Swim, Bike, Run: A Guide to Triathlons三合一鐵人三項比賽

As the start gun goes off, all the athletes jump into the water to swim nearly a mile. Then, they quickly dry off and hop onto their bikes for a 25-mile ride. Finally, they change once more and hit the pavement for a 6.2-mile run. Eventually, the athletes that cross the finish line can proudly tell their family and friends that they just completed an Olympic distance triathlon.Why would anyone want to swim, bike, and run all in one race? The answer dates back to France in the 1920s. An event called Les Trois Sports, or the Three Sports, saw athletes pushing themselves to be the best they could be in more than one field. The first modern triathlon was held in Mission Bay in San Diego, California in 1974. Now, there are a number of organizations that put on triathlons around the globe. Athletes that compete in triathlons want to maintain their physical fitness. Triathletes also believe that training for three events is better than for only one. Since the exercises are rotated during training, there is less chance of injury. In addition, swimming and biking have less of an impact on the athletes" bodies than running on a regular basis. 槍聲一響,所有選手跳入水中游將近一英里。然後,他們很快地把身體擦乾,跳上他們的自行車騎二十五英里。最後,他們再次地更換衣服,開始六點二英里的賽跑。最終,越過終點線的選手可以自豪地告訴他們的家人和朋友,他們完成了奧運遠距鐵人三項比賽。怎麽會有人想在一個比賽里同時游泳、騎自行車和跑步呢?這個答案可追溯到1920年代的法國。在一項稱為Les Trois Sports(法文,三項體育)或是三項運動的賽事中,可以見到選手們在不只一項的領域裡儘力表現自己最好的一面。第一屆現代鐵人三項比賽於1974年在加州聖地亞哥市的米申灣舉行。現在,有若干組織會在世界各地籌辦鐵人三項比賽。參加鐵人三項比賽的選手都想維持自己的體能。鐵人三項比賽的運動員也認為,訓練三項賽事優於單項。由於在訓練的過程中練習的項目一直輪流交替,因此受傷的機會較小。此外,游泳和騎自行車對運動員身體的衝擊比經常跑步來的小。go off發出聲響Marshall was late because his alarm clock didn"t go off.馬歇爾因他的鬧鐘沒響所以遲到了。dry off變乾I went to lie in the sun to dry off after swimming in the ocean.我在海里游完泳後到太陽底下曬乾。hit the pavement開始走路,上路It is getting dark, so I"d better hit the pavement.天色漸漸變暗了,所以我最好馬上上路。eventually adv. 最終,終於Eventually, the couple broke up.這對情侶最終還是分手了。put on...舉行 演出(活動,節目等)The TV station put on a concert to raise money for the typhoon victims.電視台舉行了一場演唱會為颱風受災戶募款。compete vi. 競爭A total of six players competed in the second round of the tournament.共有六位選手競爭第二回合的錦標賽。maintain vt. 保持,維持That Japanese restaurant maintains a high level of service at all times.那家日本餐廳總是保持高水準的服務品質。on a regular basis定期地,固定地My best friend Lindsay and I hang out after school on a regular basis.我放學後固定和我最好的朋友琳賽一起玩。athlete n. 運動員triathlon n. 游泳、腳踏車和賽跑三項運動的全能賽rotate vt. 輪流

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