孫臏拳之詳論 Detailed discussion of the Sun Bin fist
(2011-11-22 08:23:57)標籤:孫臏武術孫臏拳楊明齋高芳先分類:師承傳授孫臏拳http://www.hudong.com/wiki/孫臏拳?prd=citiao_right_xiangguancitiao孫臏留下長袖拳,三百六十手相連,雞腿龍腰潑猴性,三節胳膊兩節腿,鷹眼猿臂象鼻拳.孫臏拳法世間稀,步踏鬥罡七星奇,氣沈丹田尖點地,蹣跚跛行左右移,前進後退莫換腳,左搖右擺尋真機。
孫臏拳 - 簡介孫臏拳廣布於山東境內的一個地方拳派,附會為戰國時期軍事家齊人孫臏所創,但無文字記載。因其演練出擊時常以長袖藏手,故又稱「長袖拳」。清末,孫臏故鄉青年武士楊明齋學孫臏拳於張姓車把式。楊曾執教於山東省武術傳習所,20年代初在青島授拳,後在青島國術館任教至1936年。他以孫臏拳為主要教學內容之一,使其傳播於青島。孫臏拳有著自己的一套理論系統,蹲走跛行是其最突出的特點,出拳走曲不走直,曲中能夠求直,看似偏離,但擊中點卻是那樣準確。這種曲線出拳的理論以不招不架、轉向進取為表徵,最容易使對手產生錯覺。孫臏拳現主要在青島、淄博、濟南流傳。孫臏拳也叫「武子拳」,據說是《清朝同治》年間,山東萊州府掖北人氏施德所傳,其師不詳。施德字仲義號逸翁,他一生惟慎,擇徒嚴謹,活到一百另四歲,雖多子多孫,也只選其一子施仁方傳承,同時收有一男一女、皆為好友之後為徒,男欒二公、女女於秀(後收為兒媳改名名於嫻),從此,施家沿襲門規,一直到解放建國前,再未外傳。欒二公、山東萊州府掖北人,力大無窮,終身未娶,其堂姪欒秉信為人忠厚,長年在外趕腳(趕大車),為求防身、公將所學盡授其姪,姪在外又收山東、東阿縣張家樓兄弟二人為徒(二人皆為趕車人),其中一人收。楊廷棟,1926年來青島承接(韓去世)的「國技學社」,,教授孫臏拳。1934年11月「青島國術館」新館在廣東路一號建成,楊明齋出任二課課長,楊即打破門規,在青島廣收門徒授藝,從此孫臏拳在青島民間有所流傳。由於於楊明參加抗日離青,在青授藝時間不長,楊為了推進教授孫臏拳的進度,在眾多弟子中,採用了教 「大架」不教「小架」,會「小架」的不教「大架」,所以大多數弟子能有機會系統的學練孫臏拳者、實屬不多。更由於當時授藝也僅限於「身教、口授、心悟」的方式,惜未能留下有關文字方面的記述。附:楊明齋嫡授的十大弟子劉慎思劉文炳張文德(女)十大弟子多已作古,聽說高作霖老師還健在,欒秀雲在北京,改名欒素貞,如健在也已有92歲高令。名廷岳,,(五、六十年代曾在青島小陽路小學工作,文革期間離青)文武兼備。一生堅承家傳「洪門拳」和「黑虎拳」,長短兵刃無一不精,二、三十年代,以多種長短拳械對練著稱,實為,但他不會孫臏拳。,楊明齋之子,(住濟南乾石橋)69年7月在濟南,應楊鈞韶之約,與楊慶章有過幾次接觸,很是遺憾,他沒有學過武術。,(楊鈞韶之子)高芳先(楊鈞韶之義子),都在台灣,現皆已作古。張文德,楊明齋的嫡授弟子,善「搏擊」和「摔跤」,現已作古,享年九十三歲,他生前為傳授孫臏拳法默默地耕耘一生。可謂「桃李滿天下」,遺憾地是對其弟子大都知其姓不知其名,不便登錄。傅志文,張文德嫡授的得意弟子。自幼習武、酷愛中國傳統武術,善「搏擊」,為了繼承先師遺願,繼續發揚光大孫臏拳法。孫臏拳之詳論
孫臏拳為我國固有優良之拳種,一百餘年前傳至山東省陽?b縣阿城鎮一帶。雖名為」孫臏拳」但是否為孫臏所創所傳,則無從稽考,孫臏為戰國時代兵家,也是當時偉大的軍略家。孫臏之前有孫武,是春秋時晚期的齊人,也是我國人人皆知的一位權威性的軍事學家,,他的所謂權威,並不只是在他的時代是權威,即是在整個中國史上,到了現代仍然不失其權威的地位,甚之在全也界的兵學史上,也有其極為崇高的地位,一般人稱之為孫子,他著有,是兵學上的最高成就。太史公為孫武和孫臏立傳,為表示尊敬,合稱這兩位兵學名家為」孫子」,而不著其名,他說:」孫武既死後百餘歲,有孫臏,臏生阿、鄄之間亦孫武之後世子孫也。」由這一段記述來研究分析,可以首先確定兩點應無疑異:第一、孫武與孫臏同是山東人,而」生於阿、鄄之間」即現在的山東省西部濮縣境內之鄄城,並且是??孫關係。第二、孫臏拳傳留的地點位置,也正在山東省西部附近一帶。在這兩點上,頗有巧合之處。但是這一套拳路的名稱,雖然為」孫臏拳」,但事經兩千餘年,在文字記載上,則毫無依據可尋,即算真是孫臏當年所傳,但是孫臏通曉拳術則極有可能。因為我國自周初起始,就講究文人可以帶兵作戰的很多,軍人可以勝任政治事務的也很多,既有事實,又有記載,所以推斷孫臏通曉拳術,是有依據的.。再就當時國家重視文武合一教育的風氣又因為孫臏原來就是學兵法,學劍是一人敵,學兵,乃是萬人敵,一人敵萬人敵,都是武事,這是推斷孫臏通曉拳術的第二因素。孫臏拳身法要求:腰似車輪上下穩,頭足臀要動靜稱, 左搖右擺難捉摸,前進後退腳趾功.孫臏拳步法要求: 跋根掀腳,蹣跚跛行。孫臏拳拳訣:孫臏長袖技擊放,以柔克剛似海江, 拳內玄機虛實誆,尋經點穴手中藏。孫臏拳特點:世間無不可用之拳術,但必須具備使用拳招之功力,有功力招招可用,如功力不足雖有好招而也無用。孫臏拳雖非天下之一等拳術,但也是天下之好拳術,特舉其特點分述於後:孫臏拳共計三百六十五手,有,為;();();另一百六十三手為散手,也是大部分由以上三套拳路中拆化而來。以上為最初傳出時,教授」,,」三種拳路。迄七七事變前夕師講授」孫臏拳譜」則匯整為:」大架第一段九十六手,中架第二段三十二手,小架第三段七十四手,四架第四段一零八手,五架第五段五十五手,對練架第六與第七段,另八架第八段」。前五架共三百六十五手,故拳譜雲::」孫臏拳至五套架,三百六十五莫差」每一手為一個用法,再相串聯成各種組合形式,進攻時採用組合連擊,講究」一掌不到二掌跟,三掌四掌齊跟進」的緊迫逼人氣勢。孫臏拳特色「孫臏拳「向被稱為凌厲詭異,深沉莫測之拳,加以昔日傳授極嚴,始終秘而不宣。其後隨著時代的開放與社會環境的變遷,故今日才普傳開來,外界也因而得以一睹其貌。其許多的特異技法,為其他門派所無謹略舉幾項以窺一斑:1、長袖拳:「孫臏拳「練「「講究松肩抖腕,「放勁「。昔日一般衣著若大襟長袍或短衫大皆寬袖,「放勁「時力貫「袖梢「發出布帛撕裂衣之響聲。若著增長之袖,更可以練勁整勁放,出表演或應用時更是威武攝人。因此「孫臏拳「或被稱為「長袖拳「(即武俠小說中所描述之「流雲飛袖「拳法):2、象鼻拳:孫臏拳打法以「尋經點穴「的點法為主,故創出握拳後,突出中指「中節骨「的拳型,中指「中節骨「若象鼻之攢緊,堅實而突出,故稱「象鼻拳「。於「拳譜「訣雲::「手似卷金中指突,尋穴先習技畫路,摔打擒拿高低斷,不如一點「,可領悟其意。3、瓦楞掌:「瓦楞「指屋頂上用瓦鋪成一行一列,其相交接而隆起的部位(也稱瓦壟)因孫臏拳多用抄挑掌法,若依一般並之「「。其法若「拳譜「訣所雲:「四指並攏瓦楞勢,大指彎曲勞宮居,抄挑中食全掌主,劈砍豆骨手後去。「4、孫臏步:兩大腿藏襠相夾,一膝頂住另膝之內側,雙足成為「T「形狀,類似瘸腿者支撐而起立,不僅縮小迎敵之面積,且形成一個穩固重心的三角形,因無適當名稱,因名為「「,這個特異的步型為各門武術所無。「只螳螂拳「中的入環步「有大約相同之意,但外形上亦是不同,「拳譜「訣曰:「孫臏步法世間稀,拔跟掀腳不為奇雙掌旋轉似乾坤,兩腿蹣跚跛行蹲「,亦已道出中之奧妙。孫臏拳 - 簡介
孫臏故鄉青年武士楊明齋孫臏拳,又因演練時多穿長袖衣,故亦稱「長袖拳」,相傳乃戰國軍事家孫臏所傳,但並無有關文字記載;並且《孫臏拳譜》之文字絕不像遠古文字,故多認為為是後人偽托孫臏之名而創的;在清末時間,山東有一武士楊明齋(楊二虎)得技,並於1918年至1938年青島國術館任職期間傳授,使孫臏拳在青島、濟南一帶廣泛傳開。《孫臏拳譜》記載「孫臏留下長袖拳,三百六十手相連,雞腿龍腰潑猴性,鷹眼猿臂象鼻拳」,其拳理要求靜似雄雞、動似龍腰、靈似潑猴、神似鷹眼、松肩如長臂猿;其拳型多以「」為主(即南派之惟凸出中指);步法多為「」,蹣跚取意於《孫臏兵法.數陣之法》中「叛山而退」,叛山即蹣跚,意指撤兵時不走走路,孫臏拳步法亦為如此,左晃右移,拳譜有雲「孫臏拳法世間稀,步踏鬥罡七星奇,氣沈丹田尖點地,蹣跚跛行左右移,前進後退莫換腳,左搖右擺尋真機」。孫臏拳 - 風格特點孫臏拳風格獨特,擊技性強,重實用。拳法以組合形式為主,每一手即為一個用法,三百六十手可以互相串聯,進時可以組合連擊。出拳講究擰、絞,纏螺旋勁,旋臂出拳,拳走曲線,曲中求直,攻中有防,防中寓攻。方法講究「三出而一主」,兩臂一腿併發。戰略上以「圓、角、線、點」為原則,即採用孫臏步左晃右移,走弧走圓不停,時刻保持側身對敵;要搶佔站位角度,利我而不利於敵;一觸即發,一發就到,一點就勝;以動作迷惑對方,有真有假,有虛有實。演練中要求「內外相合,形意相通」。主要手法有蹦、彈、抓、挑、鑽、擂、拉、劈、抄、砍、截、擺、封、捅、砸。步法為蹣跚步,拔跟掀腳,蹣跚跛行。主要腿法有踢、碰、蹬、踹、踩、掛、跪、截、播。孫臏拳有著自己的一套理論系統,蹲走跛行是其最突出的特點,出拳走曲不走直,曲中能夠求直,看似偏離,但擊中點卻是那樣準確。這種曲線出拳的理論以不招不架、轉向進取為表徵,最容易使對手產生錯覺。孫臏拳在套路上最講究手手相連,技擊動作往往連發,很少有單擊動作,給人以輪拳滾打的感覺,孫臏拳套路數段,每段都有重疊動作,此乃「一招不成,再來一招」的打法。孫臏拳有「八形」之說, 這「八形」是指雞腿、龍腰、、、象鼻拳、、藏勾、球足。雞腿是對腿法的要求,取雞之「輕翔寧靜」而保持身態穩定,龍腰講究的是靈活矯健,猴象注重的是機警敏捷;至於猿臂,在於放長擊遠,伸縮自如。象鼻拳是孫臏拳中慣用的手法,中指突出,目的在於強打穴位。瓦楞掌與藏勾也是手法,分用於不同的打擊目標。球足則指腳下功夫,講究足輕如球,移動迅捷。孫臏拳的八形可以轉換成三十二手各種動作,組成即可有較高技巧,又可各自獨立實用的攻防套路。孫臏拳習練講究「五合」這五合是指:手與眼合,眼與心合,肩與腰合,身與步合,上與下合,五合有一個共同點,那就是擊打點。孫臏拳的八形、五合、三十二手歸於一點,目的就在於強打一點,力保完勝。孫臏拳實戰技擊的技法在於打拳時發力強猛,動作連貫,有時張開雙臂,身根略晃,看似飄忽,實則暗藏殺機。同時,孫臏拳注重邊打邊防,打防結合,在攻擊之時已經防守到位,防守之際已經準備還擊。在攻防結合上,也始終遵循「走曲不走直」的要領。孫臏拳 - 主要內容孫臏拳分八段,前三段為拆教基本功,後五段為技擊法。孫臏拳手法為打穴為主,並以蹦、彈、抓、挑、鑽、擂、拉、劈、抄、砍、截、擺、封、捅、砸等為輔;腿法有踢、碰、蹬、踹、踩、掛、跪、截、跛等。孫臏拳講究擰、絞、纏絲旋勁、拳走曲線、曲中求直、直中求曲,並講究「三出而一主」,即兩臂一腿併發勁;交手時主張側身對敵;技法以「圓、角、線、點」為總則,圓指步法不走直線,角指站立對己有利之角度位置,線指搶佔攻敵最佳路線,以求最時間攻敵之所救,點指儘量減少攻防次數,達到一觸即發,一發就到,一點就勝。戰術有謂「空、誆、虛、實、晃」。孫臏拳三十二手歌訣大鵬展翅雲千里,防護兩手不離懷,腳踏實地穩若山,撩腿亮翅鷹抓鳩,通臂掛耳佔為先,騎馬拉弓天下安,左拳圈打向上衝,上挑斜衝撩陰腳,退步謙讓三分利,高架下打為上策,太陽象鼻為聖手,搖山火砲連聲響,羅章跪樓羞當面,勾掛連環腿當先,反背直打敵人面,掩耳不聽雁飛鳴,退身兩步劈面掌,後竄八尺如燕飛,跪跳高矮如猴俏,休息之日得太平孫臏拳口訣孫臏留下長袖拳,三百六十手相連雞腿龍腰猴形象,,八法五合三催對.