口語 親愛的 不用謝 加油 沒關係 祝你好運 我愛你 你好 對不起 謝謝你 等一下 我同意 我很好 我想你
問候 早上好 中午好 晚上好 你好嗎 好久不見 很高興見到你 認識你很高興
常用 晚安 保重 生日快樂 神經病 我不知道 該死 賤人 你是誰 跟我來 不好意思 努力工作 我永遠愛你 努力學習 女士們先生們
稱呼 老公 家人 朋友 老婆 寶貝 天使 同事 女神 先生 爺爺 奶奶 爸爸 媽媽 哥哥 弟弟 姐姐 妹妹 成人
心情 驚喜 微笑 混蛋 害怕 高興 無聊 失望 幸福 討厭 緊張 傷感 想念 喜歡 恨 擔心 去死 後悔 難受 可惡 可笑 煩躁
星期 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期天 周末
月份 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月
節日 聖誕節 端午節 元旦 情人節 國慶節 教師節 愚人節 母親節 建軍節 萬聖節 感恩節 元宵節 新年 清明節 重陽節
動物 兔子 魚 恐龍 長頸鹿 大象 猴子 豬 袋鼠 馬 龍 鴨子 牛 羊 企鵝 蜘蛛 松鼠 刺蝟 蜜蜂 鵝 考拉
水果 桃子 草莓 葡萄 西瓜 香蕉 梨 檸檬 橘子 橙子 菠蘿 芒果 櫻桃 荔枝 榴槤 柚子
食物 胡蘿蔔 茄子 漢堡包 辣椒 勺子 叉子 桌子 骨頭 玻璃杯 乾杯 美味 薯條 黃瓜 晚餐 番茄 蘑菇 早飯 火鍋 土豆 玉米
家居 傘 盤子 地毯 尺子 桌子 手錶 檯燈 鉛筆盒 房子 鏡子 門 垃圾桶 洗衣機 冰箱 微波爐
生活 垃圾 生日 低碳生活 電影 手套 信用卡 銀行 公園 飯店 賓館 超市 醫院
服裝 裙子 短褲 連衣裙 短裙 上衣 時尚 褲子 帽子 夾克衫 長褲 帥氣 性感 漂亮 顏色
交通 自行車 摩托車 小汽車 吉普車 卡車 計程車 地鐵 火車 船 遊船 飛機 划船
旅遊 酒店 泰國 假期 西餐廳 箱子 擁擠 阿根廷 聚會 服務員 打電話 中國 下車 商店
運動 籃球 放風箏 吹口哨 霸氣 強壯 勁爆 放鬆 羽毛球 厲害 爬山 踢足球 打雪仗 拼搏 有趣 盪鞦韆 滑冰 逛街 掃地 魔術 氣球
自然 春天 夏天 秋天 冬天 雲 電 雪 冰 晴 陰 熱 暖 冷 霧 霜 草 樹 木 竹 日 月 山 水 河 流 江 海 白色 花 紫色 雨 罌粟花 彼岸花
A開頭a about after afternoon again ago air all along am an and angry animal answer ant any apple april are ask at august aunt auntie aunty autumn
B開頭back bad bag ball banana bank basketball bathroom be bean bear beautiful bed bee before begin best between big bike bird birthday black blackboard blow blue boat book boots borrow bowl box boy bread breakfast bright bring brother bus but buy by bye
C開頭cake can car card careful carry cartoon cat chair cheap cheese chess chick chicken child children chocolate city class classroom clean clear clearly clever climb clock close clothes coat coffee coin cold colour come come to school computer cook cool corner cup cut
D開頭dad dance dark date day dear december deer desk difference dirty do doctor dog door down draw dress drink driver dry duck
E開頭ear early east eat egg eggplant e-mail english enjoy eraser evening every example excuse eye
F開頭face factory family far farm farmer fast fasten fat fax february feel film find fine finger finish first fish five flag flower fly follow food foot football for fork fox friday friend fruit
G開頭game garden gate get girl give glass glasses go goat good grade grape grass great green guess
H開頭hair half hall hand happy hard hare have he head hear hello help her here hers hi high him his hold holiday home homework horse hospital hotel hour house how hundred hungry hurry
I開頭i idea if ill in ink interesting internet into is it italy its
J開頭jacket jane january jeep join juice july jump june just
K開頭keep key kind kite knife know
L開頭ladder lady lake land last late learn leave lend lesson let letter library lift light like line listen little live long look lose love luck lunch
M開頭madam make man mango many map march match maths may may maybe me meal meet meeting merry message middle milk mine minute mirror miss model mom moment monday money month moon morning mother mountain mouse mouth movie mr mrs much mum music must my myself
N開頭name near neat need neighbour nervous net new news newspaper next nice night no no. nose not nothing november now number nurse
O開頭october of office often oh ok old on one only open or orange our ours out outside over
P開頭panda paper parents park party pass past peach pear pen pencil pencil box pet phone photo piano picture pig place plane plate play please post postcard postman potato price purse put
Q開頭quarter question queue quiet
R開頭rabbit radio rain raise read ready red remember repair return right river road room round row ruler run
S開頭sad salad salesman same sandwich saturday sausage save say school schoolbag season second see september shark she sheep shelf shell ship shoe shop shopping short should shy sick sing sister sit size skate skirt sleep slow small snail snake snow so sofa some something son song sorry speak spell sport spring stamp stand star start station stay stop store story street student study subway summer sun sunday swim
T開頭table tail take talk tall tea teach teacher telephone television tell temperature tennis test thank that the their theirs them then there these they thick thin think this those through thursday ticket tidy time to today toe together tomorrow too tooth toy train tree truck try t-shirt tuesday turn tv
U開頭uncle under us use
V開頭very visit
W開頭wait walk wall want warm wash watch water way we weather wednesday week welcome well wet what when where which white who whose why will wind window winter with wolf woman women woods word work worker world write wrong
Y開頭yea yellow yes yesterday you young your yours
