
寶馬車4次碾壓兒童到底是一種什麼行為http://news.nen.com.cn 2010-09-14 08:22 東北新聞網網友評論 _COUNT_條9月7日上午,在江蘇省新沂市青年路良辰花苑小區,三歲半男童樂樂(化名)正在小區內玩耍,一輛寶馬X6突然倒車將他撞倒,並從樂樂上半身碾過。令人驚愕的是,寶馬車緊接著又反覆三次碾軋樂樂,導致其慘死。當地警方事發後認為,肇事司機伍某與樂樂的家人之間無任何過節,因此伍某不存在「故意殺人」的動機,只是驚慌失措所致,伍某因涉嫌交通肇事罪被刑拘。(9月13日《揚子晚報》)在如此令人痛心的悲劇面前,對肇事者的道德譴責已無太大意義,且讓我們拋開「寶馬」所代表的富人標籤,從法律的角度看看肇事司機伍某該當何罪。從新聞報道的細節看,伍某4次碾壓樂樂,絕非驚慌失措所致。如果說他第一次倒車撞倒樂樂是失誤,亦即交通肇事,那麼後3次碾壓則很有可能是故意為之,是在清醒意識支配下作出的選擇——「碾傷不如碾死」。實際上,「碾傷不如碾死」已經成為一些肇事司機的「理性」選擇,此前一些地方也出現過司機故意碾死受傷者的情況,其令人髮指的行為都是受這一冷血邏輯驅使。新沂市警方認為伍某並非「故意殺人」並以涉嫌交通肇事罪刑拘伍某,筆者不敢苟同。無任何過節並不意味著不能故意殺人,很多歹徒行兇都是殘害無辜者,殘害與他無冤無仇甚至根本不認識的人,難道這些歹徒都不是故意殺人?要知道,伍某在事發前或許與樂樂的家人之間無任何過節,但在撞倒樂樂之後,情況就已發生變化了。根據相關法律規定,所謂「故意殺人」是指「故意非法剝奪他人生命的行為」,伍某4次碾壓樂樂致其死亡,其行為絕非簡單的「驚慌失措」所能解釋。而且令人不解的是,肇事司機「觀察了一下血泊中的樂樂,未採取任何措施,隨即離開現場。」根據相關司法解釋,交通肇事罪在很多情形下可以轉化為故意殺人罪,比如行為人交通肇事後,明知被害人已經重傷,若不及時搶救可能導致死亡,為逃避罪責,希望或放任被害人死亡,因而逃逸,致使被害人因搶救不及時而死亡,這種行為就應當按照《刑法》第232條以故意殺人罪論處。在最高人民法院2000年11月出台的《關於審理交通肇事刑事案件具體應用法律若干問題的解釋》中明確規定,「行為人在交通肇事後為逃避法律追究,將被害人帶離事故現場後隱藏或者遺棄,致使被害人無法得到救助而死亡或者嚴重殘疾的」,應當分別以故意殺人罪或者故意傷害罪定罪處罰。當然,筆者不是法官,伍某4次碾壓樂樂是否出於故意,還須經過嚴格認定,其行為到底是交通肇事還是故意殺人或過失殺人,有待司法機關作出認定、法院作出公正判決。無論如何,民眾絕不希望看到由於種種原因導致誤判、輕判,從而變相鼓勵更多肇事司機信奉「碾傷不如碾死」這一冷血邏輯。(新華每日電訊 晏揚)寶馬四次碾童碾碎人性拷問法律2010年09月14日 08:42:13華龍網-重慶晨報江蘇新沂市三歲半男童樂樂(化名)在小區內玩耍時,一輛寶馬X6突然倒車撞倒他,車左後輪從樂樂上半身碾過。寶馬車緊接著又反覆三次碾軋樂樂,導致其慘死。據錄像資料顯示,司機觀察了一下血泊中的樂樂,未採取任何措施,隨即離開現場。目前,肇事司機因涉嫌交通肇事罪被刑拘。對肇事司機進行血液抽查,發現其並不是酒駕。通過對肇事車輛進行檢驗、鑒定和評估,發現該車後視鏡及倒車雷達影像均有效。(新聞詳見本報今日13版)當罪惡的車輪反覆壓向一個沒有任何自衛能力的3歲孩童時,相信每一個稍有良知的公民都會感到心碎,生命在寶馬車輪之下,原來如此不屑。寶馬碾童事件,碾碎的不只是幼童的身體,同樣碾碎了司機的人性,拷問著人們的道德底線,以及現行的交通法律法規。也許人們還不曾淡忘轟動全國的張金柱事件,1997年8月24日,原鄭州市公安局二七分局局長張金柱酒後駕車時將蘇東海、蘇磊父子撞翻,並把蘇東海和兩輛自行車拖挂車下狂奔1500米,年僅11歲的蘇磊當場死亡,父親蘇東海重傷。此事被媒體報道後,民意的強烈反應,輿論界口誅筆伐,司法界激烈討論,最終,案發5個月後,張金柱因犯故意傷害罪和交通肇事罪,被判死刑。江蘇寶馬碾童事件經媒體報道後,同樣引爆了各大網路論壇,在搜狐的新聞跟帖中,短短几個小時多達10萬人發表評論,幾乎一邊倒地聲討寶馬司機缺乏人性,缺乏基本的道德底線,應該受到嚴懲。甚至有江蘇網友稱:「為江蘇有這樣的人感到可恥」、「如果這種不判死刑的話,那死刑可以取消了」……與張金柱案相比,碾童的寶馬司機更為惡劣,事後查明,司機並非酒駕,車後視鏡及倒車雷達影像均有效。我們當然不願意用惡意的心態去猜度肇事司機此刻的內心,但這些細節和證據都表明,他事發當時的意識是清晰的,肇事車輛的性能是完好的,這樣,反覆碾壓的動機似乎就很明顯:擔心碾傷幼童後留下長久後患,索性碾壓致死,一次性賠錢了事。真正讓人感到可怕的並不是一起惡性交通事故,而是肇事司機的這種狂妄且冷漠的心理動機:碾傷不如碾死。道德淪喪,人性俱失,生命在權錢思維下變得蒼白無力。從監控錄像看,案發後,司機並未及時施救,而是大步流星的下車離開,可見並非交警事後推測的「驚慌失措所致」。產生這種「碾傷不如碾死」的心理動機,在筆者看來,仍然跟交通肇事罪量刑過輕有關係,不是拿「仇富」說事,對有錢人來說,交通肇事的犯罪成本太低,不足以對司機造成巨大威懾,是不容爭論的事實。我國《刑法》第133條規定,違反交通運輸管理法規,因而發生重大事故,致人重傷、死亡的,處三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;交通運輸肇事後逃逸或者有其他特別惡劣情節的,處三年以上七年以下有期徒刑。如果按照交通肇事罪來論處,寶馬司機最重也只能判處七年有期徒刑。在網友和讀者中,討論得最激烈的就是寶馬司機的行為除了構成交通肇事罪,是否還構成故意傷害致人死亡罪或者故意殺人罪,如果成立,理應嚴懲缺乏人性和基本道德的肇事司機,相信法律會給民眾一個公允的說法。http://say.cqnews.net/plzl/201009/t20100914_4591781.htm(文/王方傑)BMW driver detained after running over 3-year-old childBy Wang Hongyi (China Daily)Updated: 2010-09-14 08:01





SHANGHAI - A 3-year-old boy in Xinyi of Xuzhou in East China"s Jiangsu province died under the wheels of a BMW, which ran over the boy four times in less than 30 seconds.The BMW driver surnamed Wu has been detained for further investigation while the incident triggered an uproar among netizens.The incident happened around 11 am on Sept 7 when the boy Le Le (not his real name) was playing behind a BMW X6 car in a residential community, the Nanjing-based Yangtze Evening News reported on Monday.The