動諸關節護身寶,靜通經絡人難老內煉六六層層功,外習九九穴穴中表練肢體腰靈活,裡參精神寧靜陰中有陽陽內陰,虛中有實實內虛硬漢外練筋骨皮,真人內守一口太剛則折太柔廢,剛柔相濟是玄機柔即是剛剛是柔,滿體虛剛自柔此是孫臏真口訣,不遇明師背馳走一代一人往下演,千金莫與惡人傳孫臏拳架一:以手足二 九竅九 五臟五,合為十六部,部部分陰陽演化創於三十二手,以奠其術。二 :以十二臟,乃五臟六腑,此外加上介於脈絡之間羶中,共十二個臟腑,並有十二條經脈聯繫,灌以八正 八極 八陣,演化成九十六式,以精其架。三 :以孫臏拳卅二手,提挈天地,把握陰陽,呼吸精氣,獨立守神,肌肉若一,故能藝敞天地,無有終時,此其道生 並於演化創於六十四手,以極其藝,為本門最深之拳藝,傳習亦嚴,非精習大架及三二手後不得相傳 本架架式最低而緊湊,龍騰雁躍用招最狠,又非有正氣之修養亦不得相傳。孫臏拳,拳套僅三,看似單純,卻含蘊了極高深招理,熟練之後詭異無窮,隨勢而變,以接敵制勝為目的。1.拳截踢17.跪膝切打2.打彈踢18.上步靠橫3.落步劈掌19.橫掌蹬踹4.繞劈蹬踢20.拳彈踢5.屈膝掛打21.壓肘鑽拳6.轉身掛打22.圈打鉤踢7.立步搖砸23.跪膝衝擊8.弓步鑽拳24.立步?踢9.掛踢鑽拳25.弓步砸拳10.退步劈掌26.挑掛挺擊11.順步衝拳27.退步劈掌12.閃跳反砸28.順步衝拳13.弓步圈打29.閃跳截打14.順勢橫肘30.收步截掌15.?肘截打31.立步衝拳16.翻拳衝打32.橫掌蹬孫臏拳64手 拳譜(小架)黃連順1.起式 2.崩砸橫踢 3.上架右撐搥 4.崩打橫踢5.右挫搥 6.轉身劈掌 7.插步劈掌 8.右挫搥9.右衝拳 10.扭步撐掌 11.右衝拳 12.縱退右衝拳13.插步截肘 14.獨立插搥 15.獨立下截 16.落步挑陰17.上下三挑掌 18.拍掌彈踢 19.雙風彈踢 20.雙打跳蹬踢21.上下三挑掌 22.拍掌彈踢 23.雙風彈踢 24.雙打跳蹬踢25.上下挑掌 26.右挫搥 27.崩打尖踢 28.左裹拳29.轉身右挫搥 30.崩砸橫踢 31.上架右撐搥 32.崩打橫踢33.砍劈蹬踢 34.崩打橫踢 35.並步雙搥 36.獨立上下架37.劈掌橫踢 38.落步挑掌 39.挑掌橫踢 40.圈掌右橫打41.獨立雙墜 42.弓步雙衝搥 43.轉身右挫搥 44.退步雙砸45.左架右插搥 46. 墊步左攪進掌 47.劈掌橫踢 48.右攪進掌49.墊步劈掌橫踢 50.右挫搥 51.崩打尖踢 52.左裹拳53.轉身右挫搥 54.退步雙砸 55.進步雙陽搥 56.虛步雙插搥57.進步雙陰搥 58.獨立雙墜 59.跳虛步雙插搥 60.雙崩尖踢61.扭步雙搥 63.右挫搥 63.崩砸橫踢 64.並步還原
孫臏拳一代宗師【愛國武術宗師抗戰英雄高芳先將軍】高芳先先生,1914年5月生,字天佐,,於第3期畢業。曾任青島國術館副館長、監事、會顧問、陸軍91師師長、旅長、青島市警察局局長、青總隊長等職。自1922年開始習武,1927年從王永彬、楊庭棟、田鴻業、李義三、常秉義等名武術老師學習北派少林拳、地功拳、孫臏拳、形意拳、等。 1933年獲第17屆華北運動會拳術及摔跤冠軍,1935年獲第6屆全國運動會中量級摔跤冠軍。先後在青島運動會上兩次獲三項冠軍。二次世界大戰時,山東省遭日本人攻陷,高副館長芳先於是率館成員組,攻襲日本軍,卓效匪淺,因功勳彪榜,一路升至為少將師長,後得國民黨徵召編為正規軍(青島保安旅),因功勳彪榜,勳績昭彰,先生被譽為《》之美譽,成為抗日英雄名噪一時。服役期間獲海陸空甲種獎章及勝利寶鼎勳章等。
Sun Bin leaves behind the long sleeve fist,360palm reading companies, chicken leg Long Yaopo monkey, three arm two legs, eagle-eyed long arms trunk fist. The Sun Bin Chinese boxing in society is thin, step treads fights gang the Big Dipper to be wonderful, was mad that about the Shen pubic region cusp place, limps limps moves, the advance backlash not trades the foot, swings the right pendulum to seek left real machine. The Sun Bin fist - introduces the Sun Bin fist blazon in a Shandong domestic place fist faction, makes false analogies or strained interpretations creates for Warring States time strategist uneven person Sun Bin, but non-writing record. Because its drilling launches an attack often by long sleeve Tibet, therefore calls 「the long sleeve fist」. The end of the Qing, Sun Bin hometown youth warrior Yang Mingzhai studied Sun Bin fist Yu Zhangxing the cart driver. Yang once taught in the Shandong Province martial arts transmits the institute, in the early 20s gave the fist in Qingdao, latter in blue island country technique hall teacher to 1936. He take the Sun Bin fist one of as main course contents, causes its dissemination in Qingdao. The Sun Bin fist has an own set of theory system, squats limps is its most prominent characteristic, knocks out the fist to walk cannot bend straight, in the tune can 夠 strive for straight, looks resembles the deviation, but strikes the center point is actually such accurate. This kind of curve leaves fist"s theory take not to incur does not put up, changes enterprising as the attribute, easiest to cause the match to have the illusion. The Sun Bin fist presently mainly in Qingdao, Zibo, Jinan spreads. The Sun Bin fist also calls 「Wu Ziquan」, it is said is "the Qing Dynasty Tongzhi" the year, north the Shandong Laichau government office tucks in the person to execute Germany to pass on, its teacher is unclear. Shi Dezi the zhong righteousness number leisurely old man, his life is only cautious, selects the person to be rigorous, lives to 100 another four years old, although many sons and grandsons, also only elects its sub-Shi Renfang to inherit, simultaneously receives has a man and a woman, all after the good friend is the person, male Luan two male, female After Xiu (receives changes name to name as daughter-in-law in Xian), henceforth, Shi Jia follows the gratuity given to a gatekeeper by visitor requesting audience with powerful official, before yizhi dao liberation founding of the nation, again not unauthorized biography. Luan two male, the Shandong Laichau government office tucks in the northern Chinese, the strength is greatly infinite, lifelong has not married, its hall nephew Luan Bing the letter manner is upright, the elder catches up with the foot in outside (to rush for large cart), to strive for the self-defense, male to study gives his/her nephew, east the nephew will go into retirement because of outside, Donga County Zhang Jialou Zhang Hao spring Zhang Zai spring brothers two people for the person (two people all for driving a cart person), one of them will receive Shandong Yanggu County Yang Tingdong is a person. Yang Tingdong, since 1926 Qingdao continued Han Kui to live (Han died) 「the country technique study society」, the name change raised the bright room, Professor the Sun Bin fist. in November, 1934 「the blue island