薄冰英語語法 第三章 冠詞
第三章 冠詞一、概說3.1 冠詞的定義冠詞是置於名詞之前,說明名詞所表示的人或事物的一種虛詞。冠詞也可以說是名詞的一種標誌,它不能離開名詞而單獨存在。如:(1)From the hill-top we could see the roof of a house. 從山崗上我們可以看到一座房子的屋頂。(2)When they reach a certain age, army officers retire from active service. 軍官到了一定年齡就退出現役。(army officers和active service之前為零冠詞)英語冠詞有三個,即定冠詞(definite article)、不定冠詞(indefinite article)和零冠詞(zero article)。漢語沒有冠詞。定冠詞the來自一個古老的、相當於現今that的代詞。它的含義是特指和類指。如:(3)The lion is roaring . 獅子在吼叫。(指確定的某一隻獅子)(4)The lion is the king of beasts. 獅為百獸之王。(指某一類動物)定冠詞the與指示代詞this或that近似,但指示性較弱,一般不重讀。如:(5)Take the apple. 吃這蘋果吧。(the不重讀,如用this apple, 則須重讀)定冠詞the在母音音素讀/ ????,在輔音音素讀/ ????。如:(6)The / ?????air was full of butterflies. 空中滿都是蝴蝶。(7)The / ?????battle started on the / ???? morning of the / ???? 24th. 戰鬥是在24日晨打響的。在讀作 / ju: / 的母音字母u前須讀作 / ????,因為?/ ju: /以輔音元素開頭。如:(8)They are trying to understand how the / ?????universe has evolved. 他們在努力了解宇宙是如何演變的。定冠詞the在強調時須讀作/ ?????。如:(9)He is the / ?????only person who could do that. 他是惟一能做那事的人。不定冠詞a(an)來源於數詞one,有單一的含義,亦用於特指和類指。如:(10)A tiger has escaped. 一隻老虎逃跑了。(指確定的某一隻老虎)(11)A tiger can be dangerous. 老虎可能有危害性。(指任何一隻老虎)不定冠詞a(an)相當於漢語中數目概念較弱的「一」。如:(12)He handed Retana a pair of scissors. 他遞了把剪刀給雷塔娜。不定冠詞a和an兩種形式。它們在含義上並無不同,只是用於輔音音素前,一般讀作/??,而an則用於母音音素前,一般讀作 /???。如:(13)Armstrong is a man of few words. 阿姆斯特朗是一個沉默寡言的人。(14)He was an outcast. 他是一個流亡者。在讀作 / ju: / 的母音字母u前須用a,因為以/ ju: /以輔音元素開頭。如:(15)Jack bought a uniform. 傑克買了一套制服。有些單詞以h但不發音,後接母音音素亦須用an。如:(16)We live about an hour from the city. 我們住的地方離城有一小時的路程。在英國英語中,以h開頭的多音節詞,如第一音節不重讀,其前亦可用an。如:(17)An hotel chambermaid stood by the fire-place. 一個旅館女服務員站在壁爐旁。不定冠詞a或an在強調時則須讀作 / ei / 或 /????。如:(18)A / ei / is used before a consonant sound while an /???? is used before a vowel sound. a用於輔音音素前,而an則用於母音音素前。零冠詞是名詞之前一種無形的冠詞,亦即一般所謂的不用冠詞(定冠詞或不冠詞)的場合。零冠詞的歷史最為悠久。現在許多專有名詞、抽象名詞和物質名詞都用零冠詞。如:(19)Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中國的首都。(20)Knowledge is power. 知識就是力量。(21)Lead is heavier than iron. 鉛比鐵重。3.2 冠詞的基本用法冠詞總是與名詞一起連用的。它的基本用法是:1)在單形可數名詞前可用定冠詞或不定冠詞。如:(1)I had trouble with the car this morning. 今天早上我的車出了毛病。(定冠詞表特指)(2)No one knows precisely when the wheel was invented. 無人知道輪子是什麼時候發明的。(定冠詞表類指)(3)We lived in a small house. 我們住在一所小房子里。(不定冠詞表特指)(4)A baby deer can stand as soon as it is born. 小鹿一生下來就能站立。(不定冠詞表類指)2)在復形可數名詞前可用定冠詞或零冠詞。如:(5)The starts were bright in a cloudless sky. 天空無雲,群星燦爛。(定冠詞表特指)(6)Cigarettes are bad for your health. 香煙有害於你的健康。(零冠詞表類指)3)不可數名詞前可用定冠詞或零冠詞。如:(7)The sugar you bought yesterday has got damp. 你昨天買的糖受潮了。(定冠詞表特指)(8)Hydrogen is lighter than oxygen. 氫輕於氧。(零冠詞表類指)4)專有名詞前用零冠詞。如:(9)There was a letter from Susan inviting me to a party. 蘇珊來信邀我參加聚會。然而,由於名詞的數形和數念都有不少特殊情況,以及歷史、習慣等原因,在英語實踐中,三種冠詞幾乎可用於各類名詞。3.3 冠詞的位置冠詞與名詞連用,總是置於名詞之前。