

2017年4月26日 作者:紐約時報(By GERRY MULLANY and CHOE SANG-HUN)

周二,韓國港口城市釜山,美國密歇根號核潛艇在當地的一個海軍基地。The U.S.S. Michigan, a submarine, at a naval base in Busan, a port city in South Korea, on Tuesday. Its presence reflected heightened military readiness on both sides of the Korean Peninsula.










韓國周一表示,已開發出一種新雷達,它比目前使用的雷達能更快、更準確地偵測發射來的炮火。韓國國防採購項目管理局發言人裴賢佑(Bae Hyun-woo,音)說,該技術將在2018年投入使用,雖然它不能讓韓國攔截火箭,而能讓軍方確定火箭的來源,從而打擊發射台。







周三,蒂勒森和馬蒂斯被安排在白宮向美國參議院全體議員介紹有關朝鮮的情況。白宮新聞秘書長肖恩·斯派塞(Sean Spicer)說,參加這次情況介紹的還有國家情報總監丹·科茨(Dan Coats)和參謀長聯席會議主席小約瑟夫·F·鄧福德(Joseph F. Dunford Jr.)。


Gerry Mullany自香港、Choe-Sang-hun自韓國首爾報道。儲百亮自北京、Su-Hyun Lee自首爾隊本文有報道貢獻。

翻譯:Cindy Hao

North Korea Stages Long-Range Artillery Drills

HONG KONG —North Koreastaged huge artillery drills on Tuesday to mark the 85th anniversary of the founding of the nation』s military, as China pressed its efforts to tamp down tensions over signs that Pyongyang was preparing for a nuclear test.

The long-range artillery drills were conducted near Wonsan, along North Korea』s east coast, according to the South Korean military. They coincided with military maneuvers by the United States and its allies as well as the arrival of the U.S.S. Michigan, a submarine armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles, in the port city of Busan in South Korea.

The United States Navy described the arrival of the submarine as 「routine,」 but its presence reflected the heightened military readiness on both sides of the Korean Peninsula.

In addition to holding joint naval exercises in the Yellow Sea, the United States and South Korea have been staging military maneuvers in Pocheon, northeast of Seoul, demonstrating some of their latest weapons. A North Korean state newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, said last week that the joint maneuvers were taking the tense situation on the peninsula to the 「verge of explosion.」

North Korea often uses important national holidays, like the anniversary on Tuesday, to display its military might. On April 15 — the 105th birthday of Kim Il-sung, the country』s founder — the North staged a large military parade, flaunting what analysts said could be new intercontinental ballistic missiles. The next morning, it launched a ballistic missile thatfailed after liftoff.

The lack of a nuclear or long-range missile test as of Tuesday afternoon led to speculation that Kim Jong-un, the leader of the country, had instead decided to celebrate the anniversary with a large demonstration of conventional weapons.

「We are closely watching the North Korean military』s movements around Wonsan while maintaining a firm preparedness,」 the South Korean military said in a statement.

The South Korean news agency Yonhap, citing an unidentified government source, said the exercise involved 300 to 400 pieces of long-range artillery, of the same type deployed along the border north of Seoul. Seoul, a city of 10 million, lies in range of the North Korean artillery and could experience catastrophic damage should war break out.

Yonhap called the drill one of the largest live-fire exercises conducted by the North.

South Korea said on Monday that it had developed radar that can detect incoming artillery faster and more accurately than the radar it currently uses. Col. Bae Hyun-woo, a spokesman for the Defense Acquisition Program Administration, said the technology, to be deployed by 2018, would not enable the South to intercept the rockets, but would allow the military to identify their source and strike the launchpads.

On Tuesday, China dispatched Wu Dawei, a longtime diplomat handling tensions on the Korean Peninsula, to Tokyo for talks with Japanese Foreign Ministry officials, in hopes of warding off military confrontation.

China, an ally of North Korea that has become increasingly impatient with its behavior, has tried to play a mediating role; its president, Xi Jinping, speaking by phone with President Trump on Monday, hascautioned restraint. The question is whether Beijing has enough leverage to avert a detonation at the North』s atomic test site in Punggye-ri, where, analysts say,preparations for a blastappear to have recently resumed.

As Mr. Wu traveled to Japan, the Chinese state news media defended how Beijing had handled the latest tensions. The Global Times, a widely read tabloid,praised Chinese coordinationwith the Trump administration, but said the key to defusing the tensions was in the hands of the United States, not China.

「China』s influence over the entire situation is very limited,」 an editorial in the paper said on Tuesday. 「The United States hopes that China can be like a magician managing Pyongyang』s nuclear activities, while Pyongyang hopes that Beijing will apply its pressure against the threat of war from the United States and South Korea. In the end, China can』t make either side entirely happy.」

Some South Korean news outlets raised concerns Tuesday about the decision by President Trump to speak with Mr. Xi and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan on Monday but not with the acting president of South Korea, Hwang Kyo-ahn. They characterized the omission as diplomatic fallout from the impeachment and ouster of former President Park Geun-hye, which has left the country without an elected leader until voters choose a successor next month.

In a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, Mr. Ahn stressed that South Korea was not being left out. As acting president, he said, he had spoken with Mr. Trump on the phone three times, as well as met with Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis during their recent visits to Seoul.

On Wednesday, Mr. Tillerson and Mr. Mattis are scheduled to brief the entire United States Senate at the White House on North Korea. The briefing will also include Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence, and Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary.

While administration officials often go to the Capitol to address lawmakers, it is rare for the full Senate to be summoned to the White House.

Gerry Mullany reported from Hong Kong and Choe-Sang-hun from Seoul, South Korea. Chris Buckley contributed reporting from Beijing and Su-Hyun Lee from Seoul.


??? 7??? ?? ?? ??? 今天的7聯隊依然是我們的榜樣

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