country technique hall」 the new hall completed in broad east road one, Yang Mingzhai took the post of two class classes to be long, Yang namely broke the gratuity given to a gatekeeper by visitor requesting audience with powerful official, received the disciple in Qingdao to impart a skill broadly, henceforth the Sun Bin fist had in the Qingdao folk spreads. Because attends the opposition to Japan in Yangming to leave blue, is not long in the blue imparting a skill time, Yang to advance Professor the Sun Bin fist"s progress, in the numerous disciples, used has taught 「the undercarriage」 not to teach 「the small frame」, meeting 「small frame」 did not teach 「the undercarriage」, therefore the majority disciples could have the opportunity system study to practice the Sun Bin fist, are really not many. Because at that time imparted a skill is only also restricted in 「teaches by example, dictates, the heart becomes aware」 the way, pities has not been able to leave behind the related writing aspect the record. Attaching: Yang Mingzhai gives closely related ten big disciples Liu careful reflection Tan Huipeng Gao Zuolin Wang Maozhen Liu Wenbing wished woods Du Yulan Zhang Wende Xu Zi good Luan Xiuyun (female) ten big disciples many to die, heard that Mr./Mrs. Gao Zuolin was also in good health, Luan Xiuyun in Beijing, changed name to Luan Su to be loyal, if were in good health also had 92 year old of high command. Yang Junshao famous seat of monarchical government mountain, brother of the Yang Mingzhai, (in the 50s-60s once in Qingdao Small Positive Road Elementary school work, Great Cultural Revolution period to blue) civil and military has both. The life receives handed down in the family 「the Hongmen Secret Society fist」 firmly and 「the black tiger fist」, length pointed weapons all fine, in the 20s-30s, to practiced by many kinds of long short punch weapons is famous, actually a generation of martial arts master, but he could not the Sun Bin fist. Yang Qingzhang, Yang Mingzhai, (lives in Jinan to do stone bridge) 69 year in July in Jinan, should Yang Junshao approximately, have several contacts with Yang Qingzhang, is very regrettable, he has not studied the martial arts. Yang Qingxian, (child of the Yang Junshao) Gao Fangxian (adopted son of the Yang Junshao) is disciple of the Yang Mingzhai, in Taiwan, presently all had died. Zhang Wende, Yang Mingzhai gives the disciple closely related, friendly 「assaults」 and 「the wrestling」, already died, dies at the age of 93 years old, he to teach the Sun Bin Chinese boxing to do farm work silently before death the life. It may be said that 「has pupils everywhere」, is regrettably knows its surname to its disciple not to know its mostly, registers inconveniently. Fu Zhiwen, Zhang Wende gives closely related self-satisfied disciple. Practiced martial art since childhood, is very fond of the Chinese tradition martial arts, friendly 「assaults」, to inherit my deceased teacher last wish, continues to carry forward the Sun Bin Chinese boxing. Detailed discussion of the Sun Bin fist The Sun Bin fist plants for our country inherent fine fist, before 100 remaining years of life, passes on to Shandong Province is positive? area b county Arab League cities. Although named」 Sun Bin fist」, but whether to create for Sun Bin passes on, then without knowing where to begin examine investigate, Sun Bin for the Warring States period military commander, was also at that time the great suit. Before Sun Bin, has Sun Wu, is when Spring and Autumn Period later period Qi Ren, is also our country authority military scientist everybody knows, not only, his so-called authority, and in his time is an authority, is in the entire Chinese history, had still not lost its authority"s status to the modern age, really in all also military science history, also has it extremely lofty status, generally the human called that it the grandson, he is having Sun Zi Bingfa 13, is in the military science highest achievement. Taishi male sets up the biography for Sun Wu and Sun Bin, to express the respect, gathers said that these two military science famous expert is」 the grandson」, but its, he said: 」 Sun Wu already dies the latter hundred years old, has Sun Bin, after bin lives Arab League, juan between also Sun Wu, crown prince grandson.」Studies the analysis by this section of records, may first determine two spots should without doubt different: First, Sun Wu and Sun Bin with are natives of Shandong, but」 was born in Arab League, juan between」 is west present"s Shandong Province the Pu County domestic Chuancheng, and is?? Grandson relations. Second, the Sun Bin fist biography remains place position, also west Shandong Province neighbor area. On these two spots, has place of the coincidence. But this set of fist road"s name, although is」 the Sun Bin fist」, but