如:(1)The potato is a vegetable, not a fruit. 土豆是一種蔬菜,不是水果。名詞如有形容詞修飾,冠詞通常置於形容詞之前。如:(2)She had a pair of the most intelligent bright brown eyes Robert had ever seen. 她長著一雙羅伯特所見過的最聰慧、明亮的褐色眼睛。(3)In the train, we found an empty third-class carriage. 在列車裡,我們找到了一個空的三等車廂。但在下列幾種情況下,冠詞的位置有些不同。1)形容詞前有so,as,too,how修飾時,不定冠詞a須置於形容詞之後、名詞之前。如:(4)It was so warm a day that we decided to go to the sea. 天氣這樣和曖,我們決定到海邊去玩。(5)They are as happy a couple as live ever seen. 他們是我見到過最幸福的兩口子。(6)It was too good a chance to be missed. 這是個好機會,不能錯過。(7)I know how great a labour he had undertaken. 我知道他從事的是多麼艱巨的勞動。2)指示代詞such和感嘆詞what總是置於不定冠詞a之前。如:(8)However did you make such a mistake? 你怎麼會犯這種錯誤。(9)I never saw such a beautiful colour on my mother』s face before. 我在媽媽的臉上從未曾見過這樣漂亮的氣色。(10)What a pity! 多可惜!3)many可置於不定冠詞之前,後跟單形名詞。如:(12)I』 ve been there many a time. 我到過那兒多次了。(13)I have heard many a young girl say that. 我聽過許多姑娘就這種話。4)副詞quite和rather可置於不定冠詞a之前,亦可置於其後。置於其前時語氣較強。如:(14)You are quite a woman , little Fan. 你真是個不一般的女人,小范。(15)He seems quite a decent fellow. 他看起來像個相當正經的人。(16)It is rather a pity. 這是相當令人遺憾的。(17)He lived in rather a lonely part of the country. 他住在鄉村一個相當僻靜的地方。quite和rather置於不定冠詞之後,其語氣則較弱。如:(18)That』s a quite surprising result. 這種結果有些令人吃驚。(19)He』s a rather hard man. 他是個頗為嚴厲的人。5)不定冠詞all、both和副詞double須置於定冠詞the之前。如:(20)All the birds were asleep. 所有的鳥兒都睡了。(21)Both the boys were late for dinner. 兩個孩子晚飯來晚了。(22)I offered him double the amount, but he still refused. 我給他兩倍的錢,但他還是不接受。both後的定冠詞常可省去。如:(23)Both (the) men were talking in low voices. 兩個人在低聲交談。(24)He signed both(the ) papers. 他簽了兩份文件。all後是否要用定冠詞,由冠詞的一般規則決定。如:(25)All children have to go to school one day. 所有的孩子有一天都得去上學。(類指) (26)All the children of the boarding school were in bed. 寄宿學校的全體孩子都睡了。(特指)6)half 和twice均置於不定冠詞a 和定冠詞the 之前。如:(27)You』ve only heard half the story. 你只聽了故事的一半。(28)It took us half an hour to settle it. 我們花半個小時才將它安放好。(美語則可說a half hour)(29)He paid twice the price for it. 他為它付了雙倍的價錢。二、定冠詞3.4 定冠詞用於類名詞定冠詞可用於單形名詞,表單念。如:(1)He fell and hit his head on the corner of the box. 他摔倒了,在箱角上碰頭。(2)My company waited for me at the end of the street. 我的同伴在街尾等我。(3)Stars were sparkling out there over the river. 星星遠在河的上空閃爍。定冠詞亦可用於復形類名詞,表復念。如:(4)This was July, and the fields were green. 這是七月,田野上綠油油的。(5)Give me a list of the students. 給我一份學生名單。(6)Lake Baikal is the deepest of all the Lakes in the world. 貝加爾湖在世界所有湖泊中是最深的。定冠詞還可用於一些常用復形的類名詞,表單念。如:(7)In two days I was again back on the outskirts of London. 不到兩天,我又回到了倫敦郊區。(8)He wants to go to the movies. 我想去看電影。3.5定冠詞用於集體名詞定冠詞用於集體名詞,不論單形或復形,皆表復念。如:(1)Members of the press weren』t allowed into the meeting. 新聞記者不允許進入會場。(2)The museum is open to the public. 博物館對公眾開放。(3)He identified himself with the lower classes of society. 