離婚是為你老婆下一任的老公提供保障。(怪不得時下流行娶離婚富婆。) Divorce provides security for your wife』s next husband. 他老婆提出離婚,並要求得到結婚蛋糕的監護權。(結婚蛋糕屍骨未寒就離婚,未免太快了點。) His wife sued for divorce and asked for custody of the wedding cake.. 他們說她嫁給他是因為他爹留給他一大筆遺產。這是一派胡言。她是鐵定嫁給他了,才不管那一大筆遺產是誰留給他的呢。(有奶便是娘。有錢便是爹。) They say she married him because his father left him a fortune. That』s a lie. She would have married him no matter who left him a fortune. 在好萊塢,友誼不會天長地久,通常都以婚姻而告終。(可能最後又都以離婚而告終!) In Hollywood, friendships don』t last. They usually end up in marriage. 我只不過想找個英俊和善解人意的好老公。我覺得這樣要求一位百萬富翁不算過分吧?(這不成了潘驢鄧小閑了么?) All I want is a husband who』s good looking, kind, and sensitive. I don』t think that』s too much to ask for a millionaire. 婚姻是唯一你和敵人同床共寢的戰爭。(床頭打架床尾和。) Marriage is the only war where you sleep with the enemy. 結婚前,我一直是自己的死對頭。(結婚後,配偶就是死對頭。) Until I got married, I was my own worst enemy. 男人省錢的一個辦法,就是和他的第二任老婆先結婚。(帶著你的嫁妝,連著你的妹妹,趕著那馬車來!) One way for a man to save money is to marry his second wife first. 數據表明,婚姻可以防止自殺。沒錯。數據同樣表明:自殺可以防止婚姻。(寧死不屈,好樣的!) Statistics prove that marriage is a preventive of suicide. Yes. And statistics also prove that suicide is a preventive of marriage. 玩世不恭者:認為訂婚是走向離婚的第一步。(這可是萬里長征的第一步啊!) Cynic: A man who regards getting engaged as a first step towards a divorce. 結婚是離婚的主要原因。(離婚也成了許多結婚的理由呢!) Marriage is the main cause of divorce.