A開頭a a waste of time a.m. able about above abroad accident across active activity ad address aeroplane afford afraid africa after afternoon again against age ago agree air airport alike alive all allow almost alone along already also although always amaze amazing america among an and angel angry animal another answer any anybody anyone anything anytime anywhere appear apple april are aren"t arm around arrive art artist as ask asleep assistant at attack attract audience august aunt australia australian autumn awake away
B開頭baby back bad badly bag baker ball bamboo banana band bang bank barn base baseball basic basket basketball be be amazed at be excited about be made in beach bear beat beautiful because become bed bedroom beef beeper beer before beg begin beginning behind believe below berlin beside best best-seller better between big bike bill billion biology bird birthday bit black blackboard bleat blew blind blouse blow blown blue boat boating body book bookmark bookshop boot boring born borrow boston both bottle bowl box boy brazil bread break breakfast breathe bridge bright brightly bring britain british brochure broke broken broom brother brown brush build building bus business businessman busy but butter button buy by bye
C開頭cabbage cafe cage cake call camera can can not canada canadian cancer candle canoe canon can"t cap capital captain car card care careful carefully careless carrot carry cat catch cause cd celebrate cent center centre century certainly chair challenge chance change channel chart cheap check check-out cheese chemistry chess chicken child children chimney china chinese chips chocolate choose chopsticks christmas church cinema circle city class classmate classroom clean cleaner clear clearly clever click climb clock close closed clothes cloud cloudy club coat code coffee coin coke cold collect college colour colourful come come true comfortable company competition complain composition computer concert conductor confidence confident congratulation connect contribution conversation cook cookie cool copy coral corn corner correct cost cotton cough could count country countryside cousin cover cow crash cream credit crop cross crossing crow cry cup cupboard cut
D開頭dad dance danger dangerous dark date daughter day daytime dead deaf deal dear death december decide decision decorate deep deer delicious describe description desert deserve desk detective develop diagram diary dictionary die difference different difficult dig digital dim dinner dinosaur directly dirty disappear disappearance discover discuss discussion disease dish display disturb dive diver do do morning exercises do not doctor document dog doll dollar dolphin don"t door doorbell double down download downstairs draw dream dress drink drive driver drop drought dry duck dumpling during dustbin duty dvd
E開頭each ear earlier early earth earthquake east easy eat edge education egg eight eighteenth eighth either electronic elephant eleven else e-mail empty encourage end engineer england english englishman english-speaking enjoy enjoyable enough enter entrance environment eraser escape especially essential eve even evening event ever every everybody everyone everything everywhere exactly exam example excellent except excited exciting excuse exercise exit expect expensive experience expert explore explorer eye
F開頭face fact factory fail fall family famous fan far farm farmer farming farmland farther farthest fast fat father favourite fax feather february feed feel festival few field fifteen fifty fill film final find fine finger finish fireplace fish fishing fit five fix flight flood floor flower fly fog foggy follow food foot football for foreign foreigner forest forever forgot fork form fossil found four fourteen fox fragile france free freeze french frenchman friday fridge friend friendly friendship frighten frightened from from to front froze frozen fruit frustrate frustrated full fun funny future
G開頭game garden gate gatekeeper generosity geography germany get get-together girl give glad glass glove go go hiking go on doing sth go straight along goal goes golf good goodbye goodness grab grade graduate grand grandfather grandma grandmother grandpa grape grass grateful great green greet grey ground group grow guess guide
H開頭hair half half-way hall hamburger hand hang happen happily happy hard hardly hard-working harm harvest has hat hate have he head headache headmaster heal health healthily healthy hear heart heavily heavy height hello help help yourself to helpful her here hers herself hey hi hide high hike hiking hill him himself his history hit hobby hold hole holiday home hometown homework hope horse hospital hot hotel hour house housework how however hug huge human hundred hungry hurry hurt husband
