
文· 英語君Sam


The shocking scene raised questions about the common practice of overbooking and how far airlines will go to sell all of their seats. Particularly annoying, Mr. Bridges said, was that the airline was looking for extra seats for some of its employees.


這個恐怖的場景引發了航空公司超售以及它們願意為此付出多少代價的質疑。Mr. Bridges 認為, 航空公司為了自己的員工,而尋求額外的座位真是特別令人討厭.

Mr. Bridges 是此次事件視頻發布者之一

以下是美聯航CEO Oscar Munoz 針對此次事件發表的申明

「Our team is moving with a sense of urgency to work with the authorities and conduct our own detailed review of what happened,」 he said. 「We are also reaching out to this passenger to talk directly to him and further address and resolve this situation.」




This was such a huge, monumental screw up on United"s part. They are going to have to pay much more than the $800 volunteer fee after settling this case, and deservedly so. I don"t care if this man was a doctor or a janitor, he was a human being who had to be at work in the morning. No matter what the situation, no human deserves to be treated this way.

美聯航真是把這件事搞得一團糟。 解決這檔子事兒,他們的付出要遠遠超出800美元,確實罪有應得。 我不管這個男人是醫生還是掃地的,他就是一個必須在早晨上班的人。 無論如何,沒有人值得被這樣對待。


amess;ablunder;utterconfusion. 一團糟

  • Thisisthechef"sscrew-up,notmine.

  • Onemore screw-uplikethatandyou"refired.

  • 註:一般來說screw-up 作為名詞的時候是要加連字號的,文中的寫法不正確。

    Oh man I hope he sues the shit out of United.

    I hope one of his patients gets slightly more (but still gonna be okay) sick due to the missed appointment and also sues the shit out of united.

    Fuck united.

    我靠,我希望他起訴美聯航。我希望他的病人可以因為這件事病情有點加重 (但並無大礙),然後他們也為此起訴美聯航。

    I was glad she said something, for all of us. The rest of the people who were silent... I was just sitting there watching these horrifying videos like, WHY ISN"T ANYONE SAYING ANYTHING? Why aren"t they screaming for him to stop when the officer started dragging the unconscious man down the aisle? I think most people were just shocked and scared, but that woman was speaking for all of us, bless her kind heart.

    我很高興她(視頻中說話的那個女人)說話了。 因為其他人都保持沉默。我坐著看這條恐怖視頻的時候,我想,為什麼沒有人說什麼呢? 當警察將意識不清醒的那個人拖走的時候,為何沒有人阻止?我想大部分人是震驚和害怕的。但是那個女人做了我們該做的事情。好人有好報。

    United could have easily avoided this whole mess if they had just offered more than the $800 to get someone to voluntarily leave their seat. Instead a man was beaten unconscious so that United could save a few hundred bucks.

    They will regret that dearly when this Doctor sues the shit out of them. Assault and battery is no joke. I"m sure he can afford to throw 100k at lawyers fees and drag this case out as long as possible just to make United suffer. United needs to get whipped hard by a judge, not to mention all the business they will lose over the public outrage here.

    美聯航其實可以很容易地避免這次混亂,如果他們願意出得比800元更多,讓乘客自願離開。 而美聯航卻選擇毆打一個人致無意識,就為了節省那幾百塊錢。

    當這名醫生起訴他們時候,他們就會後悔了。 毆打人可不是開玩笑的。 我敢肯定,他能負擔得起10萬美元律師費用,儘可能地拖延這個案件,折磨美聯航。 美聯航必須受到法官嚴厲的懲罰,更別提什麼大家的憤怒讓他們失去生意了。

    Sure, fuck United, and I hope the guy sues for big bucks.

    Why are we letting the two officers in the video off the hook? What, your excuse for brutalizing a man, in public, is that a fucking airport told you to? What sublevel of human decency have you descended to where doing something not only that dangerous but that humiliating to another human being seems okay to you?

    Fucking animals, both of them. I don"t care if they were "just doing their job", they are sentient beings with the capability of sacking up and saying "no". Absolute disgrace.


    為什麼我們不認為視頻中的兩名官員要負責呢? 怎麼?你們有理由在公眾場合對一個男人施暴,是機場告訴你們這麼做的? 你們的人類尊嚴需要低到什麼程度,才會做出如此危險的事情,而且覺得羞辱其他人是理所當然的?

    兩個畜生。 我不在乎他們是不是 「只是做自己的工作」,他們明明是有能力站起來說「不」的人類啊。 絕對的恥辱!

    big bucks.

    alargeamountofmoney 許多錢

  • I workedforbigbucksinalargecorporation.

  • A car like that costs big bucks.

  • off the hook

    used to describe someone who has avoided trouble or punishment 逃脫懲罰

  • He counted on his friends to get him off the hook. = to protect him from trouble or punishment

  • 針對本文提問,




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