荷蘭發明防加班辦公桌 一到下班點就升空

Employees at Amsterdam design studio Heldergroen won"t be putting in much overtime. Not in the office, at any rate.在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的設計工作室Heldergroen,員工將不會有太多機會加班。就算加班也不是在辦公室。

That"s because every day at 6 pm, their desks, tables and other work surfaces, with their computers attached, are hauled up to the ceiling by steel cables normally used to move heavy props in theatrical productions. If you leave a half-eaten tuna sandwich on your desk, you"re out of luck.因為一到每天下午6點,員工們的辦公桌和其他工作台,將連同電腦一起被劇院升降台用的鋼纜吊著向天花板升上去。如果你在桌上放了一個吃了一半的金槍魚三明治,那你可就不走運了。

Once the chairs and other workplace paraphernalia are cleared away, the space is free for evening and weekend use as "a dance floor, yoga studio … or anything else you can think of—the floor is literally yours," creative director Sander Veenendaal said.一旦椅子和辦公室的其他設備被清走,這裡就變成了一個完全開放的空間,周末可以用作「舞池、瑜伽館或者其他你能想到的活動室——你想怎麼用就怎麼用」,創意總監桑德·維恩達爾說。

In a way, the office space itself is working overtime for Heldergroen, generating lots of publicity and carrying an enlightened message of career-life balance far and wide.在某種程度上,辦公空間在業餘時間還在為Heldergroen繼續服務,這麼做不但讓公司的知名度提高了不少,還讓工作生活平衡的開明理念廣為傳播。

"We think that doing activities like this makes it easier for people to work here," says Veenendaal. "You know when it is time to relax or do something else that inspires you."「我們認為這麼做會讓人們感覺在這裡工作更輕鬆,」維恩達爾說道,「你知道什麼時間該放鬆,或者去做一些給自己靈感的事情。」

That sounds awesome. There"s just one catch. In the morning, the desks reappear and everybody has to go back to work.這聽上去很棒。唯一讓人不爽的是,到了早上,辦公桌會再度出現,所有人都得回去工作。



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