他認同於下層社會。3.6定冠詞用於物質名詞定冠詞用於單形物質名詞,一般無數念。如:(1)Fragrance diffuses through the air. 空氣中迷漫著芳香。(the air無數念)(2)Milk from which the cream has been taken is called skim-milk. 被提取出奶油的牛奶叫脫脂乳。(the cream無數念)定冠詞亦可用於一些有復形的物質名詞,表復念或無數念。如:(3)Suddenly all the lights went out. 突然間,所有的燈全滅了。(the lights表復念)(4)The air is very clear after the rains. 雨過天晴。(the rains表復念)(5)How do you like the sheep』s brains? 你喜歡吃羊腦?(the sheep』s brains無數念)3.7定冠詞用於抽象名詞定冠詞可用於單形抽象名詞,無數念或表單念。如:(1)They avoided me like the plague. 他們像瘟疫一樣躲著我。(the plague無數念)(2)This type of drama appeals more strongly to the intellect than to the emotions. 此類戲劇激發智能勝過激發情緒。(the intellect無數念)(3)The idea of the game is to hit the ball over the net. 此遊戲的玩法就是要將球打過網去。(the idea表單念)定冠詞亦可用於復形抽象名詞,表各種數念。如:(4)Despite the rigours of the 18-hour flight from Washington, he was in fine spirits. 儘管從華盛頓起飛後經過了18個小時的旅途勞累,但他的精神還很好。(the rigours無數念,與the rigour同義)(5)During the election, his house was used as the campaign headquarters. 選舉期間,他的家被用來作為競選總部。(the campaign headquarters表單念)(6)He laid the foundations of his success by hard work. 他成功的基礎是勤奮。(the foundations表復念)3.8定冠詞用於名詞化的詞定冠詞可用於名詞化的動名詞、形容詞、過去分詞、序數詞等。1) 用於名詞化的動名詞。如:(1)How about the living there? Is it cheap? 那裡的生活怎麼樣?便宜嗎?(單形無數念)(2)Hang the washing out to dry. 把洗好的衣物掛出去晾乾。(單形表復念)(3)Where』s the doings to open this with? 開這個東西的那玩意兒在哪兒?(復形表單念)(4)The bindings of these books are torn. 這些書的裝幀撕裂了。(復形表單念)2)用於名詞化的形容詞。如:(5)The beautiful can never die. 美是永恆的。(單形無數念)(6)The older took the younger by the hand. 老的用手攜著幼的。(單形表單念)(7)The old are apt to catch cold. 老人容易患感冒。(單形表復念)(8)What』s the news? 有什麼新聞嗎?(復形無數念)(9)I asked one of the locals which way to go. 我向一個當地人問路。(復形表復念)3)用於名詞化的過去分詞。如:(10)She said she was just afraid of the unknown. 她說她就是怕未知之事態。(單形無數念)(11)The accused was acquitted. 被告被宣判無罪。(單形表單念)(12)The handicapped need our help. 殘疾人需要我們的幫助。(單形表復念)(13)The broadcasts will he heard in most parts of the world. 全世界大部分地方都將收聽到這些廣播。(復形表復念)4)用於名詞化的序數詞。如:(14)He was the second to he chosen. 他是第二個候選人。(單形表單念)(15)He was one of the first to collect Picasso paintings. 他是最早收藏畢加索繪畫的人之一。(單形表復念)3.9定冠詞用於專有名詞定冠詞可用於單形與復形專有名詞。如:(1)The Baltic Sea is stormy in winter. 波羅的海冬天多暴風雨。(2)The United Nations Organisation was founded in 1945. 聯合國組織成立於1945年。(3)Have you visited the exhibition of some masterpieces of the great painters of the Renaissance? 你參觀過文藝復興時期偉大畫家的佳作選展嗎?(4)Cairo lies on the east bank of the Nile. 開羅位於尼羅河東岸。(Nile後省去river)(5)The Macdonalds lived in the next-door house. 麥克唐納一家住在隔壁。定冠詞用於專有名詞可以:1)表人名。如: the Emperor Napoleon 拿破崙皇帝 the Reverend Peter Israels 彼得 ?伊斯雷爾斯牧師 the Judge Harries 哈里斯法官 the young Shakespeare 小莎士比亞(與the old Shakespeare相對) the late Premier Zhou 已故周總理(late與still living相對) the Browns 布朗一家 the Misses Shaw 肖家姐妹 the Germans 德國人2)表地名。