
"The Vampire Diaries": Elena"s not going to get free from the Salvatore dungeon any time soon. Stefan and Damon team up with Caroline, Bonnie, and Matt in an effort to torture Elena"s humanity out of her by stealing her ring and exposing her to sunlight. But there"s a problem. They"re trying to use fear to inspire emotion, but Elena"s not afraid, because she knows that while everyone else might have reached their breaking point with her, Damon still won"t ever let anything truly bad happen to her. He can"t help but save her. 《吸血鬼日記》:Elena可得在Salvatore家地牢里待上好一陣了。Stefan和Damon跟Caroline、Bonnie、Matt攜手想通過折磨她的方式喚回她的人性,比如偷走她的日光戒指再讓她再陽光下曬。不過這個方法是有問題的。他們想通過恐懼來激發Elena的情感,不過Elena並不害怕,因為她知道所有人折磨她都是有限度的,Damon不會讓她真的出事。他會情不自禁的幫她。


劇透 「一群假扮警察的賊,遇到另一群假扮警察的賊。那群假扮警察的賊殺人越貨,於是這群假扮警察的賊看不下去了。結果4個保齡球一輛小巴幹掉了5個拿AK47的悍匪。」這是《衝鋒車》片尾古巨基對電影情節做的
《君の名は》伏筆梗概(慎點!多圖預警 劇透預警)
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