I開頭i ice iceberg icon id idea if ill i"ll i"m imagine important impossible improve in increase india indian information injection inside inspector instead instruction interest interested interesting internet into invent invention inventor invite is island isn"t it it is italian italy its it"s
J開頭jacket january japan japanese jeep job join joke journalist journey juice july jump jumper june just
K開頭keep key keyboard kid kill kilo kilometre kind kind-hearted kitchen kite knee knife knock know knowledge
L開頭lab laboratory lady lake land language lap large last late later laugh lay lazy leaf learn least leather leave left leg lend lent less lesson let let"s letter librarian library licence lie life lifeboat lifetime lift light like line lion list listen litter little live lively living-room lock london lonely long look lose lost lot loud loudly loudspeaker love low luck luckily lucky lunch
M開頭macao machine madam magazine magical mail main mainland make man manager man-made many map march mark market marry match math maths matter may may maybe me meal mean meaning meat medicine meet meeting melon member men mend mention menu merry message metal metre microcomputer microsoft mid-autumn middle midfield midnight milk million mind mine minibus minus minute miss miss missing mist mistake mister misty mobile mobile phone model modem moment monday money monitor monkey month moon mooncake moonlight more morning moscow most mostly mother motorbike mount mountain mouse mouth mouth-to-mouth move moving mr mrs ms much multiply mum mummy museum music must my myself
N開頭name natural near nearby nearly neatly necessary neck necklace need neighbour neighbourhood neither nervous never new news newspaper next nice nine ninth no no. nobody noise noisy none noodle noon nor north northeast northern northwest nose not nothing notice novel november now number nurse nut
O開頭object ocean o"clock october of offer office often oil ok old olympic on once one one-way onion online only onto open opera opposite or orange order ordinary other ouch our ours ourselves out outdoor outside over own owner
P開頭p.m. pack page paid pain painful painter painting pair palace pan panda paper pardon parent parents park parking parrot part part-time party pass passenger past path patient pause pay pe pea pear pen pencil pencil box penguin people pepper performance perhaps person personal pet phone photo physics piano pick picnic picture pie piece pig pill pink pioneer pity pizza place plan plane plant plastic plate play player playground playhouse pleasant please pleased pleasure plus pocket point police policeman politely pollute pool poor popular population pork porridge possible post postal postcard postman potato pound pour practice practise prefer prefer to present press pretty prevent price pride print printer prize probably problem produce program progress protect proud provide province public pull pumpkin pupil purple purse push put
Q開頭quarrel quarter question queue quick quickly quiet quietly quite
R開頭rabbit race racket radio rail railway rain raincoat rained rainy rather reach read ready real realize really receive recycle red reef refuse regard relative relax relay remember repair reply report rest restaurant result return review rewarding rice rich riddle ride ridge right rim ring river road rob robber robbery robot rock rocket roller-skating rome room rough round round-trip row rub rubbish rule ruler run runner rush russian
S開頭sad sadly safe safety salesgirl salt same sand sandwich sar satellite saturday save say scenery school schoolbag schoolboy schoolyard science scientist scissors score scotland screen scuba sea seafood search season seat second secondhand secret see seem self-respect sell seller send september serious serve set seven several shall shape shark sharpener she sheep shelf shellfish shepherd shine ship shirt shoe shoot shop shopping short shot should shout show shower showery shut shy sick side sign silently silk since sing singer single sink sir sister sit six size skate ski skirt sky sleep slipper slow slowly small smell smile smog smoke snake snow snowman snowy so so-called soccer society sock software soil soldier solve some somebody someday someone something sometime sometimes somewhere son song soon sorry so-so sound soup south space spaceship spat speak speaker special speed spell spend spill spilt spirit spit spoil spoilt spoon sport spring square stamp stand star start station stay steal steep steer step stick still stocking stole stolen stop store storm story straight strange street striker strong student study subject success successfully such suddenly sugar suit summer sun sunday sunglasses sunny sunshine supermarket supper suppose sure surf surfer surfing surprise sweater sweden swedish sweep sweet swim sydney
