At Six酒店,斯德哥爾摩 / Universal Design Studio

來自倫敦的Universal Design Studio於本月完成了位於斯德哥爾摩Brunkebergstorg廣場的At Six酒店設計。該酒店共有343間客房,同時還容納了歐洲最具雄心的當代藝術收藏之一。At Six酒店由Nordic Hotels & Resorts持有,並由BALTIC當代藝術中心的前任館長Sune Nordgren負責策展工作。

London-based architecture practice Universal Design Studio this month completes At Six, a new 343 room hotel in Stockholm』s Brunkebergstorg Square housing one of Europe』s most ambitious contemporary art collections within a hotel. At Six is owned and operated by Petter Stordalen of Nordic Hotels & Resorts and curated by Sune Nordgren, formerly of the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art.

▼酒店位於一棟粗野主義風格的建築內,the hotel is located in a brutalist high-rise structure

這座粗野主義的高層建築由瑞典建築公司Boijsen & Efervgren設計於1970年代,最初便計劃用作酒店,但最後成為了瑞典銀行的總部大樓,其初衷一直沒能真正實現。除該建築外,廣場上還有另外三棟建築,皆屬於政府的建設項目,主要針對將市中心的大部分具有戰前風格的宏偉建築替換為粗野的現代主義風格。作為改造計劃中的一部分,Brunkebergstorg廣場將恢復其在19世紀末的繁榮景象,成為城市中富有活力的社交樞紐。位於廣場中心的At Six酒店也將因此成為瑞典首屈一指的當代奢華酒店。

The building, a brutalist high-rise structure, was originally designed in the 1970s by Swedish architects Boijsen & Efervgren. Originally built as a hotel, the building functioned ultimately as the Head Quarters of Swedbank, never fulfilling its original intent. This is one of four of buildings that occupy the square, each built during a government initiative aimed at replacing much of the city centre』s belle époque grandeur with brutal modernity. As part of a wider regeneration programme, Brunkebergstorg Square will return to its place as one of the city』s vibrant, social hubs as it was in the late in the 19th Century. This effort will centre around At Six, which will make its mark as Sweden』s premier contemporary luxury hotel.

▼酒店大堂,hotel lobby


▼用餐區,dining room

▼大堂的花崗岩樓梯,the whitegranite grand staircase in the lobby

▼皮革扶手由瑞典當地的馬鞍工匠製作,leather-wrapped handrail by Swedish saddle maker

通過進行完整的室內改造,同時修建全新的入口立面,Universal Design Studio對建築的粗野主義美感和廣場周圍的建築景觀重新進行了詮釋。建築師的設計意圖在於將斯德哥爾摩的世界性和本地性以最佳方式呈現出來。酒店中包含了眾多精選的優質現代和古典傢具,Universal Design Studio還專門委託當地的工匠和斯堪的納維亞的設計師定製了一系列傢具。Rubn公司為每間客房提供了定製照明,來自當地的玻璃工匠Carina Seth Anderson則為公共區域創作了手工玻璃製品。建築師還請來本土的馬鞍工匠來為大廳的白色花崗岩樓梯製作扶手。酒吧內還擺放著一張由當地藝術家Lies-Marie Hoffman設計的取材於一整塊瑞典榆木共享桌子。公共區域將展示Jaume Plensa、Olafur Eliasson、Julian Opie、Sol Le Witt、Tacita Dean、Spencer Finch、Richard Long和Marijke van Warmerdam等藝術家的原作,客房內則展示Kristina Matousch的個人作品。另外還有瑞典攝影師Dawid的作品讓酒店收藏變得更加豐富。

Universal Design Studio has taken care to reinterpret the brutalist aesthetic of the building and the immediate architectural landscape of the square through a complete interior renovation and the design of a new entrance fa?ade. Universal』s approach was to bring the best of both international and local to Stockholm. A fine selection of contemporary and classic furniture pieces is complemented by bespoke pieces by local makers and established Scandinavian designers Universal commissioned directly for the project. Custom lighting by Rubn feature in each room, local glassmaker Carina Seth Anderson was commissioned to create handmade glass pieces for the public areas, while a local saddle maker hand-wrapped the Swedish leather handrail for the white granite grand staircase in the lobby. In the wine bar sits a communal table carved from a single Swedish Elm trunk by local artist Lies-Marie Hoffman. Original artwork by Jaume Plensa, Olafur Eliasson, Julian Opie, Sol Le Witt, Tacita Dean, Spencer Finch, Richard Long and Marijke van Warmerdam will be displayed within the public spaces as well as individual artworks by Kristina Matousch in the guest rooms. Works by Swedish photographer Dawid complete the hotel art collection.

▼餐廳之一,one of two restaurant

▼葡萄酒吧,wine bar

▼雞尾酒吧,cocktail bar


A palette of sawn stone, blackened steel, fine timber and polished granite lends a sense of permanence and authenticity to the new interior. Moving away from the uncompromising and unforgiving aesthetic characteristics often associated with the brutalism – Universal』s brief was to create a desirable, fashionable destination. Universal』s design is focused on humanising the architecture, bringing a sense of desirability and luxury to a brutalist building not often associated with these traits, turning the hotel into a contemporary version of a metropolitan grand hotel. To do so, Universal started with the architectural context of the square. Warm greys and highly textured natural materials are contrasted with soft furnishings and classic furniture editions presenting a theme of juxtaposition throughout. Light against dark, fineness against mass. This plays out across the public floors and into the guest rooms where custom furniture and bespoke lighting meets mirror and timber wall panelling and marble credenzas that run the full length of each room.

▼客房內部,guest room

▼總統套房的休息區域,seating area in presidential suite

設計方案包含了10個客房樓層、一間頂層套房、一間可容納100人的餐廳、葡萄酒吧、雞尾酒吧、斯堪的納維亞的首個慢聽休閑吧(slow listening lounge)以及一個2000平方米的活動和靈活工作空間。

Universal』s scheme includes ten floors of guest rooms, a penthouse suite, a 100 cover restaurant, a wine bar, cocktail bar, Scandinavia』s first slow listening lounge and an 2000 sqm events and flexible work space.

▼慢聽休閑吧,slow listening lounge

▼慢聽吧沙發一角,acorner of the lounge

Location: StockholmClient: Nordic Property ManagementSize: 3,280.sqmStatus: Completed Mar 2017Budget: UndisclosedDesign Team: Hannah Carter Owers, Alexey Kostikov, Ieva Kristapaviciute, Stuart Mauger, Richard McConkey, Sonia TomicPhotography: ?Andy Liffner ?Andrew Meredith



TAG:酒店 | Design | 斯德哥爾摩 |