如: the Hudson River 哈得孫河 the Thames (=the river Thames) 泰晤士河 the Mississippi Valley 密士西比河流域 the Suez Canal 蘇伊士運河 the English Channel 英吉利海峽 the Mediterranean Sea 地中海 the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 the Alps 阿爾卑斯山脈 the Hawaiian Islands 夏威夷群島 the Antarctic Circle 南極圈 the Equator 赤道 the Hague海牙 the Sahara撒哈拉沙漠 the Hannibal Bridge漢尼拔橋 the Netherlands荷蘭 the United States美國3)表機關、團體等。如:the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國 the National People』s Congress 全國人民代表大會 the Senate 參議院(美國) the House of Representatives 眾議院(美國) the House of Lords上議院(英國) the House of Commons下議院(英國) the Democratic Party 美國民主黨 the Republican Party 共和黨 the Conservative Party 保守黨 the Labour Party 工黨 the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 聯邦調查局 the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) 美國中央情報局 the Associated Press 美聯社 the University of London 倫敦大學 the University of Chicago 芝加哥大學 the British Museum 不列顛博物館 the London Zoo 倫敦動物園 the Louvre (Palace) 羅浮宮4)表歷史時期、事件等。如: the Iron Age 鐵器時代 the Tudor Dynasty 都鐸王朝 the Yalta Conference 雅爾塔會議 the Treaty of Versailles 凡爾賽條約 5)表報刊書籍及其它。如: the Times 《泰晤士報》 the Guardian《衛報》 the New York Times 《紐約時報》 the Washington Post《華盛頓郵報》 the Economist《經濟學家》 the Atlantic《大西洋雜誌》 the Odyssey 《奧德賽》 the Paradise Lost 《失樂園》 the Yorktown 約克敦號(航空母艦) the Mercury 墨丘利號(宇宙飛船) the Bible 基督教聖經 the Lord 上帝(與用零冠詞的God同義) the Devil 魔王(即撒旦) the Koran 古蘭經3.10 定冠詞用於固定習語定冠詞用於固定習語。如:(1)In the middle of the night, we finally reached that city. 夜半時分,我們終於到達了那座城市。(2)If you behave so foolishly you must be ready to take the consequences. 如果你這樣瞎胡鬧,就得準備自食其果。It is certainly unreasonable that she should put the blame on you. 她竟歸咎於你,這肯定不合理。用定冠詞的其它習語還有。如: in the morning (afternoon,evening) 上午(下午,晚上) to tell the truth 說實話 with the exception of 除...以外 to go to the theatre 看戲 to break the ice 打破沉默 to keep the peace 維持治安 to pick up the pieces 收拾殘局 to burn the midnight oil 開夜車 to pass the buck 推卸責任 to put the cart before the horse 本末倒置 Strike while the iron is hot 趁熱打鐵 The fat is in the fire. 事情搞糟了三、不定冠詞3.11 不定冠詞用於類名詞不定冠詞常用於單形類名詞,表單念。如:(1)Give me a post-card. 給我一張明信片。(2)A girl wants to see you. 一個姑娘要見你。(3)When I entered the room. I saw a man standing at the window. 我走進房間時,看見一個男人站在窗前。不定冠詞亦可用於一些常用復形的類名詞,亦表單念。如:(4)A crossroads is a place where roads cross. 十字路口就是幾條路交叉的地方。(5)My father works at a gas works. 我父親在一家煤氣廠工作。 3.12 不定冠詞用於集體名詞不定冠詞可用於單形集體名詞。如:(1)Holstein was inhabited by a population of abort 600 000 entirely German. 荷爾斯坦曾住有六十萬人口,皆為德國人。(2)The Shaws were naturally a musical family. 肖氏一家人天生愛好音樂。(3)I was put in a large class. 我被編入一個大班。3.13 不定冠詞用於物質名詞不定冠詞可用於單形物質名詞,表單念。如:(1)It is a very good cheese. 它是一種很好的乳酪。(表類別)(2)A heavy dew fell. 