Nic Cage has taken on a lot of wacky roles in his career, but even this is strange。
The Oscar-winning actor is a centuries-old real-life vampire --according to an antique photo collector who"s selling a Civil-War eraphoto of a man who is near-identical to Cage。
"Personally, I believe it"s him and that he is some sort of walkingundead/vampire, et cetera, who quickens/reinvents himself once every 75years or so," the seller -- who"s asking $1 million for the photo --writes on eBay. "150 years from now, he might be a politician, theleader of a cult, or a talk show host."
The seller, who goes by the name Jack Mord and has 100% positivefeedback, insists the photo is the real deal and has not beenmanipulated in any way to make it resemble Cage。
"Any serious potential buyer will be allowed to have a photo expertof their choice examine the original photograph before any moneychanges hands," he adds on eBay。
But although the seller seems somewhat serious about his find, thecommenters on his eBay page are finding the obvious humor in theridulous story。
"dude ... YOU smoke way too much weed!" writes one, to which theseller responded that he was "insulted" because he prefers "Mexicanblack tar heroin."
Another claims to actually be Nic Cage and asks what discount hewould get if he buys back the photo. (He"d get 25 percent off。)
Another potential purchaser notes, "Nick Cage has aged terribly inthe past 10 years, he"s obviously not been drinking his daily amount ofblood to stay young."
The seller"s thought-out response: "My theory is that he allowshimself to age to a certain point, maybe 70, 80 or so, then the actor"Nicolas Cage" will "die"... but in reality, the undead vampire "NicolasCage" will have rejuvenated himself and appeared in some other part ofthe world, young again, and ready to start all over。
"From time to time somebody might mention to him that he bears aslight resemblance to the young version that dead American actor, whosename they can"t recall, but eventually, those occurrences will stopaltogether."
The photographer who snapped the creepy pic, Professor G.B. Smith,was famous for his portraits of confederate Civil War prisoners of war。
Cage has yet to confirm or deny his undead status。
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