T開頭table tail take take-away talk tall tape taste taxi tea teach teach oneself teacher team teamwork teapot tear technology telegraph telephone tell temperature ten tennis tent term terrible terrific textbook than thank thankful thanks thanksgiving thanksgiving that the the palace museum theater theatre their theirs them themselves then there there"s these they thief thin thing think third thirsty thirteen thirty this those though thought thousand three through throw thursday tick ticket tidy tie tiger till time tired titanic to today toe tofu together toilet tokyo tomato tomb tomorrow tonight too too to tool tooth top toronto tourist towards town toy track tractor traditional traffic train training trap travel traveller treat tree trip trouble trousers truck true truth try t-shirt tuesday turkey turkey turn turning tv twelfth twelve twentieth twenty-first twice twin two two-story type
U開頭uk umbrella uncle under underground undersea understand universe university unless unlike unlucky until unusual up upstairs us usa use used useful usual usually
V開頭vegetable very vet victim video village visit visitor voice volleyball
W開頭wag wait waiter wake walk wall wallet want war wardrobe warm warn was wash washington washroom waste watch watch tv watchtower water water-ski wave way we weak wear weather wednesday week weekday weekend welcome well went were west western wet what what"s wheat wheel when whenever where wherever whether which while white who whole whom whose why wide widely wife will win wind window windy wine winner winter wish with without woman women wonder wonderful wood wool woolen word work worker workplace world worm worried worry worse worst worth write writer wrong
Y開頭yard yeah year yellow yen yes yesterday yet you young your yours yourself yourselves yo-yo
Z開頭zero zoo
A開頭abandon ability aboard abolish aboriginal absence absent absolutely absorb absurd abundant abuse academic academy accent accept access accessible accommodate accommodation accompany accomplish according account accountant accumulate accurate accuse accustomed achieve achievement acknowledge acquire acquisition act action activist actor actress actual actually ad adapt adaptation add addict addition adequate adjust adjustment administration admire admit adolescent adopt adore adult advance advantage adventure adventurous advertise advertiser advice advise adviser advocate affair affect african agency agent aggressive agreement agricultural agriculture ahead aid aids aim air conditioner aircraft airline airplane airway alabama alaska alcohol alien allowance alongside aloud alphabet alps alternative altitude altogether amateur ambassador ambition ambitious ambulance amount amuse amusement amy analyse analysis ancestor anchorage ancient andersen andrew anecdote anger annie anniversary announce announcement annoy annoying annual ant antarctica antelope antonio anxiety anxious anyhow anyway aotearoa apart apartment ape apology apparent appeal appearance appetite applaud applicant application applied apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approve approximately arab arabic arable archaeological archaeologist archaeology architect architecture arctic argue argument arise arithmetic arm arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrow artefact article artist as consequence ash asian aside aspect aspiration assess assessment assist assistance associate association assume assumption astonish astronaut astronomer astronomy athens athlete athletic atlanta atlantic atmosphere atom attach attempt attend attention attitude attraction attractive auckland austria author autograph automobile available avenue average avoid award aware awareness awful axe axis