下了一場很大的露水。(表類別)(3)George drew out a tin of pineapple from the bottom of the hamper. 喬治從提籃底下取出一罐菠蘿。(轉化為類名詞) 不定冠詞偶爾亦用於復形物質名詞,仍表單念。如:(4)They are a light victuals. 這是一種清淡食物。3.14 不定冠詞用於抽象名詞不定冠詞可用於單形抽象名詞。如:(1)I am quite at a loss. 我真不知道怎麼辦好。(2)You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry. 你如倉卒行事,就會犯錯誤。(3)The horse, feeling the whip, started at a gallop. 馬受到鞭打,就開始奔跑起來。不定冠詞可用於由動詞轉化來的抽象名詞。如:(4)Can you give me a lift, please? 對不起,您能讓我搭你的車嗎?(5)Let』s have a try at it. 讓我們試它一下。不定冠詞可用於已轉化為類名詞的抽象名詞。如:(6)She is quite a beauty. 她真是個美人兒。(a beauty由抽象名詞beauty轉化而來)(7)As a youth he was on the school team. 他年輕時曾參加過校隊。(a youth由抽象名詞youth轉化而來)不定冠詞有時亦用於復形抽象名詞,表單念。如:(8)The first batsman had a short innings. 第一擊球員的一局很短。(9)We have just moved in, so we』 er in a bit of a shambles. 我們剛遷入新居,所以現在還有點亂。3.15 不定冠詞用於名詞化的詞不定冠詞用於名詞化的動名詞、形容詞、過去分詞、序數詞等,多用單形。1)用於名詞化的動名詞。如:(1)A knocking at the door was heard. 聽到一陣敲門聲。(2)By 1982 her work was beginning to attract a following. 到1982年,她的作品開始擁有了讀者。(a following表復念)2)用於名詞化的形容詞。如:(3)He is such a dear. 他是如此可愛的人。(a dear表單念)(4)I』 ll take this one for want of a better. 由於沒有更好的,我就要這個吧。(a better表單念,better後省去了one)但偶爾亦可用於復形名詞化的形容詞。如:He loved the darkness and folded himself into it. It fitted the turgidity of his desire which, in spite of all, was like a riches. 他愛黑暗,將自己包在其中。黑暗正貼合他膨脹起來的慾望,這種慾望簡直就像一種財富一樣。(a riches表單念)3)用於名詞化的過去分詞。如:(6)The onetime star became an outcast. 一時的名星已被社會所拋棄。(an outcast表單念)(7)He is busy administering a deceased』 s estate. 他忙於管理一個死者的遺產。(a deceased表單念)4)用於名詞化的序數詞。如:(8)He got a first in mathematics. 他的數學得第一名。(a first表單念)(9)Hey, we need a fourth in the game. 嘿,我們玩牌正三缺一哩。(a fourth表單念)3.16 不定冠詞用於專有名詞不定冠詞可用於專有名詞。如:(1)He is a Chinese now working as a doctor in Japan. 他是個華人,現在日本當醫生。(2)The museum owns two Rembrandts and a Van Gogh. 這家博物館藏有兩幅倫布蘭特的畫和一幅梵?高的畫。(3)I am going to buy a Kodak. 我要買一架柯達照相機。(4)They came on a Sunday and went away on the Monday. 他們是一個星期日來的,星期一就走了。(5)There wasn』 t a single Jones in the village. 村子裡連一個叫瓊斯的人也沒有。(6)The book is entitled The Making of A New Canada. 這本書題名為《新加拿大的歷程》。不定冠詞偶爾亦可用於復形專有名詞。如:(7)A Mrs. Chambers called this morning. 一個叫錢伯斯太太今天上午來過電話。(8)To read Dickens you would never know there would be a British Isles that is not fogbound. 你如讀迪更斯的書,就會不知有一無霧籠罩的英倫三島。3.17 不定冠詞用於固定習語不定冠詞可用於固定習語。如:(1)Don』t make a fool of me! 別捉弄我了!(2)Shall we take a break? 我們休息一會兒好嗎?(3)When the lad did decide to do his work, he did it with a will. 這小夥子一旦決定幹活,就幹得十分帶勁。用不定冠詞的其它習語還有。如: to have a gallop 快馬加鞭 to make a fuss 大驚小怪 with a vengeance 猛烈地 at a disadvantage 處於不利地位 to wait for an eternity 無期地等待 to make a racket 大聲喧嘩 to beat a retreat 撤退 to take a bow 答謝 all of a sudden 突然 as a rule 通常 as a matter of fact 事實上 get a grip of 掌握
※008 火上澆油,add fuel to the fire