driver drove the car backwards without looking behind the car and knocked down the boy, the report said."My son was run over four times," the boy"s father surnamed Li was quoted as saying while crying and watching the surveillance video that happened to catch the entire accident.The video shows that at 11:03:18, the upper half of the boy"s body was hit by the car, knocking him down. The boys was on the ground, kicking his legs. The car stopped for a moment. At 11:03:30, the car ran over the boy"s body for the first time with its left rear wheel. At 11:03:33, the driver drove ahead, so the boy was run over a second time. At 11:03:38, the driver stopped the car and got out, but later the empty car continued to roll backwards and its left rear wheel ran over the boy for the third time. At 11:03:44, the car"s left front wheel ran over the boy for the fourth time.Then, the driver saw the boy, who was lying in a pool of blood, and left the accident site without taking any rescue measures."The driver killed my son intentionally," Li was quoted by Yangtze Evening News as having said.The BMW car was equipped with both rear-view mirrors and a radar that sounds a warning when the car, driving in reverse, nears an object.The driver should have been able to see the boy, who was 1.16 meters tall, while driving the car, the report quoted Li as saying.When the driver ran over the boy the first time, he should have gotten out to see what was happening, Li reportedly said.An official at the publicity department of Xinyi Public Security Bureau, who declined to be identified, told China Daily on Monday that the BMW driver has been taken into custody."The only thing I can tell you is that the driver has been detained, and the real cause of the accident remains unclear," he said. "The investigation is still being carried by the police."Alcohol tests showed the driver was not legally drunk at the time of the accident. And the accident site is smooth cement pavement and the visibility was also good, according to the Xinyi traffic police department.The driver did not look behind his car before driving backwards, which was the direct reason for the accident, local traffic police said, according to the Yangtze Evening News.The case drew public concerns immediately after it was reported. On news portal qq.com, more than 228,000 web users voted to express their anger toward the driver.The topics of an online forum tieba.baidu.com also mainly focused on the case on Monday, and some netizens even posted the license plate number of the BMW vehicle.Zhang Lingfei, the reporter of Yangtze Evening News who originally covered the story, told China Daily on Monday that the boy"s father could not bear the sadness after he was interviewed by several reporters in the morning, forcing him to recall the memories repeatedly."He is so sad that he doesn"t want to be disturbed any more," Zhang said.Ding Jie contributed to this story.China Dailyhttp://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2010-09/14/content_11297234.htm(China Daily 09/14/2010 page3

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