
燕麥豆腐丸 ~ Oats tofu balls

燕麥豆腐丸材料:豆腐2塊燕麥(老人燕麥也可)10湯匙木薯粉3湯匙炸油1杯調味料:鹽(少許)胡椒粉(少許)做法:1.先將豆腐用叉子搓爛。然後加入燕麥,再加入適量的調味料攪拌均勻成團狀。2.用湯匙舀出適合的大小,表層沾上少許的木薯粉。3.鍋加熱後,加了油燒熱後,把燕麥豆腐丸放入炸至有點金黃色即可撈起。把油濾干.酸甜番茄淋醬材料:大洋蔥1個(切片)黃瓜半個(去種籽,切片)黃梨適量(切丁)(我沒放)番茄1個(切塊)醬料:罐裝番茄醬5湯匙酸梅醬2湯匙清水(適量)調味料:黃砂糖、鹽(各少許、適量即可)做法:1.把鍋加熱後,加點油,把菜類倒入拌炒一會兒。可以加一點點糖。**加了少許的糖拌炒,然後加入酸的醬料一起煮,那麼黃瓜,大蔥口感比較脆,不會軟軟的**2.倒入醬料和調味料煮炒拌,加入適量的清水煮滾即可。3.把醬汁淋在燕麥豆腐丸上就可上桌享用了。Oats tofu ballsIngredients :soft beancurd / tofu 2 piecesoats 10tbsptapioca flour 3tbspoil for frying 1 cupSeasoning :saltpepperMethod :1. Mash soft beancurd with a fork . Add in oats and seasoning . Mix well .2. Use spoon scoop out the mashed beancurd and coated with some tapioca flour .3. Heat oil , fry until golden brown . Dish up and drain excess oil .Sweet and sour tomato sauceIngredients :1 onion ( sliced )cucumber1/2 ( remove seed and sliced )some pineapple( cubed )1 tomato ( cubed )Sauce :tomato sauce 5tbspsour plum sauce2tbspwaterSeasoning:brown sugarsaltMethod :1. Heat oil , add in cucumber , pineapple , onion and tomato .May add some sugar if you want the cucumber and onion more crispy .2. Add in sauce ingredients , seasoning and water . Bring to boil .3. Pour the sauce over fried tofu balls and serve hot .

男人愛吃豆腐 難躲五大致命傷|豆腐| 致命

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