B開頭bachelor background backpack backyard bacon bacteria badminton baggage bait bakery balance balcony ball balloon bandage banquet bar barbecue barber barbershop barcelona bargain bark barometer barren barrier base basic basis bassanio bat bath bathe bathroom battery battle bay bc beagle beak bean bear beard beast beauty bedding bee behave behavior belief bell belong bench bend beneficial benefit benjamin franklin besides beyond bicycle bid bill billabong biochemistry biologist birmingham biscuit bishop bison bite bitter blake blame blank blanket bleed bless block blockbuster blood blues board boil bold bond bone bonus booklet boom bore boss botanical botany bother bottom boundary bow boycott brain brainstorm brake branch brand brasilia brave brazil breakthrough breast breath breathless brewery brick bride bridegroom brief brilliant broad broadband broadcast broaden broadway bronze buddha budget bulb bulgaria bullet bunch bungee bunny burden bureaucratic burial burn burst bury bush bushy butcher butterfly byte
C開頭cackle cairo calcium calculate calendar calm calorie camel camp campaign canberra cancel candy capacity capsule capture car pooling carbohydrate carbon career caring carol carpenter carpet cartoon carve cascade case cash cast castle casual catastrophe catchy category cathedral catherine cattle cautious cave celebration cell cellphone centigrade central ceremony certain certificate ceylon chain chairman chairwoman chalk champion changeable chant chapter character characteristic charge charity chat cheat checklist cheek cheer cheerful cheetah chef chelyabinsk chemical chemist cheque chest chew chicago chief childhood chimpanzee chin chip choice choir choke chop chorus christchurch cigar cigarette circulate circulation circumstance circus citizen civil civilization claim clap clarify classical classification classify claw clay clerk climate clinic clone closet cloth clothing clown clue coach coal coast coastal coaster cocoa coincidence colleague collection collision comb combination combine come to an end comedian comedy comfort comma command commander comment commercial commit commitment committee common commonwealth communicate communication communist companion compare comparison compass compete competitive competitor complaint complement complete complex composer comprehension compromise compulsory computerise con concentrate concept concern conclude conclusion concrete condenser condition conduct conference confirm conflict confucius confuse confused congratulate connection conquer conscience conscious consequence conservation consider considerate consideration consist constant constitution construct construction consult consumer contact contagious contain container contaminate contemporary content context continent continue contract contradictory contrary contribute control convenient convey convince cookbook cooperate cooperation copernicus copper corporation correction costume cosy cottage couch council county couple courage course court cowboy crack crash crazy create creation creative creativity creature creek cressida cricket crime criminal criterion critic critical crosstalk crow crowded crown cruel cruelty cube cubic cultural culture curable cure curiosity curious curl currency current curriculum curse curtain cushion custom customer cut cycle cyclist
D開頭daily dairy dam damage damp dandelion danny dare darkness data dave david beckham dawn daylight deadline deadly deal debate debt decade deck declare decline decoration decrease dedication deed defeat defenceless defend defensive define definite definition degree delegation delight delighted deliver demand demonstrate demonstration denim dense density deny department depend depression deserted design designer desire desktop desperate despite dessert destination destroy destruction detail determine development devil devote devotion diagnose dial dialogue diamond diana dice dictation diet differ difficulty digest dignity dike dingo dioxide dip diphtheria direction director dirt disability disable disabled disadvantage disagree disagreement disappoint disaster discipline discount discourage discovery discrimination disgusting dishonest dislike disneyland disrespectful disrupt dissolve distance distant distinction distinguish distribute district dive diverse diversity divide division dizzy dna donate donation dormitory dot doubt downhill downtown downward dozen draft drag dragon drama drawback drawer drown drug dublin ducat duke dull dust dustin hoffman dusty dutch dutchman dynamic dynasty
