Freud described thesuperego as an integral part of the ego, having to do with wholesaleintrojections of frustrating experiences with objects. Why did he call it superego, 「above the ego"? Because that term expresses the childhoodreality of the parents being bigger than the child—abovethe child. The superego contains images of the introjected, prohibiting(frustrating), commanding parents, and the 「voice ofconscience" (as in dreams) always seems to come from above the ego.
The superegocontains several major components: prohibitions and censures, the ego ideal,and approval. In addition, it has several layers. According to the structuralmodel, only a small part of the superego is preconscious—thepart that people call their 「conscience." Thesuperego dips deeply into the Unconscious, however, because it is based onintrojections from various developmental levels.
Let us consider thedevelopment of the part of the superego that contains the ego ideal. Freudconceived of the infant beginning in a state of objectless, omnipotentnarcissism: 「Whatever I want, I get." The next phase of development attemptsto preserve that state in the face of realistic contradictions. In the phasecalled the 「Purified Pleasure Ego," anythingunpleasant is attributed to the outside. Some narcissism of that kind alwaysremains in us, some tendency to see the best in ourselves and the worst inothers. This can be a difficult therapeutic problem in the analysis ofcharacter, and it is especially important in the analysis of futurepsychoanalysts, who otherwise might tend to see their own 「bad" impulses and feelings in their patients.
The next phase isone in which the omnipotence is projected to the parents: idealization of theparents, which the child then participates in, or shares, as a recipient of theparents" fantasied omnipotence. This stage comes about because eventually thereality of the child"s actual weakness can no longer be denied. To save what hecan of his phantasied omnipotence, the child projects the narcissism to hisparents, looks upon them as godlike, and attempts to 「regain"his earlier feeling of narcissistic perfection by closeness to his parents.Some people never get over that stage of narcissism, but must always remainclose to some 「omnipotent" parent figure. Becausethe parents during this phase are believed to have magical powers, the childimagines that they must be dealt with by magical devices—for example, by 「charming" theparent-gods with 「magical" words and gestures likesmiling (see Ferenczi"s [1913] 「Stages in theDevelopment of the Sense of Reality").
The narcissismprojected to the parents is then lost, which is brought about once again byreality—for example, by the child"s surprised discovery that he can liesuccessfully, that his parents cannot actually read his thoughts. As the wishto have omnipotent and omniscient parents is frustrated, the images of the lostperfect parents are reintrojected, becoming that part of the superego which iscalled the ego ideal. From then on, if the person does not live up to hissuperego standards (ego ideal), he experiences some degree of narcissisticinjury (a feeling of inferiority), because the ego ideal derives from theoriginal narcissism. It is important to note that the seemingly positivecontents of the ego ideal, our positive aspirations and goals, are derivedfundamentally, and somewhat paradoxically, from (negative) prohibitions— against gratifying infantile sexuality and aggression. The originalnarcissism was associated with the phantasied omnipotence of the child"swishes. In the later phase, the drive-prohibiting parents are seen asomnipotent. The narcissistic balance then depends not on successfulwish-fulfillment, but on the successful curbing of the drives in compliancewith the parents" demands. If the child lives up to the parents" demands bycontrolling the drives, he remains in their good graces, shares in theirallpowerfulness, and thereby regains a positive narcissistic balance.
Followingreintrojection of the morally "perfect" parents, the same tensionscontinue in the relationship between the ego and ego ideal. If one does notlive up to the standards of the ideal, the narcissistic balance is disturbed.If one lives up to the ideal, the narcissistic balance is positive and theperson feels morally as big and superior as the parents. Variations in thecontent of the ego ideal result from individual and cultural differences inparents and parent figures. The powerfulness of the ideal, however, its moral"perfection," is an expression of the projected and thenreintrojected narcissism. The ego ideal is thus one"s own narcissism, which hasbeen modified in specific ways by its "passage through the parents."
The Ego Ideal
One of the basic psychological concepts that Freudapplied to his new theory of superego development—as he did to all of histheories— was that development is determined not onlyby external forces but also by a certain readiness of the psychic apparatus forspecific new developments. An example is the child"s readiness and willingnessat a certain period of development to attribute omnipotence to the parentsrather than to himself—a phase of increased 「educability" in the child.
