爆料:《世界經濟論壇》分析性別差異(gender gap)的計算方法是錯誤的

#曉輝性元談# 《世界經濟論壇》的報告在某些領域的權威地位有一個原因,即那些領域是純文科出身的人當道。媒體和女權圈都是文科掌權。整體上某些女權的文科博士出身的人不要奢望和理科博士的眼光齊頭並進,他們看不出世界經濟論壇的低級錯誤也是正常。



The Global Gender Gap Report is a yearly study sponsored by TheWorld Economic Forum. This is a prestigious group that meets in DavosSwitzerland each year. It attracts more than 2500 of the world"s leadingfigures in business and politics—people like Bill Gates and German ChancellorAngela Merkel show up. So do celebrities: Bono, Mick Jagger, and AngelinaJolie. The purpose of the gathering is admirable: to brainstorm on ways to makethe world a better place. One way the Forum hopes to improve the world is tohighlight 「role models」 of gender equity around the world.

Since 2006, the Forum hasproduced yearly reports ranking the world』s nations on gender—equality in keyareas such as Economic opportunity, political empowerment, health andeducation. The just-released 2015 findings are typical of earlier reports.Rwanda, the Philippines and Nicaragua somehow get higher equity rankings thanthe US, Australia, Canada and Denmark.

Journalists, with fewexceptions, have been electrified by the Gender Gap Study. Many have praised itfor showing just how backward we are in the United States.

The Factual Feminist hasconcerns about the soundness of the gender gap study. The researchers arewell-intentioned, but their study shows a lack of common sense.

This is strictly a study ofgaps between the sexes. If men and women in nation X are equally illiterate,disenfranchised, and just as likely to die at an early age—that all butguarantees a high ranking. No gender gap—no problem. But that isn"t alwaystrue. Gaps favoring women are just fine. If women turn out to be bettereducated, more likely to vote, less vulnerable to violence or early death—thosegaps can actually help a county in the rankings. Look at Russia. According tothe Davos study, Russian women enjoy 11 more healthy years of life than men.That is bad news for Russian men—but great for Russia"s standing in the studies「Healthy Life Expectancy」

A Davos report that honestlyshowed the burdens and benefits of women and men around the world would be farmore useful than this quirky, one-sided study. This 2004 chart from the WorldHealth Organization shows men throughout the world at vastly higher risk forinjury and violence. Gender gaps are complicated—but the World Economic Forumdisguises that. It』s giving an over-simplified and distorted picture of what"sreally going on.

There are other troublingfeatures: the study does not distinguish between free societies anddictatorships, and it greatly rewards countries that use gender quotas inallocating political positions. Countries that combine dictatorships and genderquotas (Cuba, Rwanda, Burundi) are almost guaranteed 「role model」 status in thecategory of political empowerment. Again, that is misleading. Rwanda』s 2003constitution establishes gender quotas for the lower parliament. Women nowoccupy 64% of the seats. But that same constitution gives the current presidentclose to absolute power—including the right to dissolve the parliament. Thehuman rights watchdog group, Freedom House, gives Rwanda』s failing grades wherepolitical rights are concerned. In Mozambique and Burundi, almost everyone(male and female) is in the full-time labor force. That improves their Davosranking, but is it a sign of progress and opportunity—or even true equality?These countries are not bastions of gender equality—what they are isdesperately poor and nearly everyone is forced to work—men women and oftenchildren too. In wealthy countries like the U.S. and Germany lot of motherschoose to work part time, or even leave the workforce when they have children.But that creates gaps that get penalized by the Davos metrics.











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