

Parisian nudists will finally have a spot to take it all off – for the next few weeks at least – at a secluded zone in the Bois de Vincennes park east of the city. 巴黎的裸體主義者們終於能有個地方痛痛快快地脫衣服了,未來幾周里城東的宛賽納森林公園會划出一塊隔離區供他們使用。

「The creation of an area in the Bois de Vincennes where naturism will be authorised is part of our open-minded vision for the use of Parisian public spaces,」 said Penelope Komites, a deputy mayor in charge of the city』s parks. 「我們對巴黎公共空間的用途保持開放的心態,在宛賽納森林建立這個區域、允許人們赤身裸體就是這種開放心態的體現。」負責城市公園的巴黎副市長佩妮洛普·克米提斯說道。

The site, still considered an experiment, will be open from 31 August until 15 October, from 8am-7.30pm. 這塊區域仍然處於試驗狀態,將從8月31日開放到10月15日,每天的開放時間是早上8點到晚上7點半。

Signs will let park users know what』s going on (or coming off) in the clearing near the park』s bird reserve, spread over 7,300 square metres (79,000 square feet, or nearly two acres). 這塊裸體區是靠近公園鳥類保護區的一塊林中空地,佔地超過7300平方米(即79000平方英尺或將近2英畝)。公園裡的遊客可以從各種指示牌上知道裸體區里的活動是正在進行還是已經結束。

Officials vow that no voyeurism or exhibitionism will be tolerated in order to assure the respect for those making the most of their natural state. 相關官員鄭重宣告,絕不容忍偷窺或露陰等行為,確保人們在享受自然狀態時得到應有的尊重。

「It』s a true joy, it』s one more freedom for naturists,」 said Julien Claude-Penegry of the Paris Naturists Association, estimating that thousands of people in the region will want to take advantage of the site. 「這真是件大好事,裸體主義者有了更多的自由。」巴黎裸體主義者協會的朱利安·克勞德-佩尼格瑞說。他預計巴黎會有幾千人想來這裡好好享受一番。

「It shows the city』s broad-mindedness and will help change people』s attitudes toward nudity, toward our values and our respect for nature,」 he said, adding that he has been a practising nudist for 20 years. 他說:「此舉展現了這個城市的開放胸襟,有助於改變人們對裸體主義、對我們尊重自然的價值觀的態度。」他還說他20年來一直是個身體力行的裸體主義者。

Parisians already have one public pool where they can swim in the buff three times a week, and across the country some 460 areas are reserved for naked enjoyment, including 155 campsites and 73 beaches. 巴黎已經有一座公共泳池允許人們每周三次進行裸泳。在全法國範圍內,有約460個休閑娛樂場所是專為裸體主義者而設的,包括155個露營地和73片沙灘。

More than 2.6 million people in France have made nudism a regular habit, according to the France 4 Naturism association. 裸體主義組織France 4 Naturism協會的數據顯示,法國有超過260萬人有赤身裸體的習慣。



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