E開頭eager earn earring easter easygoing ecology economic economical economy ecosystem edible edition editor educate educator effect effective efficient effort egypt elder elderly elect electric electrical electricity electronics elegant element elevator ellen elvis presley embarrass embassy embrace emergency emotion emperor empire employ employee encouragement endanger endangerment endeavour endless enemy energetic energy engage engine enquiry enrich ensure enterprise entertain enthusiasm enthusiastic entire entry environmental environmentalist envy equal equality equip equipment erosion error erupt eruption escalator essay estuary ethnic eureka europe european evaluate eve eventually everyday evidence evident evolution exact examine exceptional exchange excite excitement exhibition exist existence expand expectation expedition expense experience experiment explain explanation exploration explosion export express extra extraordinary extreme extremely eyesight
F開頭fabric face facial facility factor fade failure fair fairness faith fake fall fame familiar fantastic fantasy farewell fascinate fashion fashionable fasten fat fate fault fear feast feat feature fee feeling fellow female fence fertilise fertiliser fertilization festive fetch fever fibre fiction fierce fight fighter fighting figure final finally finance financial finch fire firm firstly fisherman fist fit flag flame flash flashlight flat flavour flee fleet flesh flexible float flora flour flu fluent fly focus fold folk fond fool foolish foot footprint forbid force forecast forefinger forehead forgive form formal former fortunately fortune forum forward foundation frame franc frankenstein fred freedom freezing frequency frequent fresh fright frightening frontier frost frown fry fuel fulfilment function fund fundamental funeral fur furnish furniture further
G開頭gain gallon garbage garden gardener gardening garment gas gather gene general generation generous genetically genetics genius genome gentle gentleman gently geographer georgia german gesture giant gift gifted giraffe glimpse global globe glory glove glue gm goat god goddess godfrey gold golden goods goose gorge gorilla govern government governor gradual graduate graduation grain grammar gramme granddaughter grandparent graph grasp grassland grassy grave gravity gray great grandfather greece greed greedy greengrocer greenhouse greenland greeting grocery guarantee guard guest guidance guide guilty guinness guitar gun gym gymnastics
H開頭habit habitat haircut hairdresser hallelujah hamlet hammer handbag handkerchief handle handshake handsome handwriting happiness harbour hardship harmful harmony harry potter heading headline heat heater heaven hectare heel helicopter helmet hemlock hemp herb hero heroin heroine hesitate hilly hip hippo hire historical hive hogwarts holland hollywood holy homeland homesick honest honesty honey honeycomb honour hopeful hopeless horizon horn horror host hostess houston rockets howl humanoid humbug humorous humour humourous hunt hunter hurricane hydrogen hygiene
I開頭iceland icy ideal identification identify idiom idle idol ignore illegal illness image imaginary imagination imitate immediately immigration immune impair impolite import importance impress impression impressive inch incident include income incorrect incredible incurable indeed independence independent index indicate individual industry infect infection inflatable influence inform informal informed ingredient inject injure injury injustice ink inland inner innocent insane insect insist inspect inspiration inspire instant institue instruct instrument insurance intellectual intelligence intelligent intend intention international interpretation interpreter interrupt interview interviewee interviewer introduce introduction investigate investigation invisible invitation involve iran iraq ireland irish irkutsk iron irrigation islander isle issue itch item ivory
J開頭jade jar jazz jeanne jeans jennifer jew jewel jewellery joe johannesburg jordan joy juan antonio samaranch judge judgement jukes julia juliet jungle junior junk jurassic park justice
K開頭kangaroo kansas karaoke karen ketchup kevin kew key kid killer kilogramme kindergarten kindness king kiss kit kiwi koala korea kwanzaa
L開頭label labour lack ladder lamb lamp landlady landscape lap laptop latest latin latter laughter law lawyer layer lead leader leadership league lean leap lebanon lecture leeds legal legend legendary lemon lemonade length lenovo lesotho lesser lettuce level lid lie lifelike lifelong lifestyle light lightning likely limerick limit link lip liquid lisa literature live load loan local locate location logical loneliness loop loose lorry loss lovely luggage
