(雅思口語)Part 3-做決定需要技巧?(視頻)

(雅思口語)Part 3-做決定需要技巧?(視頻)

4 人贊了文章 https://www.zhihu.com/video/975024614250823680

What skills are necessary when making decisions?

Making decisions is a complex process, which might involve a great many skills. For

starters, the ability of collecting facts and figures is essential, because the

first step of making a decision is to get a whole understanding of the relevant

information. Sometimes, we need to be computer-literate to look up information

on the Internet. Secondly, we shall be able to do some data analysis so that we

can make a wise decision. In addition, we need to keep calm inside, even when

it is an urgent situation and we are asked to make prompt decisions, otherwise

we might decide on something and regret it quite soon. Finally, a good

decision-maker should be able to control his own mood and never get emotional,

since we are not likely to make a good decision when we are thrilled, furious

or anxious. So to sum up, there are plenty of necessary skills when making a

decision. Sometimes we are not even aware of them.

How can people improve their decision-making skills?

I think people can improve their decision-making skills the way they do to

improve all other skills – by learning and practicing. If someone feels that he

is not good at making decisions, the first thing he might have to do is to

observe – to find out how others will react when it comes to a similar

circumstance. The second step is to compare and contrast. By doing this, people

can have a clear understanding of the strong points and the weakness in their

decision-making process, so that they could make a progress. The key point of

improving the decision-making skills lies in practice. Just like everything,

decision-making skills could get strengthened only when we put them into

reality. Provided we keep training ourselves in this way, we can all become

wise and responsible decision-makers.





2017.12.16 雅思大作文解析
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