matter after 2000 remaining years of life, in writing record, then does not rest on may seek, namely calculated that was really Sun Bin passes on the past, but Sun Bin thoroughly understood the skill at martial arts extremely to have the possibility. Because our country from the week at the beginning of the outset, is fastidious about many which the writer may lead troops to battle, the serviceman may be competent the political affair also many, both has the fact, and has the record, therefore infers Sun Bin to thoroughly understand the skill at martial arts, has the basis. . At that time the country took the civil and military united together education again the atmosphere because also Sun Bin originally is the enlisted soldier law, studies the sword is a person of enemy, the enlisted soldier, is the match for ten thousand, a person of enemy match for ten thousand, is the military matter, this is infers Sun Bin to thoroughly understand the skill at martial arts the second factor.
Sun Bin fist carriage request: The waist resembles the wheel high and low steady, full buttocks want the sound of something astir saying that swings the right pendulum difficult to ascertain left, advance backlash toe merit. Sun Bin fist step request: The postscript root raises the foot, limps limps. Sun Bin sincere knack: The Sun Bin long sleeve art of attack and defense puts, wears away the rock with water resembles Haijiang, in the fist the profound and abstruse principles actual situation kuang, seeks hides after the finger-pressing hand. Sun Bin fist characteristic: In society available skill at martial arts, but must have uses the fist to incur the skill, has the skill to incur move of available, although if the skill insufficiency has the good move, but also useless. Although Sun Bin fist one of non-worlds and so on skill at martial arts, but is also the world the good skill at martial arts, lifts its characteristic minute to state especially after: Sun Bin fist total 365, have three set of fist roads, is 30 second-hand; 64 (small frame); 96 (undercarriage); Another 163 are the martial art combining various techniques, is also the majority opens by the above three set of fist road. When above for initial spreading, professor」 undercarriage 96, small frame 64, Sun Bin 30 second-hand」 three kind of fist roads. Eve Yangming Qi Shi teaches」 Sun Bin up to the July Seventh Incident the book of illustrations dealing with boxing」 to collect entire is: 」 undercarriage first section of 96, the second section 30 second-hand, small frame third section of 74, four fourth section of 108, five fifth section of 55, to practices sixth and, another eight」. First five altogether 365, therefore book of illustrations dealing with boxing cloud:: 」 the Sun Bin fist to five sets of frames, 365 not misses」 each is a usage, connects again Cheng Ge plants the combination form, when the attack uses the combination double hit, is fastidious about」 a palm less than two palm with, three palm four palms follow up together」 urgent threatening imposing manner. The Sun Bin fist characteristic 「the Sun Bin fist 「to is called swiftly and fiercely strange, not measures the fist deeply, performed in former days to teach extremely strictly, keeps secret throughout. After that along with time opening with social environment vicissitude, therefore only then Pu spreads today, as soon as the outside also can therefore see its appearance. Its many special techniques, do not have for other schools slightly lift several items to peep a spot sincerely: 1st, long sleeve fist: 「the Sun Bin fist 「practices 「three 肐 arms 「to be fastidious about the loose shoulder to shake the wrist, 「puts the vigor 「, if long arms. In former days if the common attire the front long gown or the shirt greatly all wide sleeve, 「put the vigor 「time the strength birthplace 「the sleeve tree top 「exuded sound of the cloth tearing clothes. If is growing the sleeve, may practice the vigor entire vigor to put, leaves when the performance or the application is the military might absorbs the human. Therefore 「the Sun Bin fist 「or is called 「the long sleeve fist 「(i.e. in chivalric fiction novel to describe it 「class cloud to fly sleeve 「Chinese boxing): 2nd, trunk fist: Sun Bin fights with the fists the law by 「seeks after the finger-pressing 「the spot law primarily, therefore after creating makes a fist, prominent middle finger 「festival bone 「fist, middle finger 「festival bone 「, if the trunk accumulates tightly, is solid and is prominent, thus is called 「the trunk fist 「. In 「book of illustrations dealing with boxing 「knack cloud:: 「the hand resembles the volume gold middle finger suddenly, seeks the hole to practice the technique picture road first, beats captures the height to break, was inferior that a trunk fist spot 「, may comprehend its Italy. 