the 590-foot-high bridge could produce smoke which makes the mythological creatures seemingly fly through the clouds.值得一提的是,這座590英尺高的橋上有一尊能噴吐煙霧的雙龍雕像,其製造的煙霧營造出好似有兩條神龍飛翔穿梭在雲霧之中的景象。 評論翻譯 原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:翻譯加工廠 轉載請註明出處-------------譯者:營養快線-審核者:hht288------------Barking OZ Australia 1 day agoLooks beautiful but from the ground. No way in hell.看起來漂亮,但從地面往上看就像是無門的地獄。Honest Henry Halifax United Kingdom 1 day agoAnything built by the Chinese is sure to break! You wouldn?t get me on that!任何中國造的東西肯定會破裂的!你是絕對不會把我給弄上去的。Kagey3 Yorky at heart United Kingdom 1 day agoI"d be pretty sure the computer i pad or mobile you"re reading this on and commenting is made there我敢肯定你用來閱讀和評論的電腦、ipad或者手機都是在那(中國)製造的。TheLane London United Kingdom 1 day agoVery much doubt you could afford to visit China. So don"t panic.非常懷疑你能有那個錢去中國旅遊。所以不要瞎驚慌。Bigbird Manchester United Kingdom 1 day agoI"d not trust anything built in China.我不相信在中國建造的任何事物。paul littlebury london United Kingdom 1 day agoYeah like "Made in Britain" would inspire any more confidence :D是的,像「英國製造」會激發更多的信心:DSarcasm3108 Wilmslow United Kingdom 1 day agoNot even for billion pounds would you get me on that..即使給我十億英鎊我也不會上去。Jonboi London 1 day agoI"d do it for fifty quid mate!付我五十英鎊的話我願意去,夥計!madjake edinburgh United Kingdom 1 day agowhat about when it?s rainingwouldn?t that be like walking on ice?i think I?d give it a miss anyway.如果下雨的話,會不會就像是在冰上行走一樣?我覺得吧不管怎樣我是不會去嘗試它的。Jonboi London 1 day agoProbably close it in inclement weather...要是天氣惡劣的話它可能會關閉…pattherat Costa Rica Costa Rica 1 day agoNo thanks I?ll take the long route...謝謝了,我會繞路走的


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