

  1,It should be possible to reach agreements with certain airlines and hotels to arrange discounts for sales staff who use them. 和銷售人員所使用的特定航空公司以及酒店達成折扣的協議是可能的。  2,Sales staff should state the obfectives of each visit before they make them,so that managers can decide whether the visit is worth the cost. 銷售人員必須在出差之前提交他們拜訪的目的,這樣經理可以判斷這個拜訪是否划得來。  3,It is important to do so in comfort. 舒服地做這個是很重要的。  4,Sales staff have to make high -quality presentations and answer detaied technical questions. 銷售人員必須做高質量的推介說明和回答具體的技術問題。  5,This question is a fairly typical one. 這個問題是相當典型的一個。  6,The only thing that occurred to me to say was that I was terribly sorry. 我唯一能做的事情就是說我真的很抱歉。  7,It is my job to get the participants to reach a conclusion. 讓與會者達成一個結論是我的工作。  8,The meeing I held yesterday ended in chaos with everyone taking at once. 我昨天組織的會議在一片混亂中結束,大家都在同一時間發言說話。  9,There is a problem we can certainly work on. 這有個我們可以研究解決的問題。  10,What problem would you like to mention? 你想提什麼問題?。      

職場中 如何應對身邊的『刁蠻』同事

TAG:職場 | 英語 | 2010 |