[第325次聽寫]除了Plan to以外還能怎麼表示「計劃做某事」?

[第325次聽寫]除了Plan to以外還能怎麼表示「計劃做某事」?

來自專欄如何自學口語11 人贊了文章 https://www.zhihu.com/video/998207153978667008

我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫1分鐘美劇, 已經堅持10個月了. 你想不想找一種輕鬆愉快的方式提升自己的英語? 跟我一起每天做聽寫吧!


Ive decided to take your advice and have arranged to go on a date with Amy Farrah Fowler.

take ones advice=接受某人的建議

Take my advice. Dont do it.

I think you should take your doctors advice.

arrange to do sth=計劃好做某事, 安排好做某事

Have you arranged to meet him?

I arranged to borrow their car for the weekend.


I decided to take your advice and arranged to...



從第141篇開始, 我不再放出我自己聽寫的版本, 而是改為在答案上標記重難點, 大家特別注意一下我加粗的地方。

1 Penny. Penny. Penny.

Penny. Penny. Penny.

2 You do realize I stand on the other side of the door waiting for you to finish knocking three times.


3 I know. I can see the shadow of your feet under the door.

我知道. 我從門縫中能看到你腳的影子

4 Yeah, my point is its a waste of time.

嗯, 我想說的是: 這是浪費時間

5 If youre looking for an example of a waste of time, I would refer you to the conversation were having right now.

如果你在尋找一個浪費時間的例子的話, 我們現在的這個對話就是一個很好的例子

6 What do you want?


7 Ive decided to take your advice and have arranged to go on a date with Amy Farrah Fowler.

我決定採納你的建議, 我安排和Amy Farrah Fowler進行一次約會

8 -Oh, thats great. Have fun. -(de...) Wait.

-噢, 那很棒. 玩的開心 -別. 等下

9 -You have to drive me. -What?

-你得開車送我去 -什麼?!


為什麼 TBBT 中的科學家都不教課?
專業角度講,為什麼 Jim Parsons 能得到三屆艾美獎?謝耳朵的扮演者被過譽了嗎?

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