M開頭mad madame curie magic maglev maid mailbox mainly maintenance major majority make matters worse male mall mammal man manage management manchester united manhattan mankind manner manners maori marae marble march maria marine mariner mark marriage mask mass master masterpiece match mate material mature maximum mayor mean meaningful means meanwhile measure measurement medal media medical medium melt memorial memorise mental merchant merciful mercy merely meryl streep metaphor method mexico miami heat microscope mild mile millimetre mine mineral minister ministry minority mirror miserable mislead misleading missile mississippi mistaken misunderstand mix mixture modern modernise modernism modest modify molecule mongolian montserrat monument mood mosquito mother teresa motherland motion motivate motivation motorcycle motto mould moulder mountainous moustache movement movie mozart mud murder muscle mushroom musical musician mutton mysterious mystery
N開頭nail namely nancy napkin narrative narrator narrow nation national nationality nationwide native nature naughty nautilus navigation navy nazi necessity negative negro nelson mandela nephew nest net network neutral neva nevertheless newcomer newton niece nigeria noble nod nome normal northeastern nosy notably note notebook novelist nowadays nowhere nuclear nursery nutrient nutrition nutritional nutritious
O開頭obey observation observe obstacle obtain obvious occasion occupation occupy occur oceania offend officer official old fashioned olympian onwards operate operation opinion opium opposable optimistic option oral order organ organic organization organize origin original oscar otherwise ought outback outbreak outcome outdoors outer outgoing outing outline output outstanding overboard overcoat overcome overseas overweight owe own ox oxford oxygen
P開頭pace package packaging packet paddle painkiller paint pakistan pale palm panic paperwork parachute parade paradise paragraph paris part partial participant participate particular partner passage passion passport paste pat patch patent patience patient pattern paula payment peace peaceful peach peanut peasant peel peg penicillin penny peony per percent percentage perception perfect perform performer period permanent permission perseverance personality personnel perspiration persuade peru pete petrol phd phenomenon phonetic photocopy photograph phrase physical physician pianist pierre pile pillow pilot pin pitch pla plain planet plankton plenty pliny plot plough poem poet poetry point pointed poison poisonous polar policy political politics pollutant polluter pollution polynesia pond portia portrait portuguese position positive possess possession possibility post post war postcode poster pot potential pottery poverty powder power powerful practical prairie praise pray prayer precious precise predict prediction preference prejudice premier prep preparation prepare prescription present presentation president press pressure prevent prevention previous primary primate primitive prince princess principle prison prisoner private privilege prize pro probably procedure process produce product production productive profession professional proficiency profile profit programme project promise promising promotion pronounce pronunciation proof proper property prosper prosperity protection protein prove proverb psychology publish pudding puff pull out of pulse pump punctual punish punishment purchase pure purpose pursue puzzle pyramid
Q開頭qualification qualitative quality quantity queen queensland queenstown questionnaire quilt quit quiz quote
R開頭race racial radiation radioactivity radium raft rag raise ramadan ramp range rank rap rapid rapper rare rat rate ray razor react reaction reading reality reason reasonable rebuild recent recently reception receptionist recipe recite recognition recognize recommend reconstruction record recorder recover recovery recreate recreation reduce refer reflect reform refuel regardless region register regret regular regulation rehearse reject rejuvenate relate relation relationship relative relativity reliable relic relief religion religious rely remain remark remind reminder remote remove rent repeat rephrase replace represent representative reproduce republic reputation require requirement rescue research resemble resident resign resist resort resource respect respond response responsibility responsible responsibly restore restriction retell retire revenge revise revive revolution reward rhinoceros rhyme rhythm ribbon rider ridiculous ripe rise risk risky roar roast rocket rocky role roll roman romantic romeo roof root rope rosa parks rosanna rose rot roundabout route royal rude rue rugby ruin rumour runaway rural russia
