使用科學調情技巧 追上心儀對象(視頻+文本+字幕)

Looking to hook up, or maybe even fall in love? These scientifically proven flirting techniques will increase the odds that your seduction attempts succeed.想要結識對方,甚至已經墜入愛河?下面這些經科學證明的調情技巧將增加你的誘惑成功的機會。You Will Need你需要Smile微笑Female friends女性朋友Alcohol酒精Conversational skills對話技巧Open-mindedness開明Perspective洞察力Steps步驟STEP 1 Smile!1.微笑If you"re a woman with your eye on a particular guy, smile at him. According to research, a man finds a woman who smiles directly at him significantly more attractive than a woman who looks at him without smiling.如果你是女性,看上了一名特別的男孩,向他微笑。根據一項研究,男性認為直接向他微笑的女性比看著他不笑的女性更有吸引力。Body language like hair-flipping and lip-licking can also be effective.撥弄頭髮和舔嘴唇等身體語言也有效。STEP 2 Get some groupies2.聚集一些狂熱追隨者If you"re a guy on the make, have a few female friends on hand who are willing to beam adoringly at you now and then. One study found that women are likely to find a man more attractive if they see other women smiling at him.如果你是大有希望的男性,在你周圍聚集幾個願意不時向你放電的女性朋友。一項研究發現,女性可能認為有其他女性向他微笑的男性更有吸引力。STEP 3 Buy them a drink3.為他們買一杯飲料Buy the object of your desire a drink. The phenomenon known as "beer goggles" may be scientifically true: in one experiment, people who had been drinking found faces of the opposite sex 25 percent more attractive than their sober counterparts did, because alcohol stimulates the part of the brain we use to determine facial attractiveness.為你傾心的對象購買一杯酒水。「啤酒護目鏡」現象從科學上來講可能是正確的:在一份實驗中,正在飲酒的人認為異性有吸引力的可能性比清醒的人高25%。因為酒精會刺激大腦中決定面部吸引力的部分。STEP 4 Make it about them4.對話圍繞對方進行Make the conversation all about them -- ask questions, show interest in their answers, use their name, laugh at their jokes, and flatter them. Psychologists who"ve studied flirting say if you can make someone feel good about themselves, they"ll feel good about you.對話全部圍繞對方進行——問他們問題,對他們的答案表現出興趣,用他們的名字,對他們的笑話發笑,奉承他們。研究調情的心理學家表示,如果你能讓某人自我感覺良好,他們對你的感覺也會很好。STEP 5 Demonstrate open-mindedness5.表現出開明的精神Let them change your mind about something. According to one researcher, people on a date find a person who agrees with them more attractive than a person who disagrees with them, but they find someone who switches positions to agree with them the most attractive of all.讓他們改變你對某事的觀點。一位研究人員表示,約會的人發現贊同他們觀點的人比不贊同他們觀點的人更有吸引力,但是他們發現改變自己的立場,贊同他們的人是最有吸引力的。In a study, men who chatted for just 5 minutes with a pretty woman experienced a temporary boost in their testosterone levels immediately after.一項研究發現,與漂亮女性聊天五分鐘之後,男性的睾丸素水平就會立即上升。


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