
這樣的自我介紹才地道初次見面怎麼樣做一個有特色又規範的自我介紹呢?說到自我介紹,有很多自我介紹的方法,我這裡總結了幾種。雖然是分了不同場合,其實並沒有那麼嚴格,它們也是可以通用的。來看看吧~~正式場合It"s a pleasure to meet you. Usually, this would be said after you have been told the person"s name and title. 一般用於第三人為兩人相互介紹之後。比如,有人為你介紹別人:This is Mr.…from Samsung. He is the executive for the markets of Asia and southeast Asia. 這個時候你就可以說It"s a pleasure to meet you.正式場合主動介紹Please allow me to introduce myself. I』m… from…(部門,或者公司), please allow me to introduce myself. 比如,Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Richard Doran. I"m from Youdao. It"s nice to meet you.非正式的Hi, my name is……It"s nice to put a face to the name, I"m……久聞大名,終於見面了。我是XXX。更隨意一點A pleasure, you can call me……比如:hey baby, you can call me Richard.A pleasure, I"m……PS: 本文由有道詞典原創或授權發布。? 2013 有道詞典·看天下. Powered by WordPress. Theme by TangStyle.

5部HBO經典影集 追劇的同時「追」出一口地道英文

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