3rd, corrugated palm: 「the rows of roof tiles 「refer to the roof to become a line of row with the tile shop, because its connects with the spot which sticks out (also to call rows of roof tiles) the Sun Bin fist multipurpose to copy selects the palm law, if depends on general and it 「the corrugated palm 「. If its law 「book of illustrations dealing with boxing 「knack cloud: 「four figures gather the corrugated potential, thumb curving Lao Gongju, copies selects the food entire palm host, after dividing chops the bean bone. 「4, Sun Bin steps: Two thigh Tibet crotch clamps, a knee withstands inside of the another knee, both feet becomes 「T 「the shape, the similar lameness support stands up, not only reduces meets the enemy the area, and forms a stable center of gravity the triangle, because not suitable name, because named 「Sun Bin step 「, this special step does not have for various martial arts. 「only the mantis boxing 「enters the link step 「to have approximately same meaning, but in the contour is also different, 「the book of illustrations dealing with boxing 「the knack said: 「the Sun Bin step in society is thin, pulls out with raises the foot not to resemble the universe for wonderful double palm revolving, two legs limp limp squat 「, also has been said the mystery.Sun Bin fist, and further because trains time puts on the long sleeve clothes, therefore also said that 「the long sleeve fist」, hands down is Warring States strategist Sun Bin passes on, but not related writing record; And "Sun Bin Book of illustrations dealing with boxing" the writing 絕 did not look like ancient times the writing, therefore thought that for was the posterity passes off as name of the Sun Bin to create; At the end of the Qing time, Shandong had a warrior Yang Mingzhai (the Yang two tigers) the technique, and in 1918 to 1938 young island country technique hall assignment period instruction, caused the Sun Bin fist area Qingdao, Jinan widely to spread. "Sun Bin Book of illustrations dealing with boxing" records 「Sun Bin to leave behind the long sleeve fist,360palm reading companies, chicken leg Long Yaopo the monkey, the eagle-eyed long arms trunk fist」, his/her the fist principle requests calmly to resemble the rooster, to move resembles Long Yao, the spirit to resemble sprinkles the monkey, to be an excellent likeness eagle-eyed, the loose shoulder like gibbon; His/her fist many (i.e. phoenix of eye fist the south school only protrudes primarily by 「the trunk fist」 middle finger); The step many are 「limps the step」, limps the meaning in "the Sun Bin military tactics. Law of the matrix" 「revolts Shan Ertui」, revolts Shan Ji to limp, represents withdraws troops when does not walk, the Sun Bin fist step also to so, left shake the right lateral, the book of illustrations dealing with boxing has the cloud 「the Sun Bin Chinese boxing in society to be thin, step treads fights gang the Big Dipper to be wonderful, was mad that about the Shen pubic region cusp place, limps limps moves, the advance backlash not trades the foot, swings the right pendulum to seek left real machine」. Sun Bin the fist - style characteristic Sun Bin fist unique style, strikes the technique to be strong, uses heavily. The Chinese boxing combines the form primarily, each is a usage,360may connect mutually, enters when may combine the double hit. Knocks out the fist to be fastidious twists, twists, entangles the spiral vigor, the radius arm knocks out the fist, the fist walks the curve, in the tune strives for straight, attacks has against, against house attacks. The method is fastidious about 「three, but a host」, a two arm leg is concurrent. Strategically take 「the circle, the angle, the line, the spot」 as a principle, namely uses Sun Bin step to shake left the right lateral, walks the arc to walk the circle not to stop, maintains frequently be sideways opposes the enemy; Must seize the position angle, benefits me not to favor the enemy; Is ready to be set off at a touch, a round, a spot on victory; Confuses opposite party by the movement, has the vacation really, has empty has the reality. In the drilling requests 「inside and outside to coincide, shape Italy is interlinked」. The main technique has jumps, the ball, to stress, to select, drills, strikes, pulls, divides, copies, chops, the truncation, to suspend, to seal, holds, pounds. The step to limp step, pulls out with raises the foot, limps limps. The main leg law has kicks, bumps, the pedal, to trample, to step on, hangs, kneels, the truncation, to broadcast. The Sun Bin fist has an own set of theory system, squats limps is its most prominent characteristic, knocks out the fist to walk cannot bend straight, in the tune can 夠 strive for straight, looks resembles the deviation, but strikes the center point is actually such accurate. This kind of curve leaves