In both the earlier period of self-omnipotence (the 「idealego") and the later period of omnipotence projected to the parents (the 「ideal parents"), the main issue for the child is how to dealwith his libidinal and aggressive drives. During the earlier period theomnipotence is oriented toward immediate and complete satisfaction of drives,whereas later the emphasis is on controlling the drives—each presumably having survival value for children during thosediffering periods of development. The child projects omnipotence to his parentsas the ones who are able to control drives. Still later, when his idealizedimage of the "perfect parents" is lost, the child adapts to thisfurther frustration by the mechanism of reintrojecting his previously projectedomnipotence in the form of an ego ideal. The ego ideal"s qualities ofpowerfulness and moral "perfection" retain and reflect the omnipotentaspect of the individual"s original infantile narcissism. The development ofneutralized superego structure is dependent on the passage of the child"snarcissism through the parents.
If the parents" demands are reasonable, the child"sreintrojected narcissism will return in a more neutralized and reasonable formthan it had before. If a parent"s own ego ideal is made up largely ofunneutralized structure, however, then the passage of the child"s narcissismthrough that parent will not produce as much neutralization. The child"snarcissism will be reintrojected in a relatively unmodified form, betraying itsinfantile character by its impatience and by an uncompromising attitude ofself-righteous perfection.
The Censuring Part of the Superego
Development of the censuring part of the superegoexhibits certain parallels with the aforementioned phases of ego idealdevelopment. The three phases in the development of the ego ideal are primary narcissismand omnipotence (the "ideal ego"), projected narcissism (the"ideal parents"), and reintrojected narcissism (the "egoideal," a structure that retains some features of the preceding twophases). The corresponding phases in the development of the censuring superegoare:
"Primary masochism"—theinitial disposition of potentially hostile-aggressive impulses, prior to theirbeing focused on an object. As the child begins to recognize the role of the"outside" in maintaining drive balance (wish-fulfillment), theprimary masochism is transformed into "primary hostility" toward theoutside (the phase of the "Purified Pleasure Ego," in which the psycheattempts to project everything unpleasant to the outer world).
As the role of the "outside" becomes moredistinct, and as the maintenance of narcissistic balance becomes increasinglydependent on being at peace with the now omnipotent parents, the hostilitydirected toward them becomes untenable. When projected to them, the child"shostility reinforces his perception and experience of parental anger, whichgreatly intensifies his fear of committing transgressions.
At the height of the drive-retaliation conflict duringthe oedipal period, the projectively intensified image of the threateningparents is reintrojected and becomes the censuring part of the superego. Thecensuring part of the superego thus contains residues of the primary masochism,the hostility that was projected to the parents, and the actual hostilebehavior of the parents toward the child.
As in the case of the ego ideal, the self-directedhostility of the superego is more or less neutralized, depending on the fate ofthe projected and reintrojected hostility in its passage through the parents.Latent, unneutralized hostility in the parents appears to intensify the hostileforce of the child"s censuring superego. Open hostility by the parents, on theother hand, allows at least some rebellion by the child"s ego, so that not allof the child"s hostile feelings are turned inward. Neutralized firmness in theparents" attitudes towards the child"s drives leads to the development of aneutralized and firm superego.
The Approving Part of the Superego
Even parental approval toward the child occurs largely inthe service of curbing drives and, as such, produces frustration. In this case,however, what is reintrojected from the 「parental passage" is a positive,approving structure for controlling drives, in contrast to a negative, punitivestructure. Not all approval by parents leads to smoothly functioning,conflict-free, neutralized structure, however. Approval by parents can run thegamut from poorly neutralized to effectively neutralized response. An exampleof relatively unneutralized approval by a parent would be an eroticallyseductive attitude toward the child.
Thesuperego, although part of the ego, is actually closer to the id in itsprimitiveness, intensity, and emphasis on narcissism and omnipotence. Just asthe ego sets up defensive barriers against id drives, it also erects defensesagainst superego demands. The latter are often important issues in analysis—forexample, the patient who defends himself against experiencing guilt by denyingany connection between a transgression and 「accidentally"injuring himself afterward.
Q uestion: Where among thesestructures does therapeutic work in psychoanalysis take place? And if thesuperego is permanent and unchangeable, how can treatment be effective?
A nswer: The changes broughtabout by psychoananlysis are minute but may be decisive. What is freeassociation, after all, but the ideal of a 「smoothly functioning psyche," freeof repressive and other defensive barriers? The 「training"or 「ego exercise" aspect of psychoanalysis helpsthe ego to develop more capacity for allowing both drive demands and superegodemands to be experienced—but without necessarilygiving in to the drives or letting the superego demands 「get one down" too much.
Thedeeper, archaic superego structure may not be modified (or modifiable) by psychoanalysis,but some new structure nearer the surface probably can be added. Healthier newstructure may be decisive in modifying the intrapsychic psychoeconomic balance—which,by the way, is one of the reasons that we need an energy concept inpsychoanalysis to account for such changes in psychoeconomic balance.
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