S開頭sacred sacrifice sadness sail sailfish sailor sake salad salary salesman saleswoman salinity salisbury salty salute sample sandy sanitation santana sarah satisfaction satisfy saving private ryan saw scale scan scar scare scared scary scene sceptical schedule scheme scholarship schoolmate scientific scout scream script sculpture seashell seaside secretary section secure seed seedbed seedless seek segregation seismograph seize seldom select selfish semicircle senior sense sensitive separate separation sergeant series servant serve as service session settle settlement settler sex shabby shade shadow shake shakespeare shallow shame shameful shampoo share sharon sharp shave shed sheet sheila shelter sherpa shilling ship shock shooting shopkeeper shore shortage shortcoming shortly shoulder showman shrug shuttle shylock sickness sidewalk sideways sight signal significance significant silence silicon silly silver similar similarity simple simplify simply sincerely singapore sink sip site situation skateboard skateboarder skeleton sketch skier skilful skill skim skin skip slave slavery sled sleepy slice slight slogan slope smallpox smart smear smooth snack sneaker social soda sofa sofronie soft soil solar solid solo solution somehow sonnet sophie sorrow sort sos soul source southern souvenir sow soybean spaceman spanish spare spear specialist species specific spectator speech speed spice spider spirit spiritual splendid spokesman spokeswoman spoonful spot spread spring square stable stadium staff stage stain stair stake stall stand standard stare starter starvation starve state statement statistics statue status steady steak steam steamship steel stepfather stereotype steve stevenson stick stir stomach stone stonehenge storage stormy stove straightforward strait stranger strategy straw strawberry stream strength strengthen stress stretch strict strike striking string stripe structure struggle stubborn studio stupid style submarine substance subtropical succeed successful sudden suffer suffering sugarcane suggest suggestion suit suitable suitcase sulphur sum summarise summary sunflower sunset superstar supplement supply support surely surface surgeon surprising surround surrounding survey survival survive suspect suspicion sustainable swahili swallow swear switch sword symbol symbolic sympathy system
T開頭tacitus tahiti tailor tale talent talented tap target task tasmania taste tasty tax taxpayer teahouse tear technical technician technique technological teenage teenager teens telegram telescope temple temporary tend tendency tender tense tension terrify territory test thaw the great barrier reef the philippines the united kingdom theft theme theory therefore thermometer thirst thompson threat threaten thrill throat throughout thumb thundercloud thunderstorm thus tibet tibetan tide tidy tie tiger woods tight tightrope timetable tiny tip title toast tobacco tolerate ton tone tongue toothpick topic torch tornado tortoise tortoiseshell total totally touch tough tour tourism tournament towel tower trade trader tradition traditional tragedy trainee transform transfusion translate translation translator transmit transparent transportation treasure treat treatment trend trial triangle trick troilus troop troublemaker troublesome truly trust truthfully tulip twist twister typewriter typhoon typical typist tyre
U開頭ugly unable unbelievable uncertain uncomfortable unconditional unconscious underline undertake unearth uneasy unemployment unexpected unfair unfold unforgettable unfortunate unfriendly unhappiness unhappy uniform union unique universal unknown unnatural unnecessary unpack unprotected unrest update upon upper upright upset upside upward urban urge urumqi useless
V開頭vacant vacation vaccine vain valley valuable value variety various vary vase vast vegan vegetarian venice venue venus versus vest vesuvius via victoria victory view viewpoint villager vincent van gogh violence violent virtual virus visa visible visual vital vitamin vocabulary volcano volume voluntary volunteer vote vow voyage voyager
W開頭wage wagon waist waitress wales walnut wander wanderlust warmth waterfall watermelon watson weakness wealth wealthy weapon weave web website wedding weed weekly weigh weight weightlifting welfare wellington welsh westernmost westwards whale wheelchair whereas whisper widespread wilderness wildlife willing willingness wilson winfield wing wipe wire wisdom wise witch witchcraft within witness wizard wizardry wolf wombat wonder woozy workaholic workday workload workshop worldwide worn worthwhile worthy wound wrap wrestling wrist
Y開頭yoghurt youth
Z開頭zebra zone zoologist zoology
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