fist"s theory take not to incur does not put up, changes enterprising as the attribute, easiest to cause the match to have the illusion. The Sun Bin fist most is fastidious about the hand palm reading company in the repertoire, the art of attack and defense movement often launches in salvos, very little has the one-shot movement, rolls the feeling which for the human by a round fist hits, the Sun Bin tricks and skills in boxing way section, each Duan Duyou the overlap action, this is 「move of inadequate, comes one move again」 fighting method. The Sun Bin fist had 「eight shapes」 saying, this 「eight shapes」 were refer to the chicken leg, Long Yao, the monkey elephant, the long arms, the trunk fist, the corrugated palm, Tibet to cancel, the ball foot. The chicken leg is to leg"s method request, takes chicken it 「to fly in circles tranquilly maintains lightly」 the body condition is stable, what Long Yao is fastidious is nimble vigorous, what the monkey pays great attention likely is vigilant agile; As for the long arms, lies in lengthens strikes far, expansion freely. The trunk fist is the technique which in the Sun Bin fist habitually uses, the middle finger is prominent, the goal lies in strongly hits the acupuncture point. The corrugated palm and Tibet cancel are also the techniques, divides uses in the different target. The ball refers to the under foot time fully, is fastidious about the foot light like ball, the migration fast. The Sun Bin fist"s eight shapes may transform 30 second-hand each kind of movement, the composition then have the high skill, may also the respective independence practical attack and defense repertoire. The Sun Bin fist practices is fastidious 「five gathers」 these five gathers is refers to: The hand and the eye gather, the eye and the heart gather, the shoulder and the waist gather, the body gathers with the step, on and under gathers, five gather has a common ground, that strokes the spot. The Sun Bin fist"s eight shapes, five gather, 30 second-hand belongs to a spot, the goal lies in strongly hits a spot, protects the victory. The Sun Bin fist actual combat art of attack and defense"s technique lies when the shadowboxing sends the strength strongly fierce, the movement links up, sometimes stretches out the arms, the body root slightly shakes, looks resembles moves fast, regulations hidden murderous intention. Side at the same time, the Sun Bin fist pays great attention to hit the border defense, hits against union, when attack already defended the arriving, when the defense already prepared to counterattack. In attack and defense union, also follows 「walks cannot bend straight」 the main point throughout. Sun Bin fist - primary coverage Sun Bin the fist divides, the first three sections to open teach the basic skills, latter five sections for art of attack and defense law. The Sun Bin boxer law to hit the hole primarily, and take jumps, the ball, to stress, to select, drills, strikes, pulls, divides, copies, chops, the truncation, to suspend, to seal, holds, pounds and so on as auxiliary; The leg law has kicks, bumps, the pedal, to trample, to step on, hangs, kneels, the truncation, to be lame and so on. The Sun Bin fist is fastidious twists, twists, entangles the silk to turn on lathe the vigor, the fist to walk in the curve, the tune to strive for, straight to ask the tune straight, and is fastidious about 「three, but a host」, namely a two arm leg concurrent vigor; Fights when advocated that be sideways opposes the enemy; The technique take 「the circle, the angle, the line, the spot」 as the general rule, the circle refers to the step not to walk the straight line, the angle refers to stands to oneself advantageous angle position, the line refers to the grab to attack the enemy best route, the most time attacks the enemy to rescue in order to, the spot refers to reduces the attack and defense number of times as far as possible, achieves is ready to be set off at a touch, a round, a spot on victory. The tactic has says 「spatially, kuang, empty, solid, shakes」. Sun Bin fist 30 second-hand formulas in verse The big huge mythical bird spreads the wings the cloud great distance, protects two not parting emotions, conscientious steady, if the mountain, pulls up the leg bright wing hawk to catch the dove, passes the arm to hang the ear to occupy for first, rides a horse draws the world to be peaceful, the left fist circle hits to overshooting, on selects flushes slanting pulls up the cloudy foot, regresses modestly declines three divides the benefit, under the high structure hit for the best plan, the solar trunk to outstandingly skilled, swings the mountain artillery sound, Luo Zhang kneels the building to shame continually in front, involves the series leg to work as first, the counter-back hits the enemy surface straight, covers the ear not to listen to the wild goose flying cry, draws back the body two steps right in the face to hold, latter flees eight feet like swallows to fly, kneels jumpsThe height like monkey is smart, date of the rest peacefully Sun Bin fist mnemonics Sun Bin leaves behind the long sleeve fist,360palm reading continually chicken leg Long Yaohou image, eagle-eyed long arms trunk fist. Three arm two legs, eight law five gather three urges rightly. Moves various joint guard treasure, calmly passes the channels and collaterals person difficultly old to build up 66 layer upon layer merit, outside in the custom 99 hole holes the watch chain body waist is nimble, in the senate spirit tranquil cloudy had positive in cloudy, empty has in outside the empty dauntless man to practice the physique skin truly, in the honorable person defends one too just to fold supply too waste, the tamper force with mercy was the profound and abstruse principles supple is just was supple, impotent just from softened this was the Sun Bin real mnemonics completely, did not meet bright to run counter to one generation of one person downward to develop, daughter not and evil person biography Sun Bin a Chinese boxing Sun Bin fist 30 second-hand: Take the hand and foot two nine qiao nine five internal organs five, gather as 16, the partial masculine and feminine elements evolution creates in 30 second-hand, establishes its technique. Two Sun Bin fist undercarriage: By 12 dirty, is the viscera, in addition adds on is situated between the vein 羶, the altogether 12 internal organs, and have 12 passages through which vital energy circulates relations, fills by eight octupole octopole eight, evolves 96 types, by essence its frame. Three Sun Bin fist small frame: By Sun Bin fist thirty second-hand, leads the world, grasps the masculine and feminine elements, the breath essence, the independence defends the god, the muscle, if one, can therefore the skill open the world, when has nothing finally, this its road lives and creates in the evolution in 64, take the skill, as this deepest fist skill, transmits extremely also strictly, after non-fine custom undercarriage and three second-hand, do not hand down this posture to be lowest and compact, Long Tengyan leaps with incurs ruthlessly, must has training of the healthy tendency also not to hand down.The Sun Bin fist, the tricks and skills in boxing only three, look resembles purely, actually has held the extremely profound move of principle, after skilled, strange infinite, changes along with the potential, take meets the enemy to subdue as the goal. Sun Bin fist ~ 30 second-hand: The Chinese goldthread rhizome is suitable 1. the fist truncation kicks 17. to kneel the knee to cut hits 2. dozen of balls to kick 18. on step depending on horizontal 3. falls step divides the palm 19. horizontal palm pedal to trample 4. to circle divides the pedal to kick 20. fist ball to kick 5. to bow to hang hits 21. to press the elbow to drill fist 6. to turn around to hang hits 22. hits the hook to kick 7. to stand step swings pounds 23. to kneel the knee to attack 8. bow step to drill fist 24. to set up the step? Kicks 9. to hang kicks drills the fist 25. bow step to pound fist 10. to regress divides palm 26. to select hangs very strikes 11. to be suitable step flushes fist 27. to regress divides palm 12. to dodge jumps instead pounds 28. to be suitable step flushes a fist 13. bow step circle to hit 29. to dodge jumps the truncation to hit 14. to take advantage of opportunity the horizontal elbow 30. to receive the step truncation palm 15.? The elbow truncation hits 31. to stand step flushes fist 16. to turn the fist to flush hits 32. horizontal palm pedal The Sun Bin fist 64 books of illustrations dealing with boxing (small frame) the Chinese goldthread rhizome 2. collapses along 1. type pounds kicks 3. top carriage right brace 搥 4. to collapse the sitat side horizontally to kick 5. to frustrate 搥 6. to turn around right to divide palm 7. to insert step divides palm 8. to frustrate 搥 9. to flush fist 10. right to turn the step brace palm right 11. to flush fist 12. vertical to draw back right flushes fist 13. to insert the step truncation elbow right 14. to insert 搥 under 15. independence the truncation 16. to fall independently step selects cloudy 17. high and low three to select palm 18. to clap the hands the ball to kick 19. pair of wind ball to kick 20. doubles to jump the pedal to kick 21. high and low three to select palm 22. to clap the hands the ball to kick 23. pair of wind ball to kick 24. doubles to jump the pedal to kick 25. selects palm 26. to frustrate 搥 27. up and down to collapse right eats while traveling kicks 28. to bind fist 29. to turn around left to frustrate 搥 30. to collapse right pounds kicks 31. top carriage right brace 搥 32. to collapse the sitat side horizontally to kick 33. to chop divides the pedal to kick 34. to collapse the sitat side to kick in 35. and a step pair of 搥 36. independence the bottom carriage 37. divides the palm to kick 38. to fall horizontally step selects palm 39. to select the palm to kick 40. palm right to hit 41. horizontally independently double to fall horizontally 42. bow step double to flush 搥 43. to turn around to frustrate 搥 44. to regress right double pounds 45. left frame to insert right 搥 46. The pad step stirs the palm 47. to divide the palm left to kick 48. to stir the palm 49. pad horizontally step to divide the palm right to kick 50. to frustrate 搥 51. horizontally to collapse right eats while traveling kicks 52. to bind fist 53. to turn around left to frustrate 搥 54. to regress right double pounds 55. to progress Shuangyang 搥 56. empty step double to insert 搥 57. to progress double cloudy 搥 58. independent double falls 59. to jump empty step double inserts 搥 60. pair to collapse the point to kick 61. to turn a step pair 搥 63. to frustrate 搥 63. to collapse right pounds kicks 64. and the step horizontally the return to original state A Sun Bin fist generation of master of great learning and integrity[patriotic martial arts master of great learning and integrity Sino-Japanese War hero General Gao Fangxian] Mr. Gao Fangxian, in May, 1914 lived, the character day assisted, the Shandong Jimo person, graduated from the Nanjing Central military academy 3rd issue. Once was appointed the blue island country technique hall associate librarian, the Chinese country technique to meet the supervisor, the Chinese Taijiquan would consultant, army 91 Division Commander Shi, Qingdao security duties and so on travel brigade commander, Qingdao Police station bureau chief, Qingdao Public Preservation Corps group commanders. Started from 1922 to practice martial art, in 1927 from Wang Yongbin, Yang Tingdong, Tian Hongye, Li Yi three, Chang Bingyi and so on famous martial arts teacher studied the north school Shaolin boxing, the merit fist, Sun Bin the fist, the Chinese boxing imitating various animals, China to trip and fall and so on. in 1933 attained the 17th session of North China games skill at martial arts and the wrestling champion, in 1935 won the 6th national athletic meet middle weight class wrestling championship. Two times wins three category of championships successively at the Qingdao games. When two world wars, Shandong Province suffers the Japanese to capture, the high associate librarian is before fragrant is leads the hall member to form the broadsword team, attacks by surprise the Japanese armed forces, the great efficacy is significant, because of the meritorious service young tiger announcement, a group climbs to is major general division commander, latter Kuomintang recruits arranges for the regular army (Qingdao security travel), because of the meritorious service young tiger announcement, the merit twists brightly displayed, gentleman is honored as "Lion of the Mt. Laoshan" the fine reputation, becomes Is renowned in one"s time for against Japan hero. Service period attains the land, sea and air alpha medal and wins the Bao Ding medal and so on. Because latter Kuomintang is in unfavorable situation in the Chinese Communist Party, the national troops migrates on a large scale comes to Taiwan, Mr./Mrs. Gao Fangxian at that time led the blue island country technique hall soldiers and the Qingdao security travel comes to Taiwan, latter settles down in the Taichung urban district, opens the military hall in Taizhong, the instruction skill in wushu, is also leaving behind the indelible contribution for the traditional martial arts" preservation. Once arranged plans 「in the armed forces to fight the sports ju fist country technique teaching material」 gentleman in the Taizhong instruction country technique, is 20 years, gentleman teaches all comers without discrimination, Taiwan disciple and comes to Taiwan practicing martial art: The American, the Japanese, the English, the German, the Hong Kong person and so on from the scholar over thousand people, has pupils everywhere, makes the great contribution for the Chinese martial arts inheritance. Its disciple spreads in the community, the first generation of its inheritance table is as follows: Gao Huajie, Gao Huazhu, Cai Ming male, Yang Zongchang, Xie Shuying, Lu Wen Yan, Chen Jinbao, the Chen Jinshan, the discipline three cooperate, to wear the justice, Lin Congming, Luo Caiwen, Sun Mingyu, Zhuang Maolong, the Chinese goldthread rhizome along, Hong Ruitang, Liao Benlong, Wu Qing to send, Lai Jinting, He Xianqin, Jiang Ruifang, the Chinese screen, Wei Zhong to be good, Li Yuguo, Qiu Zuodian, Huang Jincai, Zeng Guiguo, Xu